DOJ Weighs Federal Charges After 'Sanctuary City' State Jury Find's Illegal Not Guilty of Murder


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Jury in California, THE Libtard state that defies Federal Immigration Law / protects illegals / protects Sanctuary Cities, just found the Illegal who murdered Kate Steinle 'Not Guilty'.

Jurors Thursday afternoon acquitted the illegal immigrant accused of killing Kate Steinle as she walked with her father on a crowded San Francisco pier of all charges except for felony possession of a firearm.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was found not guilty of all charges except for the gun possession charge."

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate is in this country Illegally.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was in this country illegally when he murdered Kate Steinle.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate had been deported before and had been sent to jail for violating Immigration law.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was in illegal position of a semi-automatic weapon he used to murder Steinle.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate fired the shot that killed Steinle.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate murdered Steinle.

Immigration Violation.
Parole Violation.
Possession of a Stolen Weapon.
Murder of a US Citizen...
...and the fruits / flakes / nuts in Ca protect another violent criminal illegal.

"Steinle’s death put San Francisco and its “sanctuary city” policy in the spotlight, as Democrats and Republicans lashed out at city officials for refusing to cooperate with federal deportation efforts.

On Thursday evening President Trump tweeted that the jury had returned a “disgraceful verdict.” Trump said it is “no wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration.”

...the politics of immigration were not allowed to come up in the month-long trial."

Of course not.

The last thing Liberals, especially those running California, wanted to be highlighted was California's refusal to comply / enforce Federal Immigration Laws, California's extremely lenient policy regarding tolerance of criminal illegals, and it's defense of Federal Law violating 'Sanctuary Cities' that protect PsOS criminals like Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, Kate Steinle's murderer. The last thing Ca wants to be highlighted is that the only reason Steinle's murder was in this country illegally ... still . was because of its policies.

'The semi-automatic handgun used to kill Steinle was stolen from a federal Bureau of Land Management ranger a week before the shooting.'

The semi-automatic handgun used to kill Steinle was stolen from a federal Bureau of Land Management ranger a week before the shooting.

ALTHOUGH A SEPERATE ISSUE, this case also pointed out another issue American citizens should be concerned about: WTF is the Bureau of LAND MANAGEMENT doing with SEMI-AUTOMATIC WEAPONS? WTF is it doing 'militarized'? It is NOT a Law Enforcement agency. If people pay attention, the fact that the DoLM - and other govt agencies that should never be / have been - have been 'militarized'. This brings back up the Clyde Bundy stand-off in which the DoLM brought their own personal 'army' to bear against American citizens. The DoLM, as reported, had it's own snipers who pointed their rifles at the heads of women and children, had its own armed 'butchers' who illegally slaughtered a rancher's livestock because the Senate Majority Leader wanted to use the Public Lands the rancher was on for his own personal business deal, ONE THE RANCHER'S PRESENCE WAS STOPPING. So the DoLM sent in its heavily armed 'storm-troopers' to drive / drag the rancher and family off the land. Not only has it been exposed that the DoLM has been militarized, but so has other govt agencies tha ytshould NOT be - like the IRS! Again, WTF?

-- IRS Weapons And Ammunition Spending Is Unremarkable
'The Justice Department is considering bringing federal charges against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate after his not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial.

U.S. immigration officials had said they would deport Garcia Zarate – also known as Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez -- who already had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth deportation when Steinle was fatally shot in the back while walking with her father.

The undocumented felon could spend three years in prison for the firearm charge but has already been behind bars for over two years as the case has made its way through court.

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores acknowledged Friday that the DOJ is looking at federal charges. She suggested a possible charge could be felony re-entry or a charge pertaining to a violation of supervised release.

“We’re looking at every option and we will prosecute this to the fullest extent of the law because these cases are tragic and entirely preventable,” Flores said.'

DOJ weighing federal charges in Kate Steinle murder case, after not guilty verdict
The big difference between republicans and democrats is illustrated in the fact that while it was a a bad verdict and disappointing to conservatives, nobody is going to smash windows or torch cars over it.
The fed agent who left his gun lying around Should be charged.
What about double jeopardy?
'Deported 5 Times'.....

