Donald John Trump why would you...


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary such a noble thing? I did say I was off the bandwagon a couple of days ago, but this act of selflessness won me back over. This makes me think as president that he would turn Air Force One around just to help someone in need. On Tuesday July 19, 1988, the real estate tycoon broke out his Boeing 727 to fly then 3 year old Avraham (Andrew Ten) Moshe who was suffering a rare breathing illness and three nurses from California to New York's Schneider Children’s Hospital of Long Island Jewish Medical Center for medical treatment.

Trump was the last resort for Andrew's parents, Judy and Harold Ten.

I don't like his brash demeanor. His words are inflammatory, and his attitude could use a lot of work. But his actions here it seems speak louder than and of the words he would utter decades later. And now a question for you: which of the other 16 GOP candidates would have done the same thing in Trump's place all those years ago?

NEW YORK (Jul. 19)

The private Boeing 727 of real estate tycoon Donald Trump arrived from Los Angeles at LaGuardia Airport Tuesday morning, carrying aboard an Orthodox Jewish child with a rare and still undiagnosed breathing illness.

The child, Andrew Ten, age 3, arrived with his parents — accompanied by three nurses who attend to him around the clock — to try to seek medical help in the New York area.

Trump made his plane available for the special trip to New York after the boy’s parents, Judy and Harold Ten, called Trump and told him of their plight.

Commercial airlines refused to fly the child because he could not travel without an elaborate life-support system, which includes a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a breathing bag and an adrenaline syringe.

“Mr. Trump did not hesitate when we called him up. He said ‘yes, I’ll send my plane out,'” 29-year-old Harold Ten recalled shortly after he landed here Tuesday morning.

Orthodox Child with Rare Ailment is Rescued Aboard Tycoon s Jet Jewish Telegraphic Agency

NOTE: Rabbi Harold Ten was convicted of running a variable annuities scheme by the SEC in 2014. Ten played a key role in an alleged scheme that allowed a ring of brokers, investment advisers and their clients to profit from the deaths of terminally ill patients.

But to use that as a way to smear Trump would be blatantly dishonest. Stay classy liberals.
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Trump, I'm sure, is a good man, but right now he is engaged In political theater, I'm almost 100% certain his views are still left wing, no one can drastically flip on everything apart from playing political games.
'm almost 100% certain his views are still left wing, no one can drastically flip on everything apart from playing political games.

Reagan did just that, David. He wasn't as immature as Trump was, and he didn't engage in childish antics while running for the nomination, but he underwent the same metamorphosis. Reagan was a solid democrat until 1962. You know the rest of the story.
Err, Reagan did many liberal things, the party evolved, not him. Trump is like a funny actor.

And you my friend are highly conspiratorial. There is nothing to be gained by continuing this discussion.
You know TK it's often it is the brash who step forward to do the most difficult things. We call them hero's afterwards.
Last edited: such a noble thing? I did say I was off the bandwagon a couple of days ago, but this act of selflessness won me back over. This makes me think as president that he would turn Air Force One around just to help someone in need. On Tuesday July 19, 1988, the real estate tycoon broke out his Boeing 727 to fly then 3 year old Avraham (Andrew Ten) Moshe who was suffering a rare breathing illness and three nurses from California to New York's Schneider Children’s Hospital of Long Island Jewish Medical Center for medical treatment.

Trump was the last resort for Andrew's parents, Judy and Harold Ten.

I don't like his brash demeanor. His words are inflammatory, and his attitude could use a lot of work. But his actions here it seems speak louder than and of the words he would utter decades later. And now a question for you: which of the other 16 GOP candidates would have done the same thing in Trump's place all those years ago?

NEW YORK (Jul. 19)

The private Boeing 727 of real estate tycoon Donald Trump arrived from Los Angeles at LaGuardia Airport Tuesday morning, carrying aboard an Orthodox Jewish child with a rare and still undiagnosed breathing illness.

The child, Andrew Ten, age 3, arrived with his parents — accompanied by three nurses who attend to him around the clock — to try to seek medical help in the New York area.

Trump made his plane available for the special trip to New York after the boy’s parents, Judy and Harold Ten, called Trump and told him of their plight.

Commercial airlines refused to fly the child because he could not travel without an elaborate life-support system, which includes a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a breathing bag and an adrenaline syringe.

“Mr. Trump did not hesitate when we called him up. He said ‘yes, I’ll send my plane out,'” 29-year-old Harold Ten recalled shortly after he landed here Tuesday morning.

Orthodox Child with Rare Ailment is Rescued Aboard Tycoon s Jet Jewish Telegraphic Agency

NOTE: Rabbi Harold Ten was convicted of running a variable annuities scheme by the SEC in 2014. Ten played a key role in an alleged scheme that allowed a ring of brokers, investment advisers and their clients to profit from the deaths of terminally ill patients.

But to use that as a way to smear Trump would be blatantly dishonest. Stay classy liberals.

