Donald Trump Is Threatening US Democracy, And The Public Sees Him

The asinine fucktard Democrats want to convince us that QUESTIONING ELECTION RESULTS is somehow dangerous, traitorous, impermissible.

There is only ONE reason these assholes put so much energy into this meme

You know what it is
I do, because we have seen it before in history....
The asinine fucktard Democrats want to convince us that QUESTIONING ELECTION RESULTS is somehow dangerous, traitorous, impermissible.

There is only ONE reason these assholes put so much energy into this meme

You know what it is
They claimed trump stole 2016! As normal, hypocrites
You brought up the Tenth, I didn't. Depriving a human being of their own bodily autonomy ends up with the same result. Endangering the life of the human being. If you think a state has the right over that, this isn't a free country, no matter how you try and defend it.
You didn't realize that you did.
I did, and you are unable to explain. Depriving freedom to your own body has no relationship with a free country.

There is no right to health care in the U.S. Constitution, but Congress has incrementally established health care rights through legislation, including laws creating Medicare and Medicaid, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, and the Affordable Care Act.Jun 25, 2015 This overrides any states rights. Abortion is a health care need because Congress established health care rights, and would be covered under the Emergency Medical Treatment Act.

States rights do not trump Congress's legislation. Why do you think all this is getting tied up in court?
Congress never legislated abortion rights...why is that? FYI- the judicial branch has no legislative powers.......
States Rights have one agenda only, control over certain people.
BS.....the COTUS says how it's done....apparently you have no use for the COTUS.
By the way, the Tenth was never written in the 18th century concerning itself with women's rights. Are you still living in the misogynst past or present? Or both?
It was, you just can't see it. We don't have a federal King, who decides what we are entitled too....until Biden came along.
I did, and you are unable to explain. Depriving freedom to your own body has no relationship with a free country.

There is no right to health care in the U.S. Constitution, but Congress has incrementally established health care rights through legislation, including laws creating Medicare and Medicaid, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, and the Affordable Care Act.Jun 25, 2015 This overrides any states rights. Abortion is a health care need because Congress established health care rights, and would be covered under the Emergency Medical Treatment Act.

States rights do not trump Congress's legislation. Why do you think all this is getting tied up in court?
Due to the unconstitutional implications.
You must ask yourself, why does it override states rights?
Attempting an insurrection/coup, his attempts to intimidate Raffensberger in Georgia, wire fraud, defrauding donors with his "stop the steal" scam, obstruction of justice, espionage.

Good enough, big mouth?
Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are undermining U.S. democracy—and the American public sees him.

According to a new poll from Reuters/Ipsos, 58% of respondents, “including one in four Republicans—said Trump's ‘Make America Great Again’ movement is threatening America's democratic foundations.”

America isn’t MAGA, and real America wants no part of these traitorous bastards.

Why are you against Making America Great Again?
You didn't realize that you did.
This makes no sense as a response.

Congress never legislated abortion rights...why is that? FYI- the judicial branch has no legislative powers.......
Yea, because women had no rights. And today? You want to do the same thing 300 years ago today. That's why they will vote your murdering asses out of office.

BS.....the COTUS says how it's done....apparently you have no use for the COTUS.
Not when it comes to human and civil rights. They are going backwards, not forwards. What argument does SCOTUS have depriving civil and human rights? None!
Those links have been provided to you in the past. I've sent them to you myself. Why do you debate like a broken record, then run from the same answers given to you? Do you really think people haven't picked up on that? You repeat the same shit over and over. Are you autistic? :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
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Why are you against Making America Great Again? Don't you want America to be great? I just don't understand the mentality.
Grifters cannot ever make America great. You are on the wrong side of right and wrong, and common sense. A country can only be great when it recognizes its institutions. Trump has no idea what they are, and could care less how they make America great. We know what Make America Great is for him. Get a clue;Did Laura Ingraham Intentionally Give a Nazi Salute Last Night? An Investigation.
Due to the unconstitutional implications.
You must ask yourself, why does it override states rights?
Health care! We either provide it or we don't. So far, we are the only developed nation without government run HC, and or care for the life of the mother. No wonder the women killers have been put on notice.

The Constitution, SCOTUS, and states rights, have either never addressed health care for women, or they voted against it. Let that sink in.
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Who did he steal it from?
Ever hear of "Stop The Steal", CLOWN? How has Trump used any of those donations to file court casrs, investigations, etc etc to look at his supposedly being screwed in that election? He claimed that's what the fundraiser was for.

Now think hard, but try not to hurt yourself in the bargain. I'm waiting for you to get back here & play dumb.

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