Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

You can count illegal alien votes, but they don't count.

You're right, they don't count, he lost by 3 million. He's less popular today than when he was inaugurated and consistently less popular than any other president at this time in their first term. That's where it is.

True story...HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

Well, in reality she won the vote of more Americans than Trump regardless of your slack jawed elitism.

Just making a point; thank God our system prevents our lowest grade from being able to choose our POTUS...You agree...right?

You're not making a point, you're picking and choosing who is a 'real American'. Makes you kind of an elitist.

And no, our system obviously doesn't prevent trash from being elected. Two out of the last three elections that resulted in a Republican President the winner received fewer votes. The last guy left office in disgrace, the current guy is a fucking laughing stock.

Yeah, I guess I'm a bit of an "elitist". I believe REAL American's hold themselves to a higher standard...most spend their lives becoming better and or doing better. These REAL American's take great pride in self and country. They tend to be hard working, moral folks with firm family values. They "pay it forward" by exhausting all effort parenting their children and doing right.
You see, it's a behavioral thing...standing on this soil does not make one an American in the eyes of quality American's. I know this hurts your feelings as Liberals believe simply breathing oxygen qualifies one as an American great.

Regarding our voting system...actually I was making a point that you wouldn't allow to settle....again, it hurts your feelings.
Imagine what type of society we'd have if the only folks that could vote were welfare dependents, minorities, barely American immigrants, illegals, criminals, pole puffers, men in dresses and total whack-jobs....Do you see "the point" now? Shit, I just described the only people who vote Democrat these days....there would be no need for the GOP...huh?
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Just a little update: Trump is so far going into history as one of the worst, most unpopular, least effective presidents yet.

Maybe in the future the measure of "greatness" will be in how little you actually did. That all Trump did, was let the economy continue along the course that Obama set, and laissez-faire it.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Just a little update: Trump is so far going into history as one of the worst, most unpopular, least effective presidents yet.

Maybe in the future the measure of "greatness" will be in how little you actually did. That all Trump did, was let the economy continue along the course that Obama set, and laissez-faire it.

In all fairness my 14 year old could have set this country on course with $10 trillion of other people's money. Regardless of your subjective trivia...Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
That's a very funny statement, in light that Trump stated on FOX NEWS that the U.S. Constitution is an archaic system and is "really bad for this country."
Oreo sure does love her pictures. That's a sign of the uneducated. Those who struggle with reading and/or reading comprehension respond better to cartoons.

Here's the thing Oreo...the reason you spend your time confused, angry, and frustrated is because you're a butt-hurt little girl. You can't overcome words.

Like most adults - I care about actions. And President Trump's actions have all been constitutional. And his words have caused the confused, uneducated left to start embracing the constitution out of their irrational fear.
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Maybe in the future the measure of "greatness" will be in how little you actually did. That all Trump did, was let the economy continue along the course that Obama set, and laissez-faire it.
When it comes to the federal government - doing little is the best thing for the American people. But that being said, your post is astoundingly ignorant (typical of your side of the aisle).

President Trump rolled back all of Barack Insane Obama's illegal/unconstitutional "Presidential Memorandums". He eliminated job-killing regulations. He approved the Keystone Pipeline. He renegotiated trade agreements in the U.S.'s favor.

And Obama didn't set a course for the economy - he destroyed it. After two years of catastrophic failure by Obama, the American people turned to conservatives nation wide in the 2010 mid-terms to rescue the economy. It worked.
The last guy left office in disgrace, the current guy is a fucking laughing stock.
Only in the minds of the uninformed, uneducated left-wing idiots who are pissed off that they can't have communism.
You're right, they don't count, he lost by 3 million. He's less popular today than when he was inaugurated and consistently less popular than any other president at this time in their first term. That's where it is.

True story...HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

Well, in reality she won the vote of more Americans than Trump regardless of your slack jawed elitism.

Just making a point; thank God our system prevents our lowest grade from being able to choose our POTUS...You agree...right?

You're not making a point, you're picking and choosing who is a 'real American'. Makes you kind of an elitist.

And no, our system obviously doesn't prevent trash from being elected. Two out of the last three elections that resulted in a Republican President the winner received fewer votes. The last guy left office in disgrace, the current guy is a fucking laughing stock.

Yeah, I guess I'm a bit of an "elitist". I believe REAL American's hold themselves to a higher standard...most spend their lives becoming better and or doing better. These REAL American's take great pride in self and country. They tend to be hard working, moral folks with firm family values. They "pay it forward" by exhausting all effort parenting their children and doing right.
You see, it's a behavioral thing...standing on this soil does not make one an American in the eyes of quality American's. I know this hurts your feelings as Liberals believe simply breathing oxygen qualifies one as an American great.

Regarding our voting system...actually I was making a point that you wouldn't allow to settle....again, it hurts your feelings.
Imagine what type of society we'd have if the only folks that could vote were welfare dependents, minorities, barely American immigrants, illegals, criminals, pole puffers, men in dresses and total whack-jobs....Do you see "the point" now? Shit, I just described the only people who vote Democrat these days....there would be no need for the GOP...huh?

It took all that just to confirm my point?
That's a very funny statement, in light that Trump stated on FOX NEWS that the U.S. Constitution is an archaic system and is "really bad for this country."
Oreo sure does love her pictures. That's a sign of the uneducated. Those who struggle with reading and/or reading comprehension respond better to cartoons.

Here's the thing Oreo...the reason you spend your time confused, angry, and frustrated is because you're a butt-hurt little girl. You can't overcome words.

Like most adults - I care about actions. And President Trump's actions have all been constitutional. And his words have caused the confused, uneducated left to start embracing the constitution out of their irrational fear.