You might want to check out Angel Flight. Great organization of volunteers, and they don't spend a lot of time bragging about the life saving transportation they give away. such a noble thing? I did say I was off the bandwagon a couple of days ago, but this act of selflessness won me back over. This makes me think as president that he would turn Air Force One around just to help someone in need. On Tuesday July 19, 1988, the real estate tycoon broke out his Boeing 727 to fly then 3 year old Avraham (Andrew Ten) Moshe who was suffering a rare breathing illness and three nurses from California to New York's Schneider Children’s Hospital of Long Island Jewish Medical Center for medical treatment.

Trump was the last resort for Andrew's parents, Judy and Harold Ten.

I don't like his brash demeanor. His words are inflammatory, and his attitude could use a lot of work. But his actions here it seems speak louder than and of the words he would utter decades later. And now a question for you: which of the other 16 GOP candidates would have done the same thing in Trump's place all those years ago?

NEW YORK (Jul. 19)

The private Boeing 727 of real estate tycoon Donald Trump arrived from Los Angeles at LaGuardia Airport Tuesday morning, carrying aboard an Orthodox Jewish child with a rare and still undiagnosed breathing illness.

The child, Andrew Ten, age 3, arrived with his parents — accompanied by three nurses who attend to him around the clock — to try to seek medical help in the New York area.

Trump made his plane available for the special trip to New York after the boy’s parents, Judy and Harold Ten, called Trump and told him of their plight.

Commercial airlines refused to fly the child because he could not travel without an elaborate life-support system, which includes a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a breathing bag and an adrenaline syringe.

“Mr. Trump did not hesitate when we called him up. He said ‘yes, I’ll send my plane out,'” 29-year-old Harold Ten recalled shortly after he landed here Tuesday morning.

Orthodox Child with Rare Ailment is Rescued Aboard Tycoon s Jet Jewish Telegraphic Agency

NOTE: Rabbi Harold Ten was convicted of running a variable annuities scheme by the SEC in 2014. Ten played a key role in an alleged scheme that allowed a ring of brokers, investment advisers and their clients to profit from the deaths of terminally ill patients.

But to use that as a way to smear Trump would be blatantly dishonest. Stay classy liberals.

You might want to check out Angel Flight. Great organization of volunteers, and they don't spend a lot of time bragging about the life saving transportation they give away.
I don't see anywhere in the OP that even suggests Trump was bragging on it. As a matter of fact had the OP not posted it I would not have known.

Is the OP now on board as a Donald Trump supporter?
I THINK please see that word THINK the OP is like millions of Americans looking and searching for the best choice possible.
That is some thing that should be respected in a poster. The desire to learn to know more is a very good trait be it on the net or real life.
Is the OP now on board as a Donald Trump supporter?
I THINK please see that word THINK the OP is like millions of Americans looking and searching for the best choice possible.
That is some thing that should be respected in a poster. The desire to learn to know more is a very good trait be it on the net or real life.

Is the OP now on board as a Donald Trump supporter?
I THINK please see that word THINK the OP is like millions of Americans looking and searching for the best choice possible.
That is some thing that should be respected in a poster. The desire to learn to know more is a very good trait be it on the net or real life.

There is a reason I have whomever you're talking to on ignore. I'll support whom I wish, much to this person's dismay. It is good to know more about someone, and now I know more about Trump than I did before. The man has class, even if he doesn't show it.
Is the OP now on board as a Donald Trump supporter?
I THINK please see that word THINK the OP is like millions of Americans looking and searching for the best choice possible.
That is some thing that should be respected in a poster. The desire to learn to know more is a very good trait be it on the net or real life.

There is a reason I have whomever you're talking to on ignore. I'll support whom I wish, much to this person's dismay. It is good to know more about someone, and now I know more about Trump than I did before. The man has class, even if he doesn't show it.
I wrote some thing here as an OP but wish to put it in this thread as a comment.........

I honestly think that is the message from the American voter I do. It totally explains the rise of Trump and Sanders. As much as they are different in some respects they are the same.

Now while I do not agree with his policy nor ever would he no doubt is the most honest man running for the oval office in THAT party. Policy has never changed with Bernie and it's stayed that way for twenty years. So while his policy is the same his actual life practice is very much like his counter part Ron Paul.

Sanders truly IS the lightning rod of his party. He IS the center the gathering point for them. His steady climb in the polls and the numbers he turns out to hear him speak shows that. A growing number of Democrats are TRYING to clean their party.

Bold brash blunt and brutal. The "outsider" no GOP wonk wants. They tried to keep him out of the debates and tried hard. Not quite as hard as when they cut Reagan's mic but as seen by the FOX debate close very close. But he like Reagan just see those numbers climb.

Now while Reagan did run a state Trump has run his personal economy from several hundred million to 10 billion plus. Trump's personal economy is larger then some third world nations and doing far better then most of them as well.

I myself have NO doubt that Sanders has been and is far more honest then Clinton.

Once again no matter how brash and brutal he can be I have NO doubt that Trump is and has been more honest then Bush.

I think what you are seeing here is a multi party enigma. BOTH parties want their parties CLEANED. The voters ARE speaking it's the wonks who refuse to listen.

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