Don Lemon on CNN panel against Trumps decision to address Canadian trade abuses. Even better now!


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Listening to the panel even Stephen Moore of the Heritage Front are against this decision to apply 20% to softwood lumber. These guys are totally out to lunch, and it illustrates just how little Mr, Moore and others know about Canadian trade practices and tactics. Give me an hour with this guy and he will be singing a tune even stronger than Trump is and he might be angry Trump and Ross didn't go far enough.

There is a reason Canada is the most sued nation in NAFTA for trade violations. Blatant, outright abuse and violations. There is a reason New Zealand and Australia came out and complained about Canadian dairy practices the day after Trump called them out. There is a reason GM decided to not move 4000 jobs back to Michigan and Ohio, it's called Canadian paying hundreds of millions to steal jobs. No efficiency advantage. No access to a better educated workforce. No high level contribution to the operations of GM. It was a simple cash for jobs trade, on the backs of Canadian future generations.

Bottom line, if the spineless, uninformed at CNN are bitching about this 20% tax after 30+ years of abuses by Canada on this particular issue, than this HAS to be a great decision by the president.

Carry on Mr. Trump. Don't shed a tear for Canada, they sure as hell aren't shedding a tear to all those they abuse domestically or any job they steal from American workers. NO First World nation abuses trade and "free markets" more than Canada. Not one. I challenge anyone to this debate.
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Softwood lumber has been adjudicated in multiple trade courts.

Canada has won every single time.

Canada will win once again.

This has been going on since the 80s and the Americans always lose because it's a blatant attempt by the NW lumber interests to restrict competition.

Why anyone would pretend to be a conservative by supporting higher taxes and more expensive housing is beyond me.

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