Donald Trump repeats that Obama spied on his campaign

Recently released documents show that when the FBI learned that Russia was trying to infiltrate Hillary's campaign, she was immediately alerted, not surveilled.
I hadn’t seen that. Can you provide a link?

I laugh

Comey stated it

Longggggg time ago.

Was that the real Comey or the one that exist in your imagination?

I swear. The number of right wing nutters on here who falsely claim Comey said this or that is through the roof and none of these lazy bastards ever actually prove what they say.

FBI warned Clinton campaign last spring of cyberattack

This is -

Michael Isikoff
Chief Investigative Correspondent
July 28, 2016

Comey later confirmed the story.
That’s not what the other poster was referring to. He said that when “the exact same thing” happened to Trump’s campaign, they were notified. A cyberattack is not the same as Russians offering unsolicited assistance to their campaign. In fact, they are quite different. Defensive briefings are performed for people who are assuredly not cooperating with the aggressor. Obviously the Clinton campaign was not cooperating with the people hacking their network. They weren’t as sure about the Trump campaign.

Thanks for trying.

You are absolutely dismissed.
Recently released documents show that when the FBI learned that Russia was trying to infiltrate Hillary's campaign, she was immediately alerted, not surveilled.
I hadn’t seen that. Can you provide a link?

I laugh

Comey stated it

Longggggg time ago.

Was that the real Comey or the one that exist in your imagination?

I swear. The number of right wing nutters on here who falsely claim Comey said this or that is through the roof and none of these lazy bastards ever actually prove what they say.

FBI warned Clinton campaign last spring of cyberattack

This is -

Michael Isikoff
Chief Investigative Correspondent
July 28, 2016

Comey later confirmed the story.
That’s not what the other poster was referring to. He said that when “the exact same thing” happened to Trump’s campaign, they were notified. A cyberattack is not the same as Russians offering unsolicited assistance to their campaign. In fact, they are quite different. Defensive briefings are performed for people who are assuredly not cooperating with the aggressor. Obviously the Clinton campaign was not cooperating with the people hacking their network. They weren’t as sure about the Trump campaign.

Thanks for trying.

You are absolutely dismissed.
Run away coward.
Obama took office in 2009. Snowden leaked that government was spying on US citizens in 2013.

Just one example of many.

Spying seems to be very much a part of the Obama administration.

Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Trump is a liar.
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Trump is a liar.

Obama took office in 2009. Snowden leaked that government was spying on US citizens in 2013.

Just one example of many.

Spying seems to be very much a part of the Obama administration.


He was pretty adamant that he wanted to radically transform the US.
When people tell us stuff - it is good to believe them.
Obama took office in 2009. Snowden leaked that government was spying on US citizens in 2013.

Just one example of many.

Spying seems to be very much a part of the Obama administration.


He was pretty adamant that he wanted to radically transform the US.
When people tell us stuff - it is good to believe them.

Even the DOJ under Obama admitted in 2013 to spying on reporters:

"The DOJ told the AP of the secret eavesdropping on Friday, though the department did not explain exactly why it had gone after the records, dated April and May of 2012. According to the AP, the records detail incoming and outgoing calls on reporters' personal phones, as well as office lines in New York, Hartford, Conn., and Washington, D.C. — including the agency's line at the House of Representatives."

Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign
  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check
The Potus repeats false claims.
Well Durham and Barr have done an investigation and concluded there was spying on Trump's campaign. They even promised charges. If it wasn't Obama, who was it?
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.

The DOJ reportedly subpoenaed communications metadata of lawmakers, their aides and their families ― a move unheard of when it comes to leak investigations.

The department also secured a gag order on Apple that expired this year,

The Times report follows weeks of revelations about the Trump Justice Department’s efforts to seize the phone records of reporters from at least three major news organizations ― the Times, CNN and The Washington Post ― which also involved taking gag orders out on the outlets’ executives.
The news, which sparked criticism that the government was intruding on press freedoms, was meant to try and identify reporters’ confidential sources.
President Joe Biden has pledged to the press that such acts against them will not take place under his administration.
In response to the Times report, Schiff said that Trump had “repeatedly and flagrantly demanded that the Department of Justice carry out his political will,” and tried to use the department as a “cudgel against his political opponents and members of the media.”

“suggest the weaponization of law enforcement by a corrupt president.”
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.

The brooding Cry Baby Loser's paranoidal insecurities make him a valuable asset in propaganda campaigns aimed at discrediting the United States and democracies in general. He is a tool easily wielded against our nation. His grievance-driven agenda mires the Republican Party in a fake past.

He lies whenever the truth does not accrue to his veneration. Here's another transparent fallacy that collapses under scrutiny as he persists in savaging America:

June 10, 2021​
Trump also said he would trust Russia over "sleezebags" and "lowlifes" the US intelligence agencies, and claimed that his 2018 summit with Mr Putin in Helsinki helped win Washington Moscow's respect.

Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 8.24.20 AM.png
"Because of the phony Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, made-up and paid for by the Democrats
and Crooked Hillary Clinton, the United States was put at a disadvantage—
a disadvantage that was nevertheless overcome by ME!"
In reality, two Republican-controlled U.S. Senate Special Committees on Intelligence, after exhaustive review, validated the evidence developed by the FBI, NSA, and CIA, not the self-serving denials of a KGB thug.

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