Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Wind turbines are killing birds? That's why we shouldn't pursue alt energies? Wow. Now there's some brilliant thinking.
Again...let me see if I can dumb this down to your level:

A. I never said whether we should or shouldn't pursue "alt energies". That is for the free market to decide

B. I have said that it is highly illegal/unconstitutional for government to subsidize "alt energy" and should not be doing that in any capacity.

C. It's funny to see you dodge the reality that wind turbines kill birds while you claim you want "alt energy" for Earth. Don't dodge it. Be a man and take the issue head-on. Solar farms are also killing all forms of vegetation as it keeps everything on the ground in a constant state of shade (plant life requires sun light, genius). The problem with you lefties is that your profound ignorance leads you to believe that everything occurs in a vacuum. None of you grasp that every action/decision creates a sequence of events and consequences (both good and bad).

Would you please try and follow along or ask an adult for help? Explaining everything to you two or three times is time consuming.
...And The making of the batteries for alt energy is beyond toxic... Tree huggers are hypocrites
Wind turbines are killing birds? That's why we shouldn't pursue alt energies? Wow. Now there's some brilliant thinking.
Again...let me see if I can dumb this down to your level:

A. I never said whether we should or shouldn't pursue "alt energies". That is for the free market to decide

B. I have said that it is highly illegal/unconstitutional for government to subsidize "alt energy" and should not be doing that in any capacity.

C. It's funny to see you dodge the reality that wind turbines kill birds while you claim you want "alt energy" for Earth. Don't dodge it. Be a man and take the issue head-on. Solar farms are also killing all forms of vegetation as it keeps everything on the ground in a constant state of shade (plant life requires sun light, genius). The problem with you lefties is that your profound ignorance leads you to believe that everything occurs in a vacuum. None of you grasp that every action/decision creates a sequence of events and consequences (both good and bad).

Would you please try and follow along or ask an adult for help? Explaining everything to you two or three times is time consuming.
...And The making of the batteries for alt energy is beyond toxic... Tree huggers are hypocrites

And righties are feeble-minded false hero worshipers They buy any foolish bullshit that comes out of an orange face. And they can't recognize when they're being screwed. Quite a choice, tree-hugger or idiot.
Last edited:
Getting back on the OP subject, you Trumpers don't even realize when you're being had. I've heard some say "well, we got a nice bonus in our paychecks from Trump."

Maybe we need a tax revolt in this country again. Not against King George, but emperor Trump. His so-called middle class tax cuts benefitted the 1% far and above any middle class folks. Unless the middle class is now defined as people earning millions. 83% of the benefits realized through those middle-class cuts went to The Don and his version of middle class America. Tax reform my ass. And the righties still buy the whole snow job and call the left stupid. It's quite a theatre of the absurd notion.

All these "Tax Experts" on here are so smug about the fuckin' bone the working man/woman was thrown. It's sad that so many buy what this snake-oil salesman is selling. Not only about how wonderful the tax bill is but the rest of his wares. Fake news, Witch Hunt, Don't look here, look over there etc. And they just fall in line behind a madman and sing his praises as if he was good for America.

So, no, he's not the greatest anything except conman.
So, no, he's not the greatest anything except conman.
As a lefty in America, you have a right to ignore reality. But it doesn't change reality. This thread is filled with astounding successes directly due to decisions by President Trump.

We get it. You hate America, you hate liberty, and you choose to ignore reality in favor of the left-wing propaganda you've been conditioned to buy into. It's all good. Carry on, willfully ignorant snowflake.
First thing Trump should do is pass a law forcing leftists to shower, and every Saturday have an inspection. Coal dust should be OK.
That is exclusively a left-wing concept, regent. Sorry. You'll have to wait until your side is back in power to return to the force and government oppression bullshit. I know you people can't wait. Sick.
Getting back on the OP subject, you Trumpers don't even realize when you're being had. I've heard some say "well, we got a nice bonus in our paychecks from Trump."

