Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

According to idiot statist #1, Reagan is the ultimate libertarian. According to idiot statist #2, Reagan was the ultimate liberal.
The revolution that established supply side econ and trickle down and busting labor unions? That revolution? I explain it as the beginnings of the income gap and the destruction of the working man.
Reagan was actually a Liberal
This pretty much proves that Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th Century. Not only does he have uneducated statists furious, but they can’t even agree on what made him so “bad”. :laugh:

Liberals are for loosening regulations, it might be a surprise to you, but you're actually a Liberal with only a couple of Conservative views you hardly care about.
Liberals are not for denying global warming or the destruction of the environment. Unneeded Regulations sure, but there has to be a balance between the economy's whims and the protection of the planet.
Who needs clean water and air, right?

Both our air and our water are clean, Drama Queen. :lmao:
Working folks wages have been stagnant while the market makes the rich richer and the income gap widens
That is due to failed left-wing policy. Barack Insane Obama was president for 8 years - 2 of which with total Dumbocrat control. What was the result? A widening of the “income gap”.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

Looks like Trump might go down in history as the POTUS that surrounded himself with more admitted & convicted criminals than any other POTUS. :21:

Nice thread.
Working folks wages have been stagnant while the market makes the rich richer and the income gap widens
That is due to failed left-wing policy. Barack Insane Obama was president for 8 years - 2 of which with total Dumbocrat control. What was the result? A widening of the “income gap”.

Yeah moron, and 6 were under GOP control. I don't suppose you can do the math. Every initiative including creating high paying jobs in Alt energies was stymied by your heroes. Get an education and stop acting like a bratty little worm.
Because freedom always produces exponentially better results than oppression.
What does this have to do with your OP of Trump being the best U.S.A President?
It doesn't. It was a direct response to your question "do explain why Capitalism is more sensible than Fascism". I don't know what is more incredible - the fact that you don't even know what you're posting, or the fact that you're too stupid to even read a post (including it's previous comments).

Dumb. Polack. Truly.

You call yourself a patriot yet you stand and protect a nutjob who's corrupt whitehouse is making a mockery of our country's Constitution, world view, station in the world, the rule of law, separation of powers, and frankly of sanity and reality itself. But after your comment on here, DP I can see clearly why you don't give a shit. This so-called nationalist movement is the make me richer Trump movement and is fast destroying everything we stand for. Until you open your peepers and see that, you've got a lot of nerve calling yourself a patriot. You're a cultist, and a clueless moron, nothing more.

SPOT ON, Wicker.
SPOT ON. :yes_text12:

Yeah, these so-called patriots want us thinking people to believe that Trump cares only for our great country. He uses racial profiling to make that ridiculous point. Like his berating of NFL players and NBA players for taking a knee in protest etc. Lebron James is "stupid" and doesn't deserve any respect etc. I'll make a bet that Trump will NEVER speak out and say these things about any hockey players. LOL It's just to fire up his redneck, "nationalist" base. Trump doesn't care about this country. He cares about Trump, period. He would throw his own kids under the bus if it served him as evidenced by the almost total silence about the jeopardy his kids are in right now. He praises and defends Manafort until he flips but not Cohen. He screams what a great man that Manafort is after minimizing him by saying he only worked for him for 49 days (Lie) Yet he trashes Cohen who was his "fixer" The difference? One is telling the truth and the other isn't a "rat" as Trump called him. Straight outta The Sopranos. His Whitehouse is a criminal enterprise from top to bottom. And now the truth is being told and The Don is feelin' the heat. Just watch as Agent Orange (His Russia code name) unravels as we get closer to those truths and truths backed by indisputable evidence.

Yep, he's getting squeezed on all sides: Mueller, Southern District of NY, Omarosa's audio tapes...until hopefully he pops like the human zit that he is.
One thing is certain Trump will go down in history, particularly in American history books.
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In Fact, in eight years where he took the tanking economy that the last GOP moron left him and turned it around
When Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats took over, unemployment was at 7%. MaObama promised that if we passed his stimulus package, it would never reach 8%. Instead, it went over 10%. Those are the facts - and they are indisputable.

Things didn’t start turning around until the 2010 mid-term “shellacking” when the American people turned the entire nation over to the Republicans.

