Donald Trump Tells Fox News’ Bret Baier Why He Didn’t Just Return ALL Classified Documents: “I Was Very Busy” To Sort Through Boxes

Can you imagine the anxiety building up in BackAgain, knowing that I am going to be proven correct while he is going to look like a total fool, naïve and gullible, when Trump is convicted?
Syndi. Face reality. You’re never right.
About anything.

Also, just to clarify things for you since you’re prone to lying and making shit up:

I haven’t said Trump will win. He should, though.
Syndi. Face reality. You’re never right.
About anything.

Also, just to clarify things for you since you’re prone to lying and making shit up:

I haven’t said Trump will win. He should, though.
You laughed and derided the idea that he would be impeached, lose in 2020, lose the midterms - twice!, and be indicted. You are zero-for-infinity. And you're going to lose again.

I, on the other hand, have been correct about every single thing so far - the jury is still out on him fleeing the country into Putin's warm embrace.
You laughed and derided the idea that he would be impeached, lose in 2020, lose the midterms - twice!, and be indicted. You are zero-for-infinity. And you're going to lose again.

I, on the other hand, have been correct about every single thing so far - the jury is still out on him fleeing the country into Putin's warm embrace.
The impeachments were political theater.

Yes, I did think the American people would be too intelligent to permit the demented scumbag Brandon to win the election.

The midterms did come as a surprise to lots of people. So what?

You’re virtually never correct.
Those look like boxes I have in my garage full of National Geographic magazines.
The issue is not the boxes but what is in those boxes. In total, the government has recovered more than 300 documents with classified markings.
So why didn't the FBI jus take all the boxes when they inspected them in February, especially after Trump told them to take anything they wanted?
I see nothing in the timeline of the investigation as to the FBI inspecting boxes in February 2022 or 2023.
I see nothing in the timeline of the investigation as to the FBI inspecting boxes in February 2022 or 2023.
I probably misspoke. It might have been April or sometime in the spring. A good deal of time before the raid.
I am confident President Trump has been 100% railroaded so far in this whole thing, and there is zero reason to think the DOJ will decide to be honorable and just now.
What, he didn't spend months gaming NARA?

Trump actually owns businesses....Biden owns 20 shell companies / LLCs that create nothing, sells nothing, advises on nothing, but does launder millions...
Whereas Trump's companies use actual bricks and mortar to launder Russian and Saudi millions.
The issue is not the boxes but what is in those boxes. In total, the government has recovered more than 300 documents with classified markings.
With no intent, not much of antything is going to happen. It's not like he was asked to return it and refused, like you know who did.
That interview was brutal, I am really suprised Fox allowed Baier to beat Trump up like that. Think Fox is trying to take down the King?
Just this one incident clearly shows he is unfit to serve as President, but we have 4 more years of evidence to draw from.

And he is "too busy"? He doesn't have a job, he is unemployed since the American people sent his ass packing.

Even when he was president Trump required 5 hours a day of executive executive time to tweet and do his hair.
Even when he was president Trump required 5 hours a day of executive executive time to tweet and do his hair.
Speaking of that. I really don't know why he is orange, does he have to put on orange make up?
Speaking of that. I really don't know why he is orange, does he have to put on orange make up?

Trump wears pancake make up and powder. To me it looks like an orange color he chose 25 years ago.
In a casket.
I cannot believe this forum allows you guys to openly discuss and advocate violence. I mod for other forums and have often though they are far too concerned about litigation, nothing that even sounds like advocating violence is remotely allowed. One of you nutters are going to do something stupid and when they go through their post history they will find the forum. One of the forums I was on was investigated for exactly that reason. I found out about it much later from Administration, but I guess it was unpleasant. Even before that forum would not allow advocating violence. I don't care, just find it interesting. Hopefully nothing will ever happen.

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