The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not

View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
The land mass of Australia is a convenient fortress for American forward-deployed troops to southeast Asia. This was useful during the Viet Nam, Korean, and Japanese wars in the Pacific.

But unless there ends up being a really hot war against China, I don't think DJT cares about Australia. Or Japan for that matter.
Though the point is that the US only needs Oz if it wants to maintain some sort of position as the largest world power. Without bases in allied countries the US will be isolated very quickly.
Good question. If the Aussies don't want them, why should we accept them without question.
And the Aussies need us at least as much as we "need" them.
Send those buggers back where they came from.
We can put them in Gitmo.

They'll be safe there.
So then why the swap? Why didn't ewe accommodate both sets of "refugees" ewe short of land or sumpin?
Just how dumb are you? Did you really get none of my explanation? Btw, none of the refugees are mine, I've merely tried to explain the constraints the Shackledragger politicians are operating under. A wasted effort I can see.
The land mass of Australia is a convenient fortress for American forward-deployed troops to southeast Asia. This was useful during the Viet Nam, Korean, and Japanese wars in the Pacific.

But unless there ends up being a really hot war against China, I don't think DJT cares about Australia. Or Japan for that matter.
As though the US is not trying to constrain/surround China.
Though the point is that the US only needs Oz if it wants to maintain some sort of position as the largest world power. Without bases in allied countries the US will be isolated very quickly.
I am all for isolation! Just like Australia seems to be.
I am all for isolation! Just like Australia seems to be.
No, Oz politicians are not at all for isolation, quite the opposite. The Shackledraggers will do anything to be aligned/allied with the US, including eating with a smile phone calls with Trump and asking for more.
View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
The land mass of Australia is a convenient fortress for American forward-deployed troops to southeast Asia. This was useful during the Viet Nam, Korean, and Japanese wars in the Pacific.

But unless there ends up being a really hot war against China, I don't think DJT cares about Australia. Or Japan for that matter.

Australia is a strategic location for the Asia-Pacific theater.

I highly doubt Trump reneging on the deal will mean anything.

But apparently Making America Great Again means pissing off long-standing allies and ceding strategic geopolitical ground to China.
Trump didn't say we would not stand by our Australian allies.

All Trump said is that the deal that the idiot Obama agreed to take Muslims that the Australians didn't want is a terrible deal just like all the other deals the Kenyan Catastrophe has made.

It won't be the case but if the Australians think that the relationship between the two countries is so fragile that Trump bitching about Obama giving away the store will jeopardize that relationship then it wasn't strong to start with.

I think Trump is weak in saying that he will adhere to the dumb deal. He should have just said no. The Assies would have got over it.
View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho

Still haven't seen a single recording of the call yet, so this is just more nonsense until that happens, not to mention the lack of respect of some foreign politician thinking he has some sort of right to demand the U.S. has to take in unvetted 'refugees' from some Islamic craphole.
View attachment 110753
About a thousand US marines are stationed in Darwin – just one of the many ways in which Australia is useful to the Americans.

The US and Australia are, it is fair to say, very much culturally intertwined.

That will not change no matter how many times Trump abuses our prime minister. The news this week that Trump yelled at Malcolm Turnbull over the phone about how bad a deal the plan was for the US to take 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru rings so true that there is little worth in either government running with the “courteous discussion” line.

Trump showing anyone a lack of respect – let alone the leader of one of the US’s closest allies – is not only not surprising, it is expected.

And while it won’t end any alliance between the two nations, it should be a sign that things must change.

The US needs Australia, whether Donald Trump knows it or not | Greg Jericho
The land mass of Australia is a convenient fortress for American forward-deployed troops to southeast Asia. This was useful during the Viet Nam, Korean, and Japanese wars in the Pacific.

But unless there ends up being a really hot war against China, I don't think DJT cares about Australia. Or Japan for that matter.

Australia is a strategic location for the Asia-Pacific theater.

I highly doubt Trump reneging on the deal will mean anything.

But apparently Making America Great Again means pissing off long-standing allies and ceding strategic geopolitical ground to China.

Well, if they want to suck up to Red China, they are free to do so now. Go ahead. If they love this Turnbull hack so much they would do that, then they aren't any good as 'allies' in the first place. Of course few Australians would go for that, and most I know probably think the whole thing is hilarious.
Australia is certainly of utmost importance to.......


It's where the Chinese get their ore to dump steel on The U.S. and throw American workers out on the street.
It appears that Australia wants to dump a good portion of its rapefugee problems on us also. It appears they are raising a stink as we don't want the extra rapefugee problems either.

Why Should the US Solve Australia’s Offshore Refugee Problem? Why Does Australia Have Lots of Room for People from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc., but None for these Refugees?
Australia is certainly of utmost importance to.......


It's where the Chinese get their ore to dump steel on The U.S. and throw American workers out on the street.
It appears that Australia wants to dump a good portion of its rapefugee problems on us also. It appears they are raising a stink as we don't want the extra rapefugee problems either.

Why Should the US Solve Australia’s Offshore Refugee Problem? Why Does Australia Have Lots of Room for People from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc., but None for these Refugees?
Of course, this would be a win-win for the Aussies. They appear to be the compassionate lovers of all humanity without inflicting these radical monsters on their own population. Better us than them, and Obama was more than willing to cooperate. I hope to hell Trump tells them they can keep their mooslims and do with them what they deem best. Just don't think they can unload these undesirables on OUR people. Obummer is no longer ruler here...
Good question. If the Aussies don't want them, why should we accept them without question.
And the Aussies need us at least as much as we "need" them.
Send those buggers back where they came from.
We can put them in Gitmo.

They'll be safe there.
Well, OK, but only if we send them to Gitmo. Oh, and they can have bacon and eggs for breakfast, BLT sammiches for lunch, and baked ham for dinner. Beggars shouldn't be choosers, should they?

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