Donald Trump's 25 year history of Political donations

Why have the Dem's not attacked him? Why would they not atrack the one candidate that appears to be the one that will get the nomination, knowing from polls he is the strongest gop candidate? The minute Carson starting catching up to him, the attacks came forth hard and furious, trying to knock him down.

Does it not bother you he has dealings with Soros, just as Obama happened to be Soros pet?

What if I am right? You think we are in a shit load of trouble now, just give it another 4 years of Democratic rule by the pen.

What can they attack him on? I believe they TRIED, along with their CO-CONSPIRATORS, the RINO ELITE in the first 2 months, and simply saw his POLL NUMBERS double as they tried to make BULLSHIT stick. Apparently you have never run your own business, as anyone that has KNOWS, if you are making money, and BIG MONEY in the case of Donald, and Soros, what the other party believes or does OUTSIDE of that business deal, is MEANINGLESS! But listen, my friend, you can believe what you want, and please post it, if I disagree, I'll simply tell you why I believe your wrong, and looking at The Donald NOT having to pander for MONEY from every LOBBYIST in creation, means more to me than what he did in business to make money... I understand he's already said he'll DONATE all his salary as President to the VETERANS ASSOCIATIONS.... you see any fucking, scumbag, NeoCommie, DemocRAT doing that?....No, I didn't think so!

Let's just hope the Democrats continue to not attack Trump aside from the casual nod that "yeah, this guy is nuts." I don't think it serves the Democrats to shoot down a gift horse before it's time.

We LOVE watching the RANTS of a truly low IQ'd subversive. Nuts? He's a multi-BILLIONAIRE.... just how NUTS is that....I rest my case, but I'm sure Happy Toy has more entertainment to offer!

Yep, let's not rock the Trump cradle until the general, that wont' do the Democrats any good.

Yes, we LOVE looking at YOUR candidate! You know the CONFIRMED LIAR, FBI INVESTIGATED, Corrupt, OLD white woman!


She almost looks as much like Margaret Thatcher as Donald Trump.
In the grand schem
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.

He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...

Hey, he can claim whatever he wants to be. As long as he isn't interested in chasing down Planned Parenthood then you are in effect supporting a pro-choice candidate. Enjoy.
In the grand scheme of things, PP's Infanticide is down the list of importance UNTIL President Trump is inaugurated!

Are you saying that according to Conservatives the genocide of hundreds of thousands of children is less important than Trump selling ties made in China?

No you're saying more bullshit that is unimportant to you baby killers... now where are you scum on ISIS attacks, and the THREAT to OUR SECURITY?...OR we could go into BUYING presidential access and favors of YOUR candidate...


Oh no, Saudi Arabia gave money to the Clinton Foundation? Why didn't GWB kick them out of the coalition?
What can they attack him on? I believe they TRIED, along with their CO-CONSPIRATORS, the RINO ELITE in the first 2 months, and simply saw his POLL NUMBERS double as they tried to make BULLSHIT stick. Apparently you have never run your own business, as anyone that has KNOWS, if you are making money, and BIG MONEY in the case of Donald, and Soros, what the other party believes or does OUTSIDE of that business deal, is MEANINGLESS! But listen, my friend, you can believe what you want, and please post it, if I disagree, I'll simply tell you why I believe your wrong, and looking at The Donald NOT having to pander for MONEY from every LOBBYIST in creation, means more to me than what he did in business to make money... I understand he's already said he'll DONATE all his salary as President to the VETERANS ASSOCIATIONS.... you see any fucking, scumbag, NeoCommie, DemocRAT doing that?....No, I didn't think so!

Let's just hope the Democrats continue to not attack Trump aside from the casual nod that "yeah, this guy is nuts." I don't think it serves the Democrats to shoot down a gift horse before it's time.

We LOVE watching the RANTS of a truly low IQ'd subversive. Nuts? He's a multi-BILLIONAIRE.... just how NUTS is that....I rest my case, but I'm sure Happy Toy has more entertainment to offer!

Yep, let's not rock the Trump cradle until the general, that wont' do the Democrats any good.

Yes, we LOVE looking at YOUR candidate! You know the CONFIRMED LIAR, FBI INVESTIGATED, Corrupt, OLD white woman!


She almost looks as much like Margaret Thatcher as Donald Trump.
But as long as you want to deflect, here's something of interest...