This criminal should have been prevented from ever coming into this country again. I personally like the '3 Strikes' Policy...a criminal illegal gets caught a 3rd time trying to get back into the US and he gets a bullet in the back of the head. This would only need to be done a couple of times before that sh!t ended.

'Progressives' want to cry and whine about how such a policy would 'violate' the 'rights' of PsOS like Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez? Tell that to Kate Steinle and her parents. You better speak loud because Kate is going to have a hard time hearing you.
Californians would only be outraged about Jose Ines Garcia Zarate if he was a Global Warming denier or if he used a male pronoun for a man wearing a dress
The verdict complied with the facts of the case

It was not murder

The fact that he was an illegal had nothing to do with whether it was murder or not

No no . Our local cons have it right . The law should be that anyone who accidentally shoots someone , is guilty of murder .
This person was found not guilty in an American court. So was the person who fired the shot that killed Trayvon Martin. You people who want to walk around with loaded guns in all places in the United States should be happy. This woman lost her life. Others have lost their lives to this madness. it's disgusting. It's horrible, but it does not have much to do with what country this man came from.
It's you people who love guns.
The verdict complied with the facts of the case

It was not murder

The fact that he was an illegal had nothing to do with whether it was murder or not

No no . Our local cons have it right . The law should be that anyone who accidentally shoots someone , is guilty of murder .
It's like arguing over the definition of the word 'is'.

Whether you meant to or not you killed someone. I understand the definitions are to identify specific INTENT. THAT should effect SENTENCING, just like one's mental state should:

GUILTY - you killed someone.

- Intended to murder: Extremely harsh penalty.
- Accidental: Less Extreme
- 'Insanity': Still GUILTY because you DID kill someone, but punishment should take insanity into consideration.

This POS killed Kate Steinle. 'Guilty'. Now determine what his punishment will be based on the circumstances. That's how it should / should have worked. Then again, he should never have been in this country illegally a 6th (SIXTH) time.
This person was found not guilty in an American court. So was the person who fired the shot that killed Trayvon Martin. You people who want to walk around with loaded guns in all places in the United States should be happy. This woman lost her life. Others have lost their lives to this madness. it's disgusting. It's horrible, but it does not have much to do with what country this man came from.
It's you people who love guns.

The POS who killed Steinle was in this country illegally a 6th time after serving jail time already and killed Steinle with a stolen federal govt semi-automatic handgun he illegally possessed.

You want to compare him to a guy who legally owned and carried a gun, who was attacked - because he was stupid and set up the shooting by going ahead when he should have waited for the police - and defended himself, which he never should have been but was because he charged in.

Personally, I think Martin should have been punished. He had a permit to carry a gun, but he acted recklessly with it, putting himself in harm's way instead of allowing the police to do their jobs after he called them. He can not be legitimately compared to the illegal POS who murdered Steinle, though.
The verdict complied with the facts of the case

It was not murder

The fact that he was an illegal had nothing to do with whether it was murder or not

No no . Our local cons have it right . The law should be that anyone who accidentally shoots someone , is guilty of murder .
It's like arguing over the definition of the word 'is'.

Whether you meant to or not you killed someone. I understand the definitions are to identify specific INTENT. THAT should effect SENTENCING, just like one's mental state should:

GUILTY - you killed someone.

- Intended to murder: Extremely harsh penalty.
- Accidental: Less Extreme
- 'Insanity': Still GUILTY because you DID kill someone, but punishment should take insanity into consideration.

This POS killed Kate Steinle. 'Guilty'. Now determine what his punishment will be based on the circumstances. That's how it should / should have worked. Then again, he should never have been in this country illegally a 6th (SIXTH) time.

Murder is very specific. You have to intend to do it . The guy accidentally fired the gun.

Is he guilty of gun crimes and theft ?Sure .

Not murder though. Maybe you could get a man slaughter , but doesn’t look like that’s what they went for .

