Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

What has he done again?
  • Approved both the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Pipelines (creating jobs and energy independence for the U.S.)
  • Implemented policies that resulted in record highs in the market
  • Implemented policies that have resulted in near-record lows of unemployment
  • Secured the border
  • Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S.
  • Restored constitutional government
  • Supported the tax cuts - creating more wealth for Americans
  • Solved the North Korea problem
  • Defeated ISIS
  • Scared you bat-shit crazy, anti-American progressives into respecting the U.S. Constitution and state’s rights
That is just a fraction of what he has achieved - and he has done that all in just barely over 1 year with progressives obstructing him at every turn and trying to ensure that he fails.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Plus he ALSO has america back on track to prosper with jobs stolen from them that were shipped overseas and have NOW been brought back to america as you so well proved in those excellent links earlier that they wot read.LOL
Fewer new jobs in 2017 than 2016, still no big growth and won't be until we tax the rich and invest in America, first time since before Reagan.
The Republican Party continues to promote, protect, and prosper the African-American community. This is what happens when you treat people as equals instead of useful idiots for an agenda.
The unemployment rate for black Americans fell back down to an historic low in February. Just 6.9% of black adults were unemployed in February, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the second-lowest such ratio since the agency has been keeping track.
Well done President Trump. Well done.

Black unemployment falls to second-lowest level on record in February

good thing Trump is a DO know that all the smart black people hate that traiter and bastard Reagan since unlike Trump,he took a shit on the poor and middle class familys mostly blacks.:muahaha:
What has he done again?
  • Approved both the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Pipelines (creating jobs and energy independence for the U.S.)
  • Implemented policies that resulted in record highs in the market
  • Implemented policies that have resulted in near-record lows of unemployment
  • Secured the border
  • Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S.
  • Restored constitutional government
  • Supported the tax cuts - creating more wealth for Americans
  • Solved the North Korea problem
  • Defeated ISIS
  • Scared you bat-shit crazy, anti-American progressives into respecting the U.S. Constitution and state’s rights
That is just a fraction of what he has achieved - and he has done that all in just barely over 1 year with progressives obstructing him at every turn and trying to ensure that he fails.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Plus he ALSO has america back on track to prosper with jobs stolen from them that were shipped overseas and have NOW been brought back to america as you so well proved in those excellent links earlier that they wot read.LOL
He solved the North Korea problem? Hope so, but that is ridiculous.
What has he done again?
  • Approved both the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Pipelines (creating jobs and energy independence for the U.S.)
  • Implemented policies that resulted in record highs in the market
  • Implemented policies that have resulted in near-record lows of unemployment
  • Secured the border
  • Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S.
  • Restored constitutional government
  • Supported the tax cuts - creating more wealth for Americans
  • Solved the North Korea problem
  • Defeated ISIS
  • Scared you bat-shit crazy, anti-American progressives into respecting the U.S. Constitution and state’s rights
That is just a fraction of what he has achieved - and he has done that all in just barely over 1 year with progressives obstructing him at every turn and trying to ensure that he fails.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Plus he ALSO has america back on track to prosper with jobs stolen from them that were shipped overseas and have NOW been brought back to america as you so well proved in those excellent links earlier that they wot read.LOL
He solved the North Korea problem? Hope so, but that is ridiculous.
As are the rest... Read something. Though I wish him the best. I don't give a s***about our media gossip Fest. Just policy and indictments at least. As opposed 2 you brainwashed hater GOP voters....
Reagan currently has the record with most members of his administration indicted or convicted. Trump will beat that by country mile.
Uh...the most corrupt administration in U.S. history belonged to Barack Insane Obama. The Regan Administration doesn’t even make the top 44 administrations for corruption.

This is a prime example of why you are unreasonable.

Man you are in total denial mode that your hero Reagan PRIOR to Obama and Clinton,ran the most corrupt administration ever at least at the TIME.:abgg2q.jpg:
Clinton for sure topped Reagan as the most corrupt administration ever and Obama easily topped him that cant be debated HOWEVER,your hero Reagan at the TIME back the,EASILY won first prize hands down and easily ran away with the trophy outbeating every prior administration before his as the most corrupt administration ever.:abgg2q.jpg:

you REALLY need to deal with it that you were brainwashed by our corrupt public school system in history classes and listened WAYYY too much to what CIA controlled mouthpieces blowhards Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have said over the years on himtaught you you.:iyfyus.jpg:

time for me to take you to school on Reagan same as I have all the Trump haters here on this thread with your help of course.:D

these pesky facts CANNOT be refuted that at the TIME,Reagan was an evil asshole and ran the most corrupt administration ever till Clinton and Obama later stole that honor from him in later years.:D

