Donald Praise Duterte War on Drugs?


VIP Member
Oct 15, 2016
Duterte: During phone call, Trump praised my drug war as the ‘right way’

You know what. I start thinking that the world the way I like it, may come true. And guess what? I am quite scared but cautiously optimistic.

Trump strategy is let each countries be their own. So he phone called every leader praising them. He's like saying, US is not going to be the police of the world. I am just going to govern my country well see what US interests are and that's it. The rest of the world can just make fair deal and fight among themselves.

Not simply because US legalize ganja means the rest of the world should.

Each countries are their own.

Will I miss US policing? Hmmmm.... I sort of like American values and like it spread. That being said, I also like the idea that each countries can just be themselves so people can just move to those who they like.

Duterte IS doing the right thing. We should emulate his actions. He deserves nothing but praise.
A crime against humanity. Sick.

Legalize pot!!!!

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

You people are a disgrace. I agree, kill the druggies. They are a burden on society. Either quit, and start being a worth while law abiding human being, or go somewhere else.
People love it when someone rules over them with an iron fist. Look at the high approval ratings for all of the world's dictators including Putin and Kim Jong Un. It's human nature for Filipino's to like Duterte.
Yes, each country is their own murderous inverted totalitarian oligarchy. Please..... do not justify terrorist tyrants simply because you live in a different country than them.

That's what backfired on social democrats. They started claiming that other cultures could do whatever the fuck they wanted and we had no right to judge them.
Yes, each country is their own murderous inverted totalitarian oligarchy. Please..... do not justify terrorist tyrants simply because you live in a different country than them.

That's what backfired on social democrats. They started claiming that other cultures could do whatever the fuck they wanted and we had no right to judge them.
Not justifying, just rationalizing
You people are a disgrace. I agree, kill the druggies. They are a burden on society. Either quit, and start being a worth while law abiding human being, or go somewhere else.

My favorite proverb: History repeats itself.

You anti-humans are too much :spinner:
A crime against humanity. Sick.

Legalize pot!!!!

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

You people are a disgrace. I agree, kill the druggies. They are a burden on society. Either quit, and start being a worth while law abiding human being, or go somewhere else.
im sorry i did not see anything backing that up.....and as with alcohol,cigarettes, and should not do it while pregnant.....its ok to fuck though.....
People love it when someone rules over them with an iron fist. Look at the high approval ratings for all of the world's dictators including Putin and Kim Jong Un. It's human nature for Filipino's to like Duterte.

Here's the problem. No one likes authority. We all know this. I don't particularly like to have my boss tell me I have to take out the trash, or build a dozen units.

But the problem is, authority is required. We have to have an Earthly authority. If we don't, then we end up like L.A. 1992.

See, what you want is, a completely benign authority. You want someone to tell everyone "obey the law, and don't rape and murder and steal", who doesn't have police, doesn't have punishment or prisons, and doesn't shoot or put people in cuffs.

Wouldn't that be great? We can all sit in the grass and smoke pot, and hold hands, and everyone will be happy and joyful and sweet.


This is what happens without an iron fist. People go crazy.

Do you know how the Cartels gained so much area in Mexico? A ton of these small towns where very much against the police being in their towns. So the police had very low presence in those areas. When the Cartels moved in, the police were being shot, and at the same time locals didn't support them. So the police pulled out, and the Cartels moved in.

Result, people got murdered, women got raped, and little girls disappeared into sex slave rings.

Do you know how these same towns started fighting back? Volunteer vigilantes. Armed with Mac10s and pistols, whenever something happens, these guys with sub-machine guns show up, and they detain EVERYONE... and they rule their little towns with an iron fist.

And if you don't do what they say, they dispense some indiscriminate justice.

This is the reality of the situation. If you don't enforce the law, then there will be no law, and everyone will suffer.

Yeah, we don't want iron fisted law, but you want law and order. Unfortunately you only get one, by having the other.

Again, I go back to Singapore. Singapore is a city-state of 5 and half million people. In a city of 5 Million, there are many years Singapore has ZERO murders. Why? Because if you commit murder, you don't go to prison... you are hung. Literally hung. They put your butt in a grave.

The irony is groups like Amnesty International, scream and yell about how horrible Singapore's death penalty is. But what they ignore is that there have been only 11 executions in the last 10 years. Many years, they have zero executions.

Why? Because they have a murder rate of 0.03 per 100,000, and often less. To compare that, Columbus Ohio has less than a million people, and we had 100 homicides last year. That's 12 per 100,000 people.

Putting murders in the ground, stops people from being murders. Especially when you actually do it in time. The last execution in Singapore was only 18 months from the deed. The last execution in the US I looked up, was 25 years after the deed.

Same is true of drug use. Singapore puts drug dealer to death. You have drugs and go to Singapore, and you swing in the breeze. When you look where Singapore is in relation to the drug hot spots of the world, they are right in the middle of the Asian drug triangle. They should be having the same problems with druggies that the Philippians has.

Instead, unlike the Philippians and all the nations around it, Singapore has a drug usage rate of under 0.0004%.

