Donald Trump got his mojo back this week! (It was simply on vacation in Mexico!)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Shortly after the second Republican debate, the consensus began to form: Donald Trump was sinking. In the weeks after the debate, Politico said that Trump's performance during the debate had "taken its toll" on his poll numbers. The Washington Post said that the reality television star's "slide in the polls was beginning to look real." Business Insider, in the interest of full transparency, wrote in covering a poll that Trump's lead had "virtually evaporated."

Trump immediately decried the emerging media narrative, painting the reports as dishonest. "It's dishonest reporting and — let me change it — it's knowingly dishonest," Trump told Business Insider. "Because the polls speak for themselves. I'm up. Check out Zogby. Check out Reuters — the Reuters — what do they call that? The Reuters average. Even The Huffington Post. Check all of them." Less than a week before the next debate, it appears that Trump may, for the moment, have been right. He's far from done — in fact, in most places this week, he seems to only be getting stronger.

The real-estate magnate has regained his significant leads in several national polls. An ABC survey this week showed that Trump has 32% support among likely Republican voters, 10 points higher than his closest rival, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. Trump also topped 25% support in this week's Wall Street Journal poll, up from 21% in September. And so, despite predictions upon predictions of Trump's demise, the campaign has continued to roar ahead. He has now spent more than 100 days atop the national Republican polling average, surprising and confounding analysts with his ability to deflect controversies and his ability to convince Republican voters of the seriousness of his message.

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And for the Queers, and BTGL clan.....


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