Donald Trump failed 41% of all businesses he started

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Apr 10, 2018
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.
When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "
I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.
They Did Not Give Up
Michael Jordan, considered one of the greatest basketball players of all time; his brief bio on he is described as ‘single-handedly redefining the NBA superstar’ and yet to get there he openly admits to failing more than most. In a famous ad campaign launched by ‘Nike’, Michael is quoted as saying he has:

  • Lost almost 300 games (that’s more games than many NBA players have court time in)
  • Missed over 9000 shots at goal (again more shots than an average NBA player even takes)
  • 26 times he was given the ball to take the game winning shot and MISSED
Jordan goes on to say the reason he has succeeded boils down to his constantly failure and used failure as motivation to shoot for success. In other words Jordan viewed failures as stepping stones towards success; his shooting average was just below 50% so to score he would have to take two shots, one to fail the other to score.
How Michael Jordan and Thomas Edison Failed Their Way Forward
How many businesses have you started?

Myself 3. 2 failed and my current one has been going strong for almost 30 years.

That is a terrible failure rate but if ask any of the people who I employ or the homeowners who's homes I remodel if that makes any difference they will tell you no.

By the way you just joined and I can already see the future with you. Try to be less obvious
Once again cash for everybody?

Successful people have many failures, then eventually become winners, through learning from past mistakes. Looks like he has a higher percentage of success than failure, according to your figure.
How many businesses have you started?

Myself 3. 2 failed and my current one has been going strong for almost 30 years.

That is a terrible failure rate but if ask any of the people who I employ or the homeowners who's homes I remodel if that makes any difference they will tell you no.

By the way you just joined and I can already see the future with you. Try to be less obvious
Its a sock. Its some retarded asian kid that needs to lose his virginity
So he succeeded in 59% of all businesses he started?

How does that compare with your record?

I bet you are a Billionaire by now, just like he is.

I bet you could fund your own campaign and only take $1 for your salary if Elected President?

Show us your tax returns!
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.
When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "
I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.
They Did Not Give Up

Actually, Edison didn't even do that much. He did not invent the light bulb. Others had already made them, all Edison did was experiment until he found a filament type and design that burned long enough to make it a commercially viable product to sell commercially. Edison was only after the money. And the greatest irony? The bulb found its greatest application in the AC system that he had bitterly opposed.
If 41% failed that would mean that 59% were successful.

He could make the MLB Hall of Fame hitting that.

A Pro Baseball Player makes the Hall by failing 70% of the
time. (.300 gets you in the Hall)
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

Hey many businesses have you started? Stick with something you know like how to wipe the Borscht off your chin.
Liberals are far more impressed with Obama who never failed at anything in the private sector. You can't fail as a Community Organizer since no one knows what you are supposed to be doing.
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.
When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "
I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.
They Did Not Give Up

Actually, Edison didn't even do that much. He did not invent the light bulb. Others had already made them, all Edison did was experiment until he found a filament type and design that burned long enough to make it a commercially viable product to sell commercially. Edison was only after the money. And the greatest irony? The bulb found its greatest application in the AC system that he had bitterly opposed.

Don't believe a WORD you write. Is it so hard to provide a link? To substantiate? Too many times people write shit that they don't really understand!
Give me the links and then I might believe you!
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.
When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "
I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.
They Did Not Give Up

Actually, Edison didn't even do that much. He did not invent the light bulb. Others had already made them, all Edison did was experiment until he found a filament type and design that burned long enough to make it a commercially viable product to sell commercially. Edison was only after the money. And the greatest irony? The bulb found its greatest application in the AC system that he had bitterly opposed.

Don't believe a WORD you write. Is it so hard to provide a link? To substantiate? Too many times people write shit that they don't really understand!
Give me the links and then I might believe you!
You simply don't know a source of knowledge when you read it, that's why you'll always be stupid.
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