Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

Hey Blithering,

I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy,

when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters,

Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."

It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,


Or is this just more "ass talk" from you?

View attachment 213605

Like I said, I love the circus. Especially all the clowns. BTW Don't you know the meaning of NEAR? All you have to do is pay attention and do some research and you'll see the truth for yourself. But you've gotta stay away from Fox and Infowars. Gee, you've got imogees and pretty pictures, so you must be right.
Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

none of that is illegal. most of Hawaii is owned by Japanese and Chinese today.

Money laundering is illegal. You didn't know that?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.
A tragedy that Hillary didn't get elected, let's say that her policies didn't get elected. 25 years of phony scandals, Russians hacking, and always silly American corporate Media. And mainly Big Mouth Republican James Comey.

Policies don't get elected.

no but successful ones get people reelected, bad omen for dems this fall and in 2020.

Hold that thought and we'll talk in November. But, you're not gonna like what we talk about. My guess is 32-37 seats in the Blue column. And the Senate is not completely out of the question either.

LOL, don't believe the pollsters, they told you Hillary could not lose, remember?

I make my own observations. You cultists are incapable of doing that.
The only hysterical folks I see on here are you cult members who can't debate the issues without a bunch o' baby shit. . BTW, nobody ever said that Russians voted in our elections. They worked in concert with folks in the Trump camp to influence gullible people to vote for a madman. And you fell for it apparently. But there's really no excuse to continue to ignore the obvious corruption and subservience to Putin.

Helsinki should have been the wake-up call of all wake-up calls but even that wasn't enough of a clue for all of you high IQ folks.
So next time the Russians give their money to shell American corporations who then place the ads then it's perfectly legal.

Is there a point somewhere in that statement?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.

So, when it's proved that the Trump camp and the candidate himself were acting in concert with Putin's govt and Russian military intelligence to fix our elections to install Trump as an agent of Putin, that'll just be fine with you?
It's already proven that Hillary colluded with Russia to gather dirt on the Trump campaign. Arrest her ass.

Two attempted deflections away from the subject. Nice try but it's lame.
Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

Hey Blithering,

I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy,

when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters,

Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."

It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,


Or is this just more "ass talk" from you?

View attachment 213605

Like I said, I love the circus. Especially all the clowns. BTW Don't you know the meaning of NEAR? All you have to do is pay attention and do some research and you'll see the truth for yourself. But you've gotta stay away from Fox and Infowars. Gee, you've got imogees and pretty pictures, so you must be right.

Hey Wickerhead,

I can honestly say it is no joy even reading you much less responding. I have never seen anyone join a group and so quickly destroy all their credibility with nothing but strawman arguments, vacuous claims, and baseless "predictions," then so often try to change the subject and run from your own meat-headed comments with talk of circuses and clowns. I don't even have cable TV much less watch Fox and my only exposure to Infowars is what I see posted here, but facts just don't matter to goons like you, you think your saying it makes it true, and despite a list of accomplishments that would have put Obama on people's shoulders in ticker-tape parades, you think you are fooling anyone with your constant drumbeat about how bad Trump is.

Truth is that despite his constant antagonisms to the press and often self-generated criticisms, despite MANY times the opposition Obama ever faced, much less zero support from his party, Washington, government, and media, he still marches forward a NON-POLITICIAN with ZERO political experience making fools of politicians everywhere DOING JUST WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO where career politicians produce nothing but talk.

Better get a VERY big towel to last you through to about 2024. :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:
Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

Hey Blithering,

I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy,

when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters,

Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."

It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,


Or is this just more "ass talk" from you?

View attachment 213605

Like I said, I love the circus. Especially all the clowns. BTW Don't you know the meaning of NEAR? All you have to do is pay attention and do some research and you'll see the truth for yourself. But you've gotta stay away from Fox and Infowars. Gee, you've got imogees and pretty pictures, so you must be right.

Hey Wickerhead,

I can honestly say it is no joy even reading you much less responding. I have never seen anyone join a group and so quickly destroy all their credibility with nothing but strawman arguments, vacuous claims, and baseless "predictions," then so often try to change the subject and run from your own meat-headed comments with talk of circuses and clowns. I don't even have cable TV much less watch Fox and my only exposure to Infowars is what I see posted here, but facts just don't matter to goons like you, you think your saying it makes it true, and despite a list of accomplishments that would have put Obama on people's shoulders in ticker-tape parades, you think you are fooling anyone with your constant drumbeat about how bad Trump is.

