Donald Trump is Proving He is a Legitimate Candidate

Not hearing so many references to a "cartoon" or "clown car" candidate, are we? The Donald is continuing to prove himself to be a masterful campaigner. In last night's debate, once again, no one was able to land a glove on him. In addition, he is positioning himself as the only anti-establishment candidate in the field. (The Cruz-Rubio squabbles over Senate votes only serves to underscore this distinction.)

As a result, the GOP race is shaping up as Trump vs. a bunch of also-rans vainly trying to evoke images of Ronald Reagan. Those who scoff at his success, especially Democrats, do so at their own peril.
To me he was a serious candidate from the beginning and polls showed people were taking him seriously.
Liberals are such snobs who looks down their nose at everyone who doesn't bow to their enslavement policies they want to put on us.
Trump has been filling up huge stadiums with people for months. The hillarys and Jebs get a handful of people in large rooms at the most, and that's after millions of bucks have been poured into their campaigns. But Trump's not a legitimate candidate some say.
Title has a tense problem. Indeed, Trump has proved he is a legitimate candidate.
Trump has done well, for having less than 13% of all voters on his side.
Using that thinking Jake, how many of "all voters" does your girl HIllary have?
My girl is Nikki Haley. Awesome rebuttal to the president. Sanders is who you and I need to be aware of. He may just take HRC down, and if so, he will beat Trump even more badly than HRC. We need Kasich and Haley or Rubio and Haley.
And you failed to appraise your girl by the same odd standard you did with Trump...
Of course I appraised them both fairly. Trump fails in comparison with Haley. Badly.

You gave Trump's primary supporters as a percentage of the whole electorate to minimize his support.

When I asked you to "apply the same standard" with "your girl" you waxed poetic on how wonderful she is.

THis is a nice example of how intellectually dishonest you are.
You gave Trump's primary supporters as a percentage of the whole electorate to minimize his support. Then I asked you to "apply the same standard" with "your girl" you waxed poetic on how wonderful she is. THis is a nice example of how intellectually dishonest you are.
Says you, the intellectually dishonest wannabee Republican. I am for Rubio and Haley. You are for a candidate who can't win. Rubio and Haley can reach across to the independents and cetrists need for victory in ways Trump never can. Tis what is. :lol:
You gave Trump's primary supporters as a percentage of the whole electorate to minimize his support. Then I asked you to "apply the same standard" with "your girl" you waxed poetic on how wonderful she is. THis is a nice example of how intellectually dishonest you are.
Says you, the intellectually dishonest wannabee Republican. I am for Rubio and Haley. You are for a candidate who can't win. Rubio and Haley can reach across to the independents and cetrists need for victory in ways Trump never can. Tis what is. :lol:

Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post.

Why are you like this?
You gave Trump's primary supporters as a percentage of the whole electorate to minimize his support. Then I asked you to "apply the same standard" with "your girl" you waxed poetic on how wonderful she is. THis is a nice example of how intellectually dishonest you are.
Says you, the intellectually dishonest wannabee Republican. I am for Rubio and Haley. You are for a candidate who can't win. Rubio and Haley can reach across to the independents and cetrists need for victory in ways Trump never can. Tis what is. :lol:
Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post. Why are you like this?
You will never be allowed to deflect, redefine, or shift a discussion. Haley is not running for president, so I can't give you what you want. You want to change things, kid, and you get so frustrated that I have to act like and adult to your teenager. It is what it is.
Hillary may be the first candidate to win both the Democratic and GOP primaries in the same year if either Cruz or Trump win Iowa.

I will admit I was wrong about Trump's staying power. This isn't so much praise for The Donald as it is a startling revelation at the lack of manhood found in the rest of the GOP candidates.

If I knew it would be so easy to get the GOP nomination by simply insulting the GOP politicians with standing, coming up with cockamamie ideas to appease the idiots in the GOP base and play upon the shameful fears of the Party in general...hell I should have run.
Hillary may be the first candidate to win both the Democratic and GOP primaries in the same year if either Cruz or Trump win Iowa.

I will admit I was wrong about Trump's staying power. This isn't so much praise for The Donald as it is a startling revelation at the lack of manhood found in the rest of the GOP candidates.

If I knew it would be so easy to get the GOP nomination by simply insulting the GOP politicians with standing, coming up with cockamamie ideas to appease the idiots in the GOP base and play upon the shameful fears of the Party in general...hell I should have run.
"...A startling revelation at the lack of manhood found in the rest of the GOP candidates." What a patently silly statement, but perhaps to be expected from a party largely made up of ugly and fat women who are usually knocked up and abandoned in their teens.

Bulls-eye, eh?
It is interesting, that none of the candidates focus on Trump's humiliating failure as a businessman. Given Trump wants to run the country like one of his business failures, shouldn't that be a concern?

Let's list some of his failures.

Trump Plaza
Trump Casinos
Trump Air
Trump Football
Trump City
Trump Golf Clubs
Trump University

Trump's success and money come from the entertainment sector. But then, "I want to run the government like a reality show" doesn't play as a well as "I want to run the country like a business."
It is interesting, that none of the candidates focus on Trump's humiliating failure as a businessman. Given Trump wants to run the country like one of his business failures, shouldn't that be a concern?

Let's list some of his failures.

Trump Plaza
Trump Casinos
Trump Air
Trump Football
Trump City
Trump Golf Clubs
Trump University

Trump's success and money come from the entertainment sector. But then, "I want to run the government like a reality show" doesn't play as a well as "I want to run the country like a business."
Which of the seven Trump Plazas would the first one be?

Poor Meathead. The hard data says his hero sucks at business, and Meathead doesn't know how to respond, so he just pretends the data doesn't exist.

As a whole, the Trump Plaza hotels and casinos lost big money. That's why Trump's investment fund lost 90%. Anyone else want to back up Meathead and declare that losing 90% of your investors' money makes you a great businessman? While "but he lost mostly other people's money!" might pass as success in the business world, you can't run a country that way, as the other people are the taxpayers.

Now, _the_ Trump Plaza is taken to mean the Plaza Hotel in NYC.

Trump buys the Plaza Hotel for $400 million, loses money on it every year, then sells it for $325 million. What a businessman! He should run the country like that!

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