Donald Trump Jr. just told everyone the real reason his dad isn’t releasing his tax returns

Of course not, I don't either, but this guy is going to be POTUS and we know he is a charlatan, so we should care about his dealings. Who cares how much money he made, he is hiding something.
it is about the right claiming to not care how much a person pays in personal income tax; but reserving the right to complain about social spending on the poor, who pay little to no income tax.
I think this article said it right, more damage would be done for Trump to show his tax return that just not showing it. Now I probably will not be able to completely understand his tax return, but I am sure some people wiinll and they can explain it to us on TV. They can explain his foreign dealings , like with Russia and how much stock he may have in Exxon or other companies. We know very little about this man, and or his kids. We know he is a shrewd operator, has been married a few times, and has 5 kids that we know about.
What we do not know is anything about it, while Hillary has been rung under the truck and coals of hell by the Pubs. What is this man hiding???

Donald Trump Jr. just told everyone the real reason his dad isn’t releasing his tax returns

"I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible," Trump told ABC's George Stephanopoulos in May. When Stephanopoulos asked what Trump's tax rate was, the real estate mogul responded: "It’s none of your business. You’ll see it when I release. But I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible."

What Don Jr. did Wednesday then was confirm what we already knew: The reason Trump isn't releasing his tax returns isn't because he is being audited. (It's also not any of the myriad other reasons he has offered to explain why he isn't releasing them.) The reason is simple: He has calculated that the damage done to his campaign in releasing the returns is far worse than the negative press he gets from not releasing them. That's it.

Donald Trump Jr. just told everyone the real reason his dad isn’t releasing his tax returns
Maybe Trump should use this as leverage
To make a deal with the left.
Get Obama to reveal his criminal records, his other records that are sealed.
Or, what I've been asking for and never received, a public acknowledgement that the ACA mandates are unconstitutional by "prochoice" arguments against govt penalizing private personal decisions on health care choices, regulating citizens on the basis of Religious affiliation to qualify for exemptions, and not being passed as a tax bill through Congress.

If Obama makes those concessions, Trump could agree to demands from the left. Maybe also add admissions that the classified information already found on Clinton private server constitutes Negligence and has always been enough to justify reprimand or removal from office. And throw in admission that the spin about the video in Benghazi served as a distraction and got more people killed in followup protests that got violent.

It was meant to downplay the terrorist activity and attack in order to discourage more media hype and incite further attacks. But hiding attacks in the media doesn't stop or change the fact that whole groups of innocent citizens were sexually brutalized and tortured in other attacks "not reported in the media." Rapes in Europe don't "go away" by not reporting them.

Both sides in this last election used "rape" stories to sensationalize negative campaigning though the charges "disappeared"

Maybe both sides should admit that they have abused the media -- to hype rape cases when it helps politically, while it's being covered up and real rape victims aren't getting help but erased because people don't want to face reality.

[As for reducing taxes paid to govt, just teach and reward all citizens in doing the same. Invest income loans labor and donations DIRECTLY in whatever ventures you prefer to fund, but do more of it as a Business so you get 100% deduction, then citizens CAN fund collective health care, buy out schools for control of their education teachers and police hired to patrol campus districts, and even take over and reform prison programs, clean energy development nd environmental restoration etc. Just get all liberal Green and progressive Democrats to invest directly in Business plans to change these programs and policies, deduct it from taxes, and DIY. Don't go through or pay govt then expect other people to do what you want when their money is mixed into the same pool. Create your own pools of funding as the Clinton Foundation and Soros have, and fund it directly deducting it from govt so they don't control your money!]
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Obama hung out with communists and anarchists and now you are bothered by Trump? Are ewe for fucking real Patty?

Stupid to pretend that's true or to say it matters 30 years later.

Precedent trumpery has backed down from several world leaders and he's not even in office yet. You RWNJs elected a lying fascist who is promised you a wall that Mexico would pay for and then backed down when the president of Mexico told him to sit on it and spin.

With a BOBBY PIN IN HIS HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well dummy? Pick one! Is it not true or dosen't matter? Man up!
Obama hung out with communists and anarchists and now you are bothered by Trump? Are ewe for fucking real Patty?

Stupid to pretend that's true or to say it matters 30 years later.

Precedent trumpery has backed down from several world leaders and he's not even in office yet. You RWNJs elected a lying fascist who is promised you a wall that Mexico would pay for and then backed down when the president of Mexico told him to sit on it and spin.

With a BOBBY PIN IN HIS HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be fair I think there is glue holding it.
Of course not, I don't either, but this guy is going to be POTUS and we know he is a charlatan, so we should care about his dealings. Who cares how much money he made, he is hiding something.
it is about the right claiming to not care how much a person pays in personal income tax; but reserving the right to complain about social spending on the poor, who pay little to no income tax.

