Donald Trump: Nukes on the table to stop ISIL. Your thoughts?

Is there a link to an article, or video showing him saying this? I would be curious to read/see it. I just can't take the word of the Media.
He didn't say it. He just stuck to what he's been saying all along that he's not going to advertise his strategy to the enemy, including categorically removing certain options, and the Leftist press drew its conclusions. This was a setup line of questioning.
Nukes, big fucking nukes.

And then?

Use enough and there won't be an "and then?".

Use them enough and there won't be anything at all.

See, we need a president with some conception of consequence. You nuke people....and then what happens. What would the consequence of that action be.
Dead Muslims.

Yeah, but only Muslims? Remember, Syria shares a border with Israel....Turkey....Iraq. Jordan. All allies.

I'm pretty sure nuclear fall out doesn't stop at the border.

So what then?

There's also the hundreds of thousands of civilians we'd kill along with ISIS. Non-combatant men, women and children. How do you think the world would react? And once the nuclear taboo had been violated.....what then?

Remember, you have an apocalypse fetish. We don't.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?

Its a fantastically stupid idea. And one thing you need to understand about a Trump Presidency......he'll most likely nuke someone. He has poor impulse control and is prone to overreaction.

I think he'd probably regret it afterward. But it won't change the results.

Who, other than Trump is talking about nuking anyone?

Maybe Cruz with his 'glowing sand' claim. But even he hasn't talked about nuking ISIS.
Trump isn't talking about nuking anyone. It's a Leftist lie.
Reality - Isis vs The World

Nukes, big fucking nukes.

And then?

Use enough and there won't be an "and then?".

Use them enough and there won't be anything at all.

See, we need a president with some conception of consequence. You nuke people....and then what happens. What would the consequence of that action be.
Dead Muslims.

Yeah, but only Muslims? Remember, Syria shares a border with Israel....Turkey....Iraq. Jordan. All allies.

I'm pretty sure nuclear fall out doesn't stop at the border.

So what then?
Trump didn't say what you claimed he said.

What's it like being a predictable tool of the leftist media?
Nukes are used against population centers or troop concentrations or concentrations of materials. None of which Isis has. I have no problem using nukes against ISIS in theory, but they have nothing for us to hit them with.
Nukes, big fucking nukes.

And then?

Use enough and there won't be an "and then?".

Use them enough and there won't be anything at all.

See, we need a president with some conception of consequence. You nuke people....and then what happens. What would the consequence of that action be.
Dead Muslims.

Yeah, but only Muslims? Remember, Syria shares a border with Israel....Turkey....Iraq. Jordan. All allies.

I'm pretty sure nuclear fall out doesn't stop at the border.

So what then?
Israel is an NBC hard target who has prepared for their own strategic arms defense strategy. They would use nukes if invaded. When we nuke Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia, not Syria, we will time it for favorable prevailing winds so the fallout goes where we want it and kills more Muslims.
Nukes, big fucking nukes.

And then?

Use enough and there won't be an "and then?".

Use them enough and there won't be anything at all.

See, we need a president with some conception of consequence. You nuke people....and then what happens. What would the consequence of that action be.

That's why he said a last resort.
He didn't even say that. This is all a Leftist maskirovka.
And then?

Use enough and there won't be an "and then?".

Use them enough and there won't be anything at all.

See, we need a president with some conception of consequence. You nuke people....and then what happens. What would the consequence of that action be.
Dead Muslims.

Yeah, but only Muslims? Remember, Syria shares a border with Israel....Turkey....Iraq. Jordan. All allies.

I'm pretty sure nuclear fall out doesn't stop at the border.

So what then?
Israel is an NBC hard target who has prepared for their own strategic arms defense strategy.

So their land and water sources are contaminated with radioactive fall out. How long can they live on bottled water and MREs? And what of the radiation? Do you have any idea how long it would take to de-radiate Israel?

How many children would be born with birth defects, how high the cancer rates would be? You'd render most of their land unusuable for any commercial purpose. How do you think it would effect their economy?

Not to mention all our other allies in the region? Kurds, Turks, Iraqis, Jordanians, all on our side. How long do you think they would stay on our side when we were covering them in nuclear fall out?

They would use nukes if invaded. When we nuke Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia, not Syria, we will time it for favorable prevailing winds so the fallout goes where we want it and kills more Muslims.

After nuking Mecca and killing hundreds of thousands of non-combatant civilians in nuclear do you think the world would react? With over a billion Muslims, how do you think they would react?

And why wouuld we nuke our allies? Saudi Arabia is one of our leading suppliers of oil and one of our closest allies in the region. And your solution is to nuke our closest allies.

Why would anyone ever ally with us again? We'd nuke both our enemies and our allies. We'd be a rabid danger to every other nation.

......all to get ISIS. They could never inflict the kind of damage you're insisting we inflict on our selves for them.

Try to explain your plan so a person that *doesn't* have your apocalypse fetish would understand.
Reality - Isis vs The World

JV, right?

You're asceared! They can do minor painful things, but they can't win. Ever. They have lost 1/4 of the territory they captured this past year.

Cons seem to need some demon they can point to and say "RUN AWAY, IT'S COMING". It used to be the Soviet Union. Then Russia, then Russia became their buddy. Then China. Then 'libruls'.

You're afraid of life. I feel sorry for you, but you're abject fear of the world leaves you and your leaders unable to see real threats and how to deal with them properly. i.e. you elect Bush who lies about WMD's to get the world to invade Iraq.

And look how that has turned out.

Conservatives YOU are the JV team.
Use enough and there won't be an "and then?".

Use them enough and there won't be anything at all.

See, we need a president with some conception of consequence. You nuke people....and then what happens. What would the consequence of that action be.
Dead Muslims.

