DOJ is suing Gallup: No poll ever to be beleived now

and some more background which explains it a bit further:
The Department of Justice&#8217;s decision to intervene in Lindley&#8217;s action and to assume primary responsibility for the case follows a two-and-a-half year federal investigation of Lindley&#8217;s allegations by the DOJ. Lindley filed a sealed complaint on October 21, 2009 under the &#8220;qui tam&#8221; provisions of the federal False Claims Act, a law that authorizes private citizens to bring suit on behalf of the United States against companies that are defrauding government agencies. Lindley&#8217;s lawsuit has now been unsealed.

Allegedly Defrauding the U.S. Mint and the U.S. Passport Agency
The U.S. Mint, which the complaint alleges was defrauded by Gallup, awarded a sole-source contract for approximately $2 million annually to Gallup in 2007 to conduct market research for the sale of newly issued coins. The Mint relied on Gallup&#8217;s estimates of labor and other costs to set the price it would pay Gallup for over 20 task orders under the contract, and eventually paid Gallup in excess of $5 million on the contract.

According to the complaint, Gallup would internally project how many hours it would take to complete a project, increase those hours -- sometimes by a factor of two or more -- and then submit cost estimates to the Mint that incorporated the inflated hours. According to the complaint, while the Mint was pricing the task orders using Gallup&#8217;s exaggerated cost estimates,

Gallup was directing Lindley to enter lower, more accurate numbers in Gallup&#8217;s internal case management system.

The complaint alleges that after Lindley started working at Gallup, he promptly reported Gallup&#8217;s practice of inflating cost estimates, along with other misconduct he witnessed, to Government Division Managers and other high-level officials. Lindley alleges that throughout his tenure at Gallup, he urged senior management to stop the company&#8217;s corrupt practices. Gallup, however, according to the complaint, had no intention of doing so.

Instead, Gallup rewarded the very partner whom Lindley reported for submitting inflated cost estimates by honoring him as the Government Division &#8220;Rainmaker of the Year.&#8221;

U.S. Department of Justice Joins Whistleblower Case Brought Against the Gallup Organization Charging that Gallup Defrauded U.S. Government

If that's true, and Gallup has been stealing our money, I want to know about it.

And every person here reading this who gives a damn about fraud with OUR money should too.
I haven't read through the whole thread, so forgive if this has been repeated here already, but...

For all those who want to get the short story:

Three years ago, a whistleblower filed suit against Gallup alleging tons of money was being defrauded the gov't by Gallup through it's gov't contracts.

2010 Gallop was served with subpoenas, and it's taken 18 months (fall 2011) to get a meeting with DOJ and Gallup. (according to HotAir)

In the spring of this year, Axlerod made one tweet, which said:

David AxelrodVerified &#8207;@davidaxelrod
Smart piece from Ron Brownstein on polling, demographics and why Gallup is saddled with some methodological problems.

That was it. A tweet which took issues with the polling firm's methodology.

August of this year, DOJ, in finding more abuses at other agencies (including FEMA) of DEFRAUDING THE GOV'T OF YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLAR, enjoined the suit with the whistleblower - certainly suggesting there is more weight to the allegation.

Now, Sept 6, yesterday - Daily Caller's Matthew Boyle writes about emails suggested between Axlerod and Gallup - without any proof, and only saying "it appears" - and in Glenn Beck fashion, drawing a nebulous link from the tweet, to full blown DOJ intimidation.

Even other right wing sources are skeptical, and have voiced there is nothing there but innuendo.

^ Nutshell version.

and what will happen after I post this?

Damn ****ing commie in the white house! Abuse of Power! Now they're going after polling organizations! Axelrod's Chicago!
ratsenfratzen ****** ***!!! Evil cabal ****** ****** !***** bastards!!!11

you got that part right, dolt
She thinks the False Claims Act is about Free Speech and she calls me the dolt.

lol, yeah we should worry about fraud, just not with the fraud this administration is committing on us..

this administration cares so much they go after our states, Gibson guitars, and now people who does polling..
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ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Pubcrappe as always. Don't dupes over get tired of looking like brainwashed fools. And as always there's 15+ google pages of BS Orgs, institutes, Breitbart clones, supported by greedy myopic hater billionnaires, all in 30 minutes. The Dems have nothing like this network of bought off charlatans and demagogues. Google that, dimwits.
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ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Pubcrappe as always. Don't dupes over get tired of looking like brainwashed fools. And as always there's 15+ google pages of BS Orgs, institutes, Breitbart clones, supported by greedy myopib hater billionnaires. The Dems have nothing like this network of bought off charlatans and demagogues. Google that, dimwits.


The Dims have the bought and paid for main stream media.

By the way, did you realize yet that you have never made one honest coherent point?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Pubcrappe as always. Don't dupes over get tired of looking like brainwashed fools. And as always there's 15+ google pages of BS Orgs, institutes, Breitbart clones, supported by greedy myopic hater billionnaires, all in 30 minutes. The Dems have nothing like this network of bought off charlatans and demagogues. Google that, dimwits.

obnama spent time with those billionaire bankers while in Charlotte and your bitching about what?
The terrified of loudmouth main stream media is balanced, which means they ignore Pub lies like a blind man, report both sides' arguments without journalism, and focus on the horse race., do no worthwhile documentaries or explanations, of ACA foe example. Too "controversial".. "Owned by Dems" is ridiculous, except in Pub dupe bizarro world.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Pubcrappe as always. Don't dupes over get tired of looking like brainwashed fools. And as always there's 15+ google pages of BS Orgs, institutes, Breitbart clones, supported by greedy myopic hater billionnaires, all in 30 minutes. The Dems have nothing like this network of bought off charlatans and demagogues. Google that, dimwits.

obnama spent time with those billionaire bankers while in Charlotte and your bitching about what?

