Donald Trump's 25 year history of Political donations


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Sent to me by some people actually VETTING some candidates, I found it interesting, you may also!.... Remembering that Donald is centered in the HEART of subversive America, NYC, and knowing exactly why he donated the way he did, MOST of the time.

There was some discussion on other forums regarding the fact that Donald Trump should not be trusted as our Republican nominee due to the fact that he donated a substantial amount of money to Democrats over the years.


This is a valid concern, especially as it is becoming more likely that Trump will be the nominee. And as a Donald Trump supporter, it concerns me as well. So I thought I'd put the facts out there and throw this open to discussion.

Trump himself has been asked about this and his responses can be distilled as follows: In his line of work, which in large part entails building and acquiring properties in New York City, which is mostly controlled by Democrats, it was necessary for Trump to donate to both parties, especially to Democrats, in order to get business done. Further, Trump goes on to say that this is why he is self-financing his own campaign, as he does not want to be beholden to campaign contributors as they have been beholden to him over the years. This is something that Trump hopes to change should he get into office.

Many here will probably not buy that and they will state that Donald Trump should not be our nominee because he cannot be trusted, having supported Democrats in the past. Others here will state that the past is the past, that Ronald Reagan himself was once a Democrat and that this did not stop him from being one of the greatest conservative presidents in our history.

So can Trump be trusted as Reagan was?

To use football parlance, I decided to go to the tape. Below is a chart showing Donald Trump's political contributions each year since 1989. Up until 2010, it appears that Trump gave more or less equally to both parties and in some years, clearly gave more to the Democrats. However since 2010, not only has Trump only given to Republicans but his donations have greatly accelerated.

During the 2011-2014 period, Trump donated nearly $500,000 to Republicans while giving zero to Democrats. This appears to be more donations that the total Trump gave during the 1989-2010 period (21 years).

Now granted, that might not sit well with some folks here either as folks like Mitt Romney and John Boehner represented Republicans during that time.

This all said, we must consider the future of the Republican party and conservatives in general. Are we looking to win the hearts and minds of those who once voted for or donated to Democrats? Or are we willing to forgive those who may have supported GOPe in the past such as Romney or McCain? Or do we need to turn our backs on them because they are not pure and cannot be trusted? If we take the latter course, the conservatives may be doomed to minority status, I fear.

Speaking for myself as a Trump supporter, I concede that Ted Cruz is the superior conservative in this race. But I'm not convinced that Cruz can win the nomination and then the general. I would love to be proven wrong on that and I would happily support Cruz should he get the nomination. But as of right now, I believe Trump is the best chance we have to keep a GOPe lightweight like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio from getting the nomination and then winning decisively next November against the Democrat.

Below is the graph of Trump donations to both Democrats and Republicans since 1989. I'm looking at recent history and giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. But I'm interested in the opinions of others.

Sent to me by some people actually VETTING some candidates, I found it interesting, you may also!.... Remembering that Donald is centered in the HEART of subversive America, NYC, and knowing exactly why he donated the way he did, MOST of the time.

There was some discussion on other forums regarding the fact that Donald Trump should not be trusted as our Republican nominee due to the fact that he donated a substantial amount of money to Democrats over the years.


This is a valid concern, especially as it is becoming more likely that Trump will be the nominee. And as a Donald Trump supporter, it concerns me as well. So I thought I'd put the facts out there and throw this open to discussion.

Trump himself has been asked about this and his responses can be distilled as follows: In his line of work, which in large part entails building and acquiring properties in New York City, which is mostly controlled by Democrats, it was necessary for Trump to donate to both parties, especially to Democrats, in order to get business done. Further, Trump goes on to say that this is why he is self-financing his own campaign, as he does not want to be beholden to campaign contributors as they have been beholden to him over the years. This is something that Trump hopes to change should he get into office.

Many here will probably not buy that and they will state that Donald Trump should not be our nominee because he cannot be trusted, having supported Democrats in the past. Others here will state that the past is the past, that Ronald Reagan himself was once a Democrat and that this did not stop him from being one of the greatest conservative presidents in our history.

So can Trump be trusted as Reagan was?

To use football parlance, I decided to go to the tape. Below is a chart showing Donald Trump's political contributions each year since 1989. Up until 2010, it appears that Trump gave more or less equally to both parties and in some years, clearly gave more to the Democrats. However since 2010, not only has Trump only given to Republicans but his donations have greatly accelerated.

During the 2011-2014 period, Trump donated nearly $500,000 to Republicans while giving zero to Democrats. This appears to be more donations that the total Trump gave during the 1989-2010 period (21 years).

Now granted, that might not sit well with some folks here either as folks like Mitt Romney and John Boehner represented Republicans during that time.