Maybe we need a tax revolt in this country again. Not against King George, but emperor Trump. His so-called middle class tax cuts benefitted the 1% far and above any middle class folks. Unless the middle class is now defined as people earning millions.
This jack-off is unbelievable. Dude, I am middle class. I see the extra thousands of dollars in my paycheck. The left-wing "Jedi mind-trick" only works on the weak-minded (such as yourself). You can't dupe me into believing I don't see the extra thousands per year that I am seeing. :laugh:
So, no, he's not the greatest anything except conman.
As a lefty in America, you have a right to ignore reality. But it doesn't change reality. This thread is filled with astounding successes directly due to decisions by President Trump.

We get it. You hate America, you hate liberty, and you choose to ignore reality in favor of the left-wing propaganda you've been conditioned to buy into. It's all good. Carry on, willfully ignorant snowflake.

Thanks for the medals.
Getting back on the OP subject, you Trumpers don't even realize when you're being had. I've heard some say "well, we got a nice bonus in our paychecks from Trump."

Maybe we need a tax revolt in this country again. Not against King George, but emperor Trump. His so-called middle class tax cuts benefitted the 1% far and above any middle class folks. Unless the middle class is now defined as people earning millions.
This jack-off is unbelievable. Dude, I am middle class. I see the extra thousands of dollars in my paycheck. The left-wing "Jedi mind-trick" only works on the weak-minded (such as yourself). You can't dupe me into believing I don't see the extra thousands per year that I am seeing. :laugh:

I don't believe you're intelligent enough to make big money. Food service, maybe. Intelligent adults can control themselves and they don't need insults with every breath and they don't need little cartoons to bolster a point they're not making.
So, no, he's not the greatest anything except conman.
As a lefty in America, you have a right to ignore reality. But it doesn't change reality. This thread is filled with astounding successes directly due to decisions by President Trump.

We get it. You hate America, you hate liberty, and you choose to ignore reality in favor of the left-wing propaganda you've been conditioned to buy into. It's all good. Carry on, willfully ignorant snowflake.

Okay, give me your list. What wonderful things is Trump doing for America? Thousands extra in your paycheck....Sure.
Wind turbines are killing birds? That's why we shouldn't pursue alt energies? Wow. Now there's some brilliant thinking.
Again...let me see if I can dumb this down to your level:

A. I never said whether we should or shouldn't pursue "alt energies". That is for the free market to decide

B. I have said that it is highly illegal/unconstitutional for government to subsidize "alt energy" and should not be doing that in any capacity.

C. It's funny to see you dodge the reality that wind turbines kill birds while you claim you want "alt energy" for Earth. Don't dodge it. Be a man and take the issue head-on. Solar farms are also killing all forms of vegetation as it keeps everything on the ground in a constant state of shade (plant life requires sun light, genius). The problem with you lefties is that your profound ignorance leads you to believe that everything occurs in a vacuum. None of you grasp that every action/decision creates a sequence of events and consequences (both good and bad).

Would you please try and follow along or ask an adult for help? Explaining everything to you two or three times is time consuming.
...And The making of the batteries for alt energy is beyond toxic... Tree huggers are hypocrites

And righties are feeble-minded false hero worshipers They buy any foolish bullshit that comes out of an orange face. And they can't recognize when their being screwed. Quite a choice, tree-hugger or idiot.
Why not an “all of the above” - We have fossil fuels now the technology is perfected.
Use them up, up here in the northern plains there nothing to loose by doing just that.
Fossil fuels are the heart beat of this area...
Keep your political correctness to yourselves
Who would make the decision that Trump would go down in history as the greatest president? The historians, that have been rating presidents since 1948, or some other group?
Getting back on the OP subject, you Trumpers don't even realize when you're being had. I've heard some say "well, we got a nice bonus in our paychecks from Trump."

