Donald Trump vows to protect Christianity and protect their heritage

You got it half right. The Constitution states that :

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion......"

That means, whether you like it or not that the government may neither interfere with the practice of religion OR favor one religion over another. It's only logical that once the government does show favoritism to one religion, it will detract from the status and legitimacy of others. In addition, it is well establish in Constitutional law that the government may not establish a state sponsored religion which is what Trump and his moronic minions would like to do.

The religion that was established by Christians (not by gov.) in the US is Christianity. There is no law against gov officials having a religion.
By the same token, there is no Gov. law insisting that Americans adopt Christianity Our government has never decreed that Christianity or any other religion shall be the National religion.

I got it all right, and Trump did not say he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion. He said he would protect the rights of the religious.

Just a few points:

1. No one said that there is a law against government officials having a religion. That is just a red herring.

2. Christians brought Christianity to the colonies for Christians. They may have wanted it to be a Christian nation but that didn't happen as it was never adopted by government, as you know.

3. With all of the vastly different factions of Christianity, to say that this is a "Christian nation" is meaningless.

4. Trump is not quite stupid enough to say that "he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion" but he has indicated that he would bestow favoritism on Christians and he is in bed with those who do see Christianity and the bible as superior to the Constitution.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

Protecting is not the same as favoritism.
It is if there is a specific intent to protect one religion and not others.

Other religions are not under attack by you anti-Christians.

Thus, it is still NOT the same as favoritism.
Oh? Muslims are not under attack by anti Muslim Islamaphobes? Seriously dude?
2. Christians brought Christianity to the colonies for Christians. They may have wanted it to be a Christian nation but that didn't happen as it was never adopted by government, as you know.

It most certainly did happen. You have "Christian nation" confused with "government endorsement".
75% of the people in the United States are Christian. Majority, whether they hold government positions, or dig ditches. We are a Christian nation, regardless of Obama wishing we were an Islam country.

And it used to be higher.
The Klan was not a religious organization.
What an ASTOUNDINGLY ignorant thing to say! Simply mind boggling that anyone would say something that stupid!





You left one out:
The religion that was established by Christians (not by gov.) in the US is Christianity. There is no law against gov officials having a religion.
By the same token, there is no Gov. law insisting that Americans adopt Christianity Our government has never decreed that Christianity or any other religion shall be the National religion.

I got it all right, and Trump did not say he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion. He said he would protect the rights of the religious.

Just a few points:

1. No one said that there is a law against government officials having a religion. That is just a red herring.

2. Christians brought Christianity to the colonies for Christians. They may have wanted it to be a Christian nation but that didn't happen as it was never adopted by government, as you know.

3. With all of the vastly different factions of Christianity, to say that this is a "Christian nation" is meaningless.

4. Trump is not quite stupid enough to say that "he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion" but he has indicated that he would bestow favoritism on Christians and he is in bed with those who do see Christianity and the bible as superior to the Constitution.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

Protecting is not the same as favoritism.
It is if there is a specific intent to protect one religion and not others.

Other religions are not under attack by you anti-Christians.

Thus, it is still NOT the same as favoritism.
Oh? Muslims are not under attack by anti Muslim Islamaphobes? Seriously dude?

Have you missed what they have done to France, Germany, Greece and the others? Seriously???? You want that here???
The Klan was not a religious organization.
What an ASTOUNDINGLY ignorant thing to say! Simply mind boggling that anyone would say something that stupid!





You left one out:
You obviously did not read my exchanges with LeftofLeft. :lol:

According to him, you are "living in the past".

You are another tard who has been lied to that "KKK" is a subset of "Democrat". That's been blown out of the water, sweetheart.
The religion that was established by Christians (not by gov.) in the US is Christianity. There is no law against gov officials having a religion.
By the same token, there is no Gov. law insisting that Americans adopt Christianity Our government has never decreed that Christianity or any other religion shall be the National religion.

I got it all right, and Trump did not say he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion. He said he would protect the rights of the religious.

