Donald Trump, Class Clown


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
There is no doubt that Trump is demanding all the attention in the Republican party. Like the Class Clown, he makes more noise and draws more attention than the other students. When other students try to speak he interrupts them and mocks them
The other students may have done their homework and come prepared for class but it is the Class Clown who draws the teachers attention and monopolizes classroom time

But the act of the Class Clown eventually wears thin. People grow tired of the circus and eventually just tune him out. The Class Clown never gets elected Class spite of his antics, it is generally the student who has studied and is prepared that wins in the end


Well for a class clown he's doing pretty damned good.

Guess Hilbat should get the face paint and have a go. It will probably get everyone's mind off her e-mail scandal and the fact that she would suck at POTUS.
There is no doubt that Trump is demanding all the attention in the Republican party. Like the Class Clown, he makes more noise and draws more attention than the other students. When other students try to speak he interrupts them and mocks them
The other students may have done their homework and come prepared for class but it is the Class Clown who draws the teachers attention and monopolizes classroom time
TRANSLATION: We leftist fanatics are horrified that someone isn't knuckling under to our bullying, tired stereotypes, and censorship of opposing views (camouflaged with the term "Political Correctness"). Trump isn't bending meekly and kowtowing to the meme we have been setting up for years like all the other Republicans have been, and we can't figure out what to do about it! We're in danger of losing all the progress we've made against conservatism and common sense. People can't be allowed to run the country bravely like real men.

All we can think to do, is to avoid addressing what he said and how positively people are responding to him, and pretend he's an irrelevant piece of fluff. Maybe we can get someone to believe that, somewhere. Addressing him honestly would be the death of us politically, so all we can do is lie about him as we always do.
Well for a class clown he's doing pretty damned good.

Guess Hilbat should get the face paint and have a go. It will probably get everyone's mind off her e-mail scandal and the fact that she would suck at POTUS.

Hillary doesn't have enough paint on her face already?

Or is that egg?

Well for a class clown he's doing pretty damned good.

Guess Hilbat should get the face paint and have a go. It will probably get everyone's mind off her e-mail scandal and the fact that she would suck at POTUS.

Class Clowns are good at getting atttention

But they never make it to Class President
There is no doubt that Trump is demanding all the attention in the Republican party. Like the Class Clown, he makes more noise and draws more attention than the other students. When other students try to speak he interrupts them and mocks them
The other students may have done their homework and come prepared for class but it is the Class Clown who draws the teachers attention and monopolizes classroom time
TRANSLATION: We leftist fanatics are horrified that someone isn't knuckling under to our bullying, tired stereotypes, and censorship of opposing views (camouflaged with the term "Political Correctness"). Trump isn't bending meekly and kowtowing to the meme we have been setting up for years like all the other Republicans have been, and we can't figure out what to do about it! We're in danger of losing all the progress we've made against conservatism and common sense. People can't be allowed to run the country bravely like real men.

All we can think to do, is to avoid addressing what he said and how positively people are responding to him, and pretend he's an irrelevant piece of fluff. Maybe we can get someone to believe that, somewhere. Addressing him honestly would be the death of us politically, so all we can do is lie about him as we always do.

Birther.....Nuff said
Well for a class clown he's doing pretty damned good.

Guess Hilbat should get the face paint and have a go. It will probably get everyone's mind off her e-mail scandal and the fact that she would suck at POTUS.

Class Clowns are good at getting atttention

But they never make it to Class President

Yeah some do.

I have a good friend who was the "class clown" and she graduated with a 4.0 average from college.

She was hired by Phizer right out of college and worked for them for twenty years and is now retired. Not bad for a woman in her forties who was the class clown.

She was the kind of gal who could make anyone laugh and was one hell of a cut up.
Well for a class clown he's doing pretty damned good.

Guess Hilbat should get the face paint and have a go. It will probably get everyone's mind off her e-mail scandal and the fact that she would suck at POTUS.

Class Clowns are good at getting atttention

But they never make it to Class President
Funny you mentioned "Class Clown".

Trump transferred to the New York Military Academy in eighth grade after attending Kew-Forest, a prep school in Queens, where he was apparently a rowdy and rebellious student. In one story contained in the biography, he recalls giving a teacher there a black eye "because I didn't think he knew anything about music

Election 2016: Donald Trump compares military school to service in biography
Summer of Trump is over. Summer is for trends and fads. People will start paying more attention to politics now. Trump has already leveled out. He has recently been booed and his competition are rising in the polls. The evasive speaking methods like the one he used explaining his Fiorina insult will not work anymore.
Like any Class Clown, Trump is good at trying to weasel out an explanation when he is challenged for bad behavior

I actually said "some" Mexicans are good people
I didn't say McCain was not a war hero because he was a POW
I meant Meygn Kelly was bleeding out her "ear"
I wasn't talking about Carley Fiorinas "face", I meant face of the party
Well for a class clown he's doing pretty damned good.

Guess Hilbat should get the face paint and have a go. It will probably get everyone's mind off her e-mail scandal and the fact that she would suck at POTUS.

I bet Claudette is like an old painting, peel off the first layer and there is a whole new painting underneath.
There is no doubt that Trump is demanding all the attention in the Republican party. Like the Class Clown, he makes more noise and draws more attention than the other students. When other students try to speak he interrupts them and mocks them
The other students may have done their homework and come prepared for class but it is the Class Clown who draws the teachers attention and monopolizes classroom time

But the act of the Class Clown eventually wears thin. People grow tired of the circus and eventually just tune him out. The Class Clown never gets elected Class spite of his antics, it is generally the student who has studied and is prepared that wins in the end


As if not arrogant enough already, reports of his dominating the polls has made him so arrogant, IMO, that he is 'going wild', believing he is SO popular and SUCH a 'shoe in' that he can be as UN-Presidential as he wants without worry. For examples, recently, he made fun of Fiorina's look and in an attack on Carson he said he was (probably) an 'ok' surgeon. These are un-called for, very un-Presidential, and in some cases just 'stupid'. I am, in the back of my mind...and only slightly, wondering if he isn't TRYING to be so 'radical' that he fails to capture the GOP nomination, runs as a 3rd party, and helps the Liberals/Hillary to win?!
Well for a class clown he's doing pretty damned good.

Guess Hilbat should get the face paint and have a go. It will probably get everyone's mind off her e-mail scandal and the fact that she would suck at POTUS.

I bet Claudette is like an old painting, peel off the first layer and there is a whole new painting underneath.

I know you're like an old painting. Peel off the top layer and there will be nothing left.
Reality TV star as Presidential candidate= Class Clown
Asshole and plain ol snotty old bitch, Hildabeast for POTUS.

Wonder if voters will like the Class Clown or the old bitch??
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Well for a class clown he's doing pretty damned good.

Guess Hilbat should get the face paint and have a go. It will probably get everyone's mind off her e-mail scandal and the fact that she would suck at POTUS.

I bet Claudette is like an old painting, peel off the first layer and there is a whole new painting underneath.

I know you're like an old painting. Peel off the top layer and there will be nothing left.

You should make a point of keeping all your old pillowcases Claudette, you know, the ones where you forgot to remove your makeup the night before and woke with a clown imprint on your pillow. They might be worth something one day.
Like any Class Clown, Trump is good at trying to weasel out an explanation when he is challenged for bad behavior

I actually said "some" Mexicans are good people
I didn't say McCain was not a war hero because he was a POW
I meant Meygn Kelly was bleeding out her "ear"
I wasn't talking about Carley Fiorinas "face", I meant face of the party


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