This all said, we must consider the future of the Republican party and conservatives in general. Are we looking to win the hearts and minds of those who once voted for or donated to Democrats? Or are we willing to forgive those who may have supported GOPe in the past such as Romney or McCain? Or do we need to turn our backs on them because they are not pure and cannot be trusted? If we take the latter course, the conservatives may be doomed to minority status, I fear.

Speaking for myself as a Trump supporter, I concede that Ted Cruz is the superior conservative in this race. But I'm not convinced that Cruz can win the nomination and then the general. I would love to be proven wrong on that and I would happily support Cruz should he get the nomination. But as of right now, I believe Trump is the best chance we have to keep a GOPe lightweight like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio from getting the nomination and then winning decisively next November against the Democrat.

Below is the graph of Trump donations to both Democrats and Republicans since 1989. I'm looking at recent history and giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. But I'm interested in the opinions of others.


Yo, it`s like he said before, it`s about business, he gets favors done for his business! You could compare similar rich businessmen, not a total donation to one party type, but like Trump, it would be the same! So I believe him, and you`re right about Ted Cruz, I would like to see him in the White House? But we need to wait and see!

131025114405-14-sarah-palin-1025-horizontal-large-gallery (1) (1) (1).jpg
Donald Trump says Democrats are better for the economy.

BLITZER: Do you identify more as a Democrat or Republican?

TRUMP: Well, you'd be shocked if I said that in many cases I probably identify more as Democrat. And I think you'd probably be shocked...

From an interview with Wolf Blitzer in 2004. Think of his sudden rise, just as Obama. Why haven't the Dems gone into full attack mode? There is more than enough real scandal with him to have taken him down. They haven't He also has several deals with George Soros, financially.
I've always said he is a donkey posing in an elephant suit.

Get used to Trump being OUR candidate....Can so many REPUBLICAN'S be wrong, or are we so fucking fed up with phony Republicans simply being DemocRAT lights, that he IS THE BREATH OF FRESH AIR most of us have been looking for?....After all, could he possibly be as bad as the muslim, socialist/Commie that currently inhabits the Oval Office?

  • Current New Hampshire Polling [Cruz Polls Second 12%; Trump leads 29%] Rubio 10, Carson 7
  • The good Doctor seems to have hit MORE than a speed bump in his rise in the polls recently. Trump can say what is NOT PC, and double down on it, but the good Doctor, can't say things that are just stupid, the pyramids are just the beginning!
    Gravis Marketing ^ | November 14, 2015 | Unknown
    OK, it's one poll. I have no idea how valid, or really who "Gravis Marketing" is - though I've heard of them before. Still fun and a little interesting. And not out of line with national polls...except as Ben Carson is concerned. Trump - 29 Cruz - 12 Rubio - 10 Christie - 8 Jeb! - 8 Carson - 7 Kasich - 5 Paul - 5 Fiorina - 4 Jindal - 1 Huckster - 1 Hank
Donald Trump says Democrats are better for the economy.

BLITZER: Do you identify more as a Democrat or Republican?

TRUMP: Well, you'd be shocked if I said that in many cases I probably identify more as Democrat. And I think you'd probably be shocked...

From an interview with Wolf Blitzer in 2004. Think of his sudden rise, just as Obama. Why haven't the Dems gone into full attack mode? There is more than enough real scandal with him to have taken him down. They haven't He also has several deals with George Soros, financially.

Yes 11 years ago, and again repeating The great Reagan was a strong DemocRAT until he saw the light.... 11 years ago, I repeat...and since 2011, he's ONLY DONATED to Republicans, WAY BEFORE his announcement to run for president.

Oh, and dealing with Soros.... what does one BILLIONAIRE do with another Billionaire....MAKE MONEY, and NOT give a fuck about their political leanings.... It's BUSINESS BABY!!!!

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Why have the Dem's not attacked him? Why would they not atrack the one candidate that appears to be the one that will get the nomination, knowing from polls he is the strongest gop candidate? The minute Carson starting catching up to him, the attacks came forth hard and furious, trying to knock him down.

Does it not bother you he has dealings with Soros, just as Obama happened to be Soros pet?

What if I am right? You think we are in a shit load of trouble now, just give it another 4 years of Democratic rule by the pen, under the guise of an elephant.
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.
Anyone that is deeply familiar with his business practices and lack of integrity, knows he is not of Presidential material.
Why have the Dem's not attacked him? Why would they not atrack the one candidate that appears to be the one that will get the nomination, knowing from polls he is the strongest gop candidate? The minute Carson starting catching up to him, the attacks came forth hard and furious, trying to knock him down.

Does it not bother you he has dealings with Soros, just as Obama happened to be Soros pet?

What if I am right? You think we are in a shit load of trouble now, just give it another 4 years of Democratic rule by the pen.