Yet he is going to cut taxes for the rich, which they don't pay anyway, and screw the little man, who he has a history of loving to screw.
Of course not, I don't either, but this guy is going to be POTUS and we know he is a charlatan, so we should care about his dealings. Who cares how much money he made, he is hiding something.
it is about the right claiming to not care how much a person pays in personal income tax; but reserving the right to complain about social spending on the poor, who pay little to no income tax.

Yet he is going to cut taxes for the rich, which they don't pay anyway, and screw the little man, who he has a history of loving to screw.
is the right wing, being just fantastical, in whining Only about the poor not paying income taxes for social services?
The IRS audit is over?

He would've been able to release it during the audit, according to the IRS. Try again, douchebag.

The IRS audit is over?

He would've been able to release it during the audit, according to the IRS. Try again, douchebag.
No, he wouldn't.....snowflake.....

Yes he would, volcano ash.

The IRS audit is over?

He would've been able to release it during the audit, according to the IRS. Try again, douchebag.
No, he wouldn't.....snowflake.....

Not too bright, are ya there, champ?

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

I'll spell this out for you loons who are incapable of applying common sense and or flat out don't have the iQ to wrap a peanut brain around it.
There are many arbitrary judgement calls made by auditing agents throughout the course of an IRS audit....Allowances, assessed penalties, interest, ....etc etc. If the return(s) were made public domain before the audit was completed and the media scrutinized the process on every tiny little detail do you think the IRS would have extra motivation to really stick it to him in an attempt to set precedent and show the American public they mean business? Nobody is more Democrat / Liberal than the IRS.
Further, if returns were released prior to audit completion that would simply leave room for more nut-jobs to say: "Yeah, sure he released them but they're inaccurate; we'll have to wait and see the revised return after the audit is completed."
Releasing the return(s) before audit completion is a lose, lose deal for Trump...simple stuff here folks.
I'll send you whacko's an invoice for the lesson in common sense...Thank me later.
This is so funny. The vast majority of Americans also try to pay only the minimum amount they owe in taxes. Trump didn't write the tax code. He has every right to apply it in a legal manner to reduce how much he pays.
This is so funny. The vast majority of Americans also try to pay only the minimum amount they owe in taxes. Trump didn't write the tax code. He has every right to apply it in a legal manner to reduce how much he pays.
so do the poor, especially in regard to social services.
The poor pay NO federal tax.
he vast majority of Americans also try to pay only the minimum amount they owe in taxes.
This is so funny. The vast majority of Americans also try to pay only the minimum amount they owe in taxes. Trump didn't write the tax code. He has every right to apply it in a legal manner to reduce how much he pays.
so do the poor, especially in regard to social services.

Hardly the same thing, bub. Keeping one's own money is not the same as taking money away from someone else who earned it.
This is so funny. The vast majority of Americans also try to pay only the minimum amount they owe in taxes. Trump didn't write the tax code. He has every right to apply it in a legal manner to reduce how much he pays.
so do the poor, especially in regard to social services.

Hardly the same thing, bub. Keeping one's own money is not the same as taking money away from someone else who earned it.
it is exactly the same thing. you can simply quit and stop paying taxes instead of trying to avoid paying taxes by other means.
This is so funny. The vast majority of Americans also try to pay only the minimum amount they owe in taxes. Trump didn't write the tax code. He has every right to apply it in a legal manner to reduce how much he pays.
so do the poor, especially in regard to social services.
The poor pay NO federal tax.
While whining that the rest of us do not pay enough. A flat tax on absolutely everyone will put a stop to that bullshit!
I think this article said it right, more damage would be done for Trump to show his tax return that just not showing it. Now I probably will not be able to completely understand his tax return, but I am sure some people will and they can explain it to us on TV. They can explain his foreign dealings , like with Russia and how much stock he may have in Exxon or other companies. We know very little about this man, and or his kids. We know he is a shrewd operator, has been married a few times, and has 5 kids that we know about.
What we do not know is anything about it, while Hillary has been rung under the truck and coals of hell by the Pubs. What is this man hiding???

Donald Trump Jr. just told everyone the real reason his dad isn’t releasing his tax returns

"I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible," Trump told ABC's George Stephanopoulos in May. When Stephanopoulos asked what Trump's tax rate was, the real estate mogul responded: "It’s none of your business. You’ll see it when I release. But I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible."

What Don Jr. did Wednesday then was confirm what we already knew: The reason Trump isn't releasing his tax returns isn't because he is being audited. (It's also not any of the myriad other reasons he has offered to explain why he isn't releasing them.) The reason is simple: He has calculated that the damage done to his campaign in releasing the returns is far worse than the negative press he gets from not releasing them. That's it.

Donald Trump Jr. just told everyone the real reason his dad isn’t releasing his tax returns

HIs tax returns will show how much money he OWES to foreign banks, such as the Bank of China, the same bank that OWNS his sorry ass.
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Lying as usual.

Why is King Trumpery still campaigning?

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