Maybe we need a tax revolt in this country again. Not against King George, but emperor Trump. His so-called middle class tax cuts benefitted the 1% far and above any middle class folks. Unless the middle class is now defined as people earning millions. 83% of the benefits realized through those middle-class cuts went to The Don and his version of middle class America. Tax reform my ass. And the righties still buy the whole snow job and call the left stupid. It's quite a theatre of the absurd notion.

All these "Tax Experts" on here are so smug about the fuckin' bone the working man/woman was thrown. It's sad that so many buy what this snake-oil salesman is selling. Not only about how wonderful the tax bill is but the rest of his wares. Fake news, Witch Hunt, Don't look here, look over there etc. And they just fall in line behind a madman and sing his praises as if he was good for America.

So, no, he's not the greatest anything except conman.
Says an obama supporter
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

I doubt it, but kudos to him for there being no Bushes or Clintons in the WH.
The only ones selling that alt energies are not viable or sustainable are politicians in the pockets of Big oil.
nothing but left wing propaganda bullshit. electric cars need to be recharged frequently. Where do you think the electricity to recharge them comes from? Does it just magically appear out of the air? No, idiot, it is produced by oil, coal, natural gas, or nuclear. and a tiny % from solar and hydro. all you are doing with an electric car is converting fossil fuel power to battery power with a net power loss in the conversion.’re going to make this poor kid have an aneurysm. Between facts, having to think, and reality that doesn’t line up with his trained ideology, he’s going to have a massive spike in blood pressure.

The entire “alternative” energy fantasy is so absurd, it’s comical. Wind turbines are killing birds at an alarming rate. So much for being “good for the planet”. :laugh:

Wind turbines are killing birds? That's why we shouldn't pursue alt energies? Wow. Now there's some brilliant thinking. What do you think is happening as Trump has killed regs and allowed drilling in ANWAR? BTW we have a sun that comes up like clockwork every day. Look to the east, you'll see it. We have nuclear power. We have Geo thermal energy. The whole idea of being stuck with fossil fuels is bullshit.
Alt energies are not just about battery power, they're about non polluting means of transportation. It's a lot better to deal with a power plant's localized pollution than to have a couple hundred million go carts spreading air pollution across the planet. Alt energies are about breaking the hold on the economy of OPEC and freeing our planet from the resultant pollution of fossil fuels. Go ahead and have that aneurysm. One less idiot for thinking people to have to deal with. Have you given any thought at all to the Pottery idea?
Asshole, For “all of the above” is just fine, quitting cold turkey on fossil fuels is for fucking pieces of shit.
Up here in the northern plains all we have is fossil fuels - oil, natural gas and coal is a way of life up here. So some fucked up tree hugger like yourself thinks he knows what best for everybody up here… Fuck off!!!!
So shut the fuck up

Who said anything about cold turkey? The longest trek begins with a single step. Another fuckin' genius who can't debate like an adult. Nobody has to wonder how we got Trump when we have bufoons as voters.
Getting back on the OP subject, you Trumpers don't even realize when you're being had. I've heard some say "well, we got a nice bonus in our paychecks from Trump."

Maybe we need a tax revolt in this country again. Not against King George, but emperor Trump. His so-called middle class tax cuts benefitted the 1% far and above any middle class folks. Unless the middle class is now defined as people earning millions. 83% of the benefits realized through those middle-class cuts went to The Don and his version of middle class America. Tax reform my ass. And the righties still buy the whole snow job and call the left stupid. It's quite a theatre of the absurd notion.

All these "Tax Experts" on here are so smug about the fuckin' bone the working man/woman was thrown. It's sad that so many buy what this snake-oil salesman is selling. Not only about how wonderful the tax bill is but the rest of his wares. Fake news, Witch Hunt, Don't look here, look over there etc. And they just fall in line behind a madman and sing his praises as if he was good for America.