Truth is that despite his constant antagonisms to the press and often self-generated criticisms, despite MANY times the opposition Obama ever faced, much less zero support from his party, Washington, government, and media, he still marches forward a NON-POLITICIAN with ZERO political experience making fools of politicians everywhere DOING JUST WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO where career politicians produce nothing but talk.

Better get a VERY big towel to last you through to about 2024. :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:

The only one's he's making fools of are those who are already fools, his supporters. Like all of you Low IQ folks on here. BTW you apparently don't know how to read because I said "near" twice when I referred to his near bankruptcy just before all the sales to Russians and the money laundering. Then you said he's never been bankrupt! Well, he has. Several times. He doesn't like paying his bills and has used the big B at least three times. I'll find it, one minute. You like links so, Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times?

Hey, nice cartoons. Very intellectual.
Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

Hey Blithering,

I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy,

when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters,

Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."

It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,


Or is this just more "ass talk" from you?

View attachment 213605

Like I said, I love the circus. Especially all the clowns. BTW Don't you know the meaning of NEAR? All you have to do is pay attention and do some research and you'll see the truth for yourself. But you've gotta stay away from Fox and Infowars. Gee, you've got imogees and pretty pictures, so you must be right.

Hey Wickerhead,

I can honestly say it is no joy even reading you much less responding. I have never seen anyone join a group and so quickly destroy all their credibility with nothing but strawman arguments, vacuous claims, and baseless "predictions," then so often try to change the subject and run from your own meat-headed comments with talk of circuses and clowns. I don't even have cable TV much less watch Fox and my only exposure to Infowars is what I see posted here, but facts just don't matter to goons like you, you think your saying it makes it true, and despite a list of accomplishments that would have put Obama on people's shoulders in ticker-tape parades, you think you are fooling anyone with your constant drumbeat about how bad Trump is.

Truth is that despite his constant antagonisms to the press and often self-generated criticisms, despite MANY times the opposition Obama ever faced, much less zero support from his party, Washington, government, and media, he still marches forward a NON-POLITICIAN with ZERO political experience making fools of politicians everywhere DOING JUST WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO where career politicians produce nothing but talk.

Better get a VERY big towel to last you through to about 2024. :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:

The only one's he's making fools of are those who are already fools, his supporters. Like all of you Low IQ folks on here.

Yep, us "low IQ" folk, that's why my quotient is about 25 points above your average doctorate (the industry's claim, not mine), went through HS in 2 years, graduated in the Who's Who and was offered two college scholarships (actually, the second was an offer to work for a top university's computer lab where I could then continue my education there for free). And here I am being told by YOU that we all have low IQs------ JUST BECAUSE WE DON'T BUY INTO YOUR BULLSHIT.

You are too much, man. Thank you for the laugh though. :udaman: :th_dontgosmiley-1: :nocknockHT:
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution.

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless
Nothing like a piece of paper written by slave owners and slave rapists.
It wasn’t wittten by “slave rapists”. That’s just what you were conditioned to believe (which illustrates how incredibly weak-minded you are). It was the greatest document ever written by the greatest men who ever lived. And therein lies your problem. Like all losers on the left, you have a deep envy and hatred for anyone who has achieved something in life.

Don’t hate others because of your failures. Own your own failures. And acknowledge the successes of men far greater than you. That’s what a mature adult does. I guess that explains why there are no mature adults on the left.

Apologies, I'm a very grateful member of the 0.1%
Never voted left in my life.
I don't hate anyone.
I just have a laugh at our old white fart patriots sucking off then commie benefits.
Especially Ben for wanting to ban German immigrants
"They are swarthy can't speak our language and are taking our jobs"
Are you seriously suggesting none of our founders didn't have or bang their slaves?
Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

Hey Blithering,

I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy,

when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters,

Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."

It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,


Or is this just more "ass talk" from you?

View attachment 213605

Like I said, I love the circus. Especially all the clowns. BTW Don't you know the meaning of NEAR? All you have to do is pay attention and do some research and you'll see the truth for yourself. But you've gotta stay away from Fox and Infowars. Gee, you've got imogees and pretty pictures, so you must be right.

