DOJ Weighs Charging Those Who Hacked DNC PCs - It's Not Wasserman-Schultz / Pakistanis


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The DOJ is finally considering moving against the vile traitorous scum committing espionage against the US and the DNC...

NO, it is not against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the former DNC Chairwoman who ran her own Pakistani Spy Ring and gave the spies access to DNC Files/E-mails, usernames and passwords, or the Pakistanis who were also given illegal access to classified House files and downloaded terabytes of data off of the House servers, despite not having security clearances.....

"The Justice Department reportedly has garnered enough evidence to charge at least six Russian government operatives with hacking the Democratic National Committee's computers during the 2016 presidential election."

(So let me get this straight, RUSSIAN hackers / spies illegally accessing DNC computers is 'BAD', but Pakistani hackers / spies illegally accessing DNC computers and e-mails under the supervision / approval of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is 'ok'?)

What did the Russian Hackers do again?

Oh yeah, they (if not the Pakistanis) - through leaking DNC e-mails - revealed to the world that the DNC is filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...that the Democrats rigged their primaries, that the Democrats engaged in election fraud during their primaries, and that the Democrats helped Hillary cheat in her Primary Debates....

SUMMARY: They may be charged for illegal hacking which resulted in the Democrats being exposed for who they are and for cheating in the 2016 election.
- They should be punished for the former and rewarded for the latter. :p

Report: DOJ weighs charging Russian officials in DNC computer hack

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