Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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What did they win?

The largest public defamation settlement in US history.

$787,000,000. With Fox admitting it lied. Fox publicly humiliated. And Fox Viewership plummeting. And the Big Lie taking yet another hit by the courts in its perfect record of failure....with the judge granting summary judgment in favor of Dominion that Fox News statements about it were false.

Keep polishing that turd.
The largest public defamation settlement in US history.
So? Fox is still doing great, Dominion not so well.

$787,000,000. With Fox admitting it lied.
There was no admission. Fox retracted nothing. Fox is doing great and Dominion is now being banned from operating in state after state. Seems they needed that money just to hang on. How much you want to bet orders for more Dominion machines won't be shit now, poop balloon?
What did they win? They settled for LESS THAN HALF.

Dominion has done more damage to themselves than Fox ever could. Look, they have the shiny toy poop bear balloon coming to defend them!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Too bad Fox wasn't convicted of defamation. Dominion settled for less than half out of court, dropped the case, took the money and ran. And poor toy poop bear got nothing.
Well..they didn't really 'run, ya know...I mean $787,000,000 is a lot of money..Lessee--1m in hundreds weighs 11lbs x 787 =8,657lbs...8 TONS of money. see increasing your companies value 10 times doing damage to yourself? I know a lot of businesses that would love some of that 'damage' eh?

Trump's lies and Foxes shameful desire to milk your people of their money by flat out, knowingly and with malice aforethought--lying to them.

Oh yeah..the malice aforethought..that's all those mocking e-mails..the contempt was so palpable that malice was the only explanation.
So? Fox is still doing great, Dominion not so well.

So, when you lose $787 million due to your lies, you're going to get stockholder lawsuits too.

Dominion is flush with 10 times it companies value......every penny of it Fox's money.

Keep polishing that turd!
To bad for you that you cannot prove jack fracking shit. You ain't shit and you know you ain't shit. In order to know you ain't got shit, you would first have to know you ain't got shit and you still ain't got shit.
You scum don't accept proof.
Fox would not have settled if they had had any defense.
Yes, the settlement was an admission that their hosts and their guests lied about Dominion in their pushing of The Big Lie.
Wrong...the settlement shows it was cheaper, legally to settle.
But didn't you just say that Fox News viewership was up? Now you're admitting it down.

Laughing...its like you don't know what you're talking about again.
ABC is my local as well as national and international news # 1 choice. How are they doing ?
You are the guy running around calling people like me “rubes“ for believing Fox News. If you can’t admit the liberal media misled people many times about Trump then at the best you are are a hypocrite.

I might value your opinion more if you admit the simple fact that the liberal media was doing everything it could to bring down Trump. Today the wonderful liberal media is busy ignoring the amazing quantity of evidence about the Biden Crime Family.

Hypocrite is Mac's middle name. Mac Hypocrite Liberal-in-the- closet!

You can take what you believe and shove it up you butt.

You have absolutely nothing in the way of proof. You have zip, zero, nothing and none in the way of proof. You know that.

President Biden won in 2020 by the same margin that the Traitor won (stole) in 2016 and it was fucking "landslide" according you people.

You have nothing. You have empty air and empty words.

You people always have a very convenient excuse to make for the Traitor losing in 2020.

DOMINION (oh that very scary name) was switching ballots (unproven). DOMINION (oh that very scary name) was flipping votes (unproven).

Voting machines in Maricopa County were hacked (unproven).

Italy (wow....I mean for fuck sake ITALY) was involved in switching votes (unproven).

Venezuela (oh no....NOT.....NOT.....VENEZUALA) was involved in switching votes (unproven).

Somewhere along I'm sure Sasquatch and Abominable Snow Man will be blamed, I mean you cannot see them, you cannot find them so must be involved in the cover-up. Oops, I know who did it, it as Amelia Earhart. That woman must be involved, I mean no one can find her therefore she must be guilty.

Maybe it was the guy on the Grassy Knoll in Dallas, who knows where he is and he must be involved.

You people have absolutely mother fucking nothing in the proof. Not even the Cyber Ninja Numb Nuts proved anything in Arizona and they had to admit to it.

It don't matter what you believe when you cannot back up your own Bull Shit Conspiracy Theories with facts, and you have not one single fact.

Biden won. The Traitor lost.
So the FBI and DoJ investigate your Russian compromised guy for his crimes which makes them corrupt. Exactly how you'd expect a Trumptard to think. 🤪 BTW people like you are the enemy of what America stands for. You should go to Moscow pal, they have lots of corrupt fascists there, you'd love it there.

lol another triggered moron.

What has been proved is that Fox lied its ass off about election fraud and suckers like you and MAGAts believed their lies. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

You screwed this up. If you had just posted one more stupid smiley thingy it might have worked, but no, you're too lazy, and failed.
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