Donald Trump: great president...or the greatest president?

rambo and smoke if you think this pos trump is qualified to be a door man at the WH much less president you're both sick mfers
Ronald Reagan would punch Trump in his fat orange face for what he has done
That is ridiculous....and untrue....besides what has Trump done but to reverse everything Obama had done?.....I'm sure you don't like it being a big nasty government fan but Reagan sure would approve.....



Trump averaged 15 lies a day in 2018, triple his 2017 average,The Washington Post estimates
December 31, 2018
President Trump had a banner year for falsehoods, untruths, misleading claims, and other forms of lies. According to the latest updated tally from The Washington Post's Fact Checker team, Trump told more than 5,600 untruths in 2018, nearly triple the 1,989 lies he told during his first year in office. That amounts to an average of 15 false statements a day, though that average includes the zero lies Trump told publicly on Jan. 1 and the 139 he told on Nov. 5, during the apex of his pre-election mendacity.

Trump spent nearly the first half of the year and most of December at his 2017 average of 200 to 250 lies a month, but that increased to 500 falsehoods in June, July, and August, then 600 in September, more than 1,200 in October, and nearly 900 in November, the Postfound. More than 25 percent of Trump's lies were told at rallies, another quarter at press events, and 17 percent were disseminated via Twitter. And, as the Post demonstrates in the video below, many of Trump's 5,600+ falsehoods this year were repeat events:

"Even as Trump's fact-free statements proliferate, there is growing evidence that his approach is failing," the Postsays, pointing to polls showing that Americans increasingly view Trump as unusually dishonest. "When before have we seen a president so indifferent to the distinction between truth and falsehood, or so eager to blur that distinction?" presidential historian Michael Beschloss pondered earlier this year. The Constitution foresaw presidents more in the mold of George Washington, he said, adding that not telling lies "is a bedrock expectation of a president by Americans." You can read more about Trump's record at The Washington Post. Peter Weber
Lol the Washington Compost is a leftist traitor sounding board.

Doesn't matter If it comes from them or not it's actually true sorry trump tards time to wake up.
I thought it was time to wake up last guys are silly.....maybe its you that needs to wake up...most of your countrymen already have...MAGA!!!!

How's trump doing for you not so good huh?He's a stupid human being and a failure.
That is ridiculous....and untrue....besides what has Trump done but to reverse everything Obama had done?.....I'm sure you don't like it being a big nasty government fan but Reagan sure would approve.....



Trump averaged 15 lies a day in 2018, triple his 2017 average,The Washington Post estimates
December 31, 2018
President Trump had a banner year for falsehoods, untruths, misleading claims, and other forms of lies. According to the latest updated tally from The Washington Post's Fact Checker team, Trump told more than 5,600 untruths in 2018, nearly triple the 1,989 lies he told during his first year in office. That amounts to an average of 15 false statements a day, though that average includes the zero lies Trump told publicly on Jan. 1 and the 139 he told on Nov. 5, during the apex of his pre-election mendacity.

Trump spent nearly the first half of the year and most of December at his 2017 average of 200 to 250 lies a month, but that increased to 500 falsehoods in June, July, and August, then 600 in September, more than 1,200 in October, and nearly 900 in November, the Postfound. More than 25 percent of Trump's lies were told at rallies, another quarter at press events, and 17 percent were disseminated via Twitter. And, as the Post demonstrates in the video below, many of Trump's 5,600+ falsehoods this year were repeat events:

"Even as Trump's fact-free statements proliferate, there is growing evidence that his approach is failing," the Postsays, pointing to polls showing that Americans increasingly view Trump as unusually dishonest. "When before have we seen a president so indifferent to the distinction between truth and falsehood, or so eager to blur that distinction?" presidential historian Michael Beschloss pondered earlier this year. The Constitution foresaw presidents more in the mold of George Washington, he said, adding that not telling lies "is a bedrock expectation of a president by Americans." You can read more about Trump's record at The Washington Post. Peter Weber
Lol the Washington Compost is a leftist traitor sounding board.