Hey Wickerhead,

I can honestly say it is no joy even reading you much less responding. I have never seen anyone join a group and so quickly destroy all their credibility with nothing but strawman arguments, vacuous claims, and baseless "predictions," then so often try to change the subject and run from your own meat-headed comments with talk of circuses and clowns. I don't even have cable TV much less watch Fox and my only exposure to Infowars is what I see posted here, but facts just don't matter to goons like you, you think your saying it makes it true, and despite a list of accomplishments that would have put Obama on people's shoulders in ticker-tape parades, you think you are fooling anyone with your constant drumbeat about how bad Trump is.

Truth is that despite his constant antagonisms to the press and often self-generated criticisms, despite MANY times the opposition Obama ever faced, much less zero support from his party, Washington, government, and media, he still marches forward a NON-POLITICIAN with ZERO political experience making fools of politicians everywhere DOING JUST WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO where career politicians produce nothing but talk.

Better get a VERY big towel to last you through to about 2024. :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:

The only one's he's making fools of are those who are already fools, his supporters. Like all of you Low IQ folks on here.

Yep, us "low IQ" folk, that's why my quotient is about 25 points above your average doctorate (the industry's claim, not mine), went through HS in 2 years, graduated in the Who's Who and was offered two college scholarships (actually, the second was an offer to work for a top university's computer lab where I could then continue my education there for free). And here I am being told by YOU that we all have low IQs------ JUST BECAUSE WE DON'T BUY INTO YOUR BULLSHIT.

You are too much, man. Thank you for the laugh though. :udaman: :th_dontgosmiley-1: :nocknockHT:
So what are you doing now?
Member of the 0.1 %?
Didn't you know this is a forum for old white farts sucking off their commie benefits?
Anyone who posts iMogies has to be smart
Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

Hey Blithering,

I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy,

when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters,

Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."

It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,


Or is this just more "ass talk" from you?

View attachment 213605

Like I said, I love the circus. Especially all the clowns. BTW Don't you know the meaning of NEAR? All you have to do is pay attention and do some research and you'll see the truth for yourself. But you've gotta stay away from Fox and Infowars. Gee, you've got imogees and pretty pictures, so you must be right.

Hey Wickerhead,

I can honestly say it is no joy even reading you much less responding. I have never seen anyone join a group and so quickly destroy all their credibility with nothing but strawman arguments, vacuous claims, and baseless "predictions," then so often try to change the subject and run from your own meat-headed comments with talk of circuses and clowns. I don't even have cable TV much less watch Fox and my only exposure to Infowars is what I see posted here, but facts just don't matter to goons like you, you think your saying it makes it true, and despite a list of accomplishments that would have put Obama on people's shoulders in ticker-tape parades, you think you are fooling anyone with your constant drumbeat about how bad Trump is.

Truth is that despite his constant antagonisms to the press and often self-generated criticisms, despite MANY times the opposition Obama ever faced, much less zero support from his party, Washington, government, and media, he still marches forward a NON-POLITICIAN with ZERO political experience making fools of politicians everywhere DOING JUST WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO where career politicians produce nothing but talk.

Better get a VERY big towel to last you through to about 2024. :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:

The only one's he's making fools of are those who are already fools, his supporters. Like all of you Low IQ folks on here.

Yep, us "low IQ" folk, that's why my quotient is about 25 points above your average doctorate (the industry's claim, not mine), went through HS in 2 years, graduated in the Who's Who and was offered two college scholarships (actually, the second was an offer to work for a top university's computer lab where I could then continue my education there for free). And here I am being told by YOU that we all have low IQs------ JUST BECAUSE WE DON'T BUY INTO YOUR BULLSHIT.

You are too much, man. Thank you for the laugh though. :udaman: :th_dontgosmiley-1: :nocknockHT:

What industry claimed that? You either have a high IQ or you don't. You can claim to be a fuckin' kangaroo on here. I think that's closer to the truth. I'm not buying all your bullshit. Smart people don't need cartoons to make their point. That's what little babies do. BTW my IQ is 140.
Is there a point somewhere in that statement?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.
A tragedy that Hillary didn't get elected, let's say that her policies didn't get elected. 25 years of phony scandals, Russians hacking, and always silly American corporate Media. And mainly Big Mouth Republican James Comey.
Proof Chinese hacked Hillary email server.
SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server
Garbage propaganda and who the hell cares?
Who the hell cares who hacked the email server of the Secretary of State? Damn dude, everyone better fucking care.
This is garbage propaganda... There is no evidence behind it it's just b*******, super duper dupe.
Hey Blithering,

I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy,

when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters,

Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."

