Donald Trump embarrasses the USA in Belgium

Donald Trump embarrasses the USA in Belgium

My God, what a joke the U.S. has become. We are now no better than Italy with the Bunga Bunga parties and any backward African country with a crazy dictator.

Trump and Trumpist voters have
successfully ended American "exceptionalism" forever.

Even our closest ally, Great Britain will no longer share intelligence with us. They can’t trust the USA under Trump as was reported today. Click the link, read the stories Trump supporters; and pull your head out of the sand, or wherever your head is stuck. I'm sure somehow Trump and his supporters will try to blame anyone but themselves. That is how narcissists operate, they are always the victims and never take responsibility for their own actions.

This man and his administration are dangerously incompetent. I just don’t see how isolating the USA from the World and making the World a more dangerous place is making America Great? Trump is in Brussels, Belgium, a place he once called a Hellhole and is making a fool of himself and scaring our allies.

Hear that
Perhaps he should pull an "obama" and go over there and kiss all there asses and apologize.

Being civil, perceptive, discreet, polite, poised, skilled with people skills and diplomatic was not and never was ass kissing. He may have apologized, and giving the hate expressed by the New Right toward Europe (and support for Russia) maybe an apology is due from our home grown idiot fringe and its leader Donald Trump.
----------------------------------------------- all YOUR opinion and your people skills is really azz kissing from my American perspective . Just let the euros get their nato money issues under control . Trump did very well from my American point of view WCathcer !!
yeah , just do some 'euro' travel , eat some pastry , try to cultivate a fake fureign accent eh WryCatcher . USA is the best nation on Gods good green earth WCatcher
Donald Trump embarrasses the USA in Belgium
No one respects the pussy grabber. He's an international joke.

Bottom line, I'm sure many leaders better identified with Obama because he fit in with their agenda of maintaining the status quo. Did Trump ever say he grabbed pussies? I thought he just said they would LET YOU. Either way, no matter, I would rather grab a pussy than wipe a hard drive with a cloth. In the matter of embarrassment, it is not Trump nor the U.S. but Belgium, NATO and much of Europe which is the real embarrassment for which we need not apologize. They do little other than sit by and watch their own economies wither while their native populations dwindle away to be replaced by hostile foreign invaders. As to Angela Merkel, I don't want her back, her front or any other part of her!
Donald Trump embarrasses the USA in Belgium

My God, what a joke the U.S. has become. We are now no better than Italy with the Bunga Bunga parties and any backward African country with a crazy dictator.

Trump and Trumpist voters have
successfully ended American "exceptionalism" forever.

Even our closest ally, Great Britain will no longer share intelligence with us. They can’t trust the USA under Trump as was reported today. Click the link, read the stories Trump supporters; and pull your head out of the sand, or wherever your head is stuck. I'm sure somehow Trump and his supporters will try to blame anyone but themselves. That is how narcissists operate, they are always the victims and never take responsibility for their own actions.

This man and his administration are dangerously incompetent. I just don’t see how isolating the USA from the World and making the World a more dangerous place is making America Great? Trump is in Brussels, Belgium, a place he once called a Hellhole and is making a fool of himself and scaring our allies.

Hear that
Perhaps he should pull an "obama" and go over there and kiss all there asses and apologize.

Being civil, perceptive, discreet, polite, poised, skilled with people skills and diplomatic was not and never was ass kissing. He may have apologized, and giving the hate expressed by the New Right toward Europe (and support for Russia) maybe an apology is due from our home grown idiot fringe and its leader Donald Trump.
----------------------------------------------- all YOUR opinion and your people skills is really azz kissing from my American perspective . Just let the euros get their nato money issues under control . Trump did very well from my American point of view WCathcer !!

From MY AMERICAN perspective, as a US Navy Vet, Trump is a cancer on what our Country has been, and will be again, once Trump vacates the Oval Office, and takes his billionaire Administration with him.
Donald Trump embarrasses the USA in Belgium

My God, what a joke the U.S. has become. We are now no better than Italy with the Bunga Bunga parties and any backward African country with a crazy dictator.

Trump and Trumpist voters have
successfully ended American "exceptionalism" forever.

Even our closest ally, Great Britain will no longer share intelligence with us. They can’t trust the USA under Trump as was reported today. Click the link, read the stories Trump supporters; and pull your head out of the sand, or wherever your head is stuck. I'm sure somehow Trump and his supporters will try to blame anyone but themselves. That is how narcissists operate, they are always the victims and never take responsibility for their own actions.

This man and his administration are dangerously incompetent. I just don’t see how isolating the USA from the World and making the World a more dangerous place is making America Great? Trump is in Brussels, Belgium, a place he once called a Hellhole and is making a fool of himself and scaring our allies.

Hear that
Perhaps he should pull an "obama" and go over there and kiss all there asses and apologize.

