Donald Trump's 25 year history of Political donations

Sent to me by some people actually VETTING some candidates, I found it interesting, you may also!.... Remembering that Donald is centered in the HEART of subversive America, NYC, and knowing exactly why he donated the way he did, MOST of the time.

There was some discussion on other forums regarding the fact that Donald Trump should not be trusted as our Republican nominee due to the fact that he donated a substantial amount of money to Democrats over the years.


This is a valid concern, especially as it is becoming more likely that Trump will be the nominee. And as a Donald Trump supporter, it concerns me as well. So I thought I'd put the facts out there and throw this open to discussion.

Trump himself has been asked about this and his responses can be distilled as follows: In his line of work, which in large part entails building and acquiring properties in New York City, which is mostly controlled by Democrats, it was necessary for Trump to donate to both parties, especially to Democrats, in order to get business done. Further, Trump goes on to say that this is why he is self-financing his own campaign, as he does not want to be beholden to campaign contributors as they have been beholden to him over the years. This is something that Trump hopes to change should he get into office.

Many here will probably not buy that and they will state that Donald Trump should not be our nominee because he cannot be trusted, having supported Democrats in the past. Others here will state that the past is the past, that Ronald Reagan himself was once a Democrat and that this did not stop him from being one of the greatest conservative presidents in our history.

So can Trump be trusted as Reagan was?

To use football parlance, I decided to go to the tape. Below is a chart showing Donald Trump's political contributions each year since 1989. Up until 2010, it appears that Trump gave more or less equally to both parties and in some years, clearly gave more to the Democrats. However since 2010, not only has Trump only given to Republicans but his donations have greatly accelerated.

During the 2011-2014 period, Trump donated nearly $500,000 to Republicans while giving zero to Democrats. This appears to be more donations that the total Trump gave during the 1989-2010 period (21 years).

Now granted, that might not sit well with some folks here either as folks like Mitt Romney and John Boehner represented Republicans during that time.

This all said, we must consider the future of the Republican party and conservatives in general. Are we looking to win the hearts and minds of those who once voted for or donated to Democrats? Or are we willing to forgive those who may have supported GOPe in the past such as Romney or McCain? Or do we need to turn our backs on them because they are not pure and cannot be trusted? If we take the latter course, the conservatives may be doomed to minority status, I fear.

Speaking for myself as a Trump supporter, I concede that Ted Cruz is the superior conservative in this race. But I'm not convinced that Cruz can win the nomination and then the general. I would love to be proven wrong on that and I would happily support Cruz should he get the nomination. But as of right now, I believe Trump is the best chance we have to keep a GOPe lightweight like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio from getting the nomination and then winning decisively next November against the Democrat.

Below is the graph of Trump donations to both Democrats and Republicans since 1989. I'm looking at recent history and giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. But I'm interested in the opinions of others.

centered in the HEART of subversive America, NYC

You mean the real America, the center of culture, Arts Education and finance and diversity in America, where hundreds of cultures live peacefully daily. Unlike flyover slackjawed monotone county where you dwell and where fear permeates you daily
Another kitchen sink.

And YOU are the open drain! LOLOL!

You just get lamer and lamer.

I can't say your getting dumber and dumber, simply because there is nothing dumber than you!

Seriously, this is lame. Planned Parenthood will do just fine in a Trump presidency. So, I'm happy about that if it came to such dire circumstances.

It seems that Speaker RYAN won't bring up PP, along with this.... This RINO seems to be a "BONER" clone, working FOR THE LEFTIST DemocRATS!

  • Paul Ryan Hopes to Find ‘Common Ground’ with Obama (Will NOT deport as long as he is Speaker)
    breitbart ^ | 11/15/15 | j poor
    In an interview that aired on CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sunday, newly elected Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) 58% said he hopes to lead a House of Representatives that is “functioning again.” “I think wiping the slate clean was about wiping the slate clean in Congress and getting Congress, the House functioning again,” Ryan said. However, part of that Ryan said will require finding “common ground” with the Obama White House. “Look, if we can find common ground, we can on highways, we will on funding the government, hopefully we can on tax policy,” Ryan said. “Those are...
We didn't elect these Republican to WORK WITH the NeoCommies, they have the power, BUT REFUSE to use it to further a CONSERVATIVE agenda.... We need a Trump, and a NEW group of Tea Party Republicans to put this country right!