Doesn't matter If it comes from them or not it's actually true sorry trump tards time to wake up.
I thought it was time to wake up last guys are silly.....maybe its you that needs to wake up...most of your countrymen already have...MAGA!!!!

How's trump doing for you not so good huh?He's a stupid human being and a failure.
Feel betrayed?
Betrayed' factory boss turns on Trump, says plant may move to Mexico

A Michigan electronics company chairman, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, now says he feels betrayed and his factory may have to move to Mexico because of the president’s tariffs.

Pat LeBlanc, the chairman of EBW Electronics, told The New York Times that Trump’s tariffs were “killing” the company, which makes lights for the auto industry.

“I just feel so betrayed,” LeBlanc told the newspaper. “If we fail because the company is being harmed by the government, that just makes me sick.”

LeBlanc, a Republican, said he expects 2019 profits will be cut in half.
in all of us, however common-place we may be, there lurks an enigma, something which neither we nor others understand. we call it personality, a vague word meaning many things...courage, common sense, quick wit, frankness, determination.

if our personality is strong, we accomplish something worth accomplishing, and by doing so the enigma is transformed into a myth.

we cease to be what we really were, and become something we could never be...

You really are desperate for attention, huh?
Conservatives are proven the most wise by the direction of 18 yr old to a 50 yr old

That direction has them becoming more conservative after having time to think So there's you proof
Workers wages rising
Twice inflation in december and 75 cents less cost a gallon of gas

Proves trump the hero of the world
Workers wages rising
Twice inflation in december and 75 cents less cost a gallon of gas

Proves trump the hero of the world

Trumpo came in at the right time and right place....... Do you honestly believe the economy miraculously this good without (2015 and 16 ) the investments and hard work of Obama???

Trump has nothing to do with the bullcrap you just mentioned.

Debt rose $2 trillions, prices of just every commodities are soaring because of war on tariffs, companies are still outsourcing at record phase ....... under Trump.

Aside from fucked up administration ...... he is doing a lousy job.
Like a little kid always doing or say something dumb or stupid.
Workers wages rising
Twice inflation in december and 75 cents less cost a gallon of gas

Proves trump the hero of the world

Trumpo came in at the right time and right place....... Do you honestly believe the economy miraculously this good without (2015 and 16 ) the investments and hard work of Obama???

Trump has nothing to do with the bullcrap you just mentioned.

Debt rose $2 trillions, prices of just every commodities are soaring because of war on tariffs, companies are still outsourcing at record phase ....... under Trump.

Aside from fucked up administration ...... he is doing a lousy job.
Like a little kid always doing or say something dumb or stupid.
Trumps wall will also increase Americans wages by stopping the competition of illegals workers

The left is now in a panic

Trump will prove to the people just how corrupt to the core is deep state
the morons shutting down gov't over his wall and his dumbass way his tariffs are hurting americans make him the biggest ah ever to step into our wh
No one seems to care about the shutdown but you and the media....
the morons shutting down gov't over his wall and his dumbass way his tariffs are hurting americans make him the biggest ah ever to step into our wh
No one seems to care about the shutdown but you and the media....
Sorry rambo if you really believe that you haven't been listening to those in pain with no salary?? How would you like to fly with pissed off air traffic controllers watching your plane? But like the AH says ,,"they'll adjust"
Sorry rambo if you really believe that you haven't been listening to those in pain with no salary?? How would you like to fly with pissed off air traffic controllers watching your plane? But like the AH says ,,"they'll adjust"
Just happened to pick up a family member from the airport yesterday....lots of smiling faces....didn't see one pissed off agent or maybe you should turn off CNN and learn something....learn the real facts... air traffic controllers are professionals and take their job very seriously....and I would bet many of them are not in favor of unprotected borders and support Trump in his effort to protect them and their families from illegal alien thugs and drunk drivers....why are you not on board?....what is wrong with you that you want open borders?....

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