DONALD TRUMP Just bought the Miss Universe contest from NBC


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This is absolutely hysterical. Here we have a Presidential nominee that just settled all law suits with NBC and actually BOUGHT the Miss Universe Pageant from NBC.

Now you nutcases that are SUPPORTING Donald Trump explain to me how while at the same time he is President of the United States how he'll have time to do 2 "not so reality" T.V shows, and run the Miss Universe Pageant?

Do you think he'll interview the contestants from the Oval Office--LOL
Trump Buys NBCUniversal's Stake in Miss Universe

GET IT A CLUE--Donald Trump is not serious about winning this election, it's all a BIG JOKE to him. HE'S A FRAUD.

Not to worry...

He's just trolling for his next wife
I love watching liberals squirm. Your desperation to find something you can make stick against Trump is hilarious. Do you really think you can stop him by posting political cartoons and ridiculous assertions if every media outlet in the world has had no effect on his candidacy (except strengthen it)? :lmao:
This is absolutely hysterical. Here we have a Presidential nominee that just settled all law suits with NBC and actually BOUGHT the Miss Universe Pageant from NBC.

Now you nutcases that are SUPPORTING Donald Trump explain to me how while at the same time he is President of the United States how he'll have time to do 2 "not so reality" T.V shows, and run the Miss Universe Pageant?

Do you think he'll interview the contestants from the Oval Office--LOL
Trump Buys NBCUniversal's Stake in Miss Universe

GET IT A CLUE--Donald Trump is not serious about winning this election, it's all a BIG JOKE to him. HE'S A FRAUD.


You are the nutcase worrying about every little thing about what Trump does. you should be rooting for the nutcase you want to see as President and leave the rest of the people ALONE. I think they (Trump supporters) are already of TIRED your nasty postings calling them all kinds of names if they support trump
This is absolutely hysterical. Here we have a Presidential nominee that just settled all law suits with NBC and actually BOUGHT the Miss Universe Pageant from NBC.

Now you nutcases that are SUPPORTING Donald Trump explain to me how while at the same time he is President of the United States how he'll have time to do 2 "not so reality" T.V shows, and run the Miss Universe Pageant?

Do you think he'll interview the contestants from the Oval Office--LOL
Trump Buys NBCUniversal's Stake in Miss Universe

GET IT A CLUE--Donald Trump is not serious about winning this election, it's all a BIG JOKE to him. HE'S A FRAUD.

What kind of moron (you) thinks life stops for everyone running for president? If you dumbfucks spent your time managing your own affairs instead of nosing into everyone elses business our country would be better off.

PS. Im not a trump suppoeter
I love watching liberals squirm. Your desperation to find something you can make stick against Trump is hilarious. Do you really think you can stop him by posting political cartoons and ridiculous assertions if every media outlet in the world has had no effect on his candidacy (except strengthen it)? :lmao:
I don't think Oreo is a liberal.
When will you all learn that speech you don't agree with doesn't automatically equate to the person being of differing political philosophy
TRANSLATION: I hate Donald Trump, but can't really find anything wrong with him. So I'll pretend something trivial is important, and scream hysterically, lie about him, and call people names, as I always do.
Lol...I find it hilarious. Maybe we can insure the prettiest woman wins...aka a white woman.
That would be a fairly accurate statement. White women are far more attractive than many others. Why else whould all the single women in the ghetto be black while their exes are chassing the white girls?
I love watching liberals squirm. Your desperation to find something you can make stick against Trump is hilarious. Do you really think you can stop him by posting political cartoons and ridiculous assertions if every media outlet in the world has had no effect on his candidacy (except strengthen it)? :lmao:
I don't think Oreo is a liberal.
When will you all learn that speech you don't agree with doesn't automatically equate to the person being of differing political philosophy
You could be right but I don't recall him espousing any conservative views, only liberal ones.
I love watching liberals squirm. Your desperation to find something you can make stick against Trump is hilarious. Do you really think you can stop him by posting political cartoons and ridiculous assertions if every media outlet in the world has had no effect on his candidacy (except strengthen it)? :lmao:

Hate to throw water on your campfire--I am a CONSERVATIVE.

It's you idiots that are driving me nuts.

