Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

I don't use em'.
The apostrophe would come before ā€œemā€, not after. Iā€™m surprised a guy with a 140 IQ doesnā€™t know that.
I donā€™t use ā€˜em

This is all you've got? Probably took you hours to do the research. Keep em' comin'
So, we've got deflection to the Clintons, childish tantrums, more cartoons and accusations of not being "factual." I love it. Keep it coming, cultists. Gee, why do you sound so much alike? Can't imagine. You folks need some new material because what you've got could qualify for handicap parking.

What we have is an assclown who says things with no ability to ever support his claims, always deflects away from the real topic by calling every effort to pin him down a deflection, a tantrum or some other put down against the PERSON making the argument rather than the argument itself hoping to avoid addressing the issue, avoids the accomplishments of Trump or the crimes of Hillary and Obama like the plague because he knows he cannot defend or explain them, lives in his own cult all the while calling the real world "cultist, and then can't imagine why so many people all say the SAME THINGS about him when he's the only common denominator!

Watch and learn. Everything I've said will be shown as truth. You people are so impatient! Again, nice try with the deflection to Hillary and Obama. Cult behavior, pure and simple. Trump attacks the Constitution from multiple angles in plain sight and you call them accomplishments. That's some 150 you've got there.
I don't use em'.
The apostrophe would come before ā€œemā€, not after. Iā€™m surprised a guy with a 140 IQ doesnā€™t know that.
I donā€™t use ā€˜em

This is all you've got? Probably took you hours to do the research. Keep em' comin'
So, we've got deflection to the Clintons, childish tantrums, more cartoons and accusations of not being "factual." I love it. Keep it coming, cultists. Gee, why do you sound so much alike? Can't imagine. You folks need some new material because what you've got could qualify for handicap parking.

What we have is an assclown who says things with no ability to ever support his claims, always deflects away from the real topic by calling every effort to pin him down a deflection, a tantrum or some other put down against the PERSON making the argument rather than the argument itself hoping to avoid addressing the issue, avoids the accomplishments of Trump or the crimes of Hillary and Obama like the plague because he knows he cannot defend or explain them, lives in his own cult all the while calling the real world "cultist, and then can't imagine why so many people all say the SAME THINGS about him when he's the only common denominator!

Again, nice try with the deflection to Hillary and Obama.
It's not a deflection to try to stay on topic as the two worst people most useful as a reference by which to gauge others by.

Trump attacks the Constitution from multiple angles in plain sight.
Mental damage, friend, it was OBAMA not Trump who was stopped by the Supreme Court, what was it---- 3, 4, 5 times? for stepping WAY OUTSIDE his constitutional authority? Trump? ZERO. You keep talking about waiting to see your fantasies come true, why wait when we can already see what a total clown you are right now, clever in your own mind, not a single thing you say true yet.
I don't use em'.
The apostrophe would come before ā€œemā€, not after. Iā€™m surprised a guy with a 140 IQ doesnā€™t know that.
I donā€™t use ā€˜em

This is all you've got? Probably took you hours to do the research. Keep em' comin'
So, we've got deflection to the Clintons, childish tantrums, more cartoons and accusations of not being "factual." I love it. Keep it coming, cultists. Gee, why do you sound so much alike? Can't imagine. You folks need some new material because what you've got could qualify for handicap parking.

What we have is an assclown who says things with no ability to ever support his claims, always deflects away from the real topic by calling every effort to pin him down a deflection, a tantrum or some other put down against the PERSON making the argument rather than the argument itself hoping to avoid addressing the issue, avoids the accomplishments of Trump or the crimes of Hillary and Obama like the plague because he knows he cannot defend or explain them, lives in his own cult all the while calling the real world "cultist, and then can't imagine why so many people all say the SAME THINGS about him when he's the only common denominator!

Again, nice try with the deflection to Hillary and Obama.
It's not a deflection to try to stay on topic as the two worst people most useful as a reference by which to gauge others by.

Trump attacks the Constitution from multiple angles in plain sight.
Mental damage, friend, it was OBAMA not Trump who was stopped by the Supreme Court, what was it---- 3, 4, 5 times? for stepping WAY OUTSIDE his constitutional authority? Trump? ZERO. You keep talking about waiting to see your fantasies come true, why wait when we can already see what a total clown you are right now, clever in your own mind, not a single thing you say true yet.

Accent on Yet. Like I told you, patience..... Man, for somebody who claims not to care what I think, you sure care what I think. BTW "By which to gauge others by?" Keep em' comin' there 150.
I don't use em'.
The apostrophe would come before ā€œemā€, not after. Iā€™m surprised a guy with a 140 IQ doesnā€™t know that.
I donā€™t use ā€˜em

This is all you've got? Probably took you hours to do the research. Keep em' comin'
So, we've got deflection to the Clintons, childish tantrums, more cartoons and accusations of not being "factual." I love it. Keep it coming, cultists. Gee, why do you sound so much alike? Can't imagine. You folks need some new material because what you've got could qualify for handicap parking.

