Donald Trump....President Snowflake


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Mara Lago is his "safe space"

Donald Trump, special snowflake

In the days after the 2016 election, some conservatives began mocking liberals expressing their distress as "special snowflakes," so delicate and tender that they needed to retreat to their "safe spaces" where the world's cruel realities wouldn't intrude on them. But now we know who the most special snowflake of all is, the one whose feelings are so fragile that he must be nestled within a supportive cocoon lest he fall to pieces. I speak of course of the president of the United States, who exists in a floating safe space that is never quite safe enough

All this is why we see Trump complaining not just about the content of the criticisms and obstacles he faces, but the process. When a judge overturns his executive order, it's a "so-called judge," someone who shouldn't have the authority to tell him what he can and can't do. Other presidents disagreed with rulings that went against them and said so, but they didn't launch a personal attack on the judge.

That's because Trump, special snowflake that he is, takes everything personally. If leaks are coming out of the government, it must be because people are out to get him — and he assumes that everyone's motives are as petty as his. Does he actually think that people in the FBI or the intelligence agencies leaked the information about Michael Flynn because they were "trying to cover up for a terrible loss that the Democrats had under Hillary Clinton"? He probably does.
Anyone who follows Trump on Twitter knows that "unfair" is one of his favorite words. Despite the fact that he has gone through life screwing over everyone he could, from the contractors he refuses to pay to the suckers who bought seminars at Trump University, Trump is always ready to complain that he's being treated unfairly, which usually means that people aren't showing him the deference and appreciation he feels he deserves. His political opponents? Unfair. The courts? Unfair. The media? Unfair. In a fair world, everyone would let him do what he wants, then applaud him for doing it.
Anyone who follows Trump on Twitter knows that "unfair" is one of his favorite words. Despite the fact that he has gone through life screwing over everyone he could, from the contractors he refuses to pay to the suckers who bought seminars at Trump University, Trump is always ready to complain that he's being treated unfairly, which usually means that people aren't showing him the deference and appreciation he feels he deserves. His political opponents? Unfair. The courts? Unfair. The media? Unfair. In a fair world, everyone would let him do what he wants, then applaud him for doing it.
Anyone who follows Trump on Twitter knows that "unfair" is one of his favorite words. Despite the fact that he has gone through life screwing over everyone he could, from the contractors he refuses to pay to the suckers who bought seminars at Trump University, Trump is always ready to complain that he's being treated unfairly, which usually means that people aren't showing him the deference and appreciation he feels he deserves. His political opponents? Unfair. The courts? Unfair. The media? Unfair. In a fair world, everyone would let him do what he wants, then applaud him for doing it.
Awwww......confused snowflake.....
Anyone who follows Trump on Twitter knows that "unfair" is one of his favorite words. Despite the fact that he has gone through life screwing over everyone he could, from the contractors he refuses to pay to the suckers who bought seminars at Trump University, Trump is always ready to complain that he's being treated unfairly, which usually means that people aren't showing him the deference and appreciation he feels he deserves. His political opponents? Unfair. The courts? Unfair. The media? Unfair. In a fair world, everyone would let him do what he wants, then applaud him for doing it.
Awwww......confused snowflake.....

Nah. Just her/his limitations showing.
Mara Lago is his "safe space"

Donald Trump, special snowflake

In the days after the 2016 election, some conservatives began mocking liberals expressing their distress as "special snowflakes," so delicate and tender that they needed to retreat to their "safe spaces" where the world's cruel realities wouldn't intrude on them. But now we know who the most special snowflake of all is, the one whose feelings are so fragile that he must be nestled within a supportive cocoon lest he fall to pieces. I speak of course of the president of the United States, who exists in a floating safe space that is never quite safe enough


I suspect his private Xanadu is way more fun than the White House. Since the job is 24/7 (and he actually works those hours, unlike his predecessor), it makes little difference where he is.
Snowflake? One of the first things that attracted me to him was Trump took everything from the left AND right (which was astronomical) and didn't even slow down.

Liberals always try to project their shortcomings onto others in the hopes of looking a little better.
Trump is already hunkering down in a protective bunker and refusing to take questions from anyone who may ask unapproved questions
Yes, Trump is even POTUS of you democrat snowflakes.....sadness on you....:lol:
Odd, because all you want to talk about is former President Obama. The current so-called president embarassing you too much?
I'm concerned about the Russian spies Obama put in our intelligence're not?

I'm concerned about the Russian spies in the White House. You're not?
Yes, Trump is even POTUS of you democrat snowflakes.....sadness on you....:lol:
Odd, because all you want to talk about is former President Obama. The current so-called president embarassing you too much?
I'm concerned about the Russian spies Obama put in our intelligence're not?

I'm concerned about the Russian spies in the White House. You're not?

Yes, Trump is even POTUS of you democrat snowflakes.....sadness on you....:lol:
Odd, because all you want to talk about is former President Obama. The current so-called president embarassing you too much?
I'm concerned about the Russian spies Obama put in our intelligence're not?

I'm concerned about the Russian spies in the White House. You're not?
From Canada? Are you worried they'll conspire to steal your maple syrup?
I have to laugh when SNOWFLAKES try to use the term 'SNOWFLAKE' for anyone other than a Democrat / Liberal. The ignorance is entertaining.

Some time back I posted the link and history of the political term 'SNOWFLAKE'. As it turns out, Democrats - true Democrats before they were overrun by progressive, Politically Correct, intolerants - adopted the word 'Snowflake' to label those within their ranks that were thin skinned, easily offended, and those who could not accept reality - such as a 'defeat' as a character lesson from which to grow.

They used this term to MOCK and make fun of their own members...and today we see how those who were ... and still are ... mocked for the same reasons trying to re-apply the term to others. (Their lack of originality and lazy willingness to steal / parrot someone else's ideas is a tell-tale sign of 'Snowflakes'.)

Unable to tolerate any one else's ideas but their own, from college campuses to city streets across America, the fascist snowflakes attempt to silence freedom of speech, to squash any other opinion than their own - even if they have to riot, destroy property, assault people, and loot to do so.

Unable to accept their candidate's (the worst Presidential candidate in US history) defeat, they have attempted to 'undermine the very pillars on which our democracy stands'...going as far as calling for military coups and assassination of the newly elected President...ELEVATING THE TERM 'SNOWFLAKE' TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL.


Just sayin'....

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