Donald Trumps midas touch on the american his supporters


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
So far, just about every thing the GOP and Trump advocates and signs up for to so called help the working class in this country, has been a direct slap in the face...from his healthcare agenda to his tax reformation....all completely against the working class.

He's kicking most of his hillbillies off of healthcare, he's raising premiums on just about everybody, including those with employee provided health insurance, his tax reform is only good for those with high yield incomes, ie the rich, he's all but abandoned PR, and the isles, I honestly can't think of one thing this moron has done that has helped the hillbillies....except...drums rolling.....opened up a coal mine so some dumb hick can get a job.
So far, just about every thing the GOP and Trump advocates and signs up for to so called help the working class in this country, has been a direct slap in the face...from his healthcare agenda to his tax reformation....all completely against the working class.

He's kicking most of his hillbillies off of healthcare, he's raising premiums on just about everybody, including those with employee provided health insurance, his tax reform is only good for those with high yield incomes, ie the rich, he's all but abandoned PR, and the isles, I honestly can't think of one thing this moron has done that has helped the hillbillies....except...drums rolling.....opened up a coal mine so some dumb hick can get a job.
Still here I see...Whiney ass liberals just wont go to Cuba and live their Socialist Utopian Dream there.


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