It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,


Or is this just more "ass talk" from you?

View attachment 213605

Like I said, I love the circus. Especially all the clowns. BTW Don't you know the meaning of NEAR? All you have to do is pay attention and do some research and you'll see the truth for yourself. But you've gotta stay away from Fox and Infowars. Gee, you've got imogees and pretty pictures, so you must be right.

Hey Wickerhead,

I can honestly say it is no joy even reading you much less responding. I have never seen anyone join a group and so quickly destroy all their credibility with nothing but strawman arguments, vacuous claims, and baseless "predictions," then so often try to change the subject and run from your own meat-headed comments with talk of circuses and clowns. I don't even have cable TV much less watch Fox and my only exposure to Infowars is what I see posted here, but facts just don't matter to goons like you, you think your saying it makes it true, and despite a list of accomplishments that would have put Obama on people's shoulders in ticker-tape parades, you think you are fooling anyone with your constant drumbeat about how bad Trump is.

Truth is that despite his constant antagonisms to the press and often self-generated criticisms, despite MANY times the opposition Obama ever faced, much less zero support from his party, Washington, government, and media, he still marches forward a NON-POLITICIAN with ZERO political experience making fools of politicians everywhere DOING JUST WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO where career politicians produce nothing but talk.

Better get a VERY big towel to last you through to about 2024. :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:

The only one's he's making fools of are those who are already fools, his supporters. Like all of you Low IQ folks on here.

Yep, us "low IQ" folk, that's why my quotient is about 25 points above your average doctorate (the industry's claim, not mine), went through HS in 2 years, graduated in the Who's Who and was offered two college scholarships (actually, the second was an offer to work for a top university's computer lab where I could then continue my education there for free). And here I am being told by YOU that we all have low IQs------ JUST BECAUSE WE DON'T BUY INTO YOUR BULLSHIT.

You are too much, man. Thank you for the laugh though. :udaman: :th_dontgosmiley-1: :nocknockHT:
So what are you doing now?
Member of the 0.1 %?
Didn't you know this is a forum for old white farts sucking off their commie benefits?
Anyone who posts iMogies has to be smart
80% Republican this message board is.
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.
A tragedy that Hillary didn't get elected, let's say that her policies didn't get elected. 25 years of phony scandals, Russians hacking, and always silly American corporate Media. And mainly Big Mouth Republican James Comey.

Policies don't get elected.

no but successful ones get people reelected, bad omen for dems this fall and in 2020.

Hold that thought and we'll talk in November. But, you're not gonna like what we talk about. My guess is 32-37 seats in the Blue column. And the Senate is not completely out of the question either.

LOL, don't believe the pollsters, they told you Hillary could not lose, remember?
Before GOP Big Mouth James Comey opened his mouth... Seems like two or three percent of Hillary's lead was Trump supporters misleading pollsters...
The only hysterical folks I see on here are you cult members who can't debate the issues without a bunch o' baby shit. . BTW, nobody ever said that Russians voted in our elections. They worked in concert with folks in the Trump camp to influence gullible people to vote for a madman. And you fell for it apparently. But there's really no excuse to continue to ignore the obvious corruption and subservience to Putin.

Helsinki should have been the wake-up call of all wake-up calls but even that wasn't enough of a clue for all of you high IQ folks.
So next time the Russians give their money to shell American corporations who then place the ads then it's perfectly legal.

Is there a point somewhere in that statement?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.
A tragedy that Hillary didn't get elected, let's say that her policies didn't get elected. 25 years of phony scandals, Russians hacking, and always silly American corporate Media. And mainly Big Mouth Republican James Comey.

Policies don't get elected.
That's the major problem here... People get elected on b******* gossip propaganda and people don't know the actual policies of the parties. Well, Republicans don't, they just know the phony scandals and Misinformation...
Pecker's tabloid ran phony stories about horrible Hillary and the wonders of Trump. We all know that some folks actually read and believe that stuff. What's scariest is that there are probably a number of folks who voted based on that kind of shit and many of them were first time voters. I guess we can consider ourselves lucky that an alien from Zolton wasn't on the ballot or a Kardasian.
What industry claimed that?