What we have is an assclown who says things with no ability to ever support his claims, always deflects away from the real topic by calling every effort to pin him down a deflection, a tantrum or some other put down against the PERSON making the argument rather than the argument itself hoping to avoid addressing the issue, avoids the accomplishments of Trump or the crimes of Hillary and Obama like the plague because he knows he cannot defend or explain them, lives in his own cult all the while calling the real world "cultist, and then can't imagine why so many people all say the SAME THINGS about him when he's the only common denominator!

Again, nice try with the deflection to Hillary and Obama.
It's not a deflection to try to stay on topic as the two worst people most useful as a reference by which to gauge others by.

Trump attacks the Constitution from multiple angles in plain sight.
Mental damage, friend, it was OBAMA not Trump who was stopped by the Supreme Court, what was it---- 3, 4, 5 times? for stepping WAY OUTSIDE his constitutional authority? Trump? ZERO. You keep talking about waiting to see your fantasies come true, why wait when we can already see what a total clown you are right now, clever in your own mind, not a single thing you say true yet.

Accent on Yet. Like I told you, patience..... Man, for somebody who claims not to care what I think, you sure care what I think. BTW "By which to gauge others by?" Keep em' comin' there 150.

Hey JismFace,
Anyone can predict most anything into the future! Guess what? I predict that one day the Atlantic Ocean will disappear! Just you wait! :laughing0301:
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. Whatā€™s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

President Donald Trump campaigned on the promise that he would prevent companies from laying off American workers in favor of cheaper foreign labor.

So far, he hasnā€™t delivered. Companies are laying off workers due to foreign competition at a pace of roughly 90,000 per year since Trumpā€™s election.

Thatā€™s slightly above the average of 87,000 workers displaced annually in the five years before Trump took office
I don't use em'.
The apostrophe would come before ā€œemā€, not after. Iā€™m surprised a guy with a 140 IQ doesnā€™t know that.
I donā€™t use ā€˜em

This is all you've got? Probably took you hours to do the research. Keep em' comin'
So, we've got deflection to the Clintons, childish tantrums, more cartoons and accusations of not being "factual." I love it. Keep it coming, cultists. Gee, why do you sound so much alike? Can't imagine. You folks need some new material because what you've got could qualify for handicap parking.

What we have is an assclown who says things with no ability to ever support his claims, always deflects away from the real topic by calling every effort to pin him down a deflection, a tantrum or some other put down against the PERSON making the argument rather than the argument itself hoping to avoid addressing the issue, avoids the accomplishments of Trump or the crimes of Hillary and Obama like the plague because he knows he cannot defend or explain them, lives in his own cult all the while calling the real world "cultist, and then can't imagine why so many people all say the SAME THINGS about him when he's the only common denominator!

Again, nice try with the deflection to Hillary and Obama.
It's not a deflection to try to stay on topic as the two worst people most useful as a reference by which to gauge others by.

Trump attacks the Constitution from multiple angles in plain sight.
Mental damage, friend, it was OBAMA not Trump who was stopped by the Supreme Court, what was it---- 3, 4, 5 times? for stepping WAY OUTSIDE his constitutional authority? Trump? ZERO. You keep talking about waiting to see your fantasies come true, why wait when we can already see what a total clown you are right now, clever in your own mind, not a single thing you say true yet.

Accent on Yet. Like I told you, patience..... Man, for somebody who claims not to care what I think, you sure care what I think. BTW "By which to gauge others by?" Keep em' comin' there 150.

Hey JismFace,
Anyone can predict most anything into the future! Guess what? I predict that one day the Atlantic Ocean will disappear! Just you wait! :laughing0301:

Insults and cartoons. Just what would be expected from a 150 genius. LOL BTW the big difference between your prediction and mine is that we'll be here to see mine and there will be a lot less salt left behind.
Watch and learn. Everything I've said will be shown as truth.
Bingo! Itā€™s not ā€œtruthā€ now. He just accidentally admitted that heā€™s making shit up (hence the reason he is unable to provide a link).

The Trump team claims there is no truth, remember? Like I've said, be patient and you'll see. I don't accidentally do anything. You cultists are so compromised that Trump and co. are attacking the Constitution constantly and right under your noses and you're more concerned about apostrophes. And then you think you're smart enough to take me on?

Links are worthless because for every truth there are a thousand untruths that folks like you will grasp onto to avoid admitting how clueless you truly are. What I've told you is TRUE and you will soon see. Do a little research on Trump's history and only from sources other than Breitbart, Infowars and Fox. His ties to Russia and money laundering are there for you to see.

His activities after all US banks shut him out will be enlightening if you are open to the real truth. All this childish "gotcha" stuff aside, there is a mountain of evidence of his ties to the Russian mob in NY since the 80's. And, you'll also see how JR. related to the press that after the last bankruptcy filing, that "most of the money coming in to the Trump Org is from Russia." And Trump has denied he had any such business ties and especially during the lead-up to the election. The Russian Mafia, unlike the mob in the US is tied directly to Putin's govt. Anything but an adversarial relationship. Haven't you geniuses ever asked yourselves why Trump trashes every member of the Dept of Justice and the FBI and the Fourth Estate yet is so deferential to Putin? Do the math without the blinders on. But you won't, will you.
This is from 7 years BEFORE his thoughts of candidacy. Before "FakeNews" LOL
Yeah, I'm a this and I'm a that. If you need more, I've got it. No, I'm not clairvoyant. I don't have to be.

