Donald Trump - Aberration or Avatar? The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on the day Trump Called in His Supporters

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
With that, they both smiled and shook hands, and Cheney answered:

"Now, look, I think that when I stood in front of my colleagues, for example, when they kicked me out of leadership, I said to them, you know, we cannot become the party of anti-Semitism and white supremacy and racism and bigotry. And if you look at the people and the symbolism that the people had who invaded the Capitol on January 6th, they had neo-Nazi insignia. The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on that day."

transcript & a quoted line or two from an article:
Colbert: Why do you think, though, for the first time in our nation’s history, the Republican Party won that race and got the first fascist dictator who could possibly take office? I’m just curious if you’ve done any self-examination of your party’s leadership over the last 20 years as to why he is not an aberration, but rather an avatar.

Cheney: I think he’s an aberration. I think–

Colbert: Really?

Cheney: Yeah, I mean, look, I think what Donald Trump has done is, first of all, he he tapped into a sense among a lot of people in this country that their voice isn’t heard. But he then lied to them and he preyed on their patriotism and told them, “You know what? I’ll speak for you.”

Colbert: But very specifically through things like racism, like “Mexicans are rapists, they’re killers. They’re here to get us.” Like, that’s a very racist ideology.

Cheney: Absolutely.

Colbert: Undermining of the media. That’s a very fascist thing to do.

Cheney: Look, there’s no question that he’s using a fascist playbook.

Colbert: Right.

Cheney: But it’s also true right now, if you want to talk about, you know, for example, the disgusting anti-Semitism that is on the rise across this country. The left has a huge problem with anti-Semitism. And what we’re seeing on our university campuses, for example, and the unwillingness to stand against it.

Colbert: I would agree that anti-Semitism is a disease that runs across all cultural boundaries, not only the United States, but across the world. What I mean by, say, undermining the media is… undercutting, sort of like roughing up the referee was a project of the right for the last 20 years or undermining public institutions.

You say that people believe that our public institutions can take the punishment that Trump will give them, and that’s why he’s not as dangerous as he should be. But, I mean, the Republican Party’s mantra has been “the government is the problem” for so many years.

Cheney: Yeah, but see, this is it’s really important in my view that we not sort of slide into saying everything the Republicans have ever done, you know, is somehow the same as what Donald Trump is doing.

Colbert: I’m not saying everything. I’m saying those are breadcrumbs.

Cheney: Yeah, but I think… You and I are just not going to agree on that. I mean, I think it’s–

Colbert: I know we’re not going to agree, but do you understand why I’m asking that question?

Cheney: Yeah, but I think you should let me answer it.

With that, they both smiled and shook hands, and Cheney answered:

Now, look, I think that when I stood in front of my colleagues, for example, when they kicked me out of leadership, I said to them, you know, we cannot become the party of anti-Semitism and white supremacy and racism and bigotry. And if you look at the people and the symbolism that the people had who invaded the Capitol on January 6th, they had neo-Nazi insignia. The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on that day.

And the Republican Party, maybe what we should say is we can debate about how we got to this point. I think the Republican Party has, people who have been in the party, have a particular duty to stand against where we are today. And I also think we all have to recognize he’s using a fascist playbook. I mean, I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. He’s taking the same steps that we have seen people all around the world take in the past.

And the challenge for us as Americans is not to say to ourselves, “Well, that can never happen here. The people who are claiming that he is, you know, going to unravel the Constitution if he’s elected again are catastrophizing.” We can’t we can’t go down that path. We have to understand this is a very real threat, and there’ll be a lot of time for us to debate how we got to this place. But right now, we have to stand together as Americans to stop him. That’s the most important thing.
Donald Trump - Aberration or Avatar? The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on the day (jan 6),Trump Called in His Supporters

I wonder what others think. Do you see Mr. Trump as an Avatar or an Aberration? Agree with Cheney's outlook, or Colbert's? Or maybe both? I find what Ms. Cheney is saying to be quite insightful and worthy of consideration to those who would dismiss her -- those on all sides.
With that, they both smiled and shook hands, and Cheney answered:

"Now, look, I think that when I stood in front of my colleagues, for example, when they kicked me out of leadership, I said to them, you know, we cannot become the party of anti-Semitism and white supremacy and racism and bigotry. And if you look at the people and the symbolism that the people had who invaded the Capitol on January 6th, they had neo-Nazi insignia. The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on that day."

transcript & a quoted line or two from an article:

Donald Trump - Aberration or Avatar? The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on the day (jan 6),Trump Called in His Supporters

I wonder what others think. Do you see Mr. Trump as an Avatar or an Aberration? Agree with Cheney's outlook, or Colbert's? Or maybe both? I find what Ms. Cheney is saying to be quite insightful and worthy of consideration to those who would dismiss her -- those on all sides.