Are you using a "RINO" as cover for Trump?
Sent to me by some people actually VETTING some candidates, I found it interesting, you may also!.... Remembering that Donald is centered in the HEART of subversive America, NYC, and knowing exactly why he donated the way he did, MOST of the time.

There was some discussion on other forums regarding the fact that Donald Trump should not be trusted as our Republican nominee due to the fact that he donated a substantial amount of money to Democrats over the years.


This is a valid concern, especially as it is becoming more likely that Trump will be the nominee. And as a Donald Trump supporter, it concerns me as well. So I thought I'd put the facts out there and throw this open to discussion.

Trump himself has been asked about this and his responses can be distilled as follows: In his line of work, which in large part entails building and acquiring properties in New York City, which is mostly controlled by Democrats, it was necessary for Trump to donate to both parties, especially to Democrats, in order to get business done. Further, Trump goes on to say that this is why he is self-financing his own campaign, as he does not want to be beholden to campaign contributors as they have been beholden to him over the years. This is something that Trump hopes to change should he get into office.

Many here will probably not buy that and they will state that Donald Trump should not be our nominee because he cannot be trusted, having supported Democrats in the past. Others here will state that the past is the past, that Ronald Reagan himself was once a Democrat and that this did not stop him from being one of the greatest conservative presidents in our history.

So can Trump be trusted as Reagan was?

To use football parlance, I decided to go to the tape. Below is a chart showing Donald Trump's political contributions each year since 1989. Up until 2010, it appears that Trump gave more or less equally to both parties and in some years, clearly gave more to the Democrats. However since 2010, not only has Trump only given to Republicans but his donations have greatly accelerated.

During the 2011-2014 period, Trump donated nearly $500,000 to Republicans while giving zero to Democrats. This appears to be more donations that the total Trump gave during the 1989-2010 period (21 years).

Now granted, that might not sit well with some folks here either as folks like Mitt Romney and John Boehner represented Republicans during that time.

This all said, we must consider the future of the Republican party and conservatives in general. Are we looking to win the hearts and minds of those who once voted for or donated to Democrats? Or are we willing to forgive those who may have supported GOPe in the past such as Romney or McCain? Or do we need to turn our backs on them because they are not pure and cannot be trusted? If we take the latter course, the conservatives may be doomed to minority status, I fear.

Speaking for myself as a Trump supporter, I concede that Ted Cruz is the superior conservative in this race. But I'm not convinced that Cruz can win the nomination and then the general. I would love to be proven wrong on that and I would happily support Cruz should he get the nomination. But as of right now, I believe Trump is the best chance we have to keep a GOPe lightweight like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio from getting the nomination and then winning decisively next November against the Democrat.

Below is the graph of Trump donations to both Democrats and Republicans since 1989. I'm looking at recent history and giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. But I'm interested in the opinions of others.

centered in the HEART of subversive America, NYC

You mean the real America, the center of culture, Arts Education and finance and diversity in America, where hundreds of cultures live peacefully daily. Unlike flyover slackjawed monotone county where you dwell and where fear permeates you daily

Fuck diversity, it's the SUICIDE of the AMERICAN CULTURE... Even the first PROGRESSIVE PRESIDENT knew that you MUSY ASSIMILATE to be an American instead of being whatever you were, when you came here!


Guano, Bird shit, if you will, YOU and the rest of the left ARE THE PROBLEM, even the FOUNDER of the American Progressive Party said so!
And YOU are the open drain! LOLOL!

You just get lamer and lamer.

I can't say your getting dumber and dumber, simply because there is nothing dumber than you!

Seriously, this is lame. Planned Parenthood will do just fine in a Trump presidency. So, I'm happy about that if it came to such dire circumstances.

It seems that Speaker RYAN won't bring up PP, along with this.... This RINO seems to be a "BONER" clone, working FOR THE LEFTIST DemocRATS!

  • Paul Ryan Hopes to Find ‘Common Ground’ with Obama (Will NOT deport as long as he is Speaker)
    breitbart ^ | 11/15/15 | j poor
    In an interview that aired on CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sunday, newly elected Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) 58% said he hopes to lead a House of Representatives that is “functioning again.” “I think wiping the slate clean was about wiping the slate clean in Congress and getting Congress, the House functioning again,” Ryan said. However, part of that Ryan said will require finding “common ground” with the Obama White House. “Look, if we can find common ground, we can on highways, we will on funding the government, hopefully we can on tax policy,” Ryan said. “Those are...
We didn't elect these Republican to WORK WITH the NeoCommies, they have the power, BUT REFUSE to use it to further a CONSERVATIVE agenda.... We need a Trump, and a NEW group of Tea Party Republicans to put this country right!

