Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

A President's greatness is judged by their legacy, the pro's and con's, positive and negative of what they leave behind to influence and impact future generations. The everyday discussions, policies, programs, etc. that have an impact only while a President is in power and perhaps for a few years after their leaving office mean very little. It if far too soon to predict what the trump legacy will be.

Good point...we do know full well however what Hussein's legacy is.
Well done Hussein....BRAVO!
Well there's really nothing dumber than praising Trump (claiming he's teaching everyone about the U.S. Constitution) while claiming you're a constitutionalist
Oh I see the're completely illiterate. I thought you were just partially illiterate. Now the pictures in every post make even more sense. I never said President Trump was "teaching everyone about the U.S. Constitution". I said he was causing bat-shit crazy, anti-American left-wingers (such as yourself) to embrace the U.S. Constitution. There is a monumental difference there.
-- and you didn't know that Trump stated the Constitution is really bad for this country.
Bwahahahaha! Snowflake, everybody knows that he said that. The left-wing media covers everything he says ad nauseam. The fact that you think you were privy to top secret classified information there is fall down hilarious.

Well there's really nothing dumber than praising Trump (claiming he's teaching everyone about the U.S. Constitution) while claiming you're a constitutionalist
Oh I see the're completely illiterate. I thought you were just partially illiterate. Now the pictures in every post make even more sense. I never said President Trump was "teaching everyone about the U.S. Constitution". I said he was causing bat-shit crazy, anti-American left-wingers (such as yourself) to embrace the U.S. Constitution. There is a monumental difference there.
-- and you didn't know that Trump stated the Constitution is really bad for this country.
Bwahahahaha! Snowflake, everybody knows that he said that. The left-wing media covers everything he says ad nauseam. The fact that you think you were privy to top secret classified information there is fall down hilarious.

Clearly the only ones that are getting lessons on the U.S. Constitution are TRUMP and his supporters. Including those like you that believed he could stop Muslims from entering this country.--:badgrin:Trump supporters who believed they were electing a little Napoleon wannabe (King or Dictator) and could do everything by himself without ever once considering what the Republican House of Representatives and Republican Senate would approve of. NO TARIFFS, NO PENALIZING BUSINESS'S FOR PRODUCTS MADE OVERSEAS, ETC. ETC. ETC.


I don't know how many times I need to tell you that I am not a liberal. I "was" a lifelong Republican until you retards nominated this ass clown and I switched my party status to independent. I have over 16K posts on this board to prove that.

You'll also get another lesson on the Constitution when Democrats take over in 2018. The Emoluments clause in the Constitution which is also a reason to impeach if Democrats don't want to go along with the current set-up.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Apparently as a self appointed expert on the constitution YOURSELF you didn't know about the Emoluments clause either.---:badgrin:


This ASS clown you've elected is
held hostage by more FOREIGN countries than you can shake a stick at. This is the reason he refuses to release his income tax returns.
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A President's greatness is judged by their legacy, the pro's and con's, positive and negative of what they leave behind to influence and impact future generations. The everyday discussions, policies, programs, etc. that have an impact only while a President is in power and perhaps for a few years after their leaving office mean very little. It if far too soon to predict what the trump legacy will be.

Good point...we do know full well however what Hussein's legacy is.
Well done Hussein....BRAVO!
Your partisanship may be hindering your judgment. Before Obama, we were debating whether healthcare was a right or a privilege. So far, it appears that healthcare has been accepted as a right. If that holds, it will be a legacy that impacts generations to come. In the case of trump, his immigration policies have the potential of a long lasting legacy. Only time can tell.
He might but with each passing day the odds improve of my having a better chance to win the lottery.
A President's greatness is judged by their legacy, the pro's and con's, positive and negative of what they leave behind to influence and impact future generations. The everyday discussions, policies, programs, etc. that have an impact only while a President is in power and perhaps for a few years after their leaving office mean very little. It if far too soon to predict what the trump legacy will be.

Good point...we do know full well however what Hussein's legacy is.
Well done Hussein....BRAVO!
Your partisanship may be hindering your judgment. Before Obama, we were debating whether healthcare was a right or a privilege. So far, it appears that healthcare has been accepted as a right. If that holds, it will be a legacy that impacts generations to come. In the case of trump, his immigration policies have the potential of a long lasting legacy. Only time can tell.

