Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

Trump is a lame duck President since the first day in office.

All he can do is write EO's that liberal courts will strike down.

I reckon he did appoint someone to SCOTUS.

That's about it.

Neither party likes him, nor does the press
Trump is bonkers as are his dotards
What industry claimed that?

The IQ ratings industry. There are a few different ratings methods, some obsolete (for instance, they no longer use the terms idiot, imbecile and moron; those originally belonged to specific IQ ranges, and if you look into it you will see that studies show the average doctorate has an IQ of around 125.

Smart people don't need cartoons to make their point.

Thanks for letting us know. Personally, I like to make posts visually and graphically interesting for the reader, USMB gives us the tools, use them. As to your claim of 140, I doubt it. You have too many cognitive breaks in your reasoning. If you do have a gifted IQ, it is hampered by organic brain damage or sociopathic or other low order problems. EG: you have totally sidestepped the real topic and never answered the request to links to ANY of the wild claims you made:

Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

You might be a high functioning autistic? At any rate, it takes more than smarts on paper; intelligence is also a function of being able to effectively APPLY your reasoning to your environment as a function of accurately relating to reality, and if you follow your threads, you'll find about 80%-90% of replies here find your comments HALF-COCKED.

My guess: you didn't make it out of combat with all your wits intact. Too bad.

Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that you're a genius. Yet you can't decipher what has been right in front of you for a year and a half. All you have is bullshit and bluster. I guess one could say you can't find fault in a kindred spirit. And your reference to my combat is just an attempt to rattle me. I don't rattle. Your cartoons, childish insults, imogees, and claims of massive intellect are simply signs of personal insecurity and envy. With the accent on simple. Good try though, for a child.

I'm not trying to prove or convince anyone of anything. Couldn't care less what you think. Was just saying because you made such a stupid comment. In fact, I don't even particularly consider myself especially smart, just that people like you are such total flaming anal jackasses.

Oh, sure. Those self-serving accolades in your post where you went on about your overall brilliance was just making small talk. Do you actually think you're not transparent? LOL BTW, I agree with you. I don't consider you especially smart either and I'm sure others feel the same way when they see your immature, stamp your feet and hold your breath attempts at debate.
You are very much like your idol. When you can't cope with a formidable challenger, you boast, insult and blame others for your weakness. I apologize for upsetting you so much because you feel so threatened by me.
Oh! That's right, you couldn't care less what I think. LOL
The reason I know these things is that unlike you I can see very clearly what Trump is all about
Let’s set aside for a moment the fact that your sentence there is structured like it was done by a 6-year old. How does one go from “I can see what he is all about” to “he is tied to the Russian mob”?

Seriously, you’re like a hysterical liberal woman. You’re in a tizzy just throwing shit out there. Either post something credible that ties Donald Trump to the Russian mafia or shut the fuck up. You sound like an idiot, you’ve destroyed your own credibility, and everyone is laughing at you.
And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."
Hey is not illegal to do business with Russia or the citizens of Russia. Billions of people all over the world do it every day. You’re a hysterical left-wing woman right now. You need to take a deep breath because you are seriously losing your grip on reality right now. You’re in full-blown Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The only one's he's making fools of are those who are already fools, his supporters. Like all of you Low IQ folks on here.
Once again, additional evidence that Wickerthing is a low IQ, Dumbocrat voter. He takes what everyone else says and repeats it back to them. He is literally incapable of forming his own thoughts (which is exactly why he parrots the progressive talking points). Go through this thread - I explained why he was a “low IQ” Dumbocrat voter. Ever since then, he has latched onto that phrase (as he has others).
I just have a laugh at our old white fart patriots sucking off then commie benefits.
Me too. They are called “progressives”. Unfortunately though, they are also young, black, etc.
Are you seriously suggesting none of our founders didn't have or bang their slaves?
First of all, there literally isn’t a single ounce of evidence in world history that would even suggest (much less prove), that any of our founders ever raped a slave. None. When the left desperately attempted to revive the political assassination attempt by their side of the aisle that Thomas Jefferson fathered a child with Sally Hemings (a slave) in a weak and pathetic attempt to justify Bill Clinton’s adultery while he was in office, DNA exonerated Jefferson.

It’s such a shame that you were so easy for the left to dupe. Whatever the left feeds, you’re willing to swallow - no questions asked. But, that’s what makes one a progressive. People who question things and think for themselves are called “conservatives”.
Another guy who doesn't care what I think. LOL Another guy who can't handle debate without childish insults and deflections away from the subject. But But Hillary! Another one who projects the things he's guilty of onto others who dare to actually see through the lies and the coincidences piled one upon the other.

Examples of his projecting: He supports Trump yet talks about others not being interested in "facts."
Accuses others of parroting "talking points" as he uses "Low IQ, But Hillary, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Crime is not illegal, (that's probably my favorite)

Detractors, not Trump, are losing their grip on reality, They, not Trump, make their own separate realities. They don't agree and fail to fall in lock step with Trump like he has so obviously done so therefore they are Snowflakes, Hysterical Women, Low IQ,

I need to take a deep breath because he is upset and throwing a childish tantrum, I'm a this and I'm a that because I see what's obvious and he is blinded by his total capitulation to a madman. I called his bullshit out as the immature ramblings that they are and therefore I write like a six year old.

I can see the evidence that's right in front of me and so I should "shut the fuck up." He doesn't care for what I've got to say so the "whole World" is laughing at me. It's really amazing to see total indoctrination at work on a person who should know better. His hero acts like a schoolyard bully and an over-age brat with the thinnest of skins, and so he has adopted that same posture.