He's an avatar. This has never been about him.

This society is sick, so sick that it's willing to sell its soul to a blatant con man.
He's an avatar. This has never been about him.

This society is sick, so sick that it's willing to sell its soul to a blatant con man.
You believe Mr. Trump is more of an avatar than he is an aberration, because it has never been about him?

Yet, how do you explain a cult-of-personality? Or do you deny that exists?
The Democrats have a hate and racism problem.

Hillary_Pinshillary confederate flaghkkh.jpg



With that, they both smiled and shook hands, and Cheney answered:

"Now, look, I think that when I stood in front of my colleagues, for example, when they kicked me out of leadership, I said to them, you know, we cannot become the party of anti-Semitism and white supremacy and racism and bigotry. And if you look at the people and the symbolism that the people had who invaded the Capitol on January 6th, they had neo-Nazi insignia. The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on that day."

transcript & a quoted line or two from an article:

Donald Trump - Aberration or Avatar? The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on the day (jan 6),Trump Called in His Supporters

I wonder what others think. Do you see Mr. Trump as an Avatar or an Aberration? Agree with Cheney's outlook, or Colbert's? Or maybe both? I find what Ms. Cheney is saying to be quite insightful and worthy of consideration to those who would dismiss her -- those on all sides.

With that, they both smiled and shook hands, and Cheney answered:

"Now, look, I think that when I stood in front of my colleagues, for example, when they kicked me out of leadership, I said to them, you know, we cannot become the party of anti-Semitism and white supremacy and racism and bigotry. And if you look at the people and the symbolism that the people had who invaded the Capitol on January 6th, they had neo-Nazi insignia. The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on that day."

transcript & a quoted line or two from an article:

Donald Trump - Aberration or Avatar? The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on the day (jan 6),Trump Called in His Supporters

I wonder what others think. Do you see Mr. Trump as an Avatar or an Aberration? Agree with Cheney's outlook, or Colbert's? Or maybe both? I find what Ms. Cheney is saying to be quite insightful and worthy of consideration to those who would dismiss her -- those on all sides.

the only nazis of late protesting are the thousands of leftists on college campuses and city streets ..
With that, they both smiled and shook hands, and Cheney answered:

"Now, look, I think that when I stood in front of my colleagues, for example, when they kicked me out of leadership, I said to them, you know, we cannot become the party of anti-Semitism and white supremacy and racism and bigotry. And if you look at the people and the symbolism that the people had who invaded the Capitol on January 6th, they had neo-Nazi insignia. The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on that day."

transcript & a quoted line or two from an article:

Donald Trump - Aberration or Avatar? The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on the day (jan 6),Trump Called in His Supporters

I wonder what others think. Do you see Mr. Trump as an Avatar or an Aberration? Agree with Cheney's outlook, or Colbert's? Or maybe both? I find what Ms. Cheney is saying to be quite insightful and worthy of consideration to those who would dismiss her -- those on all sides.

the closest thing in literature i can find to trump is in asimov's "foundation." the mule, who ruled the galaxy through mind comtrol, was a genetic anomaly
the closest thing in literature i can find to trump is in asimov's "foundation." the mule, who ruled the galaxy through mind comtrol, was a genetic anomaly

The Mule (269-306 FE) was a powerful mentalic mutant, warlord, and conqueror who posed the greatest threat to the Seldon Plan. His acute telepathic ability to modify the emotions of human beings derailed one of the basic assumptions of Hari Seldon's psychohistory - that, in general, the responses of human populations to given stimuli will remain the same.

With that, they both smiled and shook hands, and Cheney answered:

"Now, look, I think that when I stood in front of my colleagues, for example, when they kicked me out of leadership, I said to them, you know, we cannot become the party of anti-Semitism and white supremacy and racism and bigotry. And if you look at the people and the symbolism that the people had who invaded the Capitol on January 6th, they had neo-Nazi insignia. The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on that day."

transcript & a quoted line or two from an article:

Donald Trump - Aberration or Avatar? The Confederate flag flew for the first time inside the Capitol on the day (jan 6),Trump Called in His Supporters

I wonder what others think. Do you see Mr. Trump as an Avatar or an Aberration? Agree with Cheney's outlook, or Colbert's? Or maybe both? I find what Ms. Cheney is saying to be quite insightful and worthy of consideration to those who would dismiss her -- those on all sides.

Neo-Nazi symbols? Yea right.

The Confederate Flag never flew at the Capitol.

You people are so full of shit, and really desperate. Biden is losing in the polls and you know the only way to beat Trump is by slander and stealing elections.

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