Donald Trump tests Australia-US alliance like never before


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
The Australian American alliance has endured, indeed strengthened through war, recession, political crisis but Donald Trump is testing it in ways, many say, are unseen before.

There is so much uncertainty, volatility and questions about President Trump's impulsiveness but people with long histories in diplomacy and defence and security are seriously asking whether it is time to recalibrate what has been an essential strategic relationship.

It is all tied to the extraordinary revelations this week of a tense phone call between Malcolm Turnbull and the President and the ongoing speculation about a deal for America to take asylum seekers Australia detains offshore.

In a moment, we speak to senior Government Minister Christopher Pyne, but first, Matt Peacock takes the temperature of Australia's ties with its most important ally.

Donald Trump tests Australia-US alliance like never before
I need to be an adviser to Trump. I have awesome ideas. Such as instead of making a big deal with the Aussie's over these refugees we go ahead and send the planes, fly them out of there, stop for fuel somewhere in Africa, tell them to all exit the plane for lunch, hand out some baloney sandwiches and while they're eating fire up the plane and leave.
The Australian American alliance has endured, indeed strengthened through war, recession, political crisis but Donald Trump is testing it in ways, many say, are unseen before.

There is so much uncertainty, volatility and questions about President Trump's impulsiveness but people with long histories in diplomacy and defence and security are seriously asking whether it is time to recalibrate what has been an essential strategic relationship.

It is all tied to the extraordinary revelations this week of a tense phone call between Malcolm Turnbull and the President and the ongoing speculation about a deal for America to take asylum seekers Australia detains offshore.

In a moment, we speak to senior Government Minister Christopher Pyne, but first, Matt Peacock takes the temperature of Australia's ties with its most important ally.

Donald Trump tests Australia-US alliance like never before

abc news PUUUHHHHLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSE! I wouldn't put anything any liberal lying news group of liars said or cobbled up. Sorry!!!! Aussies have been leaning more and more to the NWO Eu type of government structure and the only thing I have seen worthwhile is their requirement that IMMIGRANTS assimilate or leave.
Why won't Australia take the refugees into their country? Why are they being held on an island offshore? There's plenty of room in Australia for them.
Why do you think they want US to take them, they refuse to assimilate to any other culture PROVING THEY ARE EXTREMIST.
That's what I was thinking. Why does Australia want them gone so bad? Maybe they're a problem?
The Australian American alliance has endured, indeed strengthened through war, recession, political crisis but Donald Trump is testing it in ways, many say, are unseen before.

There is so much uncertainty, volatility and questions about President Trump's impulsiveness but people with long histories in diplomacy and defence and security are seriously asking whether it is time to recalibrate what has been an essential strategic relationship.

It is all tied to the extraordinary revelations this week of a tense phone call between Malcolm Turnbull and the President and the ongoing speculation about a deal for America to take asylum seekers Australia detains offshore.

In a moment, we speak to senior Government Minister Christopher Pyne, but first, Matt Peacock takes the temperature of Australia's ties with its most important ally.

Donald Trump tests Australia-US alliance like never before

FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Australian Prime Minister says otherwise.
Just drop the MFs off in Somalia and call it good.
Why won't Australia take the refugees into their country? Why are they being held on an island offshore? There's plenty of room in Australia for them.

Why won't Australia take the refugees into their country?

Why would they take a bunch of unskilled Muzzies who want to kill non-Muslims?

We should send ours to an island....maybe Cuba?
That's what I was thinking. Why does Australia want them gone so bad? Maybe they're a problem?
Well it's a good thing you don't research the issue, otherwise you wouldn't remain wilfully ignorant about how your president has pissed off what is possibly your staunchest ally.
Why won't Australia take the refugees into their country? Why are they being held on an island offshore? There's plenty of room in Australia for them.

No more room - have you seen our house prices? Like in the US, our massive immigration program, supported by the main parties and successive governments, is driving up housing costs and driving down incomes.
Why won't Australia take the refugees into their country? Why are they being held on an island offshore? There's plenty of room in Australia for them.

No more room - have you seen our house prices? Like in the US, our massive immigration program, supported by the main parties and successive governments, is driving up housing costs and driving down incomes.

Australia has a LOT of room for them, but are keeping them on an island offshore, not allowing them onto their continent despite assurances that these refugees are well-vetted and pose no threat. Instead, Australia is trying to get rid of them. Why? Well-vetted, harmless refugees fleeing for their lives are not welcome in Australia.