Just a few points:

1. No one said that there is a law against government officials having a religion. That is just a red herring.

2. Christians brought Christianity to the colonies for Christians. They may have wanted it to be a Christian nation but that didn't happen as it was never adopted by government, as you know.

3. With all of the vastly different factions of Christianity, to say that this is a "Christian nation" is meaningless.

4. Trump is not quite stupid enough to say that "he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion" but he has indicated that he would bestow favoritism on Christians and he is in bed with those who do see Christianity and the bible as superior to the Constitution.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

Protecting is not the same as favoritism.
It is if there is a specific intent to protect one religion and not others.

Other religions are not under attack by you anti-Christians.

Thus, it is still NOT the same as favoritism.
Oh? Muslims are not under attack by anti Muslim Islamaphobes? Seriously dude?

How is it under attack?
The Klan was not a religious organization.
What an ASTOUNDINGLY ignorant thing to say! Simply mind boggling that anyone would say something that stupid!





You left one out:
You obviously did not read my exchanges with LeftofLeft. :lol:

According to him, you are "living in the past".

You are another tard who has been lied to that "KKK" is a subset of "Democrat". That's been blown out of the water, sweetheart.

It is a matter of historical record, pumpkin...

Have you kissed your grand dragon today?
Just a few points:

1. No one said that there is a law against government officials having a religion. That is just a red herring.

2. Christians brought Christianity to the colonies for Christians. They may have wanted it to be a Christian nation but that didn't happen as it was never adopted by government, as you know.

3. With all of the vastly different factions of Christianity, to say that this is a "Christian nation" is meaningless.

4. Trump is not quite stupid enough to say that "he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion" but he has indicated that he would bestow favoritism on Christians and he is in bed with those who do see Christianity and the bible as superior to the Constitution.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

Protecting is not the same as favoritism.
It is if there is a specific intent to protect one religion and not others.

Other religions are not under attack by you anti-Christians.
Islam is under attack by Trump and you bigots.

And Thank God it is under attack here. You want to become France?
You want to become Nazi Germany?
Just a few points:

1. No one said that there is a law against government officials having a religion. That is just a red herring.

2. Christians brought Christianity to the colonies for Christians. They may have wanted it to be a Christian nation but that didn't happen as it was never adopted by government, as you know.

3. With all of the vastly different factions of Christianity, to say that this is a "Christian nation" is meaningless.

4. Trump is not quite stupid enough to say that "he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion" but he has indicated that he would bestow favoritism on Christians and he is in bed with those who do see Christianity and the bible as superior to the Constitution.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

Protecting is not the same as favoritism.
It is if there is a specific intent to protect one religion and not others.

Other religions are not under attack by you anti-Christians.

Thus, it is still NOT the same as favoritism.
Oh? Muslims are not under attack by anti Muslim Islamaphobes? Seriously dude?

How is it under attack?
Could you really have your head that far up your ass, Bubba?
Protecting is not the same as favoritism.
It is if there is a specific intent to protect one religion and not others.

Other religions are not under attack by you anti-Christians.
Islam is under attack by Trump and you bigots.

And Thank God it is under attack here. You want to become France?
You want to become Nazi Germany?

Protecting is not the same as favoritism.
It is if there is a specific intent to protect one religion and not others.

Other religions are not under attack by you anti-Christians.

Thus, it is still NOT the same as favoritism.
Oh? Muslims are not under attack by anti Muslim Islamaphobes? Seriously dude?

How is it under attack?
Could you really have your head that far up your ass, Bubba?

Could you dodge and evade anymore?

Try to be less of a dick.

^ Democrat calling Grand Dragon the heart and soul of America and our best HISTORIAN!
kissy kissy...
2. Christians brought Christianity to the colonies for Christians. They may have wanted it to be a Christian nation but that didn't happen as it was never adopted by government, as you know.

