Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Dumb ass...besides being a fake is not illegal to do business with Russia (or China, or Venezuela, etc.). You continue to take your stupidity to unprecedented levels. :eusa_doh:

Yeah not illegal. Never was illegal and that's really not the point. But when you put the Trump Jr. statement against the following video.... maybe, just maybe (I seriously doubt it) you'll get the point.

lol... get it now?
Ya know, maybe I am clairvoyant. Because I knew you would deny the undeniable and deflect to someone who IS NOT President or the subject of the thread or my posts. But I'm the dumbass. LOL You are so far up his orange ass that you probably couldn't read the evidence unless he unzipped.
How many indictments? How many guilty pleas?
Like I said, the Obama Administration was the most corrupt administration in U.S. history. Thank God for organizations like Judicial Watch to uncover this kind of corruption (and to educate nitwits such as yourself).


I gotta give you credit, you didn't use Fox, Breitbart or Infowars for your link, you found yet another right wing rag. That's some good journalism. It's the kind of so-called press that Fake News is made of. You ignore every major legit source and search for someone to agree with you. I didn't just give you a link, I gave you a hundred links but you believe the one with "Russia Collusion Fairy Tale" in the masthead. Brilliant.
Gee, I wonder where toobfreak has been. Probably in graduate school. LOL Maybe he'll learn how to read and then he can find a link to agree with him, too. Hey 150! Where are yooooooo?
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

You so-called Constitutionalists are phonies.

You don't like Article III -- because you can't control the outcome -- Judges on both sides don't always do what parties want (only Judges appointed by Dems get accused of activism)

And where were you when the GOP Senate put the constitution on hold in 2016 and refused to allow the sitting President to fill a vacant seat. Don't tell me you bought the shit Ted Cruz pulled from his ass?
How many indictments? How many guilty pleas?
Like I said, the Obama Administration was the most corrupt administration in U.S. history. Thank God for organizations like Judicial Watch to uncover this kind of corruption (and to educate nitwits such as yourself).


The following Federal District Court judges signed off on the wiretapping of Mr. Page: Judges Rosemary Collyer, Michael Mosman, Anne C. Conway and Raymond J. Dearie. All were appointed by Republican presidents.

That's some Dem conspiracy you've got there. BTW there were THREE other extension requests with additional info to support each extension filed and those judges agreed. The original warrant included that the Steele dossier was something that could hurt the Trump campaign. The court considered that and issued the warrant based on OTHER info contained in the warrant that outlined Russia's targeting of US persons including Mr Page. Each subsequent renewal warrant was based on additional info that came to light because of the investigation.
The following Federal District Court judges signed off on the wiretapping of Mr. Page: Judges Rosemary Collyer, Michael Mosman, Anne C. Conway and Raymond J. Dearie. All were appointed by Republican presidents.
I’m trying to figure out if you have point here? All of the entrenched Republicans vehemently opposed President Trump as much as the Dumbocrats. Which made the American people love him all the more. They were tired of the corruption and career politicians.
Dumb ass...besides being a fake is not illegal to do business with Russia (or China, or Venezuela, etc.). You continue to take your stupidity to unprecedented levels. :eusa_doh:

Yeah not illegal. Never was illegal and that's really not the point. But when you put the Trump Jr. statement against the following video.... maybe, just maybe (I seriously doubt it) you'll get the point.

lol... get it now?

Doing business is indeed legal, but laundering money for a foreign adversary isn't. And funneling money from an adversary or any foreign entity into a political campaign is a felony.
That's some Dem conspiracy you've got there.
Snowflake, the judges didn’t bring the request before themselves. It was the corrupt people of the Obama Administration that brought fake information from Russia before the FISA court.

Every time there is a connection to Russia, it comes from the Clinton’s and the Obama’s. Amazing.
Doing business is indeed legal, but laundering money for a foreign adversary isn't.
And yet laundering money from a foreign adversary is exactly what the Clinton’s didn’t through the hilarious “Clinton Foundation” (whose sole purpose is to bring in money for the Clinton’s and then launder it for the Clinton’s).
The following Federal District Court judges signed off on the wiretapping of Mr. Page: Judges Rosemary Collyer, Michael Mosman, Anne C. Conway and Raymond J. Dearie. All were appointed by Republican presidents.
I’m trying to figure out if you have point here? All of the entrenched Republicans vehemently opposed President Trump as much as the Dumbocrats. Which made the American people love him all the more. They were tired of the corruption and career politicians.