What can they attack him on? I believe they TRIED, along with their CO-CONSPIRATORS, the RINO ELITE in the first 2 months, and simply saw his POLL NUMBERS double as they tried to make BULLSHIT stick. Apparently you have never run your own business, as anyone that has KNOWS, if you are making money, and BIG MONEY in the case of Donald, and Soros, what the other party believes or does OUTSIDE of that business deal, is MEANINGLESS! But listen, my friend, you can believe what you want, and please post it, if I disagree, I'll simply tell you why I believe your wrong, and looking at The Donald NOT having to pander for MONEY from every LOBBYIST in creation, means more to me than what he did in business to make money... I understand he's already said he'll DONATE all his salary as President to the VETERANS ASSOCIATIONS.... you see any fucking, scumbag, NeoCommie, DemocRAT doing that?....No, I didn't think so!
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.

He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...
Why have the Dem's not attacked him? Why would they not atrack the one candidate that appears to be the one that will get the nomination, knowing from polls he is the strongest gop candidate? The minute Carson starting catching up to him, the attacks came forth hard and furious, trying to knock him down.

Does it not bother you he has dealings with Soros, just as Obama happened to be Soros pet?

What if I am right? You think we are in a shit load of trouble now, just give it another 4 years of Democratic rule by the pen.

What can they attack him on? I believe they TRIED, along with their CO-CONSPIRATORS, the RINO ELITE in the first 2 months, and simply saw his POLL NUMBERS double as they tried to make BULLSHIT stick. Apparently you have never run your own business, as anyone that has KNOWS, if you are making money, and BIG MONEY in the case of Donald, and Soros, what the other party believes or does OUTSIDE of that business deal, is MEANINGLESS! But listen, my friend, you can believe what you want, and please post it, if I disagree, I'll simply tell you why I believe your wrong, and looking at The Donald NOT having to pander for MONEY from every LOBBYIST in creation, means more to me than what he did in business to make money... I understand he's already said he'll DONATE all his salary as President to the VETERANS ASSOCIATIONS.... you see any fucking, scumbag, NeoCommie, DemocRAT doing that?....No, I didn't think so!

Let's just hope the Democrats continue to not attack Trump aside from the casual nod that "yeah, this guy is nuts." I don't think it serves the Democrats to shoot down a gift horse before it's time.
Anyone that is deeply familiar with his business practices and lack of integrity, knows he is not of Presidential material.

WHAT integrity issue, the 4 bankruptcies that have been discussed here in many threads?...I suggest YOU run a search and learn! But any other issues?
Why have the Dem's not attacked him? Why would they not atrack the one candidate that appears to be the one that will get the nomination, knowing from polls he is the strongest gop candidate? The minute Carson starting catching up to him, the attacks came forth hard and furious, trying to knock him down.

Does it not bother you he has dealings with Soros, just as Obama happened to be Soros pet?

What if I am right? You think we are in a shit load of trouble now, just give it another 4 years of Democratic rule by the pen.

What can they attack him on? I believe they TRIED, along with their CO-CONSPIRATORS, the RINO ELITE in the first 2 months, and simply saw his POLL NUMBERS double as they tried to make BULLSHIT stick. Apparently you have never run your own business, as anyone that has KNOWS, if you are making money, and BIG MONEY in the case of Donald, and Soros, what the other party believes or does OUTSIDE of that business deal, is MEANINGLESS! But listen, my friend, you can believe what you want, and please post it, if I disagree, I'll simply tell you why I believe your wrong, and looking at The Donald NOT having to pander for MONEY from every LOBBYIST in creation, means more to me than what he did in business to make money... I understand he's already said he'll DONATE all his salary as President to the VETERANS ASSOCIATIONS.... you see any fucking, scumbag, NeoCommie, DemocRAT doing that?....No, I didn't think so!

Let's just hope the Democrats continue to not attack Trump aside from the casual nod that "yeah, this guy is nuts." I don't think it serves the Democrats to shoot down a gift horse before it's time.

We LOVE watching the RANTS of a truly low IQ'd subversive. Nuts? He's a multi-BILLIONAIRE.... just how NUTS is that....I rest my case, but I'm sure Happy Toy has more entertainment to offer!
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.

He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...

Hey, he can claim whatever he wants to be. As long as he isn't interested in chasing down Planned Parenthood then you are in effect supporting a pro-choice candidate. Enjoy.
Why have the Dem's not attacked him? Why would they not atrack the one candidate that appears to be the one that will get the nomination, knowing from polls he is the strongest gop candidate? The minute Carson starting catching up to him, the attacks came forth hard and furious, trying to knock him down.

Does it not bother you he has dealings with Soros, just as Obama happened to be Soros pet?