Are you using a "RINO" as cover for Trump?

You'd do better playing with yourself!
You just get lamer and lamer.

I can't say your getting dumber and dumber, simply because there is nothing dumber than you!

Seriously, this is lame. Planned Parenthood will do just fine in a Trump presidency. So, I'm happy about that if it came to such dire circumstances.

It seems that Speaker RYAN won't bring up PP, along with this.... This RINO seems to be a "BONER" clone, working FOR THE LEFTIST DemocRATS!

  • Paul Ryan Hopes to Find ‘Common Ground’ with Obama (Will NOT deport as long as he is Speaker)
    breitbart ^ | 11/15/15 | j poor
    In an interview that aired on CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sunday, newly elected Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) 58% said he hopes to lead a House of Representatives that is “functioning again.” “I think wiping the slate clean was about wiping the slate clean in Congress and getting Congress, the House functioning again,” Ryan said. However, part of that Ryan said will require finding “common ground” with the Obama White House. “Look, if we can find common ground, we can on highways, we will on funding the government, hopefully we can on tax policy,” Ryan said. “Those are...
We didn't elect these Republican to WORK WITH the NeoCommies, they have the power, BUT REFUSE to use it to further a CONSERVATIVE agenda.... We need a Trump, and a NEW group of Tea Party Republicans to put this country right!

Are you using a "RINO" as cover for Trump?

You'd do better playing with yourself!

Odd non sequitur that says loads about you.
I can't say your getting dumber and dumber, simply because there is nothing dumber than you!

Seriously, this is lame. Planned Parenthood will do just fine in a Trump presidency. So, I'm happy about that if it came to such dire circumstances.

It seems that Speaker RYAN won't bring up PP, along with this.... This RINO seems to be a "BONER" clone, working FOR THE LEFTIST DemocRATS!

  • Paul Ryan Hopes to Find ‘Common Ground’ with Obama (Will NOT deport as long as he is Speaker)
    breitbart ^ | 11/15/15 | j poor
    In an interview that aired on CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sunday, newly elected Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) 58% said he hopes to lead a House of Representatives that is “functioning again.” “I think wiping the slate clean was about wiping the slate clean in Congress and getting Congress, the House functioning again,” Ryan said. However, part of that Ryan said will require finding “common ground” with the Obama White House. “Look, if we can find common ground, we can on highways, we will on funding the government, hopefully we can on tax policy,” Ryan said. “Those are...
We didn't elect these Republican to WORK WITH the NeoCommies, they have the power, BUT REFUSE to use it to further a CONSERVATIVE agenda.... We need a Trump, and a NEW group of Tea Party Republicans to put this country right!

Are you using a "RINO" as cover for Trump?

You'd do better playing with yourself!

Odd non sequitur that says loads about you.
Yes, it says you're a troll and I'm tired of beating your ass in....there are others waiting!
Are you aware his daughter in 2013 held a fundraiser for a Democrat and contributed 30 grand to him?

Scandals? Research his relationship with Jeff Epstein, for starters.

Want a little insight into how those bankruptcies really went down? Of how ostentatious he is? How narcissistic, yet has low self esteem? Think our country is in debt now? He has no care for others money. He believes in universal healthcare, raising taxes.

You want more of the same, just for his promise of deporting illegals? Seriously look at your motivation vs the consequences of his other actions.

He's what is known in the business, a great bullshitter.

This article from 1997, will help unveil a little of who he really is to those that will take the time to read it-
Trump Solo - The New Yorker
Are you aware his daughter in 2013 held a fundraiser for a Democrat and contributed 30 grand to him?

Scandals? Research his relationship with Jeff Epstein, for starters.

Want a little insight into how those bankruptcies really went down? Of how ostentatious he is? How narcissistic, yet has low self esteem? Think our country is in debt now? He has no care for others money. He believes in universal healthcare, raising taxes.

You want more of the same, just for his promise of deporting illegals? Seriously look at your motivation vs the consequences of his other actions.

He's what is known in the business, a great bullshitter.

This article from 1997, will help unveil a little of who he really is to those that will take the time to read it-
Trump Solo - The New Yorker

So who do you want as the Republican candidate, now that you think Trump is NOT right for us?

BTW, From Trumps website......

