Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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lol another triggered moron.

Sorry you have such nightmares. I sleep fine.
Then both should have tried together, or this is trying the same case twice.
Different parties do not have to file a class action suit unless they want to. Same circumstances, different parties adversely affected by Fox " news ", and I say that news part with total sarcasm.
Shit sources will tell you what you want to hear.
All you have to do is look at how Democrats are treated vs how Trump supporters are treated by the FBI and DOJ and it is obvious the Democrats are protected and the Trump supporters raided.
Another example is this that the media does - A young kid goes to a door to pick up his siblings, and next an old man shoots him through the door. Because a racial component was involved in it (regardless of the facts not being known yet), the media went bonkers over the story. The kid has raised over 2 million dollars so far due to social media etc.

Ok then you think about the kid's shot at the birthday party or celebration (28 shot or wounded, and 4 dead)..... (cricket's).

Then how about all the kid's and deaths in big city hell holes by black on black crime ? ........ (Cricket's)... No racial component's involved ..

See how dishonest and calculated the political game is in this country ?
Very true.

The media was given freedom of the press in our nation so they could keep an eye on corruption in government. Instead the liberal media just sold out to the liberals because it has an agenda and believes the end justifies the means.
Wow, this post is just an epic level lack of self awareness from you.
So you are saying that every one of the “bombshell” reports you heard about Trump on MSNBC and CNN or read in the New York TImes were totally accurate.

Tony must be blinded by the light.

Lies or assumptions that end up being investigative opinions that are spoken in hopes to prompt an open investigation by the U.S. justice department, otherwise for whom is supposed to investigate huge cases in a very unbiased way. That hasn't happened yet, and it's because of the bias that exist in our political system that inturns becomes influencing for those who support the bias that is being revealed in our Justice system..
Yeah bias against crooks. Own goal there pal.
Dumb retort... Try again, maybe identify as a conservative today, yeah that ought to do it. ROTFLMBO 🤣
Many of us are independent and can think for ourselves. I'm well aware of how that annoys you sheep.

I just proved you wrong about my politics, as I do with you poor souls every day. Sorry.
Or, Fox just lied.

Your deep state conspiracy isn't necessary. The outcome is explained easier, more clearly and with far more evidence by Fox simply lying.

When you hear hoofbeats, think horses. Not zebras.
So you are attempting to place all the blame squarely on Fox for discussing the 2020 election, even though information in all media is usually based upon it's sources reporting to them on what their possible sources had told them (waters getting muddy), but even so possibly arming any of the media we all view with a story or alledged evidence that any media outlet might feel could justify a story with possible evidence that might be open for federal investigative purposes, otherwise if enough there is there, and if the stories may have revealed or showed that possible crime's had been committed according to those sources.

And you are giving that up for party loyalty, and agenda narratives that might turn out the way you might want it too, but in the mean time you are aiding and abetting this country in losing every right that it once had in order to challenge government or other big timers on the issue's freely, and this by way of such instruments or mouth pieces like (Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc), being in place for you to get the power to make a challenge on the issue's, and especially without recourse while challenging the government or other big timer's on the issue's or better yet maybe helping the government to investigate certain things that might need investigated ???

Whatever happened to MSNBC when Rachel Maddow made all sorts of claims that fell flat, did Trump sue them ??

So you pounce on Fox because it has now shown weakness in your mind, and so it is that you and your brethren or sister's here are pouncing on this weakness while it exist in your mind's in such a way ?
Well..they didn't really 'run, ya know...I mean $787,000,000 is a lot of money..Lessee--1m in hundreds weighs 11lbs x 787 =8,657lbs...8 TONS of money. see increasing your companies value 10 times doing damage to yourself? I know a lot of businesses that would love some of that 'damage' eh?

Trump's lies and Foxes shameful desire to milk your people of their money by flat out, knowingly and with malice aforethought--lying to them.

Oh yeah..the malice aforethought..that's all those mocking e-mails..the contempt was so palpable that malice was the only explanation.
Keep setting new precedents, because before long you all will lose your mouth piece's that have stuck their necks out for you over the year's.. I bet all media is thinking wow, we've got to back way off now, because a hit like that we want no part of. They (most big boxed media) know damned well that they are guilty of the same bull crap, so they have to be meeting in emergency board room meetings to discuss their future's going forward, and the new rules under the possiblity of a new communist styled regime.
Really so why did Fox pay 787 MILLION DOLLARS to avoid the grubby details of their lies about the election being exposed you twit?
Happens all the time with big corporation's, otherwise it's put on the scale and weighed, and for example Fox living in a heavily biased environment that is steady attacking it, then avoiding negative exposure is always the best option in accordance with corporate ideologies and thought. It's not an admittance to guilt or to say that it thinks that it was wrong, but to avoid negative publicity both parties reach an agreement.

It's the same with embattled countries that are enthroned in war, where as the lowly soldiers are spilling blood at alarming rates, and then all of a sudden the two sides agree with peace talks and a cease fire, but to the lowly soldier he wants vengeance and blood, so he will never agree with any cease fire decisions or capitulations in the situation. The two embattled corporations have settled, end of story.
And I’m sure fox can prove, without a doubt, that all these other networks lied about racism on Fox News. Everything everyone said about them is opinion based on twisted words and out of context statements.

So, why doesn’t fox have the same standing as dominion?
They do..............SUE them.
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