I'm still paying the same as I ever did for health insurance...(like most privileges)
Your boy Hussein declared health care as a RIGHT only for our lowest grade bottom feeders. Obeaner Care is just a NOT so clever way to funnel more free shit to our filth...suckers bought it as something different...that's all.
Apparently as a self appointed expert on the constitution YOURSELF you didn't know about the Emoluments clause either.---
You poor little boy. All you had to do is put "emoluments" in the search term at the top and my screen name in the member field to save yourself the extreme embarrassment yet again of being wrong and ignorant. :laugh:
I don't know how many times I need to tell you that I am not a liberal.
Snowflake - you are a full-fledged progressive. And an especially ignorant one at that.
I "was" a lifelong Republican until you retards nominated this ass clown and I switched my party status to independent.
So I'll ask for pure entertainment: as a "life long Republican", what has President Trump to offend your very fragile senses so severely, it caused you to change your party?

Has he raised taxes? Stripped you of your 2nd Amendment rights? Forbid you of practicing your religion? Don't tell us his "words" - be specific about his policies you dumb asshat.

(It's always hilarious listening to progressive deny they are progressives. The idiot wrong-winger tried this tactic for 4 years on the board until he realized it was futile)
Everything you said about Trump was even more true under Obama (way more jobs, way more stock market growth, way more real estate growth etc. etc. etc), except Bush handed off to him a Great Recession, while Obama handed Trump a healthy economy on auto-pilot with near full employment, record high stock market and corporate profits.
Everything you just said is idiotic. Barack Insane Obama took the economy from 6% unemployment to over 10% unemployment during his first two years. And that was while unconstitutionally throwing almost $2 trillion dollars around the economy.

That's when the American people turned to Republicans nation wide during the 2010 mid-terms. Republicans came in and rescued the economy despite Obama's best efforts to destroy it. Scott Walker worked miracles in Wisconsin - creating jobs and eliminating their devastating debt. Likewise with John Kasich in Ohio.

I wonder why progressives still believe that people will buy into their idiotic propaganda despite the fact that it has been laughed and rejected for decades.
It was very intelligent to lock of Japs during WWII. Like jews, they were very racist and were therefore a threat to their host country.

Moron. I hope you play the guitar better than you think critically....
Everything you just said is idiotic. Barack Insane Obama took the economy from 6% unemployment to over 10% unemployment during his first two years. And that was while unconstitutionally throwing almost $2 trillion dollars around the economy.

That's when the American people turned to Republicans nation wide during the 2010 mid-terms. Republicans came in and rescued the economy despite Obama's best efforts to destroy it. Scott Walker worked miracles in Wisconsin - creating jobs and eliminating their devastating debt. Likewise with John Kasich in Ohio.

I wonder why progressives still believe that people will buy into their idiotic propaganda despite the fact that it has been laughed and rejected for decades.

You are sooo dumb. Gee, why was there increased unemployment in his first two year.s Go look up these three letters - GFC...
You are blaming Great Recession on Obama
Well duh...he was responsible. Well - he and Bill Clinton (his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act collapsed the housing market). He spent over a year campaigning on marxism and demonizing private business. Just as the stock market skyrocketed upon news of Donald Trump winning the election, the stock market tanked upon news that Barack Insane Obama had won the election.

In preparation for his anti-business policies, businesses immediately started retracting. They cut costs and eliminated workers to weather the inevitable increased regulatory and tax costs.
Well, in reality she won the vote of more Americans than Trump regardless of your slack jawed elitism.

Just making a point; thank God our system prevents our lowest grade from being able to choose our POTUS...You agree...right?

You're not making a point, you're picking and choosing who is a 'real American'. Makes you kind of an elitist.

And no, our system obviously doesn't prevent trash from being elected. Two out of the last three elections that resulted in a Republican President the winner received fewer votes. The last guy left office in disgrace, the current guy is a fucking laughing stock.

Yeah, I guess I'm a bit of an "elitist". I believe REAL American's hold themselves to a higher standard...most spend their lives becoming better and or doing better. These REAL American's take great pride in self and country. They tend to be hard working, moral folks with firm family values. They "pay it forward" by exhausting all effort parenting their children and doing right.
You see, it's a behavioral thing...standing on this soil does not make one an American in the eyes of quality American's. I know this hurts your feelings as Liberals believe simply breathing oxygen qualifies one as an American great.

Regarding our voting system...actually I was making a point that you wouldn't allow to settle....again, it hurts your feelings.
Imagine what type of society we'd have if the only folks that could vote were welfare dependents, minorities, barely American immigrants, illegals, criminals, pole puffers, men in dresses and total whack-jobs....Do you see "the point" now? Shit, I just described the only people who vote Democrat these days....there would be no need for the GOP...huh?

It took all that just to confirm my point?

Yeah, yeah....let's go with that. Typical spin from the backward and twisted folks on the Left. Good stuff.

As long as you get to judge who is a real American and who isn't, elitist.

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