Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Easily the best president since JFK our last GREAT president.
Whoah! Whoah! Whoah.

A. Our last truly great president was Ronald Reagan.

B. JFK wasn’t even an adequate president. Dude was a piece of shit who used the mafia to get elected, fucked over the CIA, and cheated on his wife 24x7.
Approval ratings are going down again. Donny is back in the 30's for approval. Average Americans still don't think the Liar in Chief is so great.
What are you talking about? :uhh:

Easily the best president since JFK our last GREAT president.
Whoah! Whoah! Whoah.

A. Our last truly great president was Ronald Reagan.

B. JFK wasn’t even an adequate president. Dude was a piece of shit who used the mafia to get elected, fucked over the CIA, and cheated on his wife 24x7.
Saint Ray Goon was a shitty leader who did so many things that he should have been shot for. Hinkley tried but used to small of a weapon. JFK was more man than you could even dream of being and was a fine leader.
Approval ratings are going down again. Donny is back in the 30's for approval. Average Americans still don't think the Liar in Chief is so great.
What are you talking about? :uhh:

View attachment 189645
You Trumproids are so dishonest it is pathetic. You went all the way back to February to quote a post. Approval numbers for Trump had indeed gone down to the low 40% and as low as the 30's in that time frame. Specifically, Gallop, American Research, and IPSOS put his approval aq below 40%. You then picked a Rassmussen poll from over a week ago that indicated a 51% approval for Trump for a few days. Rassmussen quickly dropped below the 50% number, and keep in mind, all the other polls rated him far less. Rassmussen gives Trump a 33% strong approval rating and a 47% overall approval rating today.
JFK was more man than you could even dream of being and was a fine leader.
Yep...the progressive “War on Women” is alive and well. It is “manly” to treat women as sexual objects and cheat on them.

JFK was a tool. There’s a reason he got his brains blown out and Reagan lived. Reagan was a great man. You can’t keep a great man down. JFK is burning in hell where the tool belongs.
I don't remember any crimes Obama commited.. But I do remember the RW ruckus that ensued when Obama dodged GOP obstructionist strategies by issuing executive orders.
Uh...yeah...those were the crimes. The President of the United States is not authorized to bypass Congress because they are not doing what he wants them to do. That’s the entire point of the separation of powers. :eusa_doh:
Uh..but Obama based his executive orders on laws already in existence. He didn't bypass congress he just outsmarted them.

the apologists in denial mode is getting desperate while getting his ass owned.LOL
Who made you the sole arbiter to judge anyone here? I don't value your personal opinion more than any other lay person's opinion. But I'm willing to challenge you the facts you cite pertaining to your
hate for Obama.. I'm betting that every one of them emanates from RW sources such as Fox News or the Heritage Foundation. Ol"Rush and Hannity are at the epicenter of the anti- Obama dialogue so you likely gleaned your crop of misinformation from them too....just like P@triot did.
You Trumproids are so dishonest it is pathetic. You went all the way back to February to quote a post.
My apologies Camp. That was an honest mistake. I did not notice the date of your post. I thought it was from today.
What has he done again?
  • Approved both the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Pipelines (creating jobs and energy independence for the U.S.)
  • Implemented policies that resulted in record highs in the market
  • Implemented policies that have resulted in near-record lows of unemployment
  • Secured the border
  • Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S.
  • Restored constitutional government
  • Supported the tax cuts - creating more wealth for Americans
  • Solved the North Korea problem

  • Defeated ISIS
  • Scared you bat-shit crazy, anti-American progressives into respecting the U.S. Constitution and state’s rights
That is just a fraction of what he has achieved - and he has done that all in just barely over 1 year with progressives obstructing him at every turn and trying to ensure that he fails.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Seems you are challenged by reality, Trump has done several things noteworthy:
  1. Destroyed people's careers
  2. Further divided an already divided nation
  3. Taken credit for the work of others - most notably President Obama
  4. Created a toxic swamp in The District
  5. Alienated our allies
  6. Colluded with despots
  7. Played more golf in a year, than did Obama in eight years
  8. Analysis | President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year
  9. Made more flips and flops than a Tuna landed on a fishing trawler's deck
  10. Made more spelling errors on his tweets than even a slow second grader.

considering this is all LIES that you have NO EVIDENCE to support these ramblings,you really need to stop embarrassing yourself and stick with a topic you know something about which is how jed york destoryed the 49er fanbase.LOL If you stopped listening to the CIA controlled news,you would KNOW Trump has the backing of many high ranking officers in the military to fight the deep state but you obviously did not look at his executive order that called for that i see which is no surprising since when it comes to the JFK assassination,you only went by what the warren commission and our history classes taught you.comedy gold.:iyfyus.jpg:

If the Deep State is so Deep, how do you know of its existence? Radio waves which intrude and echo within the vast void between your ears?

Since you have this vast knowledge, name those who planned and carried out the assassination of President Kennedy.

If you're serious, you are seriously mentally ill.
JFK was more man than you could even dream of being and was a fine leader.
Yep...the progressive “War on Women” is alive and well. It is “manly” to treat women as sexual objects and cheat on them.

JFK was a tool. There’s a reason he got his brains blown out and Reagan lived. Reagan was a great man. You can’t keep a great man down. JFK is burning in hell where the tool belongs.
Reagan's sins far exceeded those of Clinton.
Any leader who allows drug pushing on his own countrymen. Is evil incarnate. That was Reagan. But the chickens have come home to roost. Reagan saw the typical druggie as a Black ghetto dweller with low societal value.He was mistaken but that didn't matter. The media and the cops focused on crime and violence in the Black communities. And although more crime was commited by Whites overall, the War on Drugs against Blacks was intensified under the top drug pusher...Reagan himself... and was the prime
factor in blacks being grossly overrepresented in US prisons. The evil exemplified here by Reagan can not be compared to JFKs womanizing. And Obama stands heads and shoulders above them all in terms of morallity and human decency. Trump started out as a presidential caricature imbued with ovet racist tendencies.

Trump ought to be kissing Obama's ass for handing him a healthy recovering economy.
Thats what Democrat presidents do...they fix economies that Republican administrations ruin. Then the gullible fearful white hegemonic peasants give it right back to the same Greedy Old Pricks that keep bringing this countyltry to the brink of ruin.
Easily the best president since JFK our last GREAT president.
Whoah! Whoah! Whoah.

A. Our last truly great president was Ronald Reagan.

B. JFK wasn’t even an adequate president. Dude was a piece of shit who used the mafia to get elected, fucked over the CIA, and cheated on his wife 24x7.
Drug pushers make great presidents? Son, your morals are in the toilet. It's time to flush your nasty ass away.
The evil exemplified here by Reagan can not be compared to JFKs womanizing.
How convenient that you leave out his ties to the mafia and screwing over his fellow Americans - leaving them to die at the Bay of Pigs after promising them air support.
Trump ought to be kissing Obama's ass for handing him a healthy recovering economy.
Obama did no such thing, snowflake. He and the Dumbocrats destroyed the world economy. In the 2010 midterms, the American people handed the entire damn nation over to true conservatives and that is when the recovery began.

It’s comical how you desperately attempt to attribute successful conservative policy to Obama.
The evil exemplified here by Reagan can not be compared to JFKs womanizing.
How convenient that you leave out his ties to the mafia and screwing over his fellow Americans - leaving them to die at the Bay of Pigs after promising them air support.
Ties to the mafia?
Thought you were talking aboutdonthecon and his nj casinos which he lost money on.

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