Donald Trump has directed nearly one-fifth of his campaign cash to his companies

Trump fans, not being the brightest bulbs, see no problem with Trump paying himself millions in donor money in return for a fraction of that in services.

Normal people, they see that as open corruption.

Most importantly, big Republican donors see it as open corruption. That's why the checkbooks have snapped shut in regards to the Trump scampaign.

Go on, Trump minions, say there's nothing wrong with it, but the people with the money disagree. They're not in the mood to donate just to see Trump funnel the money to himself. There are plenty of other Republicans they can donate to who won't scam them, so that's where the money will go.

Prove his campaign got a fraction of the services for what they paid his companies for.


Compare what Trump spent to beat 16 opponents in the GOP primary to what Hillary sent to beat one lone old man in the Dem primary and then tell me who got a bigger bang for their buck.
Trump fans, not being the brightest bulbs, see no problem with Trump paying himself millions in donor money in return for a fraction of that in services.

Normal people, they see that as open corruption.

Most importantly, big Republican donors see it as open corruption. That's why the checkbooks have snapped shut in regards to the Trump scampaign.

Go on, Trump minions, say there's nothing wrong with it, but the people with the money disagree. They're not in the mood to donate just to see Trump funnel the money to himself. There are plenty of other Republicans they can donate to who won't scam them, so that's where the money will go.

Prove his campaign got a fraction of the services for what they paid his companies for.


Compare what Trump spent to beat 16 opponents in the GOP primary to what Hillary sent to beat one lone old man in the Dem primary and then tell me who got a bigger bang for their buck.

Trump has $1.3 million in his war chest and 30 staff members in 50 states

Not much of a bang
Trump has always tried setting his subordinates against each other, rewarding the one who screws the others most effectively. That might work in his business. It fails badly in politics.

Clinton spent essentially nothing to beat Sanders. The money she spent was for developing infrastructure for the general election. As far as ads attacking Sanders ... nothing. In contrast, Sanders spent a buttload on ads attacking Clinton.

If Clinton had wanted to squash Sanders like a bug, she could have done so. She chose not to, because there was no point. She just needed to win, not win by a landslide. It was better to save money, and to not anger the Sanders supporters. And by having a more competitive primary, the Democrats stayed in the news more, and the "Hillary was coronated!" meme got laid to rest.
You almost gotta laugh that the low information left wouldn't dare make fun of a Muslem or a Mexican but the tyoical elitist left wing clown faced bigots are always ready to attack the poor white guy with smarmy names (in lower case) like "billy joe trailer dweller". Hillary takes $350k each for a half dozen twenty minute mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers and it doesn't faze the low information left at all.
Trump has always tried setting his subordinates against each other, rewarding the one who screws the others most effectively. That might work in his business. It fails badly in politics.

Clinton spent essentially nothing to beat Sanders. The money she spent was for developing infrastructure for the general election. As far as ads attacking Sanders ... nothing. In contrast, Sanders spent a buttload on ads attacking Clinton.

If Clinton had wanted to squash Sanders like a bug, she could have done so. She chose not to, because there was no point. She just needed to win, not win by a landslide. It was better to save money, and to not anger the Sanders supporters. And by having a more competitive primary, the Democrats stayed in the news more, and the "Hillary was coronated!" meme got laid to rest.

This is where Trump is failing miserably

He does not have the boots on the ground to get out the vote. In the past, the GOP candidate could rely on the GOP powerbase and grassroots political organizations to rally behind them with money and volunteers

Trump has spent his time ridiculing them and pissing them off

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