The IQ ratings industry. There are a few different ratings methods, some obsolete (for instance, they no longer use the terms idiot, imbecile and moron; those originally belonged to specific IQ ranges, and if you look into it you will see that studies show the average doctorate has an IQ of around 125.

Smart people don't need cartoons to make their point.

Thanks for letting us know. Personally, I like to make posts visually and graphically interesting for the reader, USMB gives us the tools, use them. As to your claim of 140, I doubt it. You have too many cognitive breaks in your reasoning. If you do have a gifted IQ, it is hampered by organic brain damage or sociopathic or other low order problems. EG: you have totally sidestepped the real topic and never answered the request to links to ANY of the wild claims you made:

Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

You might be a high functioning autistic? At any rate, it takes more than smarts on paper; intelligence is also a function of being able to effectively APPLY your reasoning to your environment as a function of accurately relating to reality, and if you follow your threads, you'll find about 80%-90% of replies here find your comments HALF-COCKED.

My guess: you didn't make it out of combat with all your wits intact. Too bad.
Last edited:
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

Only if failure is considered success.
What industry claimed that?

The IQ ratings industry. There are a few different ratings methods, some obsolete (for instance, they no longer use the terms idiot, imbecile and moron; those originally belonged to specific IQ ranges, and if you look into it you will see that studies show the average doctorate has an IQ of around 125.

Smart people don't need cartoons to make their point.

Thanks for letting us know. Personally, I like to make posts visually and graphically interesting for the reader, USMB gives us the tools, use them. As to your claim of 140, I doubt it. You have too many cognitive breaks in your reasoning. If you do have a gifted IQ, it is hampered by organic brain damage or sociopathic or other low order problems. EG: you have totally sidestepped the real topic and never answered the request to links to ANY of the wild claims you made:

Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

You might be a high functioning autistic? At any rate, it takes more than smarts on paper; intelligence is also a function of being able to effectively APPLY your reasoning to your environment as a function of accurately relating to reality, and if you follow your threads, you'll find about 80%-90% of replies here find your comments HALF-COCKED.

My guess: you didn't make it out of combat with all your wits intact. Too bad.

Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that you're a genius. Yet you can't decipher what has been right in front of you for a year and a half. All you have is bullshit and bluster. I guess one could say you can't find fault in a kindred spirit. And your reference to my combat is just an attempt to rattle me. I don't rattle. Your cartoons, childish insults, imogees, and claims of massive intellect are simply signs of personal insecurity and envy. With the accent on simple. Good try though, for a child.
What industry claimed that?

The IQ ratings industry. There are a few different ratings methods, some obsolete (for instance, they no longer use the terms idiot, imbecile and moron; those originally belonged to specific IQ ranges, and if you look into it you will see that studies show the average doctorate has an IQ of around 125.

Smart people don't need cartoons to make their point.

Thanks for letting us know. Personally, I like to make posts visually and graphically interesting for the reader, USMB gives us the tools, use them. As to your claim of 140, I doubt it. You have too many cognitive breaks in your reasoning. If you do have a gifted IQ, it is hampered by organic brain damage or sociopathic or other low order problems. EG: you have totally sidestepped the real topic and never answered the request to links to ANY of the wild claims you made:

Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

You might be a high functioning autistic? At any rate, it takes more than smarts on paper; intelligence is also a function of being able to effectively APPLY your reasoning to your environment as a function of accurately relating to reality, and if you follow your threads, you'll find about 80%-90% of replies here find your comments HALF-COCKED.

My guess: you didn't make it out of combat with all your wits intact. Too bad.

Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that you're a genius. Yet you can't decipher what has been right in front of you for a year and a half. All you have is bullshit and bluster. I guess one could say you can't find fault in a kindred spirit. And your reference to my combat is just an attempt to rattle me. I don't rattle. Your cartoons, childish insults, imogees, and claims of massive intellect are simply signs of personal insecurity and envy. With the accent on simple. Good try though, for a child.

I'm not trying to prove or convince anyone of anything. Couldn't care less what you think. Was just saying because you made such a stupid comment. In fact, I don't even particularly consider myself especially smart, just that people like you are such total flaming anal jackasses.

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