Was the Reagan administration corrupt?

i also take people to school on that in post#45 here of mine:biggrin:

Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

as well on how evil and corrupt reagan was and was the biggest bastard president EVER until Clinton and Obama topped him of course.
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What has he done again?
  • Approved both the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Pipelines (creating jobs and energy independence for the U.S.)
  • Implemented policies that resulted in record highs in the market
  • Implemented policies that have resulted in near-record lows of unemployment
  • Secured the border
  • Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S.
  • Restored constitutional government
  • Supported the tax cuts - creating more wealth for Americans
  • Solved the North Korea problem
  • Defeated ISIS
  • Scared you bat-shit crazy, anti-American progressives into respecting the U.S. Constitution and state’s rights
That is just a fraction of what he has achieved - and he has done that all in just barely over 1 year with progressives obstructing him at every turn and trying to ensure that he fails.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Seems you are challenged by reality, Trump has done several things noteworthy:
  1. Destroyed people's careers
  2. Further divided an already divided nation
  3. Taken credit for the work of others - most notably President Obama
  4. Created a toxic swamp in The District
  5. Alienated our allies
  6. Colluded with despots
  7. Played more golf in a year, than did Obama in eight years
  8. Analysis | President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year
  9. Made more flips and flops than a Tuna landed on a fishing trawler's deck
  10. Made more spelling errors on his tweets than even a slow second grader.
What has he done again?
  • Approved both the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Pipelines (creating jobs and energy independence for the U.S.)
  • Implemented policies that resulted in record highs in the market
  • Implemented policies that have resulted in near-record lows of unemployment
  • Secured the border
  • Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S.
  • Restored constitutional government
  • Supported the tax cuts - creating more wealth for Americans
  • Solved the North Korea problem

  • Defeated ISIS
  • Scared you bat-shit crazy, anti-American progressives into respecting the U.S. Constitution and state’s rights
That is just a fraction of what he has achieved - and he has done that all in just barely over 1 year with progressives obstructing him at every turn and trying to ensure that he fails.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Seems you are challenged by reality, Trump has done several things noteworthy:
  1. Destroyed people's careers
  2. Further divided an already divided nation
  3. Taken credit for the work of others - most notably President Obama
  4. Created a toxic swamp in The District
  5. Alienated our allies
  6. Colluded with despots
  7. Played more golf in a year, than did Obama in eight years
  8. Analysis | President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year
  9. Made more flips and flops than a Tuna landed on a fishing trawler's deck
  10. Made more spelling errors on his tweets than even a slow second grader.

considering this is all LIES that you have NO EVIDENCE to support these ramblings,you really need to stop embarrassing yourself and stick with a topic you know something about which is how jed york destoryed the 49er fanbase.LOL If you stopped listening to the CIA controlled news,you would KNOW Trump has the backing of many high ranking officers in the military to fight the deep state but you obviously did not look at his executive order that called for that i see which is no surprising since when it comes to the JFK assassination,you only went by what the warren commission and our history classes taught you.comedy gold.:iyfyus.jpg:
Once Trump is able to fix the many problems democrats created, I have no doubt about him being seen as one of the greatest presidents we’ve ever had.
It’s just matter of time. :)
Uh Obama same as Bush,DESTROYED the economy.Trump has brought back THOUSANDS of jobs that were shipped overseas to america that each president from reagan all the way up to Obama shipped out.get your facts straight charlie.
It HITLERY had been elected,NONE of that would have happened.LOL

Oh and that is the best damn thing Trump HAS done since being president is not go to that evil bastard warmonger Barbara Bushs funeral.the criminal war monger who loves the fact her son had a big hand in 9/11 being pulled off.Nest thing you will say is if he does not go to Bush sr's funeral,he is a piece of shit as well.:rolleyes: you are soundling like all these paid shills that have penetrated this site and defend the corruption of government ALL THE TIME.:rolleyes:
So you're trying to stomp on my hand while I'm still down? Okay. Obama stopped the loss of 700,000 jobs a month. The economy was rolling before The Donald took office. And the only thing Trumps bullshit tax cuts mean to me, is an extra $27!

