Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

trump will go down in history. He will take the place of Benedict Arnold as the greatest traitor the country has ever seen.
That would be Obama.
Trump will go down in history as the greatest President we have ever had. Despite all the roadblocks you folks are putting in his way. Imagine the greatness he could be if you simply got on board the Trump train and stopped being road blocks in front of him.

I for one would rather stay on this side of reality. You are of course free to be another cult member. Gratefully, your numbers are shrinking. I can't wait to talk to you folks when the truth is told. Won't be long now. You're the one who'll have to explain to your kids and yourself how you could have been so naive.
The only reason he won't achieve maximum greatness is if you Liberals stop him and it'll be all your fault not his.

Just how many of his present or past associates have pled guilty...been convicted....been indicted....or granted immunity for their cooperation? Would it be a dozen....two dozen?

The trump criminal regime is on its last legs.

Yeah, these cult crazies remind me of a sixties song by The Fifth Dimension~ Oh! Sweet Blindness.
Keep them hands out Taker.
Shit, he's out of His Mind so he can't be in anyone else's. He's a danger to America and someday when or if you wake up you'll realize that.
That would be Obama.
Trump will go down in history as the greatest President we have ever had. Despite all the roadblocks you folks are putting in his way. Imagine the greatness he could be if you simply got on board the Trump train and stopped being road blocks in front of him.

I for one would rather stay on this side of reality. You are of course free to be another cult member. Gratefully, your numbers are shrinking. I can't wait to talk to you folks when the truth is told. Won't be long now. You're the one who'll have to explain to your kids and yourself how you could have been so naive.
The only reason he won't achieve maximum greatness is if you Liberals stop him and it'll be all your fault not his.

Just how many of his present or past associates have pled guilty...been convicted....been indicted....or granted immunity for their cooperation? Would it be a dozen....two dozen?

The trump criminal regime is on its last legs.

Yeah, these cult crazies remind me of a sixties song by The Fifth Dimension~ Oh! Sweet Blindness.
Keep them hands out Taker.

Man, he's got you cold. He owns you as much as Putin owns him. Now, we just need a Curly to round out the trio.
trump will go down in history. He will take the place of Benedict Arnold as the greatest traitor the country has ever seen.
That would be Obama.
Trump will go down in history as the greatest President we have ever had. Despite all the roadblocks you folks are putting in his way. Imagine the greatness he could be if you simply got on board the Trump train and stopped being road blocks in front of him.

I for one would rather stay on this side of reality. You are of course free to be another cult member. Gratefully, your numbers are shrinking. I can't wait to talk to you folks when the truth is told. Won't be long now. You're the one who'll have to explain to your kids and yourself how you could have been so naive.
The only reason he won't achieve maximum greatness is if you Liberals stop him and it'll be all your fault not his.

So, what else is new? He is blameless for everything he does because of cultists like yourself not holding him accountable. But that won't be a problem for Mueller. The DON and his fellow mobsters are going down!
In your marxist dreams.

You don't even know what the fuck that means. LOL
I have no doubt about Trump being seen as our greatest president in history. The guy is doing an awesome job! :)
Links are worthless...
Spoken like a true partisan hack. The left believes “links are worthless” because there are no links to back up their lies.

No, they are worthless because cultists will simply go to their favorite sites with names like I' to cling to the bullshit that their cult leader spoon feeds them. Despite the FACT that there are many legit sites with evidence to back their conclusions. Just like you did when I gave you evidence of The Don's long established ties to the Russian mob.

No, that's how much the Trumps of this world have stolen for themselves in the name of the middle class and saddled our kids with that debt for long after they're gone to the golf course in the sky. And, now the 1% still isn't satisfied because they want to fuck with the way capital gains are calculated to include inflation while they cut Colas to the working poor and disabled based on you guessed it, inflation. Inflation that Trump's policies have caused to rise through mindless tariffs. Clueless have a tendency to remain clueless.
The man named trump will go down as the most corrupt person to ever sit in the WH. He sold out his country in order to pay off debts to Russia.

Just like you did when I gave you evidence of The Don's long established ties to the Russian mob.
You didn't give me "evidence". You gave me your opinion. You never added a single link (credible or otherwise) to back up your bullshit. And everyone here called you out on it.
This solidified my vote for him and will be his legacy--a lifetime of wanting to help america reach its potential

Just like you did when I gave you evidence of The Don's long established ties to the Russian mob.
You didn't give me "evidence". You gave me your opinion. You never added a single link (credible or otherwise) to back up your bullshit. And everyone here called you out on it.

Just because you're too lazy or dim to look doesn't mean I didn't provide evidence. I'll tell you one last time. Posts 1250-1251.
You are truly a Trump cultist because you've got the vernacular down pat. "Everyone called you out on it!" If everyone is you and toobfreak that might be true. You just don't want to know the truth about Agent Orange because that would reveal to "everyone!" what a tool you are.
This solidified my vote for him and will be his legacy--a lifetime of wanting to help america reach its potential

A lifetime of screwing others to reach Donald Trump's bank account's full potential. He doesn't give a rat's rump about this country or he wouldn't be conspiring with Putin to fuck with our democracy. The light will be shone on all of it someday soon. You'll probably deny and regurgitate "Fake News!" Indoctrination is a powerful thing especially when the cult is clueless and/or naive.
This solidified my vote for him and will be his legacy--a lifetime of wanting to help america reach its potential

I expect with only two year in office he, his regime, and his associates past and present have racked up the greatest number of indictments, guilty pleas, convictions, and cooperation agreements of any former administration.

How is the old "drain the swamp" plan working for him?

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