Vigilante, you are wrong. No, they have not attacked him. And yes, I have owned my own business. I also come from a family of commercial real estate brokers/developers that know of him and his dealings over the years, along with other scandals.
Democrats Endorse Donald Trump In 2016 Presidential Race
As previously detailed in these pages, the 66-year-old Trump’s political beliefs have vacillated wildly over the past 25 years (kind of like his comb-over when confronted with a summer breeze).

For example, after spending eight years an as enrolled Democrat, Trump changed his affiliation to the Republican party in September 2009. In December 2011, he ditched the GOP, updating his Board of Elections registration to indicate that he did not want to enroll in a specific party.

That Trump position lasted four months. In an April 19 filing, the country’s leading birther rejoined the Republican rolls, listing his address as the penthouse at Manhattan’s Trump Tower.

While Trump changed his registration just days before New York’s April 24 Republican presidential primary, the real estate titan would not have been eligible to vote for Mitt Romney (whom he endorsed two months earlier). “You cannot change your enrollment and vote in the new party of your choice in the same year,” according to state rules.

An Update On Donald Trump's Bizarre (And Very Fluid) Voter Registration History

Why have the Dem's not attacked him? Why would they not atrack the one candidate that appears to be the one that will get the nomination, knowing from polls he is the strongest gop candidate? The minute Carson starting catching up to him, the attacks came forth hard and furious, trying to knock him down.

Does it not bother you he has dealings with Soros, just as Obama happened to be Soros pet?

What if I am right? You think we are in a shit load of trouble now, just give it another 4 years of Democratic rule by the pen.

What can they attack him on? I believe they TRIED, along with their CO-CONSPIRATORS, the RINO ELITE in the first 2 months, and simply saw his POLL NUMBERS double as they tried to make BULLSHIT stick. Apparently you have never run your own business, as anyone that has KNOWS, if you are making money, and BIG MONEY in the case of Donald, and Soros, what the other party believes or does OUTSIDE of that business deal, is MEANINGLESS! But listen, my friend, you can believe what you want, and please post it, if I disagree, I'll simply tell you why I believe your wrong, and looking at The Donald NOT having to pander for MONEY from every LOBBYIST in creation, means more to me than what he did in business to make money... I understand he's already said he'll DONATE all his salary as President to the VETERANS ASSOCIATIONS.... you see any fucking, scumbag, NeoCommie, DemocRAT doing that?....No, I didn't think so!
In the grand schem
He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...

Hey, he can claim whatever he wants to be. As long as he isn't interested in chasing down Planned Parenthood then you are in effect supporting a pro-choice candidate. Enjoy.
In the grand scheme of things, PP's Infanticide is down the list of importance UNTIL President Trump is inaugurated!

Are you saying that according to Conservatives the genocide of hundreds of thousands of children is less important than Trump selling ties made in China?

No you're saying more bullshit that is unimportant to you baby killers... now where are you scum on ISIS attacks, and the THREAT to OUR SECURITY?...OR we could go into BUYING presidential access and favors of YOUR candidate...


Oh no, Saudi Arabia gave money to the Clinton Foundation? Why didn't GWB kick them out of the coalition?

Perhaps because they did so to be able to BUY ARMS when she was Sec. of State, as that little meme says, that you mindless drone, didn't read!
Let's just hope the Democrats continue to not attack Trump aside from the casual nod that "yeah, this guy is nuts." I don't think it serves the Democrats to shoot down a gift horse before it's time.

We LOVE watching the RANTS of a truly low IQ'd subversive. Nuts? He's a multi-BILLIONAIRE.... just how NUTS is that....I rest my case, but I'm sure Happy Toy has more entertainment to offer!

Yep, let's not rock the Trump cradle until the general, that wont' do the Democrats any good.

Yes, we LOVE looking at YOUR candidate! You know the CONFIRMED LIAR, FBI INVESTIGATED, Corrupt, OLD white woman!


She almost looks as much like Margaret Thatcher as Donald Trump.
But as long as you want to deflect, here's something of interest...


Oh no, change topics and attack the children of candidates, nothing desperate about that.
In the grand schem
Hey, he can claim whatever he wants to be. As long as he isn't interested in chasing down Planned Parenthood then you are in effect supporting a pro-choice candidate. Enjoy.
In the grand scheme of things, PP's Infanticide is down the list of importance UNTIL President Trump is inaugurated!

Are you saying that according to Conservatives the genocide of hundreds of thousands of children is less important than Trump selling ties made in China?