Yeah, but only Muslims? Remember, Syria shares a border with Israel....Turkey....Iraq. Jordan. All allies.

I'm pretty sure nuclear fall out doesn't stop at the border.

So what then?
Israel is an NBC hard target who has prepared for their own strategic arms defense strategy.

So their land and water sources are contaminated with radioactive fall out. How long can they live on bottled water and MREs? And what of the radiation? Do you have any idea how long it would take to de-radiate Israel?

How many children would be born with birth defects, how high the cancer rates would be? You'd render most of their land unusuable for any commercial purpose. How do you think it would effect their economy?

Not to mention all our other allies in the region? Kurds, Turks, Iraqis, Jordanians, all on our side. How long do you think they would stay on our side when we were covering them in nuclear fall out?

They would use nukes if invaded. When we nuke Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia, not Syria, we will time it for favorable prevailing winds so the fallout goes where we want it and kills more Muslims.

After nuking Mecca and killing hundreds of thousands of non-combatant civilians in nuclear do you think the world would react? With over a billion Muslims, how do you think they would react?

And why wouuld we nuke our allies? Saudi Arabia is one of our leading suppliers of oil and one of our closest allies in the region. And your solution is to nuke our closest allies.

Why would anyone ever ally with us again? We'd nuke both our enemies and our allies. We'd be a rabid danger to every other nation.

......all to get ISIS They could never inflict the kind of damage you're insisting we inflict on our selves for them.

Try to explain your plan so a person that *doesn't* have your your apocalypse fetish would understand.
You know "nuclear winter" is a myth, right? Kinda like "global warming". Did you know nobody outside of Chernobyl died? You're relying on debunked Leftist myths from the 1980's. Pathetic!
Reality - Isis vs The World

JV, right?

You're asceared! They can do minor painful things, but they can't win. Ever. They have lost 1/4 of the territory they captured this past year.

Cons seem to need some demon they can point to and say "RUN AWAY, IT'S COMING". It used to be the Soviet Union. Then Russia, then Russia became their buddy. Then China. Then 'libruls'.

You're afraid of life. I feel sorry for you, but you're abject fear of the world leaves you and your leaders unable to see real threats and how to deal with them properly. i.e. you elect Bush who lies about WMD's to get the world to invade Iraq.

And look how that has turned out.

Conservatives YOU are the JV team.
President Trump.
There are about 100,000 ISIS folks or so. Probably much less now. Your solution is to increase their numbers that 4 or 5 orders of magnitude?

In order to defeat ISIS? Wouldn't we want their numbers to go down?
Use them enough and there won't be anything at all.

See, we need a president with some conception of consequence. You nuke people....and then what happens. What would the consequence of that action be.
Dead Muslims.

Yeah, but only Muslims? Remember, Syria shares a border with Israel....Turkey....Iraq. Jordan. All allies.

I'm pretty sure nuclear fall out doesn't stop at the border.

So what then?
Israel is an NBC hard target who has prepared for their own strategic arms defense strategy.

So their land and water sources are contaminated with radioactive fall out. How long can they live on bottled water and MREs? And what of the radiation? Do you have any idea how long it would take to de-radiate Israel?

How many children would be born with birth defects, how high the cancer rates would be? You'd render most of their land unusuable for any commercial purpose. How do you think it would effect their economy?

Not to mention all our other allies in the region? Kurds, Turks, Iraqis, Jordanians, all on our side. How long do you think they would stay on our side when we were covering them in nuclear fall out?

They would use nukes if invaded. When we nuke Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia, not Syria, we will time it for favorable prevailing winds so the fallout goes where we want it and kills more Muslims.

After nuking Mecca and killing hundreds of thousands of non-combatant civilians in nuclear do you think the world would react? With over a billion Muslims, how do you think they would react?

And why wouuld we nuke our allies? Saudi Arabia is one of our leading suppliers of oil and one of our closest allies in the region. And your solution is to nuke our closest allies.

Why would anyone ever ally with us again? We'd nuke both our enemies and our allies. We'd be a rabid danger to every other nation.

......all to get ISIS They could never inflict the kind of damage you're insisting we inflict on our selves for them.

Try to explain your plan so a person that *doesn't* have your your apocalypse fetish would understand.
You know "nuclear winter" is a myth, right? Kinda like "global warming". Did you know nobody outside of Chernobyl died? You're relying on debunked Leftist myths from the 1980's. Pathetic!

I didn't say 'nuclear winter'. I said 'nuclear fallout'. Which is most definitely real. So now that your strawman is beaten to a pump, lets get back to the actual questions:

So their land and water sources are contaminated with radioactive fall out. How long can they live on bottled water and MREs? And what of the radiation? Do you have any idea how long it would take to de-radiate Israel?

How many children would be born with birth defects, how high the cancer rates would be? You'd render most of their land unusuable for any commercial purpose. How do you think it would effect their economy?

Not to mention all our other allies in the region? Kurds, Turks, Iraqis, Jordanians, all on our side. How long do you think they would stay on our side when we were covering them in nuclear fall out?

They would use nukes if invaded. When we nuke Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia, not Syria, we will time it for favorable prevailing winds so the fallout goes where we want it and kills more Muslims.

After nuking Mecca and killing hundreds of thousands of non-combatant civilians in nuclear do you think the world would react? With over a billion Muslims, how do you think they would react?

And why wouuld we nuke our allies? Saudi Arabia is one of our leading suppliers of oil and one of our closest allies in the region. And your solution is to nuke our closest allies.

Why would anyone ever ally with us again? We'd nuke both our enemies and our allies. We'd be a rabid danger to every other nation.

......all to get ISIS They could never inflict the kind of damage you're insisting we inflict on our selves for them.

Try to explain your plan so a person that *doesn't* have your your apocalypse fetish would understand.

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