Domestic Radicalization and the Arab-Israeli Conflict


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
The terrorists in the territories are using new techniques for their agenda.

Israel appears to be facing a do-it-yourself terrorist offensive. By my count, based on data from this website, ten Israelis have been killed, and many more injured, since October 22 in low-tech attacks.

The trend began on October 22 when a Palestinian rammed his car into a crowd waiting at a light-rail station in Jerusalem. A three-month-old girl and a 22-year-old woman were killed; 8 people were wounded.

On November 5, another Palestinian man drove another car into a light-rail station, this time killing a Border Police officer and injuring 14 individuals.

On November 10, in two separate incidents, Palestinian attackers stabbed and killed a 25-year-old woman near the West Bank settlement of Alon Shvut and a 20-year-old soldier who was waiting at a train station in Tel Aviv. Two others were injured in the former attack.

And now on November 17, two attackers armed with a hatchet, knives, and a gun entered a synagogue in West Jerusalem and killed five people, one of them a policeman, the other four immigrants who held either joint U.S.-Israeli or joint British-Israeli citizenship. In addition three of the dead were rabbis

Domestic Radicalization and the Arab-Israeli Conflict Commentary Magazine
You must admit, Jews have a tendency to encroach. Like cockroaches.

And they have a tendency to constrict others. Like boas.

Maybe the U.S. should give them some more money. That should fix things. :thup:
Maybe Israel should stop stealing land and resources if they don't like it. If they don't mind it so much, guess they should expect it to go on until they commit genocide. Why do you Zionists continue to whine about this shit when the Israelis are just reaping what they sow?
Maybe Israel should stop stealing land and resources if they don't like it. If they don't mind it so much, guess they should expect it to go on until they commit genocide. Why do you Zionists continue to whine about this shit when the Israelis are just reaping what they sow?
:blahblah: :cuckoo: :bye1:
You must admit, Jews have a tendency to encroach. Like cockroaches.

And they have a tendency to constrict others. Like boas.

Maybe the U.S. should give them some more money. That should fix things. :thup:

In the days of medieval Europe, two parties had the right to challenge for single party combat. Maybe Israel and the Palestinians could just put up their best champion for each issue they can't come to terms on and have a duel to the death. . . maybe even make it pay per view since they both like blood, violence and gore so much. . . .

The winner gets their way on each particular treaty term that they have a champion win. They can hammer out a treaty in that manner.

With all those fights on pay per view sponsered by one of our cable providers, maybe we can get some of our money back.
Maybe Israel should stop stealing land and resources if they don't like it. If they don't mind it so much, guess they should expect it to go on until they commit genocide. Why do you Zionists continue to whine about this shit when the Israelis are just reaping what they sow?
:blahblah: :cuckoo: :bye1:
Ignore that Mr. H. The more money that the U.S. gives Israel, the less voice will be given to that ilk.

Pour on the dollars, and watch Jews do Jew things. :thup:
Think about it- it's the Jews who are trapped. They have absolutely no way out of their confined quarters.

They have no choice but to destroy, then build. Settlements galore. Settlements for Jews but not for youz.

Q: What do you call a new Jewish settlement?

A: Not yours, so fuck off.

Jew stuff sure is peachy. :thup:

They're cool 'cause they pray to bricks.
You must admit, Jews have a tendency to encroach. Like cockroaches.

And they have a tendency to constrict others. Like boas.

Maybe the U.S. should give them some more money. That should fix things. :thup:

In the days of medieval Europe, two parties had the right to challenge for single party combat. Maybe Israel and the Palestinians could just put up their best champion for each issue they can't come to terms on and have a duel to the death. . . maybe even make it pay per view since they both like blood, violence and gore so much. . . .

The winner gets their way on each particular treaty term that they have a champion win. They can hammer out a treaty in that manner.

With all those fights on pay per view sponsered by one of our cable providers, maybe we can get some of our money back.
I would love to see a live, televised debate between the supporters on both sides with about a half dozen or so on each side.

I would be interested in seeing who the Israeli side would suggest to represent their side.
The terrorists in the territories are using new techniques for their agenda.

Israel appears to be facing a do-it-yourself terrorist offensive. By my count, based on data from this website, ten Israelis have been killed, and many more injured, since October 22 in low-tech attacks.

The trend began on October 22 when a Palestinian rammed his car into a crowd waiting at a light-rail station in Jerusalem. A three-month-old girl and a 22-year-old woman were killed; 8 people were wounded.

On November 5, another Palestinian man drove another car into a light-rail station, this time killing a Border Police officer and injuring 14 individuals.

On November 10, in two separate incidents, Palestinian attackers stabbed and killed a 25-year-old woman near the West Bank settlement of Alon Shvut and a 20-year-old soldier who was waiting at a train station in Tel Aviv. Two others were injured in the former attack.

And now on November 17, two attackers armed with a hatchet, knives, and a gun entered a synagogue in West Jerusalem and killed five people, one of them a policeman, the other four immigrants who held either joint U.S.-Israeli or joint British-Israeli citizenship. In addition three of the dead were rabbis

Domestic Radicalization and the Arab-Israeli Conflict Commentary Magazine

Looking around at the parade of subhuman filth infesting this forum that supports Arab terrorism, it's not so difficult to understand

It's WORLDWIDE.... it needs to be erased from the face of the planet!

Actually, that's propoganda. Maybe you ought to review what you post for accuracy rather than just promoting the sort of senseless hate that would make neo-nazi's proud of you. The Muslim minority in Myanmar has been subject to persecution, brutal attacks and carnage from the Buddhist majority and supported by the Bhuddist government.

Myanmar Buddhists Threaten to Kill Muslims

It's WORLDWIDE.... it needs to be erased from the face of the planet!

Actually, that's propoganda. Maybe you ought to review what you post for accuracy rather than just promoting the sort of senseless hate that would make neo-nazi's proud of you. The Muslim minority in Myanmar has been subject to persecution, brutal attacks and carnage from the Buddhist majority and supported by the Bhuddist government.

Myanmar Buddhists Threaten to Kill Muslims

THANK GOD, those pieces of shit ARE being persecuted, as ALL muslim's deserve. IF they weren't such animals to start with, NONE of the atrocities going on with ISIS or Al Quaeda, or any of the other muslim terrorist groups would be happening, and THOUSANDS of innocent Christians, Jews, and even Buddhists that were in Afghanistan wouldn't have taken place. You sir, are a bleeding heart who bleeds for the prosecuting, not the persecuted!


It's WORLDWIDE.... it needs to be erased from the face of the planet!

Actually, that's propoganda. Maybe you ought to review what you post for accuracy rather than just promoting the sort of senseless hate that would make neo-nazi's proud of you. The Muslim minority in Myanmar has been subject to persecution, brutal attacks and carnage from the Buddhist majority and supported by the Bhuddist government.

Myanmar Buddhists Threaten to Kill Muslims

THANK GOD, those pieces of shit ARE being persecuted, as ALL muslim's deserve. IF they weren't such animals to start with, NONE of the atrocities going on with ISIS or Al Quaeda, or any of the other muslim terrorist groups would be happening, and THOUSANDS of innocent Christians, Jews, and even Buddhists that were in Afghanistan wouldn't have taken place. You sir, are a bleeding heart who bleeds for the prosecuting, not the persecuted!


No, I am quite clear about who is persecuted in this instance.
No, I am quite clear about who is persecuted in this instance.

What is actually quite clear is that you are absolutely committed to defending Islam, as your many tens of thousands of postings on various internet discussion boards attest.

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