So, no, he's not the greatest anything except conman.
Says an obama supporter

Unlike you, I vote issues and have no love for any politician They're all self serving and the new ones will get there sooner or later too. You, on the other hand, fall in love with second story men who tell you what you want to hear.
Getting back on the OP subject, you Trumpers don't even realize when you're being had.
Sure we do. That's why all of us have called you out on your bullshit here in this thread. And I'll do it again right now. Check this out, my triggered little snowflake:
  • President Trump decreased debt by massive amounts early on
  • Other nations are investing in the U.S. thanks to President Trump's leadership and efforts
  • President Trump made cuts to the bloated, unconstitutional federal government
  • President Trump has secured the borders
  • President Trump has appointed justices who will actually respect and uphold the law
  • President Trump's policies have resulted in a booming economy with record low unemployment
  • President Trump's policies have resulted in higher income for Americans
  • President Trump has restored constitutional government
  • President Trump has held incompetent Obama appointees accountable
  • President Trump's policies have resulted in U.S companies flourishing
I could literally post hundreds of these. And each bullet point has at least one link (some have multiple links). It's all 100% fact and indisputable. Now once again, ignore all of it, refuse to even read it, and give us some left-wing tantrum about how Trump is a "bad, bad, meany man".
Wind turbines are killing birds? That's why we shouldn't pursue alt energies? Wow. Now there's some brilliant thinking.
Again...let me see if I can dumb this down to your level:

A. I never said whether we should or shouldn't pursue "alt energies". That is for the free market to decide

B. I have said that it is highly illegal/unconstitutional for government to subsidize "alt energy" and should not be doing that in any capacity.

C. It's funny to see you dodge the reality that wind turbines kill birds while you claim you want "alt energy" for Earth. Don't dodge it. Be a man and take the issue head-on. Solar farms are also killing all forms of vegetation as it keeps everything on the ground in a constant state of shade (plant life requires sun light, genius). The problem with you lefties is that your profound ignorance leads you to believe that everything occurs in a vacuum. None of you grasp that every action/decision creates a sequence of events and consequences (both good and bad).

Would you please try and follow along or ask an adult for help? Explaining everything to you two or three times is time consuming.
...And The making of the batteries for alt energy is beyond toxic... Tree huggers are hypocrites

And righties are feeble-minded false hero worshipers They buy any foolish bullshit that comes out of an orange face. And they can't recognize when their being screwed. Quite a choice, tree-hugger or idiot.
Why not an “all of the above” - We have fossil fuels now the technology is perfected.
Use them up, up here in the northern plains there nothing to loose by doing just that.
Fossil fuels are the heart beat of this area...
Keep your political correctness to yourselves

I guess the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow where you are. We have plenty to "loose" genius.
They're all self serving and the new ones will get there sooner or later too.
The only accurate and intelligent thing you've said on USMB. If only it were true that you actually aren't a partisan hack voter (it is painfully clear that you are).
Getting back on the OP subject, you Trumpers don't even realize when you're being had.
Sure we do. That's why all of us have called you out on your bullshit here in this thread. And I'll do it again right now. Check this out, my triggered little snowflake:
  • President Trump decreased debt by massive amounts early on
  • Other nations are investing in the U.S. thanks to President Trump's leadership and efforts
  • President Trump made cuts to the bloated, unconstitutional federal government
  • President Trump has secured the borders
  • President Trump has appointed justices who will actually respect and uphold the law
  • President Trump's policies have resulted in a booming economy with record low unemployment
  • President Trump's policies have resulted in higher income for Americans
  • President Trump has restored constitutional government
  • President Trump has held incompetent Obama appointees accountable
  • President Trump's policies have resulted in U.S companies flourishing
I could literally post hundreds of these. And each bullet point has at least one link (some have multiple links). It's all 100% fact and indisputable. Now once again, ignore all of it, refuse to even read it, and give us some left-wing tantrum about how Trump is a "bad, bad, meany man".

Every point you made is bullshit. With the exception of the last one but what's missing is that the working man doesn't participate in all the flourishing. Wages are stagnant and the cost to the budget will come due for the future generations to pay for all the flourishing. Massive amounts? LOL What he's got came from the previous adm who had to bail out the last GOP morons. It's a pattern, GOP fucks up and Dems clean up their mess.

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