How is it that we are the bad guys, again?
Why won't Australia take the refugees into their country? Why are they being held on an island offshore? There's plenty of room in Australia for them.

Hello Tresh and all you great conservative types. Lefty whingers can bugger off.

The answer to your question lies in Indonesia and a far flung Island: Cocos Is, an Australian territory, in the Indian Ocean far from mainland Australia. People smugglers were putting gullible refugees who wanted to queue jump onto leaky boats and sending them about 1400 miles to Cocos Is where an IDIOTIC left wing Labour Gov would pick them up and give them a spot in Oz. It would take two years to vet them and then they were admitted to the wider community. It was a disaster. 50000 came and a couple of thousand died on the way. We actually watched as one boat floundered on rocks during heavy seas and about two hundred, including women and children, died while we watched in HD. The navy could not get to them as they were too far inshore, and those on the shore couldn't reach most of them. Now when the lefty Gov was finally removed there were over 50000 awaiting processing. The New Conservative Gov put a FREEZE and told anyone arriving after a certain date that they would be sent somewhere else (overseas) and would never get into Australia. They were told they could no longer queue jump. That number is now down to 1250 and they either refuse to go home or be sent to an Asian country that would take them in(for which we would pay of course).

Now Obama evidently had five thousand refugees waiting in Costa Rica en route for the US. My understanding is that they would be swapped for the Asian refugees in Oz. So Obama would get a four to one deal which really isn't all that bad. The reason we don't want the Asians has nothing to do with racism but everything to do with sending a message that arrival by sea means you NEVER GET TO OZ!! Fewer deaths at sea and no queue jumpers. The aim was and is to "stop the boats". There is actually a news freeze in place and so very few have heard the details of how intercepted boats are turned back to Indonesia and refugees processed in an orderly manner from there.

These are not BAD people; we just don't want them. It is harsh and we make no apology for that(unless one is a bleeding hear liberal). Politically, the issue is gaining a bit of traction with the scumbag media here and the "fakeistanis" are starting to get media time. I am glad that Trump sees it as a "hold your nose" deal but it is one that, OK, maybe should not have been made by Obama but a deal is a deal. They will of course be further vetted by the US and if cleared will set off to the new world. Those that fail I will only be too glad to see rot. At least we will have done all we could.

Just saying; there is now safe space on those islands for border hoppers from Mexico. Trump might find the vacancy signs tempting.

That's what I was thinking. Why does Australia want them gone so bad? Maybe they're a problem?
Well it's a good thing you don't research the issue, otherwise you wouldn't remain wilfully ignorant about how your president has pissed off what is possibly your staunchest ally.

Listen you stupid Kiwi; we are NOT pissed off at all. Trump listened and, though he didn't particularly like the deal, was polite and will honour it. Both men are big ego but fair negotiators. The conversation should be a "must see" for anyone who is into deal making. Both are actually honest brokers but I'd hate to be up against either. Hell I'd love to see it made public. You've been listening far too much to the fakefuckistanis!!

Why won't Australia take the refugees into their country? Why are they being held on an island offshore? There's plenty of room in Australia for them.

Hello Tresh and all you great conservative types. Lefty whingers can bugger off.

The answer to your question lies in Indonesia and a far flung Island: Cocos Is, an Australian territory, in the Indian Ocean far from mainland Australia. People smugglers were putting gullible refugees who wanted to queue jump onto leaky boats and sending them about 1400 miles to Cocos Is where an IDIOTIC left wing Labour Gov would pick them up and give them a spot in Oz. It would take two years to vet them and then they were admitted to the wider community. It was a disaster. 50000 came and a couple of thousand died on the way. We actually watched as one boat floundered on rocks during heavy seas and about two hundred, including women and children, died while we watched in HD. The navy could not get to them as they were too far inshore, and those on the shore couldn't reach most of them. Now when the lefty Gov was finally removed there were over 50000 awaiting processing. The New Conservative Gov put a FREEZE and told anyone arriving after a certain date that they would be sent somewhere else (overseas) and would never get into Australia. They were told they could no longer queue jump. That number is now down to 1250 and they either refuse to go home or be sent to an Asian country that would take them in(for which we would pay of course).