Greedy a-hole "screw the workers and the environment" Pub billionnaires who support the BS/hate Pub propaganda machine, a disgrace.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Pubcrappe as always. Don't dupes over get tired of looking like brainwashed fools. And as always there's 15+ google pages of BS Orgs, institutes, Breitbart clones, supported by greedy myopic hater billionnaires, all in 30 minutes. The Dems have nothing like this network of bought off charlatans and demagogues. Google that, dimwits.

obnama spent time with those billionaire bankers while in Charlotte and your bitching about what?

Greedy a-hole "screw the workers and the environment" Pub billionnaires who support the BS/hate Pub propaganda machine, a disgrace.
You call me greedy but support King obama and his wife Michelle Antoinette
obnama spent time with those billionaire bankers while in Charlotte and your bitching about what?

Greedy a-hole "screw the workers and the environment" Pub billionnaires who support the BS/hate Pub propaganda machine, a disgrace.
You call me greedy but support King obama and his wife Michelle Antoinette

I call megarich greedy lying Pubs greedy, I call you a dupe. On the other hand, you said you were a very prosperous plumber who doesn't report his true income, so OK....LOL

Obama wants to raise his own taxes, so WTF are you talking about?
Greedy a-hole "screw the workers and the environment" Pub billionnaires who support the BS/hate Pub propaganda machine, a disgrace.
You call me greedy but support King obama and his wife Michelle Antoinette

I call megarich greedy lying Pubs greedy, I call you a dupe. On the other hand, you said you were a very prosperous plumber who doesn't report his true income, so OK....LOL

Obama wants to raise his own taxes, so WTF are you talking about?

That would be obama, I am my brothers keeper but has an aunt living in the projects and a brother living in a grass hut.
To review, OP is typical Pubcrappe. The DOJ simply joined others' lawsuits about Gallup fraudulant billing. Pure Pubcrappe as always, for dupes only.
To review, OP is typical Pubcrappe. The DOJ simply joined others' lawsuits about Gallup fraudulant billing. Pure Pubcrappe as always, for dupes only.

All of this falls at the feet of King obama and his wife Michelle Antoinette, whom you support.
You call me greedy but support King obama and his wife Michelle Antoinette

I call megarich greedy lying Pubs greedy, I call you a dupe. On the other hand, you said you were a very prosperous plumber who doesn't report his true income, so OK....LOL

Obama wants to raise his own taxes, so WTF are you talking about?

That would be obama, I am my brothers keeper but has an aunt living in the projects and a brother living in a grass hut.

They're crazy about Obama and DON"T WANT ANY HELP, dupe. Try focusing on policy and facts, not Pubcrappe BS gossip, ferchrissake. You sound like a Rush/Beckbot MORON.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes
The basic facts are that any corporation that does any contract work under a timeline allows for delays. Did Gallop actually overcharge the government? If so then the government has a case. If not then it's frivolous and the public should be aware of it.

I have noticed a certain strong arm tactic that this administration has upheld and both sides should pay strict attention to this sense the same can be administered in kind. The dems will not allows be in a position of power and what goes around, many time comes back around to bite you. Just my thoughts. Thank you
I call megarich greedy lying Pubs greedy, I call you a dupe. On the other hand, you said you were a very prosperous plumber who doesn't report his true income, so OK....LOL

Obama wants to raise his own taxes, so WTF are you talking about?

That would be obama, I am my brothers keeper but has an aunt living in the projects and a brother living in a grass hut.

They're crazy about Obama and DON"T WANT ANY HELP, dupe. Try focusing on policy and facts, not Pubcrappe BS gossip, ferchrissake. You sound like a Rush/Beckbot MORON.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes

Try focusing on policy and facts
Facts? You honestly want facts?

Since 1946 democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years
they dropped the A-bomb

They have expanded the welfare system to a point that it makes for a comfortable life style.
A democrat signed the assault weapons ban
A democrats signed NAFTA
A democrat took money from social security to make it look like there was a surpplus
A democrat gave us a recession
A democrat lied his way to election but continued Bush policy
A democrat extended and expand portions of the Patriot act
A democrat signed into law the NDAA 2012 indefinite detention
A democrat gave aid to Americas enemy in Libya
A democrat by passed congress and gave amnesty to illegals
A democrat refused to assist border states with illegals crossing the border

Record number of Americans on food stamps 64 million last checked

42 straight months of Unemployment 8% or higher

Americas AAA credit rating DOWN GRADED

Even though the recession was over in 2009 things have not gotten better in the industry's that drive the economy Manufacturing and Construction

I haven't seen gas below 3.00 a gallon in North Carolina since obama's first year in office.

American tax payers lost money on a democrats bailout to unions and CEO'S that supported Democrats
American tax payer lost money on bankrupt green energy company's
A democrat allowed firearms into the hands of Mexican terrorists
A democrat did back door deals to create the biggest tax on the middle class in Americas history called obamatax.
obama has said he will by-pass congress and has done so.
[ame=]Barack Obama "Bypass Congress" Dictator? YOU DECIDE (Original) - YouTube[/ame]
The basic facts are that any corporation that does any contract work under a timeline allows for delays. Did Gallop actually overcharge the government? If so then the government has a case. If not then it's frivolous and the public should be aware of it.

I have noticed a certain strong arm tactic that this administration has upheld and both sides should pay strict attention to this sense the same can be administered in kind. The dems will not allows be in a position of power and what goes around, many time comes back around to bite you. Just my thoughts. Thank you

There were lawsuits on behalf of others before the DOJ got involved. You are duped, for the thousandth time.. JFC. Pub dupes. SOOOOO GD THICK.

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