That doesn't happen by accident. It happens because you traffic drugs in Singapore, they kill your dumb butt.

This is why Singapore is rated one of, if not the absolute safest city in the world. Top tourism destinations.

There was a video some years ago, of this Singapore woman debating this dumb American broad, and the stupid chick was saying "Singapore is so tough on crime, isn't that horrible, and oppressive to the people?"

The Singaporean woman responded "and I can walk anywhere in my city... anywhere.... at any time of the day or night, all by myself, no one with me, and feel perfectly safe at all times. Can you do that in any American city?"

And the answer of course is, no. Columbus Ohio isn't exactly the crime capital of the US, and there are many places I wouldn't go with a group, at noon. I'm in Hilliard, a suburb, and there are places in Hilliard I wouldn't go.

So the bottom line is..... We need tough law enforcement. Trump is right. Duterte might be wrong on everything else, but on this he's right.

Kill the criminals. That's how you fix crime.
A crime against humanity. Sick.

Legalize pot!!!!

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

You people are a disgrace. I agree, kill the druggies. They are a burden on society. Either quit, and start being a worth while law abiding human being, or go somewhere else.
im sorry i did not see anything backing that up.....and as with alcohol,cigarettes, and should not do it while pregnant.....its ok to fuck though.....

Are you telling me, that you have been pro-druggie all this time, and don't even know that pot smoking causes all the same health effects and cigarettes, and has THC that cause damage to brain development?


Colorado doctor notices more babies born with pot in their systems

Good grief you people are stupid.


This Is What Pot Does to the Teenage Brain

These sources and many more, all fit with my own experience meeting pot smokers. All are stupid. Haven't met a smart pot smoking toker yet, on this forum or in real life.
I actually support drugs legalization.

If we want to criminalize drugs simply because it's bad, we might as well criminalize not paying tax, not earning enough money, having children without enough money.

In meritocratic society, you are responsible for your result irrelevant of whether society think the result is within your control or not.

If you smoke dope but otherwise responsible adults that create start up like Steve Jobs? Why should you be punished?

The same way if someone don't smoke dope, go to school, but fail to get rich, why should they breed?

Society doesn't know how to be successful. To each his own.

Whether drugs are dangerous or not, it's something you can talk about and let customers decide. If drugs cause negative externalities, then tax them.
A crime against humanity. Sick.

Legalize pot!!!!

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

You people are a disgrace. I agree, kill the druggies. They are a burden on society. Either quit, and start being a worth while law abiding human being, or go somewhere else.
And what defects are the babies having?
A crime against humanity. Sick.

Legalize pot!!!!

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

You people are a disgrace. I agree, kill the druggies. They are a burden on society. Either quit, and start being a worth while law abiding human being, or go somewhere else.
im sorry i did not see anything backing that up.....and as with alcohol,cigarettes, and should not do it while pregnant.....its ok to fuck though.....

Are you telling me, that you have been pro-druggie all this time, and don't even know that pot smoking causes all the same health effects and cigarettes, and has THC that cause damage to brain development?


Colorado doctor notices more babies born with pot in their systems

Good grief you people are stupid.


This Is What Pot Does to the Teenage Brain

These sources and many more, all fit with my own experience meeting pot smokers. All are stupid. Haven't met a smart pot smoking toker yet, on this forum or in real life.
I'm on the Dean's list at the college I attended and have 5 trades, received award letters from the military for graduating in the top 10 percent of electronics/electrical class..Ran my own business for 30 years.....Not bad for a guy that has been smoking weed for 37 years...For someone that does not smoke the devils flower, you sure are ignorant about those that do...
Trump has been very pro police during his campaign. That is good. Unfortunately it also means the drug war is going to keep going.
A crime against humanity. Sick.

Legalize pot!!!!

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

You people are a disgrace. I agree, kill the druggies. They are a burden on society. Either quit, and start being a worth while law abiding human being, or go somewhere else.
im sorry i did not see anything backing that up.....and as with alcohol,cigarettes, and should not do it while pregnant.....its ok to fuck though.....

Are you telling me, that you have been pro-druggie all this time, and don't even know that pot smoking causes all the same health effects and cigarettes, and has THC that cause damage to brain development?


Colorado doctor notices more babies born with pot in their systems

Good grief you people are stupid.


This Is What Pot Does to the Teenage Brain

These sources and many more, all fit with my own experience meeting pot smokers. All are stupid. Haven't met a smart pot smoking toker yet, on this forum or in real life.
you have me mixed up with someone else....i have never said i was "pro-druggie"....i am pro-decriminalization of pot.....the other stuff,no..... and when you said you have NEVER met a pot smoker with brains tells me you would not know a "normal" pot smoker even if the person told you he was one....
You know what. I start thinking that the world the way I like it, may come true. And guess what? I am quite scared but cautiously optimistic.

Trump strategy is let each countries be their own.

His only strategy is when someone congratulates him then congratulate them back and say nice things to them then pretend you meant to do it.

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