Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

then again he might not.
Very true. Which is exactly why I said might... His first 2 years were certainly better than any previous President.

He should win, according to many different prediction models and experts. I posted a thread about three different models that have him winning.
There is no question he should win. But who knows? Barack Obama should have lost in a landslide to Mitt Romney.

Trump is so hated by the left...I’ll be just as shocked if he does win as I was the first time he won.
There is no question he should win. But who knows? Barack Obama should have lost in a landslide to Mitt Romney.
Trump is so hated by the left...I’ll be just as shocked if he does win as I was the first time he won.

You get no argument from me. There will be off the charts voter fraud by the Left in 2020
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

No doubt about it. He’ll get a medal for bringing down America, destroying the country and isolating it from the rest of the world. The medal will come from Vladimir Putin. He’ll be able to live out the rest of the days in luxury right in the middle of Moscow in Trump Tower.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

No doubt about it. He’ll get a medal for bringing down America, destroying the country and isolating it from the rest of the world. The medal will come from Vladimir Putin. He’ll be able to live out the rest of the days in luxury right in the middle of Moscow in Trump Tower.

More bullshit and lies fro DeNARD licker. Join us in the real world
No doubt about it. He’ll get a medal for bringing down America, destroying the country and isolating it from the rest of the world. The medal will come from Vladimir Putin. He’ll be able to live out the rest of the days in luxury right in the middle of Moscow in Trump Tower.
This coming from a dill hole who celebrated wildly when MaObama took his pants down and bent over for Vladimir Putin. ReDeanTard celebrated like hell when MaObama whispered "tell Putin I'll have more flexibility to give him everything he desires AFTER my LAST election".

But now...suddenly...Russia and Putin are sooooo evil. What a tool. Deanie was the biggest Russia lover this side of MaObama's White House.
Fat chance.

Donald Trump is a multiple bankrupt, grifter, a cheat, a scoundrel, a sex assault predator, and the biggest liar ever to occupy the White House.

As a multiple corporate bankrupt Donald Trump would not qualify for company registration in most countries.
Fat chance. Donald Trump is...the biggest liar ever to occupy the White House.
Uh...not even close. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama each told more lies by breakfast that President Trump will tell in a year.
There, there, of course Trump will go down as America's greatest president. It's the damn American historians that put up any negatives. But even they may see the light and place FDR in last place.
President Trump will go down in history as the man who saved the United States...

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