So the Republican FISA court wanted to hurt Trump and so they approved a warrant that would have never come to light without being leaked by other republicans and didn't at that time have anything to do with Trump? They should have instead, under that logic, ignored the fact that a foreign adversary was recruiting US persons to effect our elections because later the INTEL committee, chaired by Reps would reveal the inv.? LOL
Doing business is indeed legal, but laundering money for a foreign adversary isn't.
And yet laundering money from a foreign adversary is exactly what the Clinton’s didn’t through the hilarious “Clinton Foundation” (whose sole purpose is to bring in money for the Clinton’s and then launder it for the Clinton’s).

Hey, snowball, I gave you hundreds of links that shows Trump's ties to the Russian mob and Putin. And you respond by ignoring all that and deflecting to Obama and Clinton? You are a hopeless cultist, and a total fool.
Hey, snowball, I gave you hundreds of links that shows Trump's ties to the Russian mob and Putin.
A hundred links? Interesting. I haven’t seen one. I’m not saying you haven’t posted one, I’m just saying I haven’t seen one. If you posed 100, you’d think I would have seen one or two by now.
Watch and learn. Everything I've said will be shown as truth.
Bingo! It’s not “truth” now. He just accidentally admitted that he’s making shit up (hence the reason he is unable to provide a link).

The Trump team claims there is no truth, remember? Like I've said, be patient and you'll see. I don't accidentally do anything. You cultists are so compromised that Trump and co. are attacking the Constitution constantly and right under your noses and you're more concerned about apostrophes. And then you think you're smart enough to take me on?

Links are worthless because for every truth there are a thousand untruths that folks like you will grasp onto to avoid admitting how clueless you truly are. What I've told you is TRUE and you will soon see. Do a little research on Trump's history and only from sources other than Breitbart, Infowars and Fox. His ties to Russia and money laundering are there for you to see.

His activities after all US banks shut him out will be enlightening if you are open to the real truth. All this childish "gotcha" stuff aside, there is a mountain of evidence of his ties to the Russian mob in NY since the 80's. And, you'll also see how JR. related to the press that after the last bankruptcy filing, that "most of the money coming in to the Trump Org is from Russia." And Trump has denied he had any such business ties and especially during the lead-up to the election. The Russian Mafia, unlike the mob in the US is tied directly to Putin's govt. Anything but an adversarial relationship. Haven't you geniuses ever asked yourselves why Trump trashes every member of the Dept of Justice and the FBI and the Fourth Estate yet is so deferential to Putin? Do the math without the blinders on. But you won't, will you.
Dude empty proselytizing is going to get you nowhere. You're saying a whole lot of nothing. Spewing hot air with no proof or backup.
This is from 7 years BEFORE his thoughts of candidacy. Before "FakeNews" LOL
Yeah, I'm a this and I'm a that. If you need more, I've got it. No, I'm not clairvoyant. I don't have to be.

So you think it's illegal to do business in or with Russians?
How will they ever become a part of the solution, vs the problem, if they aren't in business with people outside of their country?
Dumb ass...besides being a fake is not illegal to do business with Russia (or China, or Venezuela, etc.). You continue to take your stupidity to unprecedented levels. :eusa_doh:

Yeah not illegal. Never was illegal and that's really not the point. But when you put the Trump Jr. statement against the following video.... maybe, just maybe (I seriously doubt it) you'll get the point.

lol... get it now?

Doing business is indeed legal, but laundering money for a foreign adversary isn't. And funneling money from an adversary or any foreign entity into a political campaign is a felony.

Then why aren't you bitching about Clinton? Hypocrite.
Dumb ass...besides being a fake is not illegal to do business with Russia (or China, or Venezuela, etc.). You continue to take your stupidity to unprecedented levels. :eusa_doh:

Yeah not illegal. Never was illegal and that's really not the point. But when you put the Trump Jr. statement against the following video.... maybe, just maybe (I seriously doubt it) you'll get the point.

lol... get it now?

Doing business is indeed legal, but laundering money for a foreign adversary isn't. And funneling money from an adversary or any foreign entity into a political campaign is a felony.

Then why aren't you bitching about Clinton? Hypocrite.

Clinton isn't President and has zero to do with this thread. That's all you cultists have is defecting to Clinton or Obama. I guess if I voted for a madman I'd not want to discuss it either. Nice try though.
This is from 7 years BEFORE his thoughts of candidacy. Before "FakeNews" LOL
Yeah, I'm a this and I'm a that. If you need more, I've got it. No, I'm not clairvoyant. I don't have to be.

So you think it's illegal to do business in or with Russians?
How will they ever become a part of the solution, vs the problem, if they aren't in business with people outside of their country?

Stay ignorant. It will save you from some jarring realizations. If Helsinki didn't teach you anything, then the situation is hopeless. BTW Russia and Putin have no desire to be part of what you think is a solution. Their only desire is to destroy every western democracy and Agent Orange is their ticket to that show. They and you have successfully installed an asset of Putin in the Whitehouse.
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