Donald Trump Sounds Crazy at Easter Egg Roll, Tells Children the Military Is at a Level They’ve Neve

Another far left drone tactic to hide the fact that they used a far left religious hack site as their "facts"..

See how the far left will ignore the eight years of Obama?
What is priceless in this fake story of Trump giving a speech to 5 year olds is that there is a photograph of Obama's teleprompters set up in a kindergarten classroom so he can talk to them.
Here's tape of that "fake story" by Trump to kids.

Trump talks economy & military to kids at WH Easter Egg Roll
Thanks for confirming this is a fake thread that Trump spoke to children about military matters.

Are you really that far removed from reality?

Several posters have given you links.
Geee this is all according to Rawstory a known far left religious hack site.

But leave it to the far left drones here to believe it without question or hesitation.
So, you approve of campaign speeches to 4 and 5 year olds who are there to see the Easter Bunny?
Trump supporters will blindly approve of anything Trump says or does regardless how crazy or ridiculous.

Says the far left drone that will follow any far left hack religious site without question.
Another far left drone tactic to hide the fact that they used a far left religious hack site as their "facts"..

See how the far left will ignore the eight years of Obama?
What is priceless in this fake story of Trump giving a speech to 5 year olds is that there is a photograph of Obama's teleprompters set up in a kindergarten classroom so he can talk to them.
Here's tape of that "fake story" by Trump to kids.

Trump talks economy & military to kids at WH Easter Egg Roll

Yes another far left hack site, MSNBC using rawstory as their "facts"..

More proof of the far left religious narratives are detached from reality.
Geee this is all according to Rawstory a known far left religious hack site.

But leave it to the far left drones here to believe it without question or hesitation.
So, you approve of campaign speeches to 4 and 5 year olds who are there to see the Easter Bunny?
It was Jim Acosta from CNN who screamed the question to President Trump. The President briefly responded. It was CNN who asked an inappropriate question in front of KIDS!!!!!!!
Hmmm, did I just see on OAN that a CNN reporter kept yelling out at Trump at the Easter egg hunt ?? Said that he might end up being suspended ? Not sure who they said he was, but he has a beard and red hair I think. Said he just keeps on embarrassing himself, but he just keeps on and on. ?
Maybe if Fat Donnie was accessible to the press he wouldn’t have these problems
Trump supporters will blindly approve of anything Trump says or does regardless how crazy or ridiculous.
. Tell us on which points you disagreed with Obama. Was it Obamacare? Was it droning Americans? What caused you to speak out?

A link to those threads would be helpful.
. You forgot to mention the bathrooms, the handicap lift for all public swimming pools, and then we had reg this and reg that, not to forget to mention all the trial social experiments he was allowing to be conducted against the majority of the Americans will ??

The guy was so weak it was pathetic.
Yet more stupidity from Trump. A political speech to 4 and 5 year olds.

President Donald Trump is crazier than a shit-house rat. I don’t know what a shit house is or why shit-house rats are crazier than normal rats, but I do know that Trump is even crazier.

On Monday, Trump dyed his body with orange Easter egg paint and greeted the children for the annual Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn.
you sound crazy with every anti-Trump thread you post

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