I just have a laugh at our old white fart patriots sucking off then commie benefits.
Me too. They are called ā€œprogressivesā€. Unfortunately though, they are also young, black, etc.
Are you seriously suggesting none of our founders didn't have or bang their slaves?
First of all, there literally isnā€™t a single ounce of evidence in world history that would even suggest (much less prove), that any of our founders ever raped a slave. None. When the left desperately attempted to revive the political assassination attempt by their side of the aisle that Thomas Jefferson fathered a child with Sally Hemings (a slave) in a weak and pathetic attempt to justify Bill Clintonā€™s adultery while he was in office, DNA exonerated Jefferson.

Itā€™s such a shame that you were so easy for the left to dupe. Whatever the left feeds, youā€™re willing to swallow - no questions asked. But, thatā€™s what makes one a progressive. People who question things and think for themselves are called ā€œconservativesā€.

Apologies, as I said I'm a member of the 0.1% who never voted for a dem in my life
I thought I was a liberal.
Latin, free, "for the individual and small gov"
These dreaded uppity nixxers again. Welfare queens next
I guess you didn't see the welfare Mississippi toothless white boy on YouTube?
You mean you're not on SS? I thought all us old white fart posters had so empty lives we have lots of time to whine on here
I just have a laugh at our old white fart patriots sucking off then commie benefits.
Me too. They are called ā€œprogressivesā€. Unfortunately though, they are also young, black, etc.
Are you seriously suggesting none of our founders didn't have or bang their slaves?
First of all, there literally isnā€™t a single ounce of evidence in world history that would even suggest (much less prove), that any of our founders ever raped a slave. None. When the left desperately attempted to revive the political assassination attempt by their side of the aisle that Thomas Jefferson fathered a child with Sally Hemings (a slave) in a weak and pathetic attempt to justify Bill Clintonā€™s adultery while he was in office, DNA exonerated Jefferson.

Itā€™s such a shame that you were so easy for the left to dupe. Whatever the left feeds, youā€™re willing to swallow - no questions asked. But, thatā€™s what makes one a progressive. People who question things and think for themselves are called ā€œconservativesā€.

Yup DNA dupes me every time. I guess the 6 kids were consensual?
The Illegitimate Children of American Presidents
I guess you don't believe Ben said "Germans are swarthy, can't speak our language and are taking our jobs" either.
Sound familiar in these immigrant times?
The only one's he's making fools of are those who are already fools, his supporters. Like all of you Low IQ folks on here.
Once again, additional evidence that Wickerthing is a low IQ, Dumbocrat voter. He takes what everyone else says and repeats it back to them. He is literally incapable of forming his own thoughts (which is exactly why he parrots the progressive talking points). Go through this thread - I explained why he was a ā€œlow IQā€ Dumbocrat voter. Ever since then, he has latched onto that phrase (as he has others).
The limit of your old age humor?
I preferred lesbian daughters in the White House.
A bit more imaginative
And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."
Hey is not illegal to do business with Russia or the citizens of Russia. Billions of people all over the world do it every day. Youā€™re a hysterical left-wing woman right now. You need to take a deep breath because you are seriously losing your grip on reality right now. Youā€™re in full-blown Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Conned from the Clinton DS. Very imaginative.
It's not illegal to do business, only when it's purpose is to affect our system.
I presume you know the original snowflakes?
Slavery days white boys.
It's dangerous to spout words you don't know the meaning of.
Patience on mueller.
Sweaty treys Benghazi took 3 years
And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."
Hey is not illegal to do business with Russia or the citizens of Russia. Billions of people all over the world do it every day. Youā€™re a hysterical left-wing woman right now. You need to take a deep breath because you are seriously losing your grip on reality right now. Youā€™re in full-blown Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Apologies, I thought it was copied from Clinton.
It was bush
"The coinage is traced to Bush derangement syndrome, a phrase coined by Charles Krauthammer in 2003, during the presidency of George W. Bush, and defined by Krauthammer as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency ā€“ nay ā€“ the very existence of George W. Bush."
Nothing like original research
It's not illegal to do business, only when it's purpose is to affect our system.
Well the only people who did that were the Dumbocrats (specifically Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama).

Who purchased the fake ā€œTrump Dossierā€ (specifically designed to ā€˜affect our systemā€™) from the Russians? Oh yeah - Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats!!!

Who brought Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya into the U.S. without a Visa under ā€œspecial circumstancesā€? The Obama Administration!

Like all on the left, you have absolutely no interest in facts.
This is from 7 years BEFORE his thoughts of candidacy. Before "FakeNews" LOL
Yeah, I'm a this and I'm a that. If you need more, I've got it. No, I'm not clairvoyant. I don't have to be.

Dumb ass...besides being a fake is not illegal to do business with Russia (or China, or Venezuela, etc.). You continue to take your stupidity to unprecedented levels. :eusa_doh:

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