What if I am right? You think we are in a shit load of trouble now, just give it another 4 years of Democratic rule by the pen.

What can they attack him on? I believe they TRIED, along with their CO-CONSPIRATORS, the RINO ELITE in the first 2 months, and simply saw his POLL NUMBERS double as they tried to make BULLSHIT stick. Apparently you have never run your own business, as anyone that has KNOWS, if you are making money, and BIG MONEY in the case of Donald, and Soros, what the other party believes or does OUTSIDE of that business deal, is MEANINGLESS! But listen, my friend, you can believe what you want, and please post it, if I disagree, I'll simply tell you why I believe your wrong, and looking at The Donald NOT having to pander for MONEY from every LOBBYIST in creation, means more to me than what he did in business to make money... I understand he's already said he'll DONATE all his salary as President to the VETERANS ASSOCIATIONS.... you see any fucking, scumbag, NeoCommie, DemocRAT doing that?....No, I didn't think so!

Let's just hope the Democrats continue to not attack Trump aside from the casual nod that "yeah, this guy is nuts." I don't think it serves the Democrats to shoot down a gift horse before it's time.

We LOVE watching the RANTS of a truly low IQ'd subversive. Nuts? He's a multi-BILLIONAIRE.... just how NUTS is that....I rest my case, but I'm sure Happy Toy has more entertainment to offer!

Yep, let's not rock the Trump cradle until the general, that wont' do the Democrats any good.
In the grand schem
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.

He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...

Hey, he can claim whatever he wants to be. As long as he isn't interested in chasing down Planned Parenthood then you are in effect supporting a pro-choice candidate. Enjoy.
In the grand scheme of things, PP's Infanticide is down the list of importance UNTIL President Trump is inaugurated!
In the grand schem
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.

He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...

Hey, he can claim whatever he wants to be. As long as he isn't interested in chasing down Planned Parenthood then you are in effect supporting a pro-choice candidate. Enjoy.
In the grand scheme of things, PP's Infanticide is down the list of importance UNTIL President Trump is inaugurated!

Are you saying that according to Conservatives the genocide of hundreds of thousands of children is less important than Trump selling ties made in China?

He is a business man after all and I suppose that "Trumps" the smothering of childrens' lives.
Why have the Dem's not attacked him? Why would they not atrack the one candidate that appears to be the one that will get the nomination, knowing from polls he is the strongest gop candidate? The minute Carson starting catching up to him, the attacks came forth hard and furious, trying to knock him down.

Does it not bother you he has dealings with Soros, just as Obama happened to be Soros pet?

What if I am right? You think we are in a shit load of trouble now, just give it another 4 years of Democratic rule by the pen.

What can they attack him on? I believe they TRIED, along with their CO-CONSPIRATORS, the RINO ELITE in the first 2 months, and simply saw his POLL NUMBERS double as they tried to make BULLSHIT stick. Apparently you have never run your own business, as anyone that has KNOWS, if you are making money, and BIG MONEY in the case of Donald, and Soros, what the other party believes or does OUTSIDE of that business deal, is MEANINGLESS! But listen, my friend, you can believe what you want, and please post it, if I disagree, I'll simply tell you why I believe your wrong, and looking at The Donald NOT having to pander for MONEY from every LOBBYIST in creation, means more to me than what he did in business to make money... I understand he's already said he'll DONATE all his salary as President to the VETERANS ASSOCIATIONS.... you see any fucking, scumbag, NeoCommie, DemocRAT doing that?....No, I didn't think so!

Let's just hope the Democrats continue to not attack Trump aside from the casual nod that "yeah, this guy is nuts." I don't think it serves the Democrats to shoot down a gift horse before it's time.

We LOVE watching the RANTS of a truly low IQ'd subversive. Nuts? He's a multi-BILLIONAIRE.... just how NUTS is that....I rest my case, but I'm sure Happy Toy has more entertainment to offer!

Yep, let's not rock the Trump cradle until the general, that wont' do the Democrats any good.

Yes, we LOVE looking at YOUR candidate! You know the CONFIRMED LIAR, FBI INVESTIGATED, Corrupt, OLD white woman!

In the grand schem
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.

He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...

Hey, he can claim whatever he wants to be. As long as he isn't interested in chasing down Planned Parenthood then you are in effect supporting a pro-choice candidate. Enjoy.
In the grand scheme of things, PP's Infanticide is down the list of importance UNTIL President Trump is inaugurated!

Are you saying that according to Conservatives the genocide of hundreds of thousands of children is less important than Trump selling ties made in China?

No you're saying more bullshit that is unimportant to you baby killers... now where are you scum on ISIS attacks, and the THREAT to OUR SECURITY?...OR we could go into BUYING presidential access and favors of YOUR candidate...


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