No you're saying more bullshit that is unimportant to you baby killers... now where are you scum on ISIS attacks, and the THREAT to OUR SECURITY?...OR we could go into BUYING presidential access and favors of YOUR candidate...


Oh no, Saudi Arabia gave money to the Clinton Foundation? Why didn't GWB kick them out of the coalition?

Perhaps because they did so to be able to BUY ARMS when she was Sec. of State, as that little meme says, that you mindless drone, didn't read!

Perhaps, no proof, perhaps though.
Vigilante, you are wrong. No, they have not attacked him. And yes, I have owned my own business. I also come from a family of commercial real estate brokers/developers that know of him and his dealings over the years, along with other scandals.
Democrats Endorse Donald Trump In 2016 Presidential Race
As previously detailed in these pages, the 66-year-old Trump’s political beliefs have vacillated wildly over the past 25 years (kind of like his comb-over when confronted with a summer breeze).

For example, after spending eight years an as enrolled Democrat, Trump changed his affiliation to the Republican party in September 2009. In December 2011, he ditched the GOP, updating his Board of Elections registration to indicate that he did not want to enroll in a specific party.

That Trump position lasted four months. In an April 19 filing, the country’s leading birther rejoined the Republican rolls, listing his address as the penthouse at Manhattan’s Trump Tower.

While Trump changed his registration just days before New York’s April 24 Republican presidential primary, the real estate titan would not have been eligible to vote for Mitt Romney (whom he endorsed two months earlier). “You cannot change your enrollment and vote in the new party of your choice in the same year,” according to state rules.

An Update On Donald Trump's Bizarre (And Very Fluid) Voter Registration History

Why have the Dem's not attacked him? Why would they not atrack the one candidate that appears to be the one that will get the nomination, knowing from polls he is the strongest gop candidate? The minute Carson starting catching up to him, the attacks came forth hard and furious, trying to knock him down.

Does it not bother you he has dealings with Soros, just as Obama happened to be Soros pet?

What if I am right? You think we are in a shit load of trouble now, just give it another 4 years of Democratic rule by the pen.

What can they attack him on? I believe they TRIED, along with their CO-CONSPIRATORS, the RINO ELITE in the first 2 months, and simply saw his POLL NUMBERS double as they tried to make BULLSHIT stick. Apparently you have never run your own business, as anyone that has KNOWS, if you are making money, and BIG MONEY in the case of Donald, and Soros, what the other party believes or does OUTSIDE of that business deal, is MEANINGLESS! But listen, my friend, you can believe what you want, and please post it, if I disagree, I'll simply tell you why I believe your wrong, and looking at The Donald NOT having to pander for MONEY from every LOBBYIST in creation, means more to me than what he did in business to make money... I understand he's already said he'll DONATE all his salary as President to the VETERANS ASSOCIATIONS.... you see any fucking, scumbag, NeoCommie, DemocRAT doing that?....No, I didn't think so!

Well, As I said, you do what you think is best, I'll go with Trump, as what you have posted means little in the POLLS which continue to show Trump surging!
In the grand schem
In the grand scheme of things, PP's Infanticide is down the list of importance UNTIL President Trump is inaugurated!

Are you saying that according to Conservatives the genocide of hundreds of thousands of children is less important than Trump selling ties made in China?

No you're saying more bullshit that is unimportant to you baby killers... now where are you scum on ISIS attacks, and the THREAT to OUR SECURITY?...OR we could go into BUYING presidential access and favors of YOUR candidate...


Oh no, Saudi Arabia gave money to the Clinton Foundation? Why didn't GWB kick them out of the coalition?

Perhaps because they did so to be able to BUY ARMS when she was Sec. of State, as that little meme says, that you mindless drone, didn't read!

Perhaps, no proof, perhaps though.

I like the way you can't put all your idiotic thoughts into ONE post.... the sure sign of a manic depressive... And YES, she is out there stumping for her mother, she IS a legitimate target, and is a pretty big one at that!
Are you saying that according to Conservatives the genocide of hundreds of thousands of children is less important than Trump selling ties made in China?

No you're saying more bullshit that is unimportant to you baby killers... now where are you scum on ISIS attacks, and the THREAT to OUR SECURITY?...OR we could go into BUYING presidential access and favors of YOUR candidate...


Oh no, Saudi Arabia gave money to the Clinton Foundation? Why didn't GWB kick them out of the coalition?

