Donald Trump Called to Jury Duty in Manhattan

Sounds to me like T-Rump has already disqualified himself from jury duty with all of the bigotry he has shown to date.

No prosecutor is going to want T-Rump because he will probably end up biasing the jury and providing the defense with legitimate grounds for an appeal.

That is assuming that there won't be a mistrial because T-Rump can't keep his mouth shut for long enough to actually let anyone else hear the evidence.
Doubtful. I'm seeing civic duty for thee but not for me here. He ignored five previous summonses since 2006 and was fined $250.00 Someone who avoids service for 9 years should pay more than that or you would think.
All sorts of people are exempt from jury duty such as Police Officers, prison guards and active duty Military. Wouldn't you think they would give an exemption to a guy who is running for president?

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