Oh and yes , it’s a shame he kept getting into the country.
This person was found not guilty in an American court. So was the person who fired the shot that killed Trayvon Martin. You people who want to walk around with loaded guns in all places in the United States should be happy. This woman lost her life. Others have lost their lives to this madness. it's disgusting. It's horrible, but it does not have much to do with what country this man came from.
It's you people who love guns.

The POS who killed Steinle was in this country illegally a 6th time after serving jail time already and killed Steinle with a stolen federal govt semi-automatic handgun he illegally possessed.

You want to compare him to a guy who legally owned and carried a gun, who was attacked - because he was stupid and set up the shooting by going ahead when he should have waited for the police - and defended himself, which he never should have been but was because he charged in.

Personally, I think Martin should have been punished. He had a permit to carry a gun, but he acted recklessly with it, putting himself in harm's way instead of allowing the police to do their jobs after he called them. He can not be legitimately compared to the illegal POS who murdered Steinle, though.
You seem to think that this man intentionally murdered this woman. In public. On the pier in S.F. Why would you think this? Did he hate her for some personal reason? All he is is a gun nut in a land of gun nuts, who had an accident with his gun waving and killed an innocent human being. There is another dead person in New York State, who went out to walk her dogs. This is the land we live in. We have a culture created by morons with guns, cowboy hats and bibles, who voted a whore into the Oval Office.
Murder is very specific. You have to intend to do it . The guy accidentally fired the gun.

Agreed, as I posted:

'Whether you meant to or not you killed someone. I understand the definitions are to identify specific INTENT.'

He still took someone's life. That can not simply be ignored, which is exactly what they did by finding him not guilty and finding him guilty of ONLY illegal possession / theft of a firearm. It is almost like refusing to acknowledge that this criminal snuffed out the life of a US citizen.

Not murder though. Maybe you could get a man slaughter, but doesn’t look like that’s what they went for . Oh and yes , it’s a shame he kept getting into the country.

Agreed .... and agreed. I have to partially fault the Prosecutor for NOT charging the illegal POS with Manslaughter. I never felt he INTENTIONALLY sought to kill Steinle. The fact that he did not point the gun at her and shoot HER is evidence of that.
The fed agent who left his gun lying around Should be charged.

The verdict complied with the facts of the case

It was not murder

The fact that he was an illegal had nothing to do with whether it was murder or not

The verdict complied with the facts of the case

It was not murder

The fact that he was an illegal had nothing to do with whether it was murder or not

No no . Our local cons have it right . The law should be that anyone who accidentally shoots someone , is guilty of murder .

The verdict complied with the facts of the case

It was not murder

The fact that he was an illegal had nothing to do with whether it was murder or not

No no . Our local cons have it right . The law should be that anyone who accidentally shoots someone , is guilty of murder .
It's like arguing over the definition of the word 'is'.

Whether you meant to or not you killed someone. I understand the definitions are to identify specific INTENT. THAT should effect SENTENCING, just like one's mental state should:

GUILTY - you killed someone.

- Intended to murder: Extremely harsh penalty.
- Accidental: Less Extreme
- 'Insanity': Still GUILTY because you DID kill someone, but punishment should take insanity into consideration.

This POS killed Kate Steinle. 'Guilty'. Now determine what his punishment will be based on the circumstances. That's how it should / should have worked. Then again, he should never have been in this country illegally a 6th (SIXTH) time.

Murder is very specific. You have to intend to do it . The guy accidentally fired the gun.

Is he guilty of gun crimes and theft ?Sure .

Not murder though. Maybe you could get a man slaughter , but doesn’t look like that’s what they went for .

Oh and yes , it’s a shame he kept getting into the country.

Murder one doesn't fit but atleast he got negligent homicide...oh wait, he didn't get that...well atleast he got involuntary manslaughter...oh wait, he didn't get that either.
Kate's KILLING and this verdict will leave a tide changing impact on legit Americans, particularly the ones who have been on the fence with how they feel about illegals...the level of hatred toward illegals is about to erupt and the support for a presidential administration that is tough on crime will grow. Thanks Kate.....RIP

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