Well there's really nothing dumber than praising Trump (claiming he's teaching everyone about the U.S. Constitution) while claiming you're a constitutionalist-- and you didn't know that Trump stated the Constitution is really a bad thing for this country.

In an interview with Fox News to mark the milestone, the Republican called the system of checks and balances on power “archaic”. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”
Donald Trump blames the 'archaic' and 'really bad' US Constitution for his problems

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True story...HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

Well, in reality she won the vote of more Americans than Trump regardless of your slack jawed elitism.

Just making a point; thank God our system prevents our lowest grade from being able to choose our POTUS...You agree...right?

You're not making a point, you're picking and choosing who is a 'real American'. Makes you kind of an elitist.

And no, our system obviously doesn't prevent trash from being elected. Two out of the last three elections that resulted in a Republican President the winner received fewer votes. The last guy left office in disgrace, the current guy is a fucking laughing stock.

Yeah, I guess I'm a bit of an "elitist". I believe REAL American's hold themselves to a higher standard...most spend their lives becoming better and or doing better. These REAL American's take great pride in self and country. They tend to be hard working, moral folks with firm family values. They "pay it forward" by exhausting all effort parenting their children and doing right.
You see, it's a behavioral thing...standing on this soil does not make one an American in the eyes of quality American's. I know this hurts your feelings as Liberals believe simply breathing oxygen qualifies one as an American great.

Regarding our voting system...actually I was making a point that you wouldn't allow to settle....again, it hurts your feelings.
Imagine what type of society we'd have if the only folks that could vote were welfare dependents, minorities, barely American immigrants, illegals, criminals, pole puffers, men in dresses and total whack-jobs....Do you see "the point" now? Shit, I just described the only people who vote Democrat these days....there would be no need for the GOP...huh?

It took all that just to confirm my point?

Yeah, yeah....let's go with that. Typical spin from the backward and twisted folks on the Left. Good stuff.
Well there's really nothing dumber than praising Trump (claiming he's teaching everyone about the U.S. Constitution) while claiming you're a constitutionalist
Oh I see the're completely illiterate. I thought you were just partially illiterate. Now the pictures in every post make even more sense. I never said President Trump was "teaching everyone about the U.S. Constitution". I said he was causing bat-shit crazy, anti-American left-wingers (such as yourself) to embrace the U.S. Constitution. There is a monumental difference there.
-- and you didn't know that Trump stated the Constitution is really bad for this country.
Bwahahahaha! Snowflake, everybody knows that he said that. The left-wing media covers everything he says ad nauseam. The fact that you think you were privy to top secret classified information there is fall down hilarious.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

And a huge pile of steaming wet rhinoceros shit might go down in history as the greatest gourmet meal of all time.
Trump will be the greatest President and he followed the worst. Kind of ironic, isn't it?
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Just a little update: Trump is so far going into history as one of the worst, most unpopular, least effective presidents yet.

Maybe in the future the measure of "greatness" will be in how little you actually did. That all Trump did, was let the economy continue along the course that Obama set, and laissez-faire it.

In all fairness my 14 year old could have set this country on course with $10 trillion of other people's money. Regardless of your subjective trivia...Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.

You live out on the moon, no other way to explain it.

Everything you said about Trump was even more true under Obama (way more jobs, way more stock market growth, way more real estate growth etc. etc. etc), except Bush handed off to him a Great Recession, while Obama handed Trump a healthy economy on auto-pilot with near full employment, record high stock market and corporate profits.

THERE IS A DIFFERENCE and historians are well of aware of it.
Trump will be the greatest President and he followed the worst. Kind of ironic, isn't it?

Yea very ironic, considering Obama has already secured himself a place in history with a well above average Presidency (12th best according recent survey of historians) and you "Trump is da greatest" is just something Trumpsters like to fantasize about
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Just a little update: Trump is so far going into history as one of the worst, most unpopular, least effective presidents yet.

Maybe in the future the measure of "greatness" will be in how little you actually did. That all Trump did, was let the economy continue along the course that Obama set, and laissez-faire it.

In all fairness my 14 year old could have set this country on course with $10 trillion of other people's money. Regardless of your subjective trivia...Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.

You live out on the moon, no other way to explain it.

Everything you said about Trump was even more true under Obama (way more jobs, way more stock market growth, way more real estate growth etc. etc. etc), except Bush handed off to him a Great Recession, while Obama handed Trump a healthy economy on auto-pilot with near full employment, record high stock market and corporate profits.

THERE IS A DIFFERENCE and historians are well of aware of it.

This is so simple can't possibly be this fucking stupid.
In the real world when shit happens on your watch you're responsible for X shit happening. Further, my 14 year old could have "saved" this nation with $10 trillion of other people's money....your filthy, soft spoken, scrawny negro with oversized ears and un-American name couldn't have done shit any other way....Historians are fully aware of it.
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This is so simple can't possibly be this fucking stupid.
In the real world when shit happens on your watch you're responsible for X shit happening. Further, my 14 year old could have "saved" this nation with $10 trillion off other people's money....your filthy, soft spoken, scrawny negro with oversized ears and un-American name couldn't have done shit any other way....Historians are fully aware of it.

You are blaming Great Recession on Obama, talking some looney racial and EAR nonsense, while calling someone fucking stupid.

Keep going, you are totally

P.S. You seriously need to look at the causes of deficits and debts, because that's just another piece of nonsense you are spewing at this point.
A President's greatness is judged by their legacy, the pro's and con's, positive and negative of what they leave behind to influence and impact future generations. The everyday discussions, policies, programs, etc. that have an impact only while a President is in power and perhaps for a few years after their leaving office mean very little. It if far too soon to predict what the trump legacy will be.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

Dreyfuss and Tucker Carlson, two pretenders who act for the camera. Good job, putzy.

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