Donald Trump attacks conservative Republicans


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
Weren't you guys applauding the Freedom Caucus for striking down Obamacare lite? If they weren't planning on hijacking tax reform before, then they are definitely planning on it now.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
That's it? That's an attack?

Yes, that is an attack! The cultist narrative over the past few days has been to attack Paul Ryan and applaud the Freedom caucus for sinking the terrible legislation. Now Donald Trump is blasting the Freedom Caucus for striking down the bill he endorsed.

Trump supporters need to decide whether they are going to side with Donald Trump or conservative Republicans, because there is no pretending at this point that they are not opposed to each other.
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That's it? That's an attack?

Yes, that is an attack! The cultist narrative over the past few days has been to attack Paul Ryan and applaud the Freedom caucus for sinking the terrible legislation. Now Donald Trump is blasting the Freedom Caucus for striking down the bill he endorsed.

Trump supporters need to decide whether they are going to side with Donald Trump or conservative Republicans, because there is no pretending that they were not opposed to each other during this healthcare catastrophe.
He also tweeted for everyone to watch Jeanine Pirro last night because she was calling for Paul Ryan to step down as speaker. Trump seems to love making enemies. Bigly.
Apparently Donald Trump is also starting shit with the conservative Heritage foundation.
I like Paul Ryan. I sometimes hate his policies, but he's smart and how he ended up proposing such a bad plan is beyond me. He at least tries to be reasonable as Speaker, so I shudder to think what Nazi they would replace him with. Having another crackpot like Pelosi will only make things worse.
I like Paul Ryan. I sometimes hate his policies, but he's smart and how he ended up proposing such a bad plan is beyond me. He at least tries to be reasonable as Speaker, so I shudder to think what Nazi they would replace him with. Having another crackpot like Pelosi will only make things worse.
Remember, no one is more Nazi than dithering careerist, centre righties.
I like Paul Ryan. I sometimes hate his policies, but he's smart and how he ended up proposing such a bad plan is beyond me.

Paul Ryan didn't write this bill alone, and no one forced Donald Trump to endorse it. This was Trumpcare 100%
I like Paul Ryan. I sometimes hate his policies, but he's smart and how he ended up proposing such a bad plan is beyond me. He at least tries to be reasonable as Speaker, so I shudder to think what Nazi they would replace him with. Having another crackpot like Pelosi will only make things worse.
Remember, no one is more Nazi than dithering careerist, centre righties.
I dunno. I like reasonable and the older I get, the more the center seems reasonable to me.
I like Paul Ryan. I sometimes hate his policies, but he's smart and how he ended up proposing such a bad plan is beyond me. He at least tries to be reasonable as Speaker, so I shudder to think what Nazi they would replace him with. Having another crackpot like Pelosi will only make things worse.
Remember, no one is more Nazi than dithering careerist, centre righties.
I dunno. I like reasonable and the older I get, the more the center seems reasonable to me.
The centre left is reasonable.
That's it? That's an attack?

Yes, that is an attack! The cultist narrative over the past few days has been to attack Paul Ryan and applaud the Freedom caucus for sinking the terrible legislation. Now Donald Trump is blasting the Freedom Caucus for striking down the bill he endorsed.

Trump supporters need to decide whether they are going to side with Donald Trump or conservative Republicans, because there is no pretending that they were not opposed to each other during this healthcare catastrophe.
He also tweeted for everyone to watch Jeanine Pirro last night because she was calling for Paul Ryan to step down as speaker. Trump seems to love making enemies. Bigly.

I don't think Trump and Ryan have ever been pals
That's it? That's an attack?

Yes, that is an attack! The cultist narrative over the past few days has been to attack Paul Ryan and applaud the Freedom caucus for sinking the terrible legislation. Now Donald Trump is blasting the Freedom Caucus for striking down the bill he endorsed.

Trump supporters need to decide whether they are going to side with Donald Trump or conservative Republicans, because there is no pretending that they were not opposed to each other during this healthcare catastrophe.
He also tweeted for everyone to watch Jeanine Pirro last night because she was calling for Paul Ryan to step down as speaker. Trump seems to love making enemies. Bigly.

I don't think Trump and Ryan have ever been pals
Nope. And now, I don't think Trump has any interest in ever getting any legislation passed.
That's it? That's an attack?

Yes, that is an attack! The cultist narrative over the past few days has been to attack Paul Ryan and applaud the Freedom caucus for sinking the terrible legislation. Now Donald Trump is blasting the Freedom Caucus for striking down the bill he endorsed.

Trump supporters need to decide whether they are going to side with Donald Trump or conservative Republicans, because there is no pretending at this point that they are not opposed to each other.
You still have your obamacare, what are you whining about?
Trump is not a real GOP leader . He's more a 3rd party. He spent all of last year bashing all these people that he now wants to work with . Well good luck with that ! Pols hold grudges .
I'll betcha there are people in the Democratic Party watching this with interest, and maybe a little more open to talking with Trump than before.

The "Freedom" Caucus could end up exercising their Second Amendment rights to shoot themselves and the GOP square in the foot.
The sad truth is that Trump is running out of new groups to insult. He has barely begun on the far Right, but it is coming. The word is already out that he no longer feels beholden to them. After all, he has Pence. He feels like the Right betrayed him, and he will not seek their help on taxes. That will be, yet, another blunder on Trump's part. He was going to justify the tax cut by the trillion dollars that he was going to save after repealing Obamacare (on the backs of the poor, uninsured American citizens). He no longer has that card to play, and the Koch brothers, Walmart, and the automobile industry are going to oppose him on border taxes. he may get a tax cut, but nothing like what he was promising. Trump has always been a lonely man, but he is about to get a lot lonelier.
if Chump thought healthcare was complicated just wait until he gets a big bite of tax reform .. the longer he chews it the bigger it gets.

Its obvious he's unable to rally the party together and get a bill through the House so he better keep Ryan around so he will have someone to blame for being a weak ass President.
If Trump thinks some Ds will work with him, he's lost his mind.

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