Trump agenda:

1. Build the Wall
2. Enforce laws pertaining to illegals
3. Balance budgets
4. Middle class tax cut
5. Simplify tax code
6. Make military strength a priority
7. Tear up all foreign trade pacts which are taking our jobs, especially China & Mexico & Japan
8. Install hugely successful people from private sector for making foreign trade deals
9. Take better care of wounded vets
10. Eliminate/reduce useless federal bureaucracy

Trump is conservative on these issues:
Pro life since at least 2011, wanted to ban partial birth abortion as far back as 2000.
Pro Traditional marriage. “Gay rights is not my thing.”
Pro capital punishment “Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is”
Hold Judges accountable
Opposes “Common core is a diaster” Teach citizenship, quit “dumbing down”.
Anti education unions (2000)
For school choice
“Climate Change is a hoax”
“No Cap-and-Tax”
For drilling our own.
On Environment “GOod development enhances the environment”
Stressed the importance of a strong family & culture of life (2015)
Supports Israel
Opposes Iran deal and letting Iran obtain the bomb.
Wants to crush ISIS quickly.
Wants a military so strong no one will challenge us.
Against unbalanced trade deals that kill American jobs.
Against warrantless government surveilance of citizens.
Is against having a high national debt. Warns that $24T is a point of no return.
Againt gun control
For assault weapon ban but says the AR-15 shouldn’t be considered an assault weapon.
Wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with market driven polices and increased competition among insurance companies.
Wants to increase military spending.
Will close the border to illegals
Will send the criminals and sponges back.
Will deport all illegals but will let the hard working ones go through the legal process to come back.
Against Anchor babies
Knows unemployment is much higher than official stats.
Will bring jobs back through better trade negotiation.
Attended military academy and Wharton Business School.
Stood up for Birthers and challenged Obama on his fraud.
Believes USA is “the greates force for freedom the world has ever known”
Wants to honor commitments on Social Security and Medicare, which we can afford to do if he gets the economy going full steam.
Wants to reduce the fraud in disability and other programs.
Against marriage penalties in tax code.
Wants to reduce income taxes and eliminate corporate tax.
Wants to rebuld our infrastructure.
Wants to apply welfare-to-work to 76 other welfare programs (2011)
Doesn’t have time for political correctness.
Not afraid to call out either party or both when they are wrong.
Not a puppet to rich campaign donors.

What Doesn't FIT your agenda here?
Last edited:
There is much on that list I would agree with. There are many there that I do not believe to be his real positions, having listened to him throughout the years. Suddenly he changed them starting in 2011, when he stated he would be seeking the nomination, after proclaiming otherwise for decades? That's called a flip flopper for political stature/convenience only, and is also known in the trade as a used car salesman.
Ever heard themold saying something is too good to be true? He is a master manipulator.
There is much on that list I would agree with. There are many there that I do not believe to be his real positions, having listened to him throughout the years. Suddenly he changed them starting in 2011, when he stated he would be seeking the nomination, after proclaiming otherwise for decades? That's called a flip flopper for political stature/convenience only, and is also known in the trade as a used car salesman.
Ever heard themold saying something is too good to be true? He is a master manipulator.

You didn't answer who is your candidate.... I would find that interesting!
I haven't decided yet. Not really thrilled with any of them but will not vote for Trump.
There is much on that list I would agree with. There are many there that I do not believe to be his real positions, having listened to him throughout the years. Suddenly he changed them starting in 2011, when he stated he would be seeking the nomination, after proclaiming otherwise for decades? That's called a flip flopper for political stature/convenience only, and is also known in the trade as a used car salesman.
Ever heard themold saying something is too good to be true? He is a master manipulator.

You didn't answer who is your candidate.... I would find that interesting!
I haven't decided yet. Not really thrilled with any of them but will not vote for Trump.
There is much on that list I would agree with. There are many there that I do not believe to be his real positions, having listened to him throughout the years. Suddenly he changed them starting in 2011, when he stated he would be seeking the nomination, after proclaiming otherwise for decades? That's called a flip flopper for political stature/convenience only, and is also known in the trade as a used car salesman.
Ever heard themold saying something is too good to be true? He is a master manipulator.

You didn't answer who is your candidate.... I would find that interesting!

The Hildebeast could use another vote!
Uhmmm, I'd have thought by now you would know my values stand on the conservative side. And I have been one of the first to report on how the hill makes my skin crawl and ai hold her responsible for Benghazi. She and Trump remind me of each other. Both are narcissists, yet very insecure.