It most certainly did happen. You have "Christian nation" confused with "government endorsement".
75% of the people in the United States are Christian. Majority, whether they hold government positions, or dig ditches. We are a Christian nation, regardless of Obama wishing we were an Islamic country.
A Christian majority does not make it a Christian nation. It is a nation for all religions
The Klan was not a religious organization.
What an ASTOUNDINGLY ignorant thing to say! Simply mind boggling that anyone would say something that stupid!





You left one out:
You obviously did not read my exchanges with LeftofLeft. :lol:

According to him, you are "living in the past".

You are another tard who has been lied to that "KKK" is a subset of "Democrat". That's been blown out of the water, sweetheart.

It is a matter of historical record, pumpkin...

Have you kissed your grand dragon today?
It's a matter of public record that the KKK dominated the GOP as much as the Democrats. Your head is chock full of half truths.

"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me," he said.
Trump tailored his message to the audience, though he carefully avoided mentioning a number of areas — such as the legality of gay marriage — where his New York tolerance conflicts with the Christian right's agenda."

What are your thoughts?

Nothing wrong with that. The founders of this country were white christians.
It is if there is a specific intent to protect one religion and not others.

Other religions are not under attack by you anti-Christians.

Thus, it is still NOT the same as favoritism.
Oh? Muslims are not under attack by anti Muslim Islamaphobes? Seriously dude?

How is it under attack?
Could you really have your head that far up your ass, Bubba?

Could you dodge and evade anymore?

Try to be less of a dick.

In the months since the terrorist attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 and the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., on Dec. 2, reports of attacks and threats against Muslims in the United States have surged, researchers and civil rights groups say.

According to a recent analysis based on reports from the news media and civil rights groups, the rate of suspected hate crimes against Muslims has tripled in the time since the attacks in Paris, with 38 attacks regarded as anti-Islamic. Here are some examples.
"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me," he said.
Trump tailored his message to the audience, though he carefully avoided mentioning a number of areas — such as the legality of gay marriage — where his New York tolerance conflicts with the Christian right's agenda."

What are your thoughts?

that violates the constitution.

but its not like that matters to dumb donald or his minions
"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me," he said.
Trump tailored his message to the audience, though he carefully avoided mentioning a number of areas — such as the legality of gay marriage — where his New York tolerance conflicts with the Christian right's agenda."

What are your thoughts?

Nothing wrong with that. The founders of this country were white christians.

ever hear of the first amendment?

and the founders were mostly deists and wanted government the hell out of religion and religion the hell out of government.

so there is everything wrong with it.
Oh, lookee here!

In a topic called: GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference

How long ago was Byrd in the Klan?

I'll tell you.


You are a fucking hypocrite.

That is a weak connection you made. Scalise speaks at a conference where he may or may not have known of any ties to white supremacy. Contrast that with Byrd who was a fucking KKK leader. Further, what's the difference speaking at a white supremacist conference or a new black panther conference?
The religion that was established by Christians (not by gov.) in the US is Christianity. There is no law against gov officials having a religion.
By the same token, there is no Gov. law insisting that Americans adopt Christianity Our government has never decreed that Christianity or any other religion shall be the National religion.

I got it all right, and Trump did not say he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion. He said he would protect the rights of the religious.

To the radical Liberals, any nod or protection towards Christianity is considered a step towards a national religion; or, quite simply, they hate Christians.
That is correct but it is not "radical liberals" alone. It is anyone who actually understands the Constitution. It is religious freedom that must be protected, not any individual religion

NOpe. Protecting the free exercise of Christianity is not a step toward a national religion.

That is a lie told by anti-Christians to rationalize their attempts of discrimination.

Bulshit! Paranoid bullshit at that!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Kudos. That is tied for one of the most well thought out and reasonable posts ever posted by a lefty honestly and seriously making the case for their position based on it's merits.

That being said, you in no way actually challenged my point, thus my point stands.

Protecting the free exercise of Christianity is not a step toward a national religion.

That is a lie told by anti-Christians to rationalize their attempts of discrimination
I most certainly did challenge- and refute your nonsensical point. You're just not able to understand it.

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