Donald Trump has never (over the many years) that I have been on this board and in politics has never shown 1 ounce of anything that indicates he's a conservative since the day he was born, (until now.) He's just a great dog and pony show put on for Ignoramous's such as yourself.
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times

This is absolutely hysterical. Here we have a Presidential nominee that just settled all law suits with NBC and actually BOUGHT the Miss Universe Pageant from NBC.

Now you nutcases that are SUPPORTING Donald Trump explain to me how while at the same time he is President of the United States how he'll have time to do 2 "not so reality" T.V shows, and run the Miss Universe Pageant?

Do you think he'll interview the contestants from the Oval Office--LOL
Trump Buys NBCUniversal's Stake in Miss Universe

GET IT A CLUE--Donald Trump is not serious about winning this election, it's all a BIG JOKE to him. HE'S A FRAUD.


You are the nutcase worrying about every little thing about what Trump does. you should be rooting for the nutcase you want to see as President and leave the rest of the people ALONE. I think they (Trump supporters) are already of TIRED your nasty postings calling them all kinds of names if they support trump
Yea and you Repugs and Tea Baggers on the right are so obsessed with Hillary Clinton her supporters are equally Tired of the same shit..

And you can worry about the fat guy with the ugly hair, who half the country already hates, with 14 months left to go till election day..

Its a 2 way street!!
This is absolutely hysterical. Here we have a Presidential nominee that just settled all law suits with NBC and actually BOUGHT the Miss Universe Pageant from NBC.

Now you nutcases that are SUPPORTING Donald Trump explain to me how while at the same time he is President of the United States how he'll have time to do 2 "not so reality" T.V shows, and run the Miss Universe Pageant?

Do you think he'll interview the contestants from the Oval Office--LOL
Trump Buys NBCUniversal's Stake in Miss Universe

GET IT A CLUE--Donald Trump is not serious about winning this election, it's all a BIG JOKE to him. HE'S A FRAUD.


You are the nutcase worrying about every little thing about what Trump does. you should be rooting for the nutcase you want to see as President and leave the rest of the people ALONE. I think they (Trump supporters) are already of TIRED your nasty postings calling them all kinds of names if they support trump
Yea and you Repugs and Tea Baggers on the right are so obsessed with Hillary Clinton her supporters are equally Tired of the same shit..

And you can worry about the fat guy with the ugly hair, who half the country already hates, with 14 months left to go till election day..

Its a 2 way street!!

How many Hillary threads you see compared to the Trump? And I wasn't talking to you. I was speaking to the person who is totally obsessed with Trump. so get along now
I love watching liberals squirm. Your desperation to find something you can make stick against Trump is hilarious. Do you really think you can stop him by posting political cartoons and ridiculous assertions if every media outlet in the world has had no effect on his candidacy (except strengthen it)? :lmao:
I love watching liberals squirm. Your desperation to find something you can make stick against Trump is hilarious. Do you really think you can stop him by posting political cartoons and ridiculous assertions if every media outlet in the world has had no effect on his candidacy (except strengthen it)? :lmao:
I don't think Oreo is a liberal.
When will you all learn that speech you don't agree with doesn't automatically equate to the person being of differing political philosophy
I don't know what he is but his daily Trump humping is becoming obsessive and what right gives him the right to go around calling people names like (nutjobs) because they support Trump. Now he onto this because he's bought Miss America and his wail about it is: how will he be able to run that and our country at the same time. I mean for crying out loud that's dumb
This is absolutely hysterical. Here we have a Presidential nominee that just settled all law suits with NBC and actually BOUGHT the Miss Universe Pageant from NBC.

Now you nutcases that are SUPPORTING Donald Trump explain to me how while at the same time he is President of the United States how he'll have time to do 2 "not so reality" T.V shows, and run the Miss Universe Pageant?

Do you think he'll interview the contestants from the Oval Office--LOL
Trump Buys NBCUniversal's Stake in Miss Universe

GET IT A CLUE--Donald Trump is not serious about winning this election, it's all a BIG JOKE to him. HE'S A FRAUD.


Trump's long running pageant business should have been the first sign to people that he's also a misogynist. Beauty pageants are one of the most degrading concepts to women, ever. You are literally assessing these individual's human value based on nothing more than their appearance. And yet, people are suddenly surprised at his behavior.

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