Donald Trump appears to blame mass shootings on 'broken homes' and 'bad behaviour' at school

Hey Donny, we have broken homes and bad behaviour over here as well. Think again dopey.

Hey jerkoff, he's offering a lot more than YOU. He is offering more than the Uvalde police. He is offering more than Chuckie Schumer. Instead of blaming a couple of pounds of inanimate steel, at least he is getting at the TRUTH.

The problem is the kids and the woke schools themselves, and with leftist idiots like yourself.

BTW, get off your dumb kick that just because something works on your tiny island of beaten defeated merseytown goofs, that it would work in the USA.
It doesn't.
So, why did republicans cut their budget?

February 19 2019
Republican state representatives in Iowa on Tuesday advanced legislation that seeks to mandate funding and budget cuts for schools .

March 11 2019
The Trump administration is looking to decrease the Education Department’s funding by $7.1 billion compared to what it was given last year, as part of next year’s proposed budget.

The budget proposal suggests eliminating 29 programs, including after-school and summer programs for students in high-poverty areas, among other things.

February 20 2022
Today, House Republicans announced their amendments to Governor Northam’s proposed budget for the 2022 session. Unlike the historic budget proposed by Governor Northam, the House budget plan decimates funding for public schools and will leave our students behind.

n their first effort to gut public school funding, House Republicans siphoned $150 million away from local school divisions to fund their “laboratory school” legislation, which is nothing but a poorly disguised vehicle for charter schools.

Next, they cut millions of dollars in funding for early childhood education, stripping our children of much-needed support—setting them up for failure. This is a major blow to children across the commonwealth and it will have lasting negative impacts.

Finally, in perhaps the most alarming and least surprising blow to public education, House Republicans slashed funding for long-overdue raises for our hard-working teachers. Virginia has consistently ranked as the worst, or one of the worst, states in the nation for teacher pay, and House Republicans have chosen to turn a blind eye at a time when teachers are overwhelmed and leaving the profession at alarming rates


It doesn't....................if only it wasn't republican BS.
"Repeal the 2nd amendment"?

That's impossible, but that doesn't prevent nut jobs from regurgitating the lie, especially now.
No politicians could repeal ANY amendment today, nor pass one.
Quite simply, paying for education isn’t a federal responsibility and is banned by the Tenth Amendment. All funding should be cut. The state and local governments should bear educational costs.
I see that he now wants money going to Ukraine to be diverted to making schools safe.. That must make his master Putin very happy.

It also begs the question why he didnt do it when he was acting as President.

Why didnt he do that ? Why didnt he do anything ?
AMERICAN schools should take precedence over a corrupt country fleecing us out of more money. Schumer blocked a bi-partisan school security bill. You leftards don’t give a shit about schools or kids unless you can use them as pawns. Alive or dead.
It’s the Trump Crime Organization.
What crimes? The ones you made up and can't prove?

And conservatives want Trump to be president again.
I'll take $1.70 gas, plentiful, cheap food, stocked shelves, closed borders, low crime and no wars any day over that child-grabbing perverted piece of shit senile grifter YOU elected.
The culture has changed since we were young. All my cousins, brothers and my husband used to hunt. My kids played outdoors unsupervised and in the summer rode their bicycles until dark.

We can strengthen background checks although gun people call that government interference. We can limit how many guns and ammunition people can buy and what kind of guns are legal.
So, your answer to a changing culture is to limit guns? That's a bandaid. How about eliminating relative morality? How about not confusing our children as to what born sex they are? How about stop claiming America is racist? How about a return to objective morals? How about elevating fatherhood instead of championing abortion? What's amazing to me, is you don't seem to have a clue why the culture in America has changed. Your answer is a political one, limit guns. We had guns back then too yet none of the shit that is going on today.
August 5 2019
President Donald Trump responded to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings by insisting Monday that “mental illness pulls the trigger not the gun,” but shortly after taking office he quietly rolled back an Obama-era regulation that would have made it harder for people with mental illness to buy guns.

Trump did so without any fanfare. In fact, the news that Trump had signed the bill was at the bottom of a White House email that alerted the media to other legislation signed by the president.

And it came after the House and Senate, both of which were Republican-controlled at the time, passed a bill, H.J. Res 40, which revoked the Obama-era regulation.

"It has been the NRA’s long-standing position that those who have been adjudicated as a danger to themselves or others should not have access to firearms and should be admitted for treatment," it said.

But two years ago, the NRA insisted the Obama rule infringed on Second Amendment rights to buy guns, even though the regulation specifically targeted people who were diagnosed with mental illness.
Well dumbfuck, the background check would turn that up anyway, if the morons at the federal level actually did their jobs and kept databases updated. So your pathetic whining about Trump just makes you look, well, pathetic.
So, your answer to a changing culture is to limit guns? That's a bandaid. How about eliminating relative morality? How about not confusing our children as to what born sex they are? How about stop claiming America is racist? How about a return to objective morals? How about elevating fatherhood instead of championing abortion?
Get off your high horse. I have nothing to do with any of those things. Children are being murdered and your gun rights are more important.
And as much of a liar.

Armed female bystander kills man firing at party in West Virginia​

A US woman has fatally shot a man who opened fire on a crowd of people with a semi-automatic rifle in Charleston, West Virginia.
Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.
Police spokesman Tony Hazelett said the woman's quick reaction saved lives and may have prevented a mass shooting.
It comes amid a national debate over guns after a school shooting in Texas.
Butler had driven by the area earlier on Wednesday evening when he was warned to slow down because children were playing.
He returned armed with an AR-15-type rifle and opened fire from his vehicle on the birthday-graduation party outside the apartment complex in the city.

Talk about a liar. Are you paid to lie? Or are you just a true believer?

So much about your lie of the good guy with a gun is a myth....

Trump called out the dead children's names with a gong after each one. He mispronounced their names... And then he went dancing.

And Obozo went golfing after giving a bullshit statement after an American got beheaded by one of his beloved terrorists. He couldn’t even be bothered to change out of his golf attire to given his meaningless statement. Touché.
Get off your high horse. I have nothing to do with any of those things. Children are being murdered and your gun rights are more important.
High horse? How about YOU get off YOUR high horse of gun confiscation? You call advocating for objective morals and values talking from a high horse, you don't seem to have a clue here. Guess you'd rather go along with this relative morality and scream about gun confiscation as a cure. We see from areas with strict gun control more crime. You must be blind.
High horse? How about YOU get off YOUR high horse of gun confiscation? You call advocating for objective morals and values talking from a high horse, you don't seem to have a clue here. Guess you'd rather go along with this relative morality and scream about gun confiscation as a cure. We see from areas with strict gun control more crime. You must be blind.
You consider yourself moral?

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