And just like an immature and out-gunned brat, when his so-called intellect fails him, he employs such adult tactics as cartoons and imogees with silly facial expressions and reveals himself to be the same little brat that he so admires in the President.

He is a prime example of how effective it has been to desensitize America to outright lying and attacks on justice, attacks on the rule of law, American institutions, and reality itself.

The time has come to tell his hero, Agent Orange, (Putin's code name for Trump) You're Fired!
And just like an immature and out-gunned brat, when his so-called intellect fails him, he employs such adult tactics as cartoons and imogees with silly facial expressions
“Imogees” :lmao:

That would be “emojis”. You’d think someone with 140 IQ would know that. :laugh:
And just like an immature and out-gunned brat, when his so-called intellect fails him, he employs such adult tactics as cartoons and imogees with silly facial expressions
“Imogees” :lmao:

That would be “emojis”. You’d think someone with 140 IQ would know that. :laugh:

I don't use em'. Whatever they're called. They're for little kids, like you. Not surprised you know all about them.
And just like an immature and out-gunned brat, when his so-called intellect fails him, he employs such adult tactics as cartoons and imogees with silly facial expressions
“Imogees” :lmao:

That would be “emojis”. You’d think someone with 140 IQ would know that. :laugh:

I don't use em'. Whatever they're called. They're for little kids, like you. Not surprised you know all about them.
Perhaps you’re in such a tizzy over all of the Trump winning that you can’t think straight? :dunno:
What industry claimed that?

The IQ ratings industry. There are a few different ratings methods, some obsolete (for instance, they no longer use the terms idiot, imbecile and moron; those originally belonged to specific IQ ranges, and if you look into it you will see that studies show the average doctorate has an IQ of around 125.

Smart people don't need cartoons to make their point.

Thanks for letting us know. Personally, I like to make posts visually and graphically interesting for the reader, USMB gives us the tools, use them. As to your claim of 140, I doubt it. You have too many cognitive breaks in your reasoning. If you do have a gifted IQ, it is hampered by organic brain damage or sociopathic or other low order problems. EG: you have totally sidestepped the real topic and never answered the request to links to ANY of the wild claims you made:

Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

You might be a high functioning autistic? At any rate, it takes more than smarts on paper; intelligence is also a function of being able to effectively APPLY your reasoning to your environment as a function of accurately relating to reality, and if you follow your threads, you'll find about 80%-90% of replies here find your comments HALF-COCKED.

My guess: you didn't make it out of combat with all your wits intact. Too bad.

Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that you're a genius. Yet you can't decipher what has been right in front of you for a year and a half. All you have is bullshit and bluster. I guess one could say you can't find fault in a kindred spirit. And your reference to my combat is just an attempt to rattle me. I don't rattle. Your cartoons, childish insults, imogees, and claims of massive intellect are simply signs of personal insecurity and envy. With the accent on simple. Good try though, for a child.

I'm not trying to prove or convince anyone of anything. Couldn't care less what you think. Was just saying because you made such a stupid comment. In fact, I don't even particularly consider myself especially smart, just that people like you are such total flaming anal jackasses.

Oh, sure. Those self-serving accolades in your post where you went on about your overall brilliance was just making small talk. Do you actually think you're not transparent? LOL BTW, I agree with you. I don't consider you especially smart either and I'm sure others feel the same way when they see your immature, stamp your feet and hold your breath attempts at debate.
You are very much like your idol. When you can't cope with a formidable challenger, you boast, insult and blame others for your weakness. I apologize for upsetting you so much because you feel so threatened by me.
Oh! That's right, you couldn't care less what I think. LOL

Hey Wickerbrain,

Do you EVER STFU and simply respond to the OP's topic at all like even an 8th grader and answer the fricking questions you raised in post 1200 about:

I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy,

when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters,

Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."

It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,

or is it always nothing but listening to your talking out of your backdoor like the asshat you really are? Either provide SOMETHING to support your stupid jackass claims just ONE TIME or STFU. :1peleas: Everyone here is tired of your brain-damaged halitosis.

Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

none of that is illegal. most of Hawaii is owned by Japanese and Chinese today.

Money laundering is illegal. You didn't know that?

There was no money laundering by any Trump companies. However, what do you call it when Russians put 450 million into the Clinton foundation, and that money manages somehow to wind up in the Clinton crime family bank accounts? How about bribery and treason?

What do you call it when the Clinton foundation collected donations for Haiti hurricane relief and that money also ended up in the Clinton accounts, and not in Haiti? Corruption, fraud?
So, we've got deflection to the Clintons, childish tantrums, more cartoons and accusations of not being "factual." I love it. Keep it coming, cultists. Gee, why do you sound so much alike? Can't imagine. You folks need some new material because what you've got could qualify for handicap parking.
So, we've got deflection to the Clintons, childish tantrums, more cartoons and accusations of not being "factual." I love it. Keep it coming, cultists. Gee, why do you sound so much alike? Can't imagine. You folks need some new material because what you've got could qualify for handicap parking.

What we have is an assclown who says things with no ability to ever support his claims, always deflects away from the real topic by calling every effort to pin him down a deflection, a tantrum or some other put down against the PERSON making the argument rather than the argument itself hoping to avoid addressing the issue, avoids the accomplishments of Trump or the crimes of Hillary and Obama like the plague because he knows he cannot defend or explain them, lives in his own cult all the while calling the real world "cultist, and then can't imagine why so many people all say the SAME THINGS about him when he's the only common denominator!

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