Donald Trump Jr. Exchanged Emails With WikiLeaks

The messages obtained by The Atlantic, were also turned over by Trump Jr.’s lawyers to congressional investigators. They are part of a long—and largely one-sided—correspondence between WikiLeaks and the president’s son that continued until at least July 2017. The messages show WikiLeaks, a radical transparency organization that the American intelligence community believes was chosen by the Russian government to disseminate the information it had hacked, actively soliciting Trump Jr.’s cooperation. WikiLeaks made a series of increasingly bold requests, including asking for Trump’s tax returns, urging the Trump campaign on Election Day to reject the results of the election as rigged, and requesting that the president-elect tell Australia to appoint Julian Assange ambassador to the United States."
The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks

CIA Chief Pompeo--(Trump's pick) a few months ago labled Julian Assange (Wikileaks) a hostile intelligence enemy of the United States, that often works with Russia, whom recently released 1000's of CIA documents informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the United States to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. Basically putting a target on every American soldiers back.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Sean Hannity continually praised Julian Assange--especially when he was trying to spin another concocted story around the death of a DNC staffer Seth Rich that FOX NEWS is now involved in a Federal Law suit over.
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

Trump and his supporters loved Wikileaks (Julian Assange)

The domino's just keep falling every single day. Clearly even after Julian Assange was labled a hostile intelligence enemy of this nation, Trump Jr. was still in contact with them. The LIES just never stop.

The Washington Post made a list today of all the contacts that the Trump team has continually denied and it's 30 times that Trump surrogates had contact with Russian intelligence agents during the campaign season.

Analysis | All the known times the Trump campaign met with Russians

For the best news source on these Russian investigations it's MSNBC--specifically Rachel Maddow who has been crushing FOX NEWS and CNN in ratings, as she has been convering every detail coming out of these investigations since they're onset.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast
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Fake hogwash....and lmao @ Maddow.
The messages obtained by The Atlantic, were also turned over by Trump Jr.’s lawyers to congressional investigators. They are part of a long—and largely one-sided—correspondence between WikiLeaks and the president’s son that continued until at least July 2017. The messages show WikiLeaks, a radical transparency organization that the American intelligence community believes was chosen by the Russian government to disseminate the information it had hacked, actively soliciting Trump Jr.’s cooperation. WikiLeaks made a series of increasingly bold requests, including asking for Trump’s tax returns, urging the Trump campaign on Election Day to reject the results of the election as rigged, and requesting that the president-elect tell Australia to appoint Julian Assange ambassador to the United States."
The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks

CIA Chief Pompeo--(Trump's pick) a few months ago labled Julian Assange (Wikileaks) a hostile intelligence enemy of the United States, that often works with Russia, whom recently released 1000's of CIA documents informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the United States to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. Basically putting a target on every American soldiers back.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Sean Hannity continually praised Julian Assange--especially when he was trying to spin another concocted story around the death of a DNC staffer Seth Rich that FOX NEWS is now involved in a Federal Law suit over.
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

Trump and his supporters loved Wikileaks (Julian Assange)

The domino's just keep falling every single day. Clearly even after Julian Assange was labled a hostile intelligence enemy of this nation, Trump Jr. was still in contact with them. The LIES just never stop.

The Washington Post made a list today of all the contacts that the Trump team has continually denied and it's 30 times that Trump surrogates had contact with Russian intelligence agents during the campaign season.

Analysis | All the known times the Trump campaign met with Russians

For the best news source on these Russian investigations it's MSNBC--specifically Rachel Maddow who has been crushing FOX NEWS and CNN in ratings, as she has been convering every detail coming out of these investigations since they're onset.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Subscribing to read in the morning..good night
It is all being tied together. The greatest single thief of a election in United states history. All done between traitors like the Trumps, Russians and other fascist working together.

I can't believe the conservative movement that was once anti-russia could do it but they sold their souls.
It is all being tied together. The greatest single thief of a election in United states history. All done between traitors like the Trumps, Russians and other fascist working together.

I can't believe the conservative movement that was once anti-russia could do it but they sold their souls.

Is it tied in a bow or tied in a knot?
Hilarious the fake news MSM is suggesting Julian Assange emails people.. :p The fake news MSM is almost finished with compiling their "timeline" or as a psychiatrist said on Tucker, reconciling themselves with their PTSD in being unable to comprehend The Donald won the election despite their effort to fool the majority with their lies.
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It is all being tied together. The greatest single thief of a election in United states history. All done between traitors like the Trumps, Russians and other fascist working together.

I can't believe the conservative movement that was once anti-russia could do it but they sold their souls.

You don't even know what a soul is. You do not have one, nor do you have a conscience.
It is all being tied together. The greatest single thief of a election in United states history. All done between traitors like the Trumps, Russians and other fascist working together.

I can't believe the conservative movement that was once anti-russia could do it but they sold their souls.

I miss how the GOP was once honorable and I could vote for the person rather than the party. Those days are long gone, but it doesn't hurt to hope that they will eventually revive as an ethical party some day.
It is all being tied together. The greatest single thief of a election in United states history. All done between traitors like the Trumps, Russians and other fascist working together.

I can't believe the conservative movement that was once anti-russia could do it but they sold their souls.

I miss how the GOP was once honorable and I could vote for the person rather than the party. Those days are long gone, but it doesn't hurt to hope that they will eventually revive as an ethical party some day.

There is no such thing as an honorable party now days. They are all sleazy.
It is all being tied together. The greatest single thief of a election in United states history. All done between traitors like the Trumps, Russians and other fascist working together.

I can't believe the conservative movement that was once anti-russia could do it but they sold their souls.

I miss how the GOP was once honorable and I could vote for the person rather than the party. Those days are long gone, but it doesn't hurt to hope that they will eventually revive as an ethical party some day.

There is no such thing as an honorable party now days. They are all sleazy.

No party is, or ever has been perfect, but the GOP has completely discarded honor and integrity.
Conservatives went from #1 enemies of communism to its bitch in one single year. Reagan must be pissed in his grave.

I can't beleive some are asking if Wikileaks is a bad thing LOL....i swear Trump's people are some of the dumbest people that ever existed.
It is all being tied together. The greatest single thief of a election in United states history. All done between traitors like the Trumps, Russians and other fascist working together.

I can't believe the conservative movement that was once anti-russia could do it but they sold their souls.

The left has been fellating the Commies for 100 years.
Now, suddenly, they discover Russia is a threat?

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