Dont you EVER get tired of me and Patriot OWNING your ass on this topic?:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

Love Him Or Hate Him, Trump Deserves Credit For Booming Economy | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Don't Wait For The Trump Boom — It's Already Here | Investor's Business Daily

Has Anyone Noticed That Trump's Economy Keeps Doing Better Than Expected? | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Steel company says it will give a big bonus to workers if Trump tariffs pass

oh and the fact a government paid shill named franco who ALWAYS defends the corruption of our government and the version of the events given to the american people no matter how absurd and false they have been proven to be true,it is obvious his hanlder is worried americans are awake and see the corruption the fact his he sent him here to post a smiley. his boss sure is worried the truth is getting out that he cant counter:iyfyus.jpg:
I don't give a damn about trumps love life or attendance at funerals, and wish him success, but I am sick sick to death of GOP lies about everything. And you moron hater dupes... How are the Hillary Obama etc etc prosecutions coming, idiot?

I would bother to take you to school on this but since you are a crybaby who goes and whines to the mods,not going to bother. my ignore list grows larger.
The Republican Party continues to promote, protect, and prosper the African-American community. This is what happens when you treat people as equals instead of useful idiots for an agenda.
The unemployment rate for black Americans fell back down to an historic low in February. Just 6.9% of black adults were unemployed in February, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the second-lowest such ratio since the agency has been keeping track.
Well done President Trump. Well done.

Black unemployment falls to second-lowest level on record in February

good thing Trump is a DO know that all the smart black people hate that traiter and bastard Reagan since unlike Trump,he took a shit on the poor and middle class familys mostly blacks.:muahaha:
Actually 83% of trumps tax caught went 2 the rich. Ridiculous.
Approval ratings are going down again. Donny is back in the 30's for approval. Average Americans still don't think the Liar in Chief is so great.
Would these be the same polls that predicted Hitlery Clinton would be the next President of the United States in a “landslide”? :laugh:
One year in and Trump has the most corrupt administration in 30 years. Five pleading guilty to felonies and more under indictment awaiting trial.

trolling again as always. Obama and Clinton EASILY had th most corrupt administration ever.LOL Trump isnt even in the top 50.LOL

Snowflake...President Trump doesn’t even have the most corrupt administration in 30 months. :laugh:

Barack Insane Obama had the most corrupt administration in U.S. history. Fast & Furious. Benghazi. Lois Lerner & the IRS. Multiple spying scandals.

Meanwhile, President Trump hasn’t been involved in a single scandal yet.

yeah he obviously is ignorant of that little fact.LOL but what else would you expect from an FDR worshipper who was a traiter to america? LOL
I think we now have one of greatest presidents this country has had in many years.

Easily the best president since JFK our last GREAT president.Just hope the deep state does not off him because of that as well is what I worry about.
I think we now have one of greatest presidents this country has had in many years.
It is incredible how many stupid people there are, who like people who have done even more stupid things than they themselves have.

I mean, look at how many people thought Charles Manson was cool.
Those who think Trump is dumb are among the same group who thinks radar and x-ray dectectors are needed in schools.
That’s a level of stupidity we rarely see.
So as always according to your warped logic,TRUMP is to blame for The patriot act that Bush got started and Obama expanded on? comedy gold from you as always,you should a comedy club.:haha:
No. The right is to blame for not speaking out against the Patriot Act. And Obama's "expansion", was one of the reasons I withdrew my support for him 18 months into his first term.
Seems you are challenged by reality, Trump has done several things noteworthy:
1. Destroyed people's careers
But in all was long past time for Hitlery Clinton’s career to be over. Three decades of screwing the American people and lying to them is more than enough.
2. Further divided an already divided nation
Barack Insane Obama divided the nation. President Trump has done absolutely nothing to divide it further. Nothing.
3. Taken credit for the work of others - most notably President Obama
Why would anyone want to take credit for destroying the U.S.? That belongs to Barack Insane Obama alone and President Trump has no desire to “steal” that.
4. Created a toxic swamp in The District
Again - that was Barack Insane Obama. Who brought in communist Van Jones? Obama. Who brought in communist John Brennan? Obama. Who brought in racist Eric Holder? Obama.
5. Alienated our allies
Again...Barack Insane Obama. President Trump has restored relations with our allies.
6. Colluded with despots
Again...Barack Insane Obama.
7. Played more golf in a year, than did Obama in eight years
8. Analysis | President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year
Barack Insane Obama made that many lies on the campaign trail. He more than tripled that his first year alone.
9. Made more flips and flops than a Tuna landed on a fishing trawler's deck
He’s been very consistent. And you’re very desperate to find something to attack him on. You’ve yet to make a single point of substance. Very immature.
10. Made more spelling errors on his tweets than even a slow second grader.
That’s it? That’s what you have to complain about President Trump? I guess when one restores constitutional government, creates record economic conditions, secures the border, renegotiates trade agreements in the favor of the U.S., restores individual liberties, and solves the North Korea problem, anti-Americans have nothing to criticize but a Twitter account! :dunno:

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