Perhaps because they did so to be able to BUY ARMS when she was Sec. of State, as that little meme says, that you mindless drone, didn't read!

Perhaps, no proof, perhaps though.

I like the way you can't put all your idiotic thoughts into ONE post.... the sure sign of a manic depressive... And YES, she is out there stumping for her mother, she IS a legitimate target, and is a pretty big one at that!

I'm just enjoying and reacting to you pitching in everything to include the kitchen sink with every post you make. When Trump loses just promise me you'll seek help before it's too late.
No you're saying more bullshit that is unimportant to you baby killers... now where are you scum on ISIS attacks, and the THREAT to OUR SECURITY?...OR we could go into BUYING presidential access and favors of YOUR candidate...


Oh no, Saudi Arabia gave money to the Clinton Foundation? Why didn't GWB kick them out of the coalition?

Perhaps because they did so to be able to BUY ARMS when she was Sec. of State, as that little meme says, that you mindless drone, didn't read!

Perhaps, no proof, perhaps though.

I like the way you can't put all your idiotic thoughts into ONE post.... the sure sign of a manic depressive... And YES, she is out there stumping for her mother, she IS a legitimate target, and is a pretty big one at that!

I'm just enjoying and reacting to you pitching in everything to include the kitchen sink with every post you make. When Trump loses just promise me you'll seek help before it's too late.

Why, I simply show how fucked up you are, nothing personal, I just like playing with the mentally retarded left that you represent.
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.

He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...
Just a little over a year before he started his bid for the presidency, he shocked conservatives by announcing he was pro-life after years of supporting the pro-abortion position. It's sort of like his party affiliation.
  • In 1987, he registered as a Republican
  • In 1999 , he declared he was an Independent.
  • In 2001, he registered as a Democrat
  • In 2009, he became a Republican
  • In 2011, he withdrew from the Republican Party and did not declare a party
  • In 2012, he returned to the Republican Party
As president, Trump's history of being unpredictable and being untrustworthy will catch up to him in trying to deal with congress.

Donald Trump on Abortion
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times
Last edited:
Oh no, Saudi Arabia gave money to the Clinton Foundation? Why didn't GWB kick them out of the coalition?

Perhaps because they did so to be able to BUY ARMS when she was Sec. of State, as that little meme says, that you mindless drone, didn't read!

Perhaps, no proof, perhaps though.

I like the way you can't put all your idiotic thoughts into ONE post.... the sure sign of a manic depressive... And YES, she is out there stumping for her mother, she IS a legitimate target, and is a pretty big one at that!

I'm just enjoying and reacting to you pitching in everything to include the kitchen sink with every post you make. When Trump loses just promise me you'll seek help before it's too late.

Why, I simply show how fucked up you are, nothing personal, I just like playing with the mentally retarded left that you represent.

Another kitchen sink.
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.

He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...
Just a little over a year before he started his bid for the presidency, he shocked conservatives by announcing he was pro-life after years of supporting the pro-abortion position. It's sort of like his party affiliation.
  • In 1987, he registered as a Republican
  • In 1999 , he declared he was an Independent.
  • In 2001, he registered as a Democrat
  • In 2009, he became a Republican
  • In 2011, he withdrew from the Republican Party and did not declare a party
  • In 2012, he returned to the Republican Party
Donald Trump on Abortion
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times

He's GREAT, knows how to play the Politics game, and has you subversives all fucked up....You'll love him as president as he deports Hundreds of thousand of illegal Latino's, and ALL the fucking terrorist Syrians he's let into the country without knowing ANYTHING about them....and WHERE are thoseSyrian's women and children.... seems to be an ARMY invited in by a traitor president!
Perhaps because they did so to be able to BUY ARMS when she was Sec. of State, as that little meme says, that you mindless drone, didn't read!

Perhaps, no proof, perhaps though.

I like the way you can't put all your idiotic thoughts into ONE post.... the sure sign of a manic depressive... And YES, she is out there stumping for her mother, she IS a legitimate target, and is a pretty big one at that!

I'm just enjoying and reacting to you pitching in everything to include the kitchen sink with every post you make. When Trump loses just promise me you'll seek help before it's too late.

Why, I simply show how fucked up you are, nothing personal, I just like playing with the mentally retarded left that you represent.

Another kitchen sink.