Nope, sorry. It was the passing of the Dodd-Frank bill that turned employment around because it stabilized the housing market:


Every initiative including creating high paying jobs in Alt energies was stymied by your heroes.
Since lefties don't understand basic economics, I'll dumb this down to your level:

A. Alternative energy is a failed idea. It is decades away from being "prime time".

B. Maybe if those jobs weren't so "high paying", idiotic "alternative energy" wouldn't have priced itself out of the market. Consumers want affordable energy, you dumb dill-hole.

C. If idiotic "alternative energy" was even remotely sustainable, it wouldn't have required trillions of dollars in unconstitutional federal "subsidies"

Bottom line - you're an immature partisan hack who doesn't think for himself. You've bought into every ignorant progressive talking point and you're not even capable of adding additional thought or arguments around them.
It was the passing of the Dodd-Frank bill that turned employment around because it stabilized the housing market
Bwahahahahahaha! Snowflake, it was Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act that created the volatile housing market. Dumb ass.

We're living Atlas Shrugged and Waiting for Hitler is too stupid to know it. :eusa_doh:
It was the passing of the Dodd-Frank bill that turned employment around because it stabilized the housing market
Bwahahahahahaha! Snowflake, it was Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act that created the volatile housing market. Dumb ass.

We're living Atlas Shrugged and Waiting for Hitler is too stupid to know it. :eusa_doh:

You just keep showing yourself to be a needy, childish moron. Get a dog, he'll help you get rid of all that anger and maybe help you grow up. If that doesn't do the trick, try needlepoint or maybe pottery, I can get you a good deal on clay. I've got a friend in Georgia.
Every initiative including creating high paying jobs in Alt energies was stymied by your heroes.
Since lefties don't understand basic economics, I'll dumb this down to your level:

A. Alternative energy is a failed idea. It is decades away from being "prime time".

B. Maybe if those jobs weren't so "high paying", idiotic "alternative energy" wouldn't have priced itself out of the market. Consumers want affordable energy, you dumb dill-hole.

C. If idiotic "alternative energy" was even remotely sustainable, it wouldn't have required trillions of dollars in unconstitutional federal "subsidies"

Bottom line - you're an immature partisan hack who doesn't think for himself. You've bought into every ignorant progressive talking point and you're not even capable of adding additional thought or arguments around them.

Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020, Report Claims

China is building floating solar farms, while Trump brings back non-existent clean coal. Trump! A Leader for the 19th Century!
I wonder what the cultists will say when it's proven that Trump was and is connected to Putin and the Russian mob and that those Russians saved his financial ass through money laundering through his properties and bank loans when no American bank would touch him. Not to mention the Putin leverage that has caused him to cower in his presence. Will he be the best President then? LOL
BTW there was collusion and conspiracy up the ol' wazzoo. It will be proven also.
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Every initiative including creating high paying jobs in Alt energies was stymied by your heroes.
Since lefties don't understand basic economics, I'll dumb this down to your level:

A. Alternative energy is a failed idea. It is decades away from being "prime time".

B. Maybe if those jobs weren't so "high paying", idiotic "alternative energy" wouldn't have priced itself out of the market. Consumers want affordable energy, you dumb dill-hole.

C. If idiotic "alternative energy" was even remotely sustainable, it wouldn't have required trillions of dollars in unconstitutional federal "subsidies"

Bottom line - you're an immature partisan hack who doesn't think for himself. You've bought into every ignorant progressive talking point and you're not even capable of adding additional thought or arguments around them.

You are just a sucker for what the right tells you. The only ones selling that alt energies are not viable or sustainable are politicians in the pockets of Big oil. Solar wasn't viable until it was, electric cars were way off in the future until they weren't. BTW Cadillac made a full electric car that had a cruising range of 80 miles back in 1912. You buy all the lies from the GOP and sell them to the rest of the suckers who are as clueless as you are. The EV1 was produced many years ago by GM I believe and leased to folks. They were so successful that many lessees wanted to purchase them at the end of their lease. Instead, they were destroyed and buried because the technology was too much of a threat to Big oil. Look it up if you ever learn to read or to learn. Now Tesla has made electric cars that are kicking the ass of the Bugatti Veyron in performance. There's really only one way to shake off your ignorance and as someone once said, "No amount of knowledge ever entered a head through an open mouth." That's you biggest and most obvious problem. Work on it.

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