Donald Trump Pledges To Secure Our Border Following San Francisco Pier 14 Fatal Shooting By ILLEGAL!

Which border does Trump plan to seal to deal with the conservative terrorist who shot 9 black people in their church?

Is this NOT SOMETHING ONLY you leftist mother fuckers do???

Which border does Trump plan to seal to deal with the conservative terrorist who shot 9 black people in their church?

Is this NOT SOMETHING ONLY you leftist mother fuckers do???


Name the last liberal to shoot up a black church.

Root! You see him burning the American Flag?... Show me a Conservative doing that!

These scum were a bunch of Conservatives...paid for by George Soros!

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There are thousands of victims of illegal aliens. All of them will vote for the man who promises to secure the border.
There are a lot of us hurt, traumatized or negatively effected by (Illegal} Immigrants from Latin America. Oh YES, we want someone with guts to deal with the issue and face down groups that support and promote illegal immigration. I am all for human rights, mine TOO.

Donald Trump reignited the call to secure U.S. borders just hours after federal officials said the man arrested in the shooting death of a San Francisco woman was an undocumented immigrant who had previously been deported five times. CBS San Francisco reached out to the Donald Trump presidential campaign who then released this written statement....

Donald Trump Pledges To Secure Our Border Following San Francisco Pier 14 Fatal Shooting CBS San Francisco

Demagogues are always looking for scapegoats.

Hitler the Jews, FDR the Japanese, Trump the Mexicans.

Everyone forgets that the reason the Country is fucked up is because of the DEMOPUBLICANS. So the wall should be erected around DC and the stupid sons of bitches kept out.




Bill Clinton..
Congress won't authorize Trumps fence?..... Trump would probably BUY the land needed and build his own with HIS MONEY...says he can do it cheap, fast and CHARGE MEXICO.... I saw what he did in NYC Wollman ice skating rink. The rink was closed in 1980 for an announced 2 1/2 years of renovations. When the problem-plagued work was not completed by the city by 1986, Donald Trump persuaded Mayor Ed Koch to let him complete the work and he completed the renovations in three months to have it open by the end of the year. Koch initially objected to Trump's proposal when Trump offered to pay for the renovations himself with the stipulation that he be allowed to run the venue and an adjacent restaurant and use the profits to recoup his costs. Public pressure prompted Mayor Koch to reverse his position.[2]

LOOK IT UP.... See what a BUSINESSMAN with MONEY can do for the people!
Just a thought of mine, but the fence rhetoric is nothing but a trap for politicians or future hopefuls who may want to become the President I think.

When you talk about a fence, then what do people think about that idea when it is mentioned ? I think they think about it as something to keep animals who have not the sense to not go to where they are not supposed to go out.

People in general are not animals, but rather they are misguided in life or they are running from something that is worse than what is on the other side of the fence in which they wish to cross over. Now terrorism is more appropriate to speak about building a fence on the border for those kinds of animals, and that's because terrorist are animals, and they should be shot if they come anywhere near a fence or border.

Illegals who are criminals put themselves in the context of being animals as well, so Trumps comments are appropriate in proportion to the situation. He said he assumed that their are those who are good coming across, but the media tried to destroy him with such comments, and I hope Trump ends up owning everyone of them who jumped on this bandwagon. People the media is spoon feeding you like babies, and it's high time you wake up and get your country back from these idiots. I once said that a fence isn't necessary when it came to the illegals, because all one has to do is punish the owners of these companies for hiring them without the proper law abiding methods in doing so. However, since terrorism is now involved, then of course the fence and the control of our borders is and therefore should be a high priority in this nation now.

Trump would be a hardcore CEO of the nation, but that is what we need now or at least for a little while until we get things back the way they should be in the nation. Right now everything is out of control and things are chaotic in many peoples lives, and that is unacceptable and unsustainable for the American way of life. NO MORE RADICALS OR ELECTING PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK OR A WOMAN OR ETC. BUT INSTEAD ELECT THEM BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE RIGHT IDEAS FOR THIS NATION REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE BLACK, WOMAN OR A DONALD TRUMP IN LIFE.
Congress won't authorize Trumps fence?..... Trump would probably BUY the land needed and build his own with HIS MONEY...says he can do it cheap, fast and CHARGE MEXICO.... I saw what he did in NYC Wollman ice skating rink. The rink was closed in 1980 for an announced 2 1/2 years of renovations. When the problem-plagued work was not completed by the city by 1986, Donald Trump persuaded Mayor Ed Koch to let him complete the work and he completed the renovations in three months to have it open by the end of the year. Koch initially objected to Trump's proposal when Trump offered to pay for the renovations himself with the stipulation that he be allowed to run the venue and an adjacent restaurant and use the profits to recoup his costs. Public pressure prompted Mayor Koch to reverse his position.[2]

LOOK IT UP.... See what a BUSINESSMAN with MONEY can do for the people!
Just a thought of mine, but the fence rhetoric is nothing but a trap for politicians or future hopefuls who may want to become the President I think.

When you talk about a fence, then what do people think about that idea when it is mentioned ? I think they think about it as something to keep animals who have not the sense to not go to where they are not supposed to go out.

People in general are not animals, but rather they are misguided in life or they are running from something that is worse than what is on the other side of the fence in which they wish to cross over. Now terrorism is more appropriate to speak about building a fence on the border for those kinds of animals, and that's because terrorist are animals, and they should be shot if they come anywhere near a fence or border.

Illegals who are criminals put themselves in the context of being animals as well, so Trumps comments are appropriate in proportion to the situation. He said he assumed that their are those who are good coming across, but the media tried to destroy him with such comments, and I hope Trump ends up owning everyone of them who jumped on this bandwagon. People the media is spoon feeding you like babies, and it's high time you wake up and get your country back from these idiots. I once said that a fence isn't necessary when it came to the illegals, because all one has to do is punish the owners of these companies for hiring them without the proper law abiding methods in doing so. However, since terrorism is now involved, then of course the fence and the control of our borders is and therefore should be a high priority in this nation now.

Trump would be a hardcore CEO of the nation, but that is what we need now or at least for a little while until we get things back the way they should be in the nation. Right now everything is out of control and things are chaotic in many peoples lives, and that is unacceptable and unsustainable for the American way of life. NO MORE RADICALS OR ELECTING PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK OR A WOMAN OR ETC. BUT INSTEAD ELECT THEM BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE RIGHT IDEAS FOR THIS NATION REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE BLACK, WOMAN OR A DONALD TRUMP IN LIFE.

Many Foreign countries have large fences with barbed wire to keep unwanted out, it only makes sense, and has been OK'd by Congress 3 times, and NEVER fully acted on!
Types of Israeli border fences.... through a populated area


Through the Golan Heights....


Hard to DIG through these!


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