And YOU are the open drain! LOLOL!
Just think of all those unborn babies that Trump doesn't care about.

He's pro life.... unfortunately you're not smart enough to recognize it

Donald Trump on Abortion: "I'm Pro-Life and I Have Been ...
Jan 26, 2015 - In recent years, businessman and media mogul Donald Trump has indicated he is pro-life on abortion. Over the weekend, he reiterated those ...
Just a little over a year before he started his bid for the presidency, he shocked conservatives by announcing he was pro-life after years of supporting the pro-abortion position. It's sort of like his party affiliation.
  • In 1987, he registered as a Republican
  • In 1999 , he declared he was an Independent.
  • In 2001, he registered as a Democrat
  • In 2009, he became a Republican
  • In 2011, he withdrew from the Republican Party and did not declare a party
  • In 2012, he returned to the Republican Party
Donald Trump on Abortion
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times

He's GREAT, knows how to play the Politics game, and has you subversives all fucked up....You'll love him as president as he deports Hundreds of thousand of illegal Latino's, and ALL the fucking terrorist Syrians he's let into the country without knowing ANYTHING about them....and WHERE are thoseSyrian's women and children.... seems to be an ARMY invited in by a traitor president!

Are you saying he lied to the American public when he claimed he was pro choice?
Perhaps, no proof, perhaps though.

I like the way you can't put all your idiotic thoughts into ONE post.... the sure sign of a manic depressive... And YES, she is out there stumping for her mother, she IS a legitimate target, and is a pretty big one at that!

I'm just enjoying and reacting to you pitching in everything to include the kitchen sink with every post you make. When Trump loses just promise me you'll seek help before it's too late.

Why, I simply show how fucked up you are, nothing personal, I just like playing with the mentally retarded left that you represent.

Another kitchen sink.

And YOU are the open drain! LOLOL!

You just get lamer and lamer.
I like the way you can't put all your idiotic thoughts into ONE post.... the sure sign of a manic depressive... And YES, she is out there stumping for her mother, she IS a legitimate target, and is a pretty big one at that!

I'm just enjoying and reacting to you pitching in everything to include the kitchen sink with every post you make. When Trump loses just promise me you'll seek help before it's too late.

Why, I simply show how fucked up you are, nothing personal, I just like playing with the mentally retarded left that you represent.

Another kitchen sink.

And YOU are the open drain! LOLOL!

You just get lamer and lamer.

I can't say your getting dumber and dumber, simply because there is nothing dumber than you!
I'm just enjoying and reacting to you pitching in everything to include the kitchen sink with every post you make. When Trump loses just promise me you'll seek help before it's too late.

Why, I simply show how fucked up you are, nothing personal, I just like playing with the mentally retarded left that you represent.

Another kitchen sink.

And YOU are the open drain! LOLOL!

You just get lamer and lamer.

I can't say your getting dumber and dumber, simply because there is nothing dumber than you!

Seriously, this is lame. Planned Parenthood will do just fine in a Trump presidency. So, I'm happy about that if it came to such dire circumstances.
Why, I simply show how fucked up you are, nothing personal, I just like playing with the mentally retarded left that you represent.

Another kitchen sink.

And YOU are the open drain! LOLOL!

You just get lamer and lamer.

I can't say your getting dumber and dumber, simply because there is nothing dumber than you!

Seriously, this is lame. Planned Parenthood will do just fine in a Trump presidency. So, I'm happy about that if it came to such dire circumstances.

It seems that Speaker RYAN won't bring up PP, along with this.... This RINO seems to be a "BONER" clone, working FOR THE LEFTIST DemocRATS!

  • Paul Ryan Hopes to Find ‘Common Ground’ with Obama (Will NOT deport as long as he is Speaker)
    breitbart ^ | 11/15/15 | j poor
    In an interview that aired on CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sunday, newly elected Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) 58% said he hopes to lead a House of Representatives that is “functioning again.” “I think wiping the slate clean was about wiping the slate clean in Congress and getting Congress, the House functioning again,” Ryan said. However, part of that Ryan said will require finding “common ground” with the Obama White House. “Look, if we can find common ground, we can on highways, we will on funding the government, hopefully we can on tax policy,” Ryan said. “Those are...
We didn't elect these Republican to WORK WITH the NeoCommies, they have the power, BUT REFUSE to use it to further a CONSERVATIVE agenda.... We need a Trump, and a NEW group of Tea Party Republicans to put this country right!

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