Being civil, perceptive, discreet, polite, poised, skilled with people skills and diplomatic was not and never was ass kissing. He may have apologized, and giving the hate expressed by the New Right toward Europe (and support for Russia) maybe an apology is due from our home grown idiot fringe and its leader Donald Trump.
----------------------------------------------- all YOUR opinion and your people skills is really azz kissing from my American perspective . Just let the euros get their nato money issues under control . Trump did very well from my American point of view WCathcer !!

From MY AMERICAN perspective, as a US Navy Vet, Trump is a cancer on what our Country has been, and will be again, once Trump vacates the Oval Office, and takes his billionaire Administration with him.
------------------------------ liberal or conservative Navy Vet is no big deal . You were paid for being in the Navy on payday . This USA is supposed to be run by Americans and not some special gaggle of retired or active government employees WryCatcher .
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From MY AMERICAN perspective, as a US Navy Vet, Trump is a cancer on what our Country has been

Well, I may not agree with all your views, Wry, but I thank you for your service! As to what our country has been, I wonder in recent years if it has been only great things and maybe it might not be a good thing rather than a "cancer" to make just a few changes . . . .
do you wear your / or a VETERAN baseball cap out on the streets WryCatcher ??
From MY AMERICAN perspective, as a US Navy Vet, Trump is a cancer on what our Country has been

Well, I may not agree with all your views, Wry, but I thank you for your service! As to what our country has been, I wonder in recent years if it has been only great things and maybe it might not be a good thing rather than a "cancer" to make just a few changes . . . .

Change is inevitable, but as Mr. Jefferson wrote years ago, "... Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"

Consider if you will, the Government Mr. Jefferson rebelled against was Authoritarian, and in my not so humble opinion, Trump has proved to be just that. Worse, he is not thoughtful, does not consider his remarks or the consequences of his EO's, and he has surrounded himself - and listens too - obsequious yes men and women.

Trust can be lost in a moment, and Trump lost that weeks and weeks ago. Once trust is lost, it is never fully recovered; once again we will quote Mr. Jefferson: "... Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Many Trump supporters will suffer from his failed promises, especially the repeal and/or replacement of the ACA, if the changes Ryan and the H. of Rep. passed recently are supported by the Senate. It appears that the common men and women who voted for the Republicans have sent their representative in the House a message, and the message is being ignored.
everybody was a Veteran when i was growing up . That includes Dad , Uncles , teachers , neighbors , cops , doctors , just everybody . [i have one Uncle buried somewhere in France] . I even knew a gas station owner that climbed the cliffs at 'point du hoc' but i didn't know what that was but he and my Dad were friends . Anyway , none of them made any big deal about it because all they had done was enlist as kids to fight a war that needed fighting . Then they returned home to get married , get jobs and support the wife and kids WryCatcher !!
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I suspect you don't understand American exceptionalism nor ever believed in it
everybody was a Veteran when i was growing up . That includes Dad , Uncles , teachers , neighbors , cops , doctors , just everybody . [i have one Uncle buried somewhere in France] . I even knew a gas station owner that climbed the cliffs at 'point du hoc' but i didn't know what that was but he and my Dad were friends . Anyway , none of them made any big deal about it because all they had done was enlist as kids to fight a war that needed fighting . Then they returned home to get married , get jobs and support the wife and kids WryCatcher !!
--------------------------- because , if addressing me , my post just above is American Exceptionalism by Americas Greatest Generation Avatar .
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Q. Which one of Trump's lies has had the most negative impact on the United States

A. "Believe me"

So, you don't support the idea of our NATO allies actually meeting their obligation to pay a reasonable share of their own defense?

Not in the manner Trump did; he has no tact. In no specific order he is impolite, careless, reckless, foolish, uncivil, unmannerly, indiscreet and thoughtless. Those maybe his best features.

BTW, when you go to to look up "tact", do so in their thesaurus, and then look up "Staw Man" and learn that using wet straw and clothing it in a fire proof suit is ineffective.

THe US is blessed two oceans that put great distance between US and our enemies.

Our allies in Europe have always been closer to our enemies, and thus more at risk.

Yet, we are constantly the ones urging them to spend more on their defense so that we can DETER aggression so that THEIR NATIONS do not become bloody battlefields.

THey are more at risk, yet we have to push them to defend themselves.

One of Trump's main campaign themes was reducing tension with Russia.

Despite the fact that they are far closer to Russia than US, and thus far more at risk, AND refuse to fund their defense to a reasonable level,

These Europeans have attacked Trump for wanting peace with Russia.

They undermine his attempts at reducing tensions while refusing to pay for their own defense,

Yet, American liberals attack Trump for not being "diplomatic" or "tactful" in expressing his displeasure at their behavior....

Not the leaders that refuse to pay to protect their citizens, while attacking the would be peace maker.

Oh, did I mention that the Europeans leaders have put Putin in charge of the winter heating? THey decided to make themselves dependent on the man they have been waging diplomatic and economic war on,

while refusing to fund their militaries.

The European Leadership are the ones that are reckless and foolish children.

Trump is the only grownup in the fucking room.

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