Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Thank you, President Trump, for restoring the U.S. to its rightful place atop the world...
President Donald Trump has pushed his administration toward “energy dominance” by cutting environmental regulations on fossil fuel development and opening up federal lands and waters for energy companies. The Trump administration repealed an Obama-era regulation in September costing oil and gas companies hundreds of millions of dollars to develop on federal land. The United States overtook Saudi Arabia and Russia in September to become the world’s largest oil producer.
After 8 years of watching MaObama unconstitutionally throw billions of tax payer dollars at failed companies like Solyndra - for a failed concept that caused our energy costs to skyrocket - it is so nice to see jobs, wealth, and affordable energy being produced in abundance.

Here Are Trump's Largest ‘Energy Dominance’ Actions of 2018
the old sob is going down as the president who didnt know his history thats for damn sure

Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Very well could, I mean america still tries to claim it is a democratic republic that represents the will of the people and that we did not come by this land mass via genocide. We can make up any fantasy and buy into it.
Thank you, President Trump, for restoring the U.S. to its rightful place atop the world...
President Donald Trump has pushed his administration toward “energy dominance” by cutting environmental regulations on fossil fuel development and opening up federal lands and waters for energy companies. The Trump administration repealed an Obama-era regulation in September costing oil and gas companies hundreds of millions of dollars to develop on federal land. The United States overtook Saudi Arabia and Russia in September to become the world’s largest oil producer.
After 8 years of watching MaObama unconstitutionally throw billions of tax payer dollars at failed companies like Solyndra - for a failed concept that caused our energy costs to skyrocket - it is so nice to see jobs, wealth, and affordable energy being produced in abundance.

Here Are Trump's Largest ‘Energy Dominance’ Actions of 2018

Don couldn't even dominate a republican house and senate.
The market celebrated the last month of complete and total Republican control.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 800 points on Friday morning after the monthly Labor Department jobs report showed the economy gained 312,000 jobs in December versus 176,000 expected.
When the Dumbocrats controlled everything in MaObama’s first two years, we saw above 10% unemployment, record debt, decreased savings, and significant loss of liberties.. When Republicans controlled everything for President Trump’s first two years, we saw record highs in the market, record low unemployment, higher incomes, and more freedom.

Dow rises 800 points after blowout jobs report, comments by Federal Reserve head
Thank you, President Trump, for restoring the U.S. to its rightful place atop the world...
as 2018 comes to a close, we’re seeing a Trump Doctrine take shape. It’s a set of policies that promote freedom around the world buttressed by real commitments to state sovereignty, economic security and energy independence.
After 8 years of watching MaObama absolutely destroy the world by alienating allies and empowering enemies, it is such a relief to see real American leadership from the White House once again.

The Trump Doctrine takes shape as 2018 comes to a close
They taught the Constitution and Bill of rights when I was in civics class in 1975..
Not really they actually taught the LIBERAL interpretation OF the Constitution. REAL History, REAL Social Studies, REAL American Government were actually CHANGED after 1967 and gradually removed for a "safe place' classroom lecture by liberal socialist. I actually doubt that the interpretation of the Constitution touted by the majority of the media, and the indoctrinated masses will change under Trump, It would take complete reconstruction of the aforementioned classes, and remedial classes for those who were denied a REAL education by the lying liberals in academia.
It's all a Worldwide Joooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!! :21:
The Trump Doctrine is proving to be almost as wildly successful as the Reagan Doctrine...
The president instinctively understands that it’s our economic power, technology and innovation that give us our leverage, not just our military. The Trump Doctrine recognizes that bucks are more powerful than bombs
It’s a comprehensive strategy and it will be highly successful.

The Trump Doctrine takes shape as 2018 comes to a close
They taught the Constitution and Bill of rights when I was in civics class in 1975..
Not really they actually taught the LIBERAL interpretation OF the Constitution. REAL History, REAL Social Studies, REAL American Government were actually CHANGED after 1967 and gradually removed for a "safe place' classroom lecture by liberal socialist. I actually doubt that the interpretation of the Constitution touted by the majority of the media, and the indoctrinated masses will change under Trump, It would take complete reconstruction of the aforementioned classes, and remedial classes for those who were denied a REAL education by the lying liberals in academia.
It's all a Worldwide Joooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!! :21:
It must be since my wrestling coach taught the class, you know one of "those" liberals that were Nam vets..
I love that the Trumpheads are so out of the loop they actually think Trump’s going to be historically thought of as a great president. That’s so far from the truth that’s ridiculous.

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He has been more productive than any president in history, and has kept all of his campaign promises, except for a couple left to do.
Qu33r, democrat judges generally hate the Constitution.

Most in the federal government merely ignore the Constitution.

It's been that way for a while. Just look at how FDR locked up innocent Japanese Americans with virtually no opposition even though everyone today concedes it was not Constitutional.

And they call Trump a racist bigot while FDR goes down as one of the best in US history?

Pure insanity.

The action of FDR 70 years ago was and is considered heinous. But this is 70 years later, and the asylum seekers didn't bomb Pearl Harbour.

What is happening today is just as racist as FDR's internment of the Japanese. Trump has locked up some 10,000 asylum seekers. People who have fled the most dangerous countries on earth, seeking safety for themselves and their families.
People who have fled the most dangerous countries on earth, seeking safety for themselves and their families.

People who have fled the most dangerous countries on earth, seeking safety for themselves and their families.
You really are the most ignorant little puppy dog I've ever come across.

1. None of the people are seeking "asylum"

2. Even if they were, they violated international law by not reporting to the embassy of said country in their own nation to request asylum or properly requesting asylum at the first border they reach (which in the case of the Central American caravan would have been Mexico).

3. Mexico actually offered the asylum. They turned it down and returned to Central America. Oops! So much for your absurd "asylum" propaganda.

4. None of their nations even remotely qualify for "asylum" status. They are not war-torn. There are no human atrocities. There is no religious persecution.

Seriously sweetie...ignorant much?
President Trump continues to deliver on every promise he made...
The U.S. economy is roaring like no other time in recent memory. The job market is hot, unemployment is down to record lows, and small business optimism is soaring.

But this newfound dynamism didn’t come from nowhere. It required a package of market and consumer-friendly reforms passed by Congress and adopted by the Trump administration. These reforms have boosted economic freedom.
President Trump is definitely “making America great again”.

Under Trump, US Economic Freedom Rises Significantly

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