And I researched our current prez and tried to warn people before his first election, as I knew where he would lead us. Most have said "you were right", even those on the left.
I haven't decided yet. Not really thrilled with any of them but will not vote for Trump.
There is much on that list I would agree with. There are many there that I do not believe to be his real positions, having listened to him throughout the years. Suddenly he changed them starting in 2011, when he stated he would be seeking the nomination, after proclaiming otherwise for decades? That's called a flip flopper for political stature/convenience only, and is also known in the trade as a used car salesman.
Ever heard themold saying something is too good to be true? He is a master manipulator.

You didn't answer who is your candidate.... I would find that interesting!

The Hildebeast could use another vote!
Uhmmm, I'd have thought by now you would know my values stand on the conservative side. And I have been one of the first to report on how the hill makes my skin crawl and ai hold her responsible for Benghazi. She and Trump remind me of each other. Both are narcissists, yet very insecure.

And I researched our current prez and tried to warn people before his first election, as I knew where he would lead us. Most have said "you were right", even those on the left.
I haven't decided yet. Not really thrilled with any of them but will not vote for Trump.
There is much on that list I would agree with. There are many there that I do not believe to be his real positions, having listened to him throughout the years. Suddenly he changed them starting in 2011, when he stated he would be seeking the nomination, after proclaiming otherwise for decades? That's called a flip flopper for political stature/convenience only, and is also known in the trade as a used car salesman.
Ever heard themold saying something is too good to be true? He is a master manipulator.

You didn't answer who is your candidate.... I would find that interesting!

The Hildebeast could use another vote!

If you stand on the conservative side, you must have one or 2 candidates that you think are best...who?
Right now I truly don't. I'm waiting for my gut to tell me after I finish researching each one, as none truly stand out for me right now.
Uhmmm, I'd have thought by now you would know my values stand on the conservative side. And I have been one of the first to report on how the hill makes my skin crawl and ai hold her responsible for Benghazi. She and Trump remind me of each other. Both are narcissists, yet very insecure.

And I researched our current prez and tried to warn people before his first election, as I knew where he would lead us. Most have said "you were right", even those on the left.
I haven't decided yet. Not really thrilled with any of them but will not vote for Trump.
There is much on that list I would agree with. There are many there that I do not believe to be his real positions, having listened to him throughout the years. Suddenly he changed them starting in 2011, when he stated he would be seeking the nomination, after proclaiming otherwise for decades? That's called a flip flopper for political stature/convenience only, and is also known in the trade as a used car salesman.
Ever heard themold saying something is too good to be true? He is a master manipulator.

You didn't answer who is your candidate.... I would find that interesting!

The Hildebeast could use another vote!

If you stand on the conservative side, you must have one or 2 candidates that you think are best...who?
Seriously, this is lame. Planned Parenthood will do just fine in a Trump presidency. So, I'm happy about that if it came to such dire circumstances.

It seems that Speaker RYAN won't bring up PP, along with this.... This RINO seems to be a "BONER" clone, working FOR THE LEFTIST DemocRATS!

  • Paul Ryan Hopes to Find ‘Common Ground’ with Obama (Will NOT deport as long as he is Speaker)
    breitbart ^ | 11/15/15 | j poor
    In an interview that aired on CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sunday, newly elected Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) 58% said he hopes to lead a House of Representatives that is “functioning again.” “I think wiping the slate clean was about wiping the slate clean in Congress and getting Congress, the House functioning again,” Ryan said. However, part of that Ryan said will require finding “common ground” with the Obama White House. “Look, if we can find common ground, we can on highways, we will on funding the government, hopefully we can on tax policy,” Ryan said. “Those are...
We didn't elect these Republican to WORK WITH the NeoCommies, they have the power, BUT REFUSE to use it to further a CONSERVATIVE agenda.... We need a Trump, and a NEW group of Tea Party Republicans to put this country right!

Are you using a "RINO" as cover for Trump?

You'd do better playing with yourself!

Odd non sequitur that says loads about you.
Yes, it says you're a troll and I'm tired of beating your ass in....there are others waiting!

You haven't, but it's OK.
Trump's past says a lot about him putting America above politics and he doesn't care much for playing the (R) versus (D) game. I could see him doing well with Independents.
Rubios career long desire to flood the nation with new democrat voters is the only thing that matters to me. he is pig vomit.

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