Now Obama evidently had five thousand refugees waiting in Costa Rica en route for the US. My understanding is that they would be swapped for the Asian refugees in Oz. So Obama would get a four to one deal which really isn't all that bad. The reason we don't want the Asians has nothing to do with racism but everything to do with sending a message that arrival by sea means you NEVER GET TO OZ!! Fewer deaths at sea and no queue jumpers. The aim was and is to "stop the boats". There is actually a news freeze in place and so very few have heard the details of how intercepted boats are turned back to Indonesia and refugees processed in an orderly manner from there.

These are not BAD people; we just don't want them. It is harsh and we make no apology for that(unless one is a bleeding hear liberal). Politically, the issue is gaining a bit of traction with the scumbag media here and the "fakeistanis" are starting to get media time. I am glad that Trump sees it as a "hold your nose" deal but it is one that, OK, maybe should not have been made by Obama but a deal is a deal. They will of course be further vetted by the US and if cleared will set off to the new world. Those that fail I will only be too glad to see rot. At least we will have done all we could.

Just saying; there is now safe space on those islands for border hoppers from Mexico. Trump might find the vacancy signs tempting.


Ah, I feel your pain. We have the same problem here. For years people have been flooding our borders. They are not bad people - Cubans, Mexicans, Hatians, South Americans - all battling treacherous journeys to make it to our soil. Unfortunately, the liberal policy of welcoming them in, you see, encourages multitudes more to brave that deadly journey.

If it is truly down to 1200, seal the borders -let them in or not- and count yourselves lucky. We are getting 12K a day here. :(
Why won't Australia take the refugees into their country? Why are they being held on an island offshore? There's plenty of room in Australia for them.

Hello Tresh and all you great conservative types. Lefty whingers can bugger off.

The answer to your question lies in Indonesia and a far flung Island: Cocos Is, an Australian territory, in the Indian Ocean far from mainland Australia. People smugglers were putting gullible refugees who wanted to queue jump onto leaky boats and sending them about 1400 miles to Cocos Is where an IDIOTIC left wing Labour Gov would pick them up and give them a spot in Oz. It would take two years to vet them and then they were admitted to the wider community. It was a disaster. 50000 came and a couple of thousand died on the way. We actually watched as one boat floundered on rocks during heavy seas and about two hundred, including women and children, died while we watched in HD. The navy could not get to them as they were too far inshore, and those on the shore couldn't reach most of them. Now when the lefty Gov was finally removed there were over 50000 awaiting processing. The New Conservative Gov put a FREEZE and told anyone arriving after a certain date that they would be sent somewhere else (overseas) and would never get into Australia. They were told they could no longer queue jump. That number is now down to 1250 and they either refuse to go home or be sent to an Asian country that would take them in(for which we would pay of course).

Now Obama evidently had five thousand refugees waiting in Costa Rica en route for the US. My understanding is that they would be swapped for the Asian refugees in Oz. So Obama would get a four to one deal which really isn't all that bad. The reason we don't want the Asians has nothing to do with racism but everything to do with sending a message that arrival by sea means you NEVER GET TO OZ!! Fewer deaths at sea and no queue jumpers. The aim was and is to "stop the boats". There is actually a news freeze in place and so very few have heard the details of how intercepted boats are turned back to Indonesia and refugees processed in an orderly manner from there.

These are not BAD people; we just don't want them. It is harsh and we make no apology for that(unless one is a bleeding hear liberal). Politically, the issue is gaining a bit of traction with the scumbag media here and the "fakeistanis" are starting to get media time. I am glad that Trump sees it as a "hold your nose" deal but it is one that, OK, maybe should not have been made by Obama but a deal is a deal. They will of course be further vetted by the US and if cleared will set off to the new world. Those that fail I will only be too glad to see rot. At least we will have done all we could.

Just saying; there is now safe space on those islands for border hoppers from Mexico. Trump might find the vacancy signs tempting.


Ah, I feel your pain. We have the same problem here. For years people have been flooding our borders. They are not bad people - Cubans, Mexicans, Hatians, South Americans - all battling treacherous journeys to make it to our soil. Unfortunately, the liberal policy of welcoming them in, you see, encourages multitudes more to brave that deadly journey.

If it is truly down to 1200, seal the borders -let them in or not- and count yourselves lucky. We are getting 12K a day here. :(

The borders are now sealed and any and all illegals are deported. Our problem is solved. These last ones are just that; the detention centres are empty in Australia now whereas once they were full. And no; we don't want any more Sth Americans even if they cross the Pacific on leaky boats.

I cannot understand Obama; letting in illegals is